Issued Saturday TUESDAY Thursday Issue Saturday The Courier TE By The Courier-Gazette., 465 Mai* St.. Established January, 1846. EntaraS aa Secend Close Mail Matter. Rockland, Maine, Saturday, February 21, 1925. THREE CENTS A COPY Volume 80................Number 23. The Courier-Gazette GOLDEN BED TALK OF THE TOWN Tile Paramount picture. "Tile THREE-TIMES-A-WEEK The Rockland Oarage crew re­ I Golden Beil,” produced by Cecil B. ceived a post-card shower this week ALL THE HOME NEWS , De Mille from Jeanie MacPheraon'a STOP LOOK LISTEN from Nilo Kpear and Chester Fis- J screen play of Wallace Irwin's novel, Subscription $3.00 per year payable In ad­ sette, who arc doing Florida. vance: single copies three cents. of the same name, comes to the Park for Wednesday and Thursday Advertising rates based upon circulation Earle McIntosh has bought a lot and very reasonable. Rod La Ttocque, Vera Reynolds. NEWSPAPER HISTORY near the corner of North Main and Lillian 'Rich. Warner Baxter. Tlieo- PREVENT BEING The Rockland Gazette was established in j Chestnuts streets, with the purpose of 1846. In 1874 the Courier was established i dore Kosloff and Julia Faye are building there In the not distant fu- and consolidated with the Gazette In 1882. featured in the principal roles of the The Free Press was established in 1835, and , ture. In 1891 changed Its name to the Tribune. production which is a story of suc­ cess and modern marriage. De Mille These papers consolidated March 17, 1897. The artistic sign made for Bob KILLED I has infested this production with Webster's Legion canteen store gg.«.e»..«..1^, I scenes that rival for lieau'y anything on Limerock street, was the handi­ that has ever been seen in picture work of that expert knight of the <«•. The soul of conversation is sym- — before. There never has been a east — patliy —HazMtt. ••• brush, John Newman. ••• ••• quite like this one. Henry Walthall. BY ONCOMING TRAIN Robert Kdeson and Robert (' tin are The musical comedy c'ompany among the more prominent, others which plays at Strand Theatre next are Charles Clary. Jacqueline Wi lls. week, makes the long Jump from Mary Jane Irving and Don Marion, 14-26 Moncton, N. B., and will not give a the last three in juvenile roles. matinee Monday afternoon. DOG SHOW Here’s a story that gave the famous Paramount producer a chance for Harrison 1’ MatAlinan, the R. F. ! some real "smash" scenes. Early re- I D. man, counted IB robins in one THURSDAY P. M. I ports have it that “The Golden flock near Elbert Oxton's home in Reel” fairly out De Milles De Mille ! Rockport Thursday. Let those who ~adV' ______________ i are skeptical about seeing robins at The Latest Dark Shell this time of year talk with hint. I I am prepared to assist in making COMMUNITY out income tax returns. Robert Col­ Frames and Correct Lenses Chester Robbins and Max Dyer, / lins, 375 Main street. Tel. 77. 22-21 | | who have been attached to the New FAIR England Telephone Co.'s Inventory Only $10.00 crew during the winter, are visiting their respective homes in Belfast and Viralhaven, operations having been completed in this vicinity. OREL E. DAVIES Invitations to join the Phi Beta 301 Main St., Opp Park St. Kappa Society were issued Wednes­ day to 11 members ef the Senior ; class of Colby College Five of ihoso invited were members of the men's division and six members of the women's division. Heading the list of names is a North Haven student, Robert Carver Brown. Formal elec­ tion Io the society will take place March 6. IKE CARNATIONS WE SELL Capt. E. M. Torrey of Rockport “Help Make 17321 117©9 sends to The Courier-Gazette office a I C UN D A Y dinner—you handsomely colored picture of the YOUR HOME TOWN ship Frederick Billings. On the back Are grown in our own greenhouses. If you want have been thinking It of the curd may bo found informa­ over and wondering what the Prettiest Place tion which shows that the craft was fresh, crisp, beautiful blooms ask for Silsby’s Own you could have that would on Earth'1 launched from the Carlton, Norwood Carnations, at The Little Flower Shop. differ from your former KNOW MAINE PRODUCTS & Co. yard, Aug. 11, 1885. being 278 O your share by keep­ READY FOR BUSINESS feet long with a net tonnage of 2197. Sunday dinners. You want ing your home attrac­ She had four masts, three decks and We also have ready for you this month Cinerarias to please him? Suggest Dtively painted. Painting isThe Forty Club Has Com . drew 29 feet of water. She was coming here ! pleted Its Organization- ?bns Given Widespread Circulation By County Agents- burned at l’isaqua, Chili, in July, 1893. $1.00, $1.25. Japanese Rubber Plants 75c and good economy, too. It pre­ Gat acquainted with our vents decay and saves repair Dr. Merrill Presents Campaign Details. Joseph Driscoll of 16 Sea street $1.00. Daffodils $1.50 per dozen. Sweet Peas Dinner Monday. place has been inui h Interested In “Bill O’Fara” bills. the discussion concerning the Fred­ and Violets $3.00 per hundred. These are all Henry Bosch Co.’s Paints The organization of the Forty Club Plans which will doubtless be of G. Ilunton. Industrial agent of the erick Billings, one reason being that have a fifty years’ reputa­ has been completed, and shapes up in home grown. Newbert’s Cafeteria exceptional interest to many In Maine Central Railroad. for 36 years he has been the owner tion back of them for wear this manner: President. William C During the meeting Secretary A. of a remarkable model of that craft Rockland as well as throughout the Rocktand'a Finest Bating Place and service. Every gallon Bird; vice presidents, L. N. Law­ L. T. Cummings, of the general com­ made from a piece of one of its deck State of Maine, relative to the planks. All sails are set (aforesaid THE LITTLE FLOWER SHOP guaranteed. Offered in a rence, M. I’. Trainer; secretary, J. M. mittee, read letters from various sails being modern ones) and Ihe fine range of colors and Richardson; treasurer, J. W. Robin­ “Know Maine Products” campaign, towns and cities throughout the State, signifying their Intention to craft is making out by Owl’s Head SILSBY’S son; board of directors, W. H. But­ which is to be observed, statewide suggestions made for the observe “Know Maine Products" Light with a sea gull in pursuit. Tho ler, F. A. Tirrell, G. W. Snow, Louie proper combination for from March 2 to March 7 inclusive, model is handsomely mounted, and 399 Main Street Rockland Rosenbloom, A. S. Pederson, T. II. week and co-opt rate in any way with your house. Estimates were presented at the General Com­ the campaign. has attracted a great deal of atten­ Chisholm and C H. Berry. Farmers throughout the State are tion. THURSTON gladly given, The attendance committee includes mittee meeting at Augusta, by Dean highly in favor of the "Know Maine L. N. Lawrence, M. L. Marston, 1<. Leon S. Merrill of the State Coilego Service Station <?.•-Rankin, E. Mrlntosb, and Pr. Agriculture. Products" movement, many having A Boston newspaper recently A. E. MORTON already voiced their approval and 104 PARK ST. I1. R. Damon. Business standards: Short but Inspirational and inten­ hailed as champion coffee drinker a 17 JAMES ST. TEL. 941-W willingness to aid in any way possi­ ROCKLAND, - - - - ME. C. II. Berry, E. B. Crockett, L. B. sive campaigns were. in sub­ man who drunk 12 rups a day. An- ble. ROCKLAND, ME. Cook, 11- P. Studley ami Harry Cohen. stance. those plans submitted by donls Kokinos. better known as Tony, s>‘At the Sign of £.. • e • • the Greek, has hint “skun a mile,” jrth National Bank invites you to Membership and classification: F. A. Doan Merrill, which received 'the Tirrell, F. C. Black, E. C. Moran. R. hearty endorsement of the commit­ In each of Maine's 16 counties the having drank from 18 to 20 cups of \V. Hansroin and E. D. Chisholm. tee. The real idea of Ihe campaign agricultural agents have been enlist­ coffee a day for at least 11 years. He has made his headquarters at tho come and get Program: \v.'H. Butler, A. F. Lamb, is to be educational as well as prac­ ed into the campaign to encourage Nutshell Restaurant the past eight E. R. Veazie. K- W. MacDonald and tical from a business standpoint. The the greater use of the products of North years, and the proprietor, James Han­ THIS BANK WELCOMES acquainted with P. P. Bicknell. plan submitted 'by Dean Merrill fol­ the state's farms and factories. ley, will vouch for his record during The L'ivic Affairs committee has G. lows in detail: These agents to the man. are 100 per that period. That coffee drinking is !ationa YOU AS A CUSTOMER W. Snow as chairman. V. P. Hail, W. • • . cent, for the "Know Maine Products" | not injurious to him would seem to H. Rhodes, G. W. Roberts anil H. E. 1. A State Committee comprising campaign, which is convincing proof lie shown by the fact that he has Lamb;. Publicity: A. S Peterson, representatives of such organizations that the movement must be consid­ Bank We welcome the small account the tame never required the services of a phy­ Dr. Harold Jameson, l.ouis Rosen­ and agencies as are in a position to ered a decidedly beneficial one for as a big one, the random customer iuat at sician since he was born, and will bloom, iSelwyn Kershaw und J.
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