430 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW OCTOBER;1926 B 1BLI OQRAPHY C. FITZHUGHTALMAN, in Charge of Library RECENT ADDITIONS Gutenberg, B. Die seismische Bodenunruhe (Schwingungen des Erdbodens The following have been selected from among the titles durch Industrie. Verkehr. meteorolonische und andere Ur- of books recently received as representing those most sachen) und ihr Zusammenhang mit’ den Nachbargebieten likely to be useful to Weather Bureau officials in their insbesondere Geologie und Meteorologie. Berlin. 1924. x, 69 p. figs. 25% cm. (Sammlung geophys. Schriften. meteorological work and studies: Nr. 3.) Abbot, C. G. Hazard, Daniel L. Distribution of energy over the sun’s disk. Washington. Earth’s magnetism. Washington. 1925. 52 p. figs. plates. 1926. 12 p. fig. plate. 2434 cm. (Smith. misc. coll. 23% CN. (U. S. Coast & geod. surv. Spec. pub. no. 117.) vol. 78, no. 5.) HBrique, M. A. Nerican temperature indicating co. Influence des variations de la pression atmospherique sur la American system of temperature indication : caliscope. marche des chronomhtres de poche. [BesanGon. 1925.1 Toledo. n. d. unp. illus. 25 cm. p. 47-59. fig. 28% cm. [Univ. de Besanqon. Observ. Austria. Zentralanstalt fur Meteorologie und Geodynamik. nat. nstron., chronom. & met. xxvie-xxixe bull. chronom. Festschrift . zur Feier ihres 75jahrigen Bestandes im Jahre Andes 1913-1924.1 1926. Wien. 1926. v, 195 p. figs. plates. 23xcm. qobbs, William Herbert. (Herausgegehen von der Akad. der Wissensch. in Wien First Greenland expedition of the University [of Michigan.] unter Mitwirkung der Zentralanst. fur Met. und Geodyn.) p. 51-55. illus. 29 cni. (Mich. alumnus. vol. 33, no. 3, Barcroft, Joseph. Oct. 23, 1920.) Respiratory function of the blood. pt. 1. Lessons from high Hoxmark, Guillermo. altitudes. [2d ed.] Cambridge. 1925. viii, 207 p. illus. El rendimiento del trigo del aiio agrlcola 1925-26 en la8 diagr. tables. 25% cm. provincias de C6rdoba y Santa Fe y su relaci6n con las Biologische Reichsanstalt fiir Land- und Forstwirtschaft. condiciones cliniat6ricas. Buenos Aires. 1926. 35 p. Jahresheft 1922-23 des phiinologischen Reichsdienstes. Ber- figs. 22% cni. (Rep. Argen. Min. agric. Sec. prop. e lin. 1924-1926. 222, 224 p. figs. 27% cm. (Heft 25, inform. no. 623. Juuio 12, 1926.) Dea. 1924; Heft 27, Apr. 1926.) Black, W. R. Humphreys, William Jackson. Meteorology and agriculture. 11 p. map. 25 cm. (Repr.: Rain making and other weather vagaries. Baltimore. 1926. Journ. Min. agric. vol. 33, no. 4, July, 1926.) s, 157 p. 19% cm. [Bulgaria.] Ministerstvo na zemledlieto idrzhavnit imoti. Institut international d’agriculture. VIIIBme assemblhe ghnerale. ValezhitG v Bulgaria otdlenie na vodit. Sofia. 1924. 1926. map. 67% by 89% cm. Commission internationale permanente de m6t6orologie Clayton, Henry Helm. agricole. Avant-projet concernant les m6thodes de travail Solar activity and long-period weather changes. Washing- terhnique 8. recommander aux stations agronomiques en ton. 1926. 62 p. figs. 24% mi. (Smith. niisc. coll. ce qui concerne les questions de m6t6orologie agricole. vol. 78, no. 4.) Par Pierre Rep. n. p. 11. d. 39 p. tables. 24 cm. Deutsche At1antis:fie Expedition auf dem Forschungs- und Ver- (Annexe au rapport N. 10.) messungsschiff Meteor.” Bericht 11. p. 209-274. figs. Rapport de la Commission internationale permanente de me- plates. 25% cm. (Sonderab.: Zeitschr. Gesellsch. fur Erd- tEorologie agricole. n. p. n. d. 8 p. 24% cm. (18re kunde eu Berlin. Jahrg. 1926, Nr. 5/6.) Epreuve, 19 avril 1926.) Dobson, G. M. B. Rapport sur la m6tCorologie agricole present6 a la VIII. Uppermost regions of the earth’fi atmosphere, being the Halley assenihlbe g6nErale au nom du comit6 permanent. Par lecture delivered on 5 May, 1926. Oxford. 1926. 22 p. Deocleciode Campos. n.p. n. d. 10 p, 24cm. (N.lO.) plates. 23 cm. International meteorological committee. Egersdarfer, Leonhard. Rapport du bureau du comitd. n. p. n. d. 4 p. 34 cm. Zur Theorie des Korrelations-Koeffizienten. 26 p- figs. [Manifolded.] plate. 33 cm. Sonderab.: Deutschen met. Jahrb., Bayern Italy. Min. dell’aeronautica. Ufficio presagi. 1925.) Le condizioni meteorologiche dell’ Umbria ne1 mese di Set- Entwistle, F. tembre. Roma. 1926. 12 p. plates (fold.) 23% cm. Meteorology in relation to the selection of aerodrome 8ites. [Manifolded.] [Bruxelles.] n. d. 11 p. figs. 50 cm. (I11 e CongrPs Kelliher, S. G. G. internat. de navig. a6rienne. [Bruxelles.] no. 413.) Federated Malay states. A report on the meteorologica1 Eredia, Filippo. observations taken on “ Cameron’s Highlands,” October, Cenni sulle condizioni termiche delle diverse region? italiane 1923-October, 1924. n. p. n. d. 15 p. 33 cm. nei riguardi dell’irrigazione. Roma. 1926. 13 p. fig. 25% cm. (Estr.: Serv. idrog. del min. dei lav. pub. “Le Kestner, Otto. irrig. in Itaha” Pub. n. 8 (vol. 1). Die physiologischen Wirkungen des Klimas. p. 498-550. Le precipitazioni acquee nella Somalia Italiana ne1 1923 e figs. 25 cm. (Sonderab.: Handb. der normalen und nell’andamento medio annuale. Roma. 1926. 10 p. patholog. Physiol. Bd. 17, Correlationen 111.) . 34 cm. (Estr.: Osserv. met. ed. idromet. 1923 Kestner, Otto, & Knipping, H. W. Elatestae. ist. Somalia Ital. da S. A. R. il Duca degli Abruzzi.) Das Tropenklima. n. p. n. d. p. 550-558. 25 cm. Fedorov E. E. Lowdermilk, W. C. Vlihnie solnechnykh na temperaturu i davlenie voedukha. Changing evaporation-precipitation cycle of North China [Influence of sunspots on temperature and pressure of air.] 34 p. plates (part fold.) 21% cm. (Engin. SOC. China, 46 p. plate. 26% cm. sess. 1925-1926. Paper no. 5, vol. 25.) VliiZLnie vulkanicheskoi pili na prikhodo-raskhod luchistoi Maltsev, V. A. Bneraii i temperaturu vozdukha. lInfluence of volcanic dust Serebristie oblaka v noch s 8 na 9 avgusta 1925 g. [Lenin- on receipt ahd expense of radiation and on temperature of erad. 1926.1 D. 153-172. illus. plate. 23 cm. air.] n. p. n. d. p. 17-38. plate. 25 cm. rR6suni6 in G6rmk] France. Service des forces hydrauliques. MillBs, Jos6 Carlos. fitudes glaciologiques. Paris. 1925. Tome 5. vi, 224 p. Algiinas observnciones de nubes import antes en el estudio de figs. plates (part fold.). 25 cm. (Min. de I’agric. Dir. pertubaciones tropicales. [Hahana. 1926.1 1 sheet. illns. g6n. des eaus et forets. 20 partie. Eaus et. g6nie rural.) 52% cni. [Boletln hidrogrifico. no. 16, Julio 25, 1926.1 Gorczfnski, Ladislas. MohoroviEiE, Stj epan. Mesures de l’intensit6 totale et partielle du rayonnenient Istrakivaiije vjetra II Rndziech6wu 11 Galiciji. Zagreb. 1920, solaire effectu6es en 1924 en Afrique Franqaise du Nord et 11922.1 v. p. figs. plates. 24,% cm. (Rad. Jugosl. akad, sp6cialement 8. l’oasis saharienne de Toiiggourt. Tunis. 219, 223, 226.) 1925. 59 p. figs. 2435 cm. (Extr.: Annales du serv. Northern Rhodesia. bot. de Tunisie. Fasc. 1, 192.5.) Meteorological report and statistical survey, 1906-1924. Sur le degr6 du continentalisme de la Tunisie et des oasis Compiled in the Survey department, Northern Rhodesai, sahariennes. Tunis. 1925. 8 p. plate. 24 cm. (Extr.: by W. G. Fairyeather. London. 1926. 15 p. tables. Anaalee de 6erv. bot. de Tunisie. Fesc. 1, 1925.) 34 cm. Unauthenticated | Downloaded 09/28/21 11:44 PM UTC OCTOBER,1926 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW 431 Nunn Roscoe. RECENT PAPERS BEARING ON METEOROLOQY dur climate. Useful information regarding the climate. be- tween the Rocky mountains and the Atlantic coast, with special reference to Maryland and Delaware . Issued The following titles have been selected from the con- by the Maryland state weather service . in cooperation tents of the periodicals and serials recently received in with the United States Weather bureau . 3rd ed., enl., the library of the Weather Bureau. The titles selected October, 1826. [Baltimore. 1926.1 51 p. illus. 23 cm. apers and other communications bearing on Oddone, Emilio. I1 vento e le isobare vanno soggette a1 fenomeno della rifrs- meteoroogyare Of P and cognate branches of science. This is eione? . p. 123-140. figs. 24% cm. (Riv. aeron. Roma. not a complete index of all the journals from which it Anno 2, n. 9, Sett., 1926.) has been compiled. It shows only the articles that Patterson, J. appear to the compiler likely to be of particular interest Cur anemometer. Ottawa. 1926. 54 p. figs. 25 cni. in connection with the work of the Weather Bureau. Trans. Roy SOC. Canada, 3d sei., vol. 20, sec. 3, 192G.) Preussische Landesanstalt fur Wasser-, Boden- und Lufthygiene Adronautique. Paris. 8 annbe. Octobre 1986. zu Berlin-Dahlem. Brion, M. L’anhographie. Les methodes d’apprentissage [Kleine] Mitteilungen fiir die Mitglieder des Vereins fur et la securit6. p. 336-339. Wasserversorgung und Abwasserbeseitigung E. V. Berlin- Abrogile. Paris. 34 annbe. Septembre 1986. Dahlem. 1926. 166 p. illus. plates (fold.) 23% cm. athias. Sur les phenomhes lumineux et sonores des eclairs (Veroff. aus dem Gebiete der Medizinalverwalt. Bd. 21, fulgurants. p. 361-262. H. 5.) (2. Jahrg. Nr. 4/7.) American niagazine. New York. v. 101. 1986. Kleine Mitteilungen fur die Mitglieder des Vereins fur Was- Mackenzie, Stuart. Don’t apologize for talking about the serversorgung und Abwrisserheseitigung, E. V. Berlin- weather! p. 44-46; 198; 200; 202. (Feb.) Dahlem. 1926. 2e Beiheft. 100 p. 23% cni. 3e. Bei- Mackenzie, Stuart. When winter comes. p. 38-40; 161-166. heft. 74 p. illus. plate (fold.) 3345 cm. (March.) Rojas R[icardo] Alfonzo. Mackenzie, Stuart. How many tons of rain will fall on your dl invierno en Caracas. Algo sobre ley de periodicidnd en town? p. 38-39 & ffg. (Apr.) 10s fen6menos meteorol6gicos. Caracas. [ 1926.1 24 p. Mackenzie, Stuart. Wind! a star performer in the drama of plates (fold.) 24 cm. American life. p. 40-41 & tig. (May.) Russeltvedt, Nils. Mackenzie, Stuart. Our tornadoes are the fiercest of all Iustrumente und Apparate fur die luftelektrisrheii Unter- 8tornis. p. 38-40; 80. (June.) suchungen an dem nieteorologischen Ohservatorium in hq.
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