inm«4rBtnr Evraitts Jfm ild AVERAGE DAILV COlOITLATION for the meutfe of January, 1BS5 promise of being one of the aaaaon'a U lives and wlU supercede the The__ reiniler________ meetinf of— Swedish Nutmeg District L. O. L. No. 21, most colorful events. It Is expected statute BOW fovsming the election Banevolent- ' Society“ • " r Begat.Beget, sched­ will meet in Bridgeport, Saturday ASK IMPROVEMENTS that the skating shelter will be ap­ SELECTMEN DESIRE of the superinteadente and sextons. 5 , 4 5 9 uled for this Saturday evening at evening at 8 o’clock. Representa­ propriately decorated with colored If passed by that body. HielW HALtCe Member of the Audit Orange haU. has been canceUed, as tive from Orange lodges all over lEuf tttng lights, and every effort la being Bureau of dronlationa ^ »Tin<*«g ofcnnlta filed at the ottlM the hall wll’ be In use that night. the state are expected. AT EAST CEMETERY mads to have the ice In fine condi­ CEMETERY CONTROL 3 to 6 Specials BT BuUdlniy taepector Edward C ’The officers of the society will meet tion. Since the weather has be­ Sllott. Jt7 during January totted at the home of Carl A. Anderson of Friday being Washington’s birth­ come more favorable, there la little ANNOUNCE MARRIAGE J7J00. ttfcluded wae a permit for a Edgerton street at 8 o’clock Satur­ day and a holiday, all barber shops doubt but that everything will be Friday Afternoon VOL. U V - NO. 123. (CtawMed AdvertUIng on Page 14.) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1935. (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE NweUing to eoet W.OOO, being day night. Members wishing to pay In the state are compelled by law to their dues can reach the financial remain closed. Local shops will be ideal for a perfect evening. Approve Bill Giving Them Stephen J. Miller of 12 Doane ad on Porter etreet by Clarence Selectmen Consider Plan A much more elaborate program yelerflon, and for alterations and secretary there. open until 9 o’clock tonight because street today announced the mar­ of the closing tomorrow. has been arranged than was present­ riage of his daughter, Doris J. Mil­ nddltlona costing $1,200. .’The Justamere Bridge club will Which Would Become a ed last year. It la scheduled to be­ Power to Name Soperin* ler, to Stephen Zaches of Glaston­ meet tomorrow . afternoon with Town bills amoimtlng to $21,997.- gin at 7:30 with a grand march In bury. The cereony took place at WAR INDUSTRY CROWD OF 2,500 Following a yearly practice begun 36 were read and ordered paid by which all skaters In costume are In­ MlUerton. N. Y„ on December 8. NOTES HOLD SECRET HOUSE IS PREPARED In 1928, there will be again this year Mrs. George Lathrop of 12 Moore street on the West Side. the Board of Selectmen last night Major ERA Work ProJect. vited to participate. Mias Miriam tendents and Sextons. Mr. Zaches Is the son of Mrs. Eliz­ • aolemn world-wide novena at St« The bills are listed in today’s' Her­ Davenport will give an exhibition of abeth Zaches of Olastonbuiy. Joeeph'e Oratory, Montreal, extend­ The Asbury Group of the South ald. fancy skating, and will appear again ALWAYS BUSY, ATTENDS RITES ing from March 10 to 19. To Methodist church announces a food The Board of Selectmen laat night in the program In a doubles exhibi­ A bill empowering the Selectmen OF SISTERS’ SUICIDE TO BACK PRESDENT the novena, one has only to send his tion with her father. A doubles Intentions to Saint Joseph’s Shrine, sale for Saturday morning at 10 received a letter from Harold Al- t> appoint the superintendents and Oampheira o’clock. A wide variety of home vord of the Eaat cemetery oommtt- set will be given by the Myers of sextons of the town’s cemeteries SAYSJUSSIAN FOR M IN S K l Oote-des-Nelges, Montreal, and they made foods will be offered for sale. tee, calling attention to the fact Chicopee, who need no Introduction Rob’t. K. Anderson will be placed before the statue of VETERAN GROUPS to Manchester skating fans. Mr. was read and approved by a ma­ Tomato 9oup ’The call for pies and more pies at that a demand had been made on Jority vote of the Selectmen In reg­ the saint during the novena. A these food sales has led the commit­ the committee to consider certain Davenport will also ^ve a doubles Funeral Director for Contents Will Not Be Di* LONG WARMING UP ON REUEF MEASURE medal and novena leaflet arc avail­ exhibition with Miss Margaret Gan- ular monthly meeting last night. Delegate to Geueva Anus As Many More Unable to tee In charge to feature pies. Mrs. j Improvements In the undeveloped ’The bill provides as follows: can able on request F.llcn Croiwen has agreed to bake a TO DIVIDE $343 part of East cemetery to proride ley of Springfield. Leo LeBelle and Ray Felix of Meriden will be on “The . Board of Selectmen of the WATKINS BROS., . FuU of healthy vltamlne for vulged Untfl at Coroner’s number, another member has volun­ work for ERA men. town of Manchester shall appoint TO ASSAIL FARLEY Pariey Declares It Duly Gab Admittance to New Miss Florence M. Seelcrt df 129 teered to. fry a supply of doughnuts, hand »7th their inimitable comedy girown-upe and children. Three to One Majority It West Ce.nter street left yesterday The letter stated that the commit­ and barrel-jumpjiDg act, and Eddy superintendents and sextons for its Inc. WILEY posrs TRY so that the group Is anticipating a tee had been In conference with ERA cemeteries who shall have the ex­ Inquest, British' Officials for a week’s stay In New York. most successful sale. It will be held Crane has also promised to be here New Funeral Home Bosbess Makbg Mouey Britam Cburcb — 1,000 Amoont Represents Pro* officials to devise ways and means to give the audience a handful of clusive right to direct as to the Grapefruit Juice Administration’s Hope to In the basement of the J. W. Hale of creating a major ERA project In opening of graves, and no grave The usual Friday evening bridge company’s store while the house­ laughs. ' A newcomer this year will 142 East Center Street Say-F ather On Way. Kiugfish Calls Postmaster AT RECORD FAILS and setback will be held tomorrow the East cemetery and it was the be 9-year-old Beatrice Amman, shall be opened In any of its ceme­ Dnriug the Depression at Cemetery. wives are doing their Saturday ceeds of Recent Ice Car­ con.scnaua of the commute, that be­ teries except wth the consent of the Tel.: 2 cans 19c Overcome Senate Vote on night by the Manchester Green whom Leo LeBelle la bringing-from Large No. 2 can*. Community club under arrange­ morning shopping. fore Improvementa ahoulff be started Meriden to put on an exhibition race superintendent or sexton. This act Ofllce 5171. House 7494. Geueral a Crook; Promises that a recognized landscape archi­ shall not become effective until It London, Feb. 22—(AP) — Ttw ments by the women’s committee. “Aviation” will be the subject at nival and Ball. against the best that Manchester farewell notes, their contents un­ Geneva, Feb. 22.—(AP)—The New Britain, Feb. 22.—(AP) — Is Forced Down in Mojave Prevailing Wage Require­ Cash prises will be'awarded and re­ tect ahould be engaged to lay out can find to compete against her. shall have been approved at an an­ • Greet! Stempa gtvaii the regular meeting of Dllworth- plans for the work. nual or special town meeting duly divulged today, held the death secret Seusatioual Exposures. Russian delegate to the world dis­ While his mother sobbed “my boy”, freshments served. Playing will be­ Comell post. The American Legion, She has proven a sensation wher­ out. Permission to continue as an In­ Mr. Alvord suggested that Thomas ever she has appeared, and prom­ called for that purpose.” of Jane and Elizabeth du Bois. armament conference, M. Ventsoff, the body of Alexander Kaminski, 24, ment of the Bill gin promptly at 8 o’clock and all on Monday night. Major Raycroft W. De.smond of Simsbury, landscape Previously, superintendents and • Get the habit of ahopptag Desert Shortly After Start will be welcome. Walsh, head of the Hamilton Pro- tegral unit and to continue to oper­ ises to give the local audience a . Friday aftemoona at 8 Coert du BoU, United States consul asserted today that private arms who waa executed In Massachusetts ate for other civic purpoac, will be architect, who completed the Center thrill. Kay Felix, besides bis other sextons of local cemeteries have Washington, ,Feb. 22.—(AP)— factories were the only' enterprises „pel!er Company, will be the. speak­ Springs park landscaping several beei> elected by town meeting In o'clock for week-end food general at Naples, father of the at­ state prison Tuesday for the murder er. The annual banquet of the post asked of the six veteran units accomplishments on the ice, is the apeclalo. Huey Long, warming up for a new realizing a profit during the eco­ of His Flight. I Washington, Feb. 22.—(AP) — A whose delegates compose the Man­ years ago. be engaged to do this speed champion of Meriden, and will October upon the recommendation Indoor Circus tractive young women who plunged of a Jail guard at Springfield, waa will be held In Orange hall on March work. Considerable discussion re­ of the Selectmen. The bill will be to their deaths yesterday from an onslaught on Postmaster General nomic depression.
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