BLUE MARK NOTICE This paper is devoted to the A blue mark around this notice interests of Lowell and the terri- will call your attention to your tory it serves. Cncxcelled as address label, which shows that an advertising medium it's time to renew. m mmjL and ALTO SOLO VOLUME XXXVIII LOWELL, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20. 1930 NO. 26 MORE ABOUT jCedger BENEFIT OF Preparing for the Big Offensive 17 HUNTERS FLAT RIVER Cn tries SEAL SALE IS KILLED AND LOWELL TO OBSEOVE Baing a Collection of Var- INDIAN TRIBE ious Topics of Local and COUNTY WIDE 25 INJURED Gsntral Intarait ITS FIRST 100 YEARS LIFE AND CUSTOMS DES- MRS. P. C. PECK HAM. OF LOW- SINCE OPENING OF SMALL By action of state ofllcinls pur- CRIBED" BY LOCAL RESI- chasers of new cars are permit- ELL. CHAIRMAN OF COUNTY GAME SEASON SEPT. 16 — 18 THE YEAR 1931 MARKS THE involved in such an anniversary co , DENT—MARK OF HONOR TO ted to use 1931 license plates as COMMITTEE—NEW PLAN OF ACCIDENTS CAUSED BY HUNDREDTH ANNIVERSARY [« bralion. soon as purchased. , „ One of the features contem- HAVE MORE THAN ONE SALE BY CITIZENS COMMIT- HUNTING COMPANIONS, 19 OF COMING OF FIRST SET- plated will he a historical pa- Kiant ,,,, ,i ,i WIFE—LONG PERIOD OF The 1931 American Legion na- TEE LN VILLAGES OF COUN- SELF-INFLICTED—MANY PE- TLER—PLANS NOW UNDER l c "8 scenes of local tional convention will be held in ...... importance during the hundred MOURNING. Detroit, Sept. 21-24. It is esti- TY, DEC. 1 TO 6. CULIAR CIRCUMSTANCES. ^ AY JOR OBSER\ 1NG THE years past. mated 80,000 ex-service men will EVENT LN FITTING MANNER Daniel Marsac Came First attend. (Continued From Last Week) Nine villnges of Kent County Seventeen have been killed and j From an old history of Kent , County, published 60 years ago, In last week's article we told The warm Summerlike sun will be competing against each twenty-live have been injured in robabl> not man> people are . | brought lo light by Supt. other this year in an interesting hunting accidents since the sea- rt ct Ml v about the finding of the skeleton which Michigan people have been aware of the fact that the coming W. W. Gumser, of the Lowell uf an Indian on the banks of enjoying for several weeks hns experiment in the sale of Christ- son on small game opened Sep- mas Seals. They nre Ada, By- tember IG. new year will mark the 100th High School, we take the follow- Flat River near the Lowell vil- been greatly appreciated. It looks in lage limits. Through the cour- ron Center, Cedar Springs, Kent These flgures, compiled by the anniversary of the building of #| t. ^ „ as though that even the birds had ,n ,he Viar 1 1 Mar tesy of Mrs. Angie Hooker of decided not to go South this Win- City, Lowell, Sand Lake and Department of Conservation the first house on the site of the ; ff' P"" ®. : Lowell we obtained much of in- Sparta, with Grandville a n d 0 i a,, the wnK ca ter as this week some were seen ^ ^J^.l f >: :! :_DreVlOU.V^S presen. I t village of Lowell. Such amoSg"h» •e • VKd ^ III HIV. • av asi terest concerning the Indians building nesls over the doorway Hockford nibbling at the plan of accidents as in 1 but not yet organized. years. lis the case, however, and in or- ity of the present village of Low- who lived here happily for many of the Lowell library. 1 )r l < ,y ,,SlTV ,,U 1 11 years, but were finally forced to Plans were laid at a meeting Tiuns pulled through fences af- u' ^''''sar " {),anTs u \" \ T' " t' * f a trader, although a regu- leave (about 75 years ago,) to held last week in the oflice of the •r them or mdled carelesslv T >' I have already been lar trading post was not estab- A farmers' club has been or- from the boUonis of boats were ®0,n8 forward under the direc- lished until 1831. when Mr. Mar- lake up land alloted to them near ganized at St. Johns along the Anti-tuberculosis Society, when Boosting! Mrs. P. Carl Peckham, of Lowell, again frequent caust-sof' S ''»» °' Vjme K MhUy. pre,!- Sa,. built,, log hu, „„ the south Hart. lines of the so-called Williamston .li.nu Trivanr* nninhina ,.n H* of ,ht Lowell Board of side of Grand River, near the In the following article Mrs. county chairman, presided. The ALL SET FOR dents. Triggers catching on yra"i " plan of controlling hunters, un- Ada committee will be headed by More than 70 Lowell business | present site of J. Kopf & Co.'s Hooker describes customs and der which farmers issue four 1 1 5CVeral 0, aC Thc formulated;extensive chair works. habits of the Indians mentioned: guest tickets a day and nimrods Mrs. Frankie Bristol, and her concerns are represented in the cid'enV '"'"' ". ' !>)•»' W"* advertising columns uf this issue ,conU m,),a,c wi,hout ,ht "What changes a few years The Chief of Flat River Indians can invade farm lands only if niece, Mrs. McLaughlin, repre- While i vear am Drflelicflllv1051 s,u' K,|U ' of The Ledger. The publisher; LEGION FAIR •ill of the huntinir Secidents were'" l hioiis celebration ev- have made! When Mr. Marsac was Cabmoosa. He was the hus- they possess one of these tickels. sented bcr at the meeting. is proud of that fact and believes from but a half dozen undertaken by any town.of flr>t pitched his tent within the band of three wives, and treated The local plan differs from the The Plan s,,ni,ar size in ich i n T,K that every person who takes' that ire considered nracUrnllv M U: » ' ' borders of Kent county, then an cach with the respect and con- Williamston plan in that the tic- Plans outlined are as follows: mat arc consiairut practkal > program NviI, doubtless cover almost unbroken wilderness, the sideration due the consort of a pride in his home town will! "standard, ket entitles a hunter to hunt only Campaign to be conducted week FRI. AND SAT. mis sia>on mc o/ n- st.vt.ra| days. ,jim. an(1 wm com. on|y roa(ls Wl.rc t|]e Indian trails. mighty chief. It was considered on the land of the farmer issuing share in that feeling. These ad- ported gun accidents involved of December 1 to 0. Adults to vertisements show more than many peculiar circumstances. bine a home-coming feature as and the only means of navigation honorable to have several wives the ticket. do their work first, followed by well, bringing back to the old was the canoe, or "dug oul,,ras because he was considered a more any other one thing that we have LOCAL MERCHANTS HAVE RE- One man was killed when his an intensive clean-uu campaign town here comprising all lines gun was discharged while he home community former resi- it is sometimes called; or, for clever hunter if he could sup- One evening recently the flre December 4,' 5 and b by school dents now living in all sections of more extensive transportation, a port them. The first wife was of trade and business—a town SPONDED GENEROUSLY — was using the stock to kill a department was called to the children, plans for which arc to able and willing to serve the the continent. raft made of poles, or small logs the head of the house. When be laid by the superintendent of BOOTHS ALL ARRANGED— snake. Another was killed when home of Mrs. Lydia Kyser where needs of this trading area in a his gun discharged as he was us- While the anniversary cele- fastened together. We do not the Squaw dies, the grief is very $45 damage was caused by bare schools, with the idea that all GOOD PROGRAM OF FUN AND bration is several months away need to speak of the railroads .great. Paints face raven black manner second to none. There ing the stock to kill a rabbit he electric wires, the squirrels hav- form a committee of responsible isn't a store or business here but those initiating the affair feel that and other facilities for travel aiid in place of silver or brass students. This will give them a STUNTS — PROCEEDS FOR had wounded. Another fatality ing eaten the insulation from that has a more human interest, occurred when a man carrying a none too much time will be pro- now, as the reader can easily annlets be wears black strips of same. The loss was promptly radical lesson in civics and re- WORTHY CAUSES. vided in order lo make thc event compare the present with the leather and black leather around on the part of both proprietors flashlight at night was seen by a adjusted by the insurance com- ieve the teacher of extra bur- and clerks in its customers, than measure up lo the possibilities past." the neck in place of wampum pany. The action of the squirrels dens. "deer shiner" who mistook the cut out of hair. The women any city store could possibly flashlight for the eyes of a deer. doesn't necessarily indicate that Each town has been given a have, no matter how pretentious A tremendous amount of hard A hunter was standing on a plank mourn for the men, for one year, there is a dearth of nuts. quota. All funds raised by the work has been going on for sev- • and they blacken their faces and it may be.
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