Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1986-87 The thI acan: 1980/81 to 1989/90 9-18-1986 The thI acan, 1986-09-18 The thI acan Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1986-87 Recommended Citation The thI acan, "The thI acan, 1986-09-18" (1986). The Ithacan, 1986-87. 4. http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1986-87/4 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1980/81 to 1989/90 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1986-87 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. I I / 1 I' I '',' I ' '1 tJ::-: . \:•.:. .. --~·-- c·are8r Supplement .... page I •" ,, r :a-• THE ITHACAN The Student Newspaper For Ithaca Colle~ECCETIV[I[}),.__ ___ - Issue 4 September 18, 1986 SEP 1 § 19tsb Volume 18 or1. Rally addres~es Chilean Dictator: General Pinochet By Chris Palmer imprisonment. torture. and ex­ letters and telegrams 10 go\'ern­ ecution on the part of the ments holding political prisoners Chile. on the thirteenth anniver­ Pinochet government. Included to ask them to free thqsc sary of its take-over bv the in this account are the arrests of prisoners. military regime of G<:ncral 9990 political prisoners in one The :\I rally then heard a per­ Augusto Pinochet. was the month as well as 700 cases of sonal account of the Pinocht"I focus of two separate but unified '·disappearance·· of rhosr ar­ take over by one-time Chil<·an rallies this pc1st Thursday, both wsted in the period of a few and now Ithaca resident Fran on the Cornell University cam­ years following !ht• rnup cl' Barraclough. The rally was cap­ pus and on thr commons. Much etat. ped by a reading and concern was voiced o\'er the Hclding dosed his statement acknowledgement of known policies of the strife-ridden coun­ by stating that the Chilean political prisoners \)t'ing held by try as well as the nation's future. go\'crnment cannot get r1way the Pinochet regime. General Pinochet. with the with gross human rights \'iola­ The rall,y moved downtown help ol the Chilean :\1ilitary and lions "without llS knowing a1X)UI to the commons to join a intelligrnce gathered by the it. There's nor much we can clo. drmonstration held by Chilean CJ.A.. ousted Dcmocraticallv but we ecin make one hell of a Solidarity Committee against r/1f' , elected President Sal\·adorc· nuisance out of ourseln:~s." rnrrenr Chilean go\'ernmenr. A°llende. a Marxist: in 1973. Amnesty International has The Cornell rally was spon­ always advocated the writing of See Rally page 3 sored hy Amnesty International. best known for its "Conspiracy of Hope" concerts last summer. Democrat loOks Ithacan/Adam Riesner However. the real roncrrns of this organization were m,1de known as chapter President Hill towards Albany Last Thursday, Cornell students and faculty gathered infront of the fielding kicked off the rally by assernl>ly. Williard Straight Hall Union to hear speakers talk about the on-going reading from an Al statement By Pamela Benson Lundine. who wpwsents tlw oppression of the tourtured prisoners in Santiago, Chile. condemning the current Chilean 34th Congressional district government of ··e-xtremely Democratic I .ieutmant CiO\'Cr­ nor nomint'e Stan I _uncline was which induclt·s the towns of En­ sr~:ere_human rights \'iolation.? ... in Ithaca on Saturday for a cam­ field and :'l;ewfield in Tompkin~ -Local Organ,·zat,·on . Heldmg then went on to nte 9 paign stop ar the Plumbers and County and other counti<·s thar numerous cases of unwarranted l'ipefillers Union Loral 1m. The range we~, to the shores of Lake atmosphere was informal ,1s Eric. will lw running in the ticker I ,undine mingled with the crowd wirh :'Ilario Cuomo. Although Ithaca Task Force of approxirnart·ly 7.S ro answer there IH<, lwcn speculation of qu<•stions and visit \\'ilh rr.c pt·o­ Cuomo running for President in ple of llhaca. '88. Lundine confirmed that al Sponsored l>y the Counry this monwnt Cuomo has no in­ ai·ds battered women IJt'rn<x-raric Pany. the t·,·<·nt \\'il~ tcntiorto; of lw< urning a prcsidt'll­ one of Lundine·s many stop~ in ti,11 candidate.· By Karen Scanlon her situation or convince her to "dealing with child viC'tims of in­ lean·. hut we can pro\'ide her n·st and other al>usiv<' srxual the Finger Lakes Hegion. .\crnrding to l.undine. the l.udine was joirwd l>y orhcr i~~uc>~ in the race <1r<' f'conomic "No one ckser\'es to lw with someone she can trust to relationships between children Democratic nominee~ for dewl<>pmcnt and growth. the !warm." says Dt>l>hic-' Lisk. the talk to. Everything is cornplrtc­ and adults or their parents." various rx>silions. Larry t·m·ironr.ncnr. education. and the dirertor of the Tao;k Force for ly confidential." They also pro­ According to Ms. Lisk. "Thrre ~,arr Himelein from Gowanda is run­ gt"neral progress of the stare Ballered Women. "Thrrc aw vide a support group. "This is a is clrfmitdy battering in college ning for the 34th congressional ' such as housing and health rare. other ways to deal with a place f<ir bartered women to relationships. The abuse that O<'­ meet with others in a warm. curs l'> called 'wife batlering. · but district. Mathew Morgan from Lundin<-' would like to establish problem.'' conlan<I is running for the sorh a \'ibrarit t·conomy and oppor­ Ithaca's Task Force for Bat­ supporti_ve environment." it can occur in any male/female district Stare Sena!<' Seat. and tunity f<~r jobs that will help te.red Women is a servicr found­ A St'cond service the T,l<;k relationship." Martin I ,uster of Trumanshurg is ed in 19n to help both physical­ Force provides for battered . "Wife battering" can take ont· see Candidates page 4 runninS! · for the 125th state ly and cmotronally abused womrn is shelter. "II gives them of two forms. There is the ob­ women, to seek other ways 10 time to think and an opportuni­ \'ious physical battering. which deal with the problem of abuse. ty to get back on their feet." says includes that of sexual abuse. Ms. Lisk. and other workers MS. Lisk. Emotional battering deals i.vith ,NQTIC.E and volunteers of the· Task A third service provided by the sjJuation where the woman Force provide four main ser­ the Task Force is that of educa­ is perpetually put down and In the interest of personal safety, Students vices to women in nerd: ad­ tion. The Task force is always made to feel helpless. "Jn a very who cross at 968 to go to Y lot or to vocacy. shelter. education. and willing to make presentations ro twisted wa}', the abuser makes a child. sexual abuse project. groups telling people that they the woman feel worthless and .classes at NCR, are requested to cross on _The first service, advocacy. is _are around and what they have dependent on this person for the walk-Jight only and in the crosswalk. · designed to provide the woman to offer. survival." says Ms. Lisk. In a col­ with someone to turn to "day .or The fourth service ls the Child lege situa_tion. the woman may Your cooperation will_ be most ·night~· According to Ms. Lisk. Sexual Abuse Project. Ms. Lisk see Task force page 4 appreciated. descrjbcs , the program as l'.Wf' may nor be.able to change I, ' , •, \, I • • ' ~ ~. 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On July 15 Ithaca College ap­ developer for the United gram and as a member of the San Francisco, <:alifomia Srate pointed a director and an acring Cerebral Palsy association of board of directors of the Special University at Northridgc. anc! director for the Division of New York State from 1976 to Children's center in Ithaca. She Pagliarulo is a licensed physical therapist in New York Cerritos College: At Ithaca Col­ Physical Therapy. Meredith Har· 1982. is currently a member of the lege he has served as assistant riS Copp was appointed director and califomia, having earned a Copp came to Ithaca College B.A. in bi6logy and a B.S. in director of the Division of of the New York City Office. Council for Exceptional Children. Physical Therapy. while while Micheal A. Pagliarula will from a private pediatric physical the Association for the Severe­ physical therapy from the state - therapy practice in New York Ci­ University of New York at Buf­ leaching courses in anatomy. be the acting director of the ly Handicapped, the American neuroanatomy, and histology. ty. Before that she had been at Physical Therapy Association. falo. and an M.A. in physical Ithaca Division. In 1982 Pagliarulo was award­ Bobath centre in Landon, a and the American Association therapy from the University of ed a Dana teaching Fellowship Copp is a registered physical palsy treatment center, where on Mental Deficie~cy.
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