Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 11-7-2005 Arbiter, November 7 Students of Boise State University Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected]. "'.'- H 0 HDAV_ HOV£HB£ R 72005 TH£ IHDE~,~HDrMT STUD£H.T YO.IC£ OF.BOISE STATE SINCE 1933 YOt.UHE 1.8 FIRSTISSU£ FR££ .... ISSUE 25 , ' --: :,'. 'e.·····,·,··.··',:····;···,··'..~. --~~ . 'I , - Croun • 18,600 20,546 ", 2005 students 2015 students I': I' .•• '~ ,::..:1 In 1:-1 IU 3,000 3,314 2005 faculty 2015 faculty ~ -=::1 4,292 8,489 :z: 2005 parking spaces ·2015 parking spaces ',...., -, ,;; "I. r New Academic Facilities ,, College of Business CD and Economics \ 1. College of Social Sciences and ; CD Public AHalrs Interdepartmental Research Facllllles I CD I, , College of Arts and Sciences - Biology ,. CD \1, G) College of Arts and Sciences - Physics G) College of Arts and Sciences - Chemistry 0) Science Bulldlng G) Student Health Wellness and Counseling Center CD College of Health Sciences ® General academic bulldlng BSU 'master plan' promises campus growth, improvement BY RYAN MORTENSEN & in a major campus expansion, BSU,which opened in 1932asa search university of distinction and or 20 years down the road, and the - must offer. On top of that, we have TESSA S.CtlWEIGERT During a meeting held in junior college, is now on its way to a strategic plan to get us there, and plan Is in placeto make sense of an increasing need for lab space," then the bricks and mortar ofa new News5taff Lewiston, the Idaho State. Board becoming one of the nation's larg- where facilities will go when the Wheeler said. ·What we really _'1'-' of Education approved the 10-year est research universities, BSU of- campus plan," Zang said. opportunity arises for more con- need are new buildings that pro" -' - If the vision on paper becomes a campus master plan designed to ficials said. The school'scampus Building projects begin as soon struction. vide us with both classroom space' " .' ~ 'c,: reality, Boise State University will build the BSUcampus into a metro- ' master plan calls for about 25 new as this month wlth,the construc- Classroom and lab' space is a and lab space. Students need both. - .<:; ~: JJ§"l undergo a' significant transforma- politan research university. buildings and complexes, and ex- tion of an Interactive learning cen- prevalent problem at BSU, said Our growing enrollment w1liaisO;'.', ; n, ~~ pansion for academics, student life ter, whil;hwllloccupy land next to tion process In the upcoming de- ·Thecampusmaster plan, is Mark Wheeler, interini vice presi-.' reqUire.expa.nde.don.,-....c.a.mpu.s..hO,.".~.. >.;~t.....j' ::T . .cades.BSU officials proposed a about growth with purpose,· Frank and administration . the Multipurpose Building;. ' dent forStudent Affairs. ing, a larger union, and other, "::':~,;i ~Bolse State struggles to firid' . ,',' ,,< campus master plan InOctober that Zang, director of communications *Thlshas been the convergence ' " Zang sa,i(llther plans for con: and marketing at BSU,said. ' of the visionofa metropolitan, re- struction COUld.be at least five,'10 classrooms ,.for all the classes we . SeSPlan_1P!IP41; :'~5! may involve up to 25 new building! ." ':::'"';"'w,_>~:! tlal candidate Michael Badnarik servative writer Robert Novak has Center. national focused fresh attention on the in- The day will wrap up from 5 to 7 at 7 p.m. Nov. 10 in the Jordan telligence the administration used p.m., with a reception in the SUB Ballroom, SUB. to justify the war In Iraq. Gallery, presented. by Hispanic The event is free and open to the ,Libby pleads not Plame's name surfaced soon Cultural Center Director Donna public. Badnarlk will also give a guilty; lawyer after her husband, former U.S. Vasquez. "Constitution Class" for students at promises a' fight Ambassador Joseph Wilson, had a The Claudio Qeagarle gallery ex- . 5 p.m.Nov. 12in the SUB. piece published 'In The New York hlbit, "From Delano to Sacramento," , Badnarik appeared on the bal- lot in 48 states and the District of WASHINGTON- Vice President Times that accused the Bush ad- is a collection photographs from the Dick Cheney's former chief of staff mlnistrationoftwistingintelligence 1960sfarm worker movement. Columbia In 2004, and received pleaded not guilty Thursday to to show that Iraq had attempted to Wednesday's events begin at 3,844 votes In Idaho. charges that he lled and obstructed purchase uranium In Niger. 8 a.m, with free coffee in the Bishop Badnarik is a software engineer justice in the probe into the leak of Wilson alleges that the Bush ad- Barnwell foyer, SUB. who lives in Austin, Texas. a CIA officer's name. ministration outed his wife to re- The day will be filled with more He is currently the Libertarian candidate for the 2006 congressio- POOL TAaLES, DARTS A lawyer, for I. Lewis "Scooter" tallate.. human rights presentations focus- Libby pledged to fight the charges. Libby is the only person who's ing on a wide variety of subjects nal elections for the 10th district. DRINK SPECIALS . "He wants to clear his good name been charged in the case, although - such as "International perspectives seat. and he wants a jury trial," Ted Wells, the investigation of White House on women In poverty," envlron- He's also the author of a book, 21 and over with ID said outside the courthouse. Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove mental views and human rights. "Good to Be King," and has given 2801 Fletcher (off 27th + Fairview) Such a trial could feature the em- continues. The presentations will break for a his "Constitution Class" around the -barrassing spectacle of Cheney tak- free lunch at noon and keynote pre- country. ing the witness stand. sentation by Herzfeld. The Nov. 12class is $50 with pre- Prosecutors say Cheney passed local/bsu More presentations and work- registration through the Web site classified information about the shops will resume at 1:40p.rn. www.constltutionpreservation.org. CIA officer's identity to Libby, who Speakers discuss The event concludes at 9 p.m. af- Each student will receive a copy of then allegedly shared it with re- human rights ter a screening of the movie, "Hotel "Good to Be King." porters. Rwanda." For more information, call (817) Libby is charged in a five-count Boise State Student Union Information booths will be pre- 727-6510. indictment with lying to a grand and Activities will sponsor its sented from 11a.m.to 4 p.rn, fREE 25 MOVIE CHANNEL5 jury and federal investigators about 2005 Point of View conference, Allen anticipates the conference . what the'? . .-0 1M :!llIWllMl' 3 MONTHS his conversations with reporters 're- themed "Human Rights: A Global will increase public awareness and FREE DVR garding Valerie Piame, a CIAofficer Responsibility," in the Student inspire an open exchange of ideas FREE OVER 200 CHANNELS A pleasure doing EQUIPMENT UPGRADE and the wife of a prominent critic of Union Building Tuesday, Nov. 8 and among participants. FIRSTMONTH the Bush administration. Wednesday, Nov.9. "It is my hope that lessons learned business with you, For Libby, who's spent much of at the conference will be a spring- FREE STANDARD "This academically-focused pro- ladies board for positive change on cam- PROFESSIONAL INSTALLATION his career as a behind-the-scenes gram is presented, annually for the power broker, Thursday's court ap- purpose of engaging Boise State pus and in the community," Allen Two sisters in Australia went TOI1·RI\NKfI) IN CU,;mMfR SflmrACTION BY /1(51 pearance marked an entry into the students, faculty and staff and the said. to court to dispute their mother's glaring media spotlight that's be- community in a dialogue about For more information on will, in which their half-brother got come the hallmark of Washington contemporary issues," said Student the conference, call Student most of the money. After a lengthy scandals. Activities Program Coordinator Activities at 426-1223 or visit battle, they were awarded an extra A crush of reporters and televi- Catherine Allen. http://s u b. bo i sesta te. e d u / $360,000. sion cameras trailed Libby as he Featured speakers will include pointofview. Their lawyers charged them NETWORKili-sR .. hobbled into and out of the court- keynote speaker Amy Herzfeld, di- $450,000 for their services. .. Boller TV for all. ..... room on the crutches he's using be- rector of the Idaho Human Rights -Compiled by Jessica Wigley cause of a foot injury. .. Treasure Valley Education Center, followed by BSU .. His wife, Harriet, wearing large and community leaders. .. Next Day Install Student group Is there a problem, ~ In South West Idaho and sunglasses, clutched the hand of Events Tuesday will open at 12:30 Eastern Oregon her husband's longtime lawyer, p.m. with an' orientation in the brings Libertarian your honor? 208-442·0070 Joseph Tate, as they navigated the Farnsworth Room of the SUB and candidate to campus crowd, will feature various human rights A man came to court Call 208-447-9243 The almost two-year-old crimi- presentations throughout the day, The Boise State student group, in Benton, Ark., to appeal nal probe into how Plame's name including a self-defense workshop Students for Liberty, will host a lee- his second drunken driving for Student Specials! found its way into a column by con- sponsored 'by the BSU Women's .
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