November 22, 2002 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2119 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS IN HONOR OF REVEREND TYRONE times. More than a dozen of his players have quality of life for others. He is that rare indi- CHESS gone on to play in the NBA, 150 have re- vidual who cares more about doing good than ceived college basketball scholarships, and getting credit. HON. ROBERT MENENDEZ more than 20 are currently coaching basket- Mr. Speaker, in closing, it is with great pleasure that I extend this recognition to Mr. OF NEW JERSEY ball at some level. And two years ago, the all- time winningest high school basketball coach Bill Cole. His contributions to Virginia and his IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in America was inducted into the basketball community have been great. Virginia is proud Friday, November 22, 2002 Hall of Fame. to have such a distinguished citizen in its pro- Mr. MENENDEZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise today But numbers do not tell the story of Morgan fessional and social community. I call upon my to honor Reverend Tyrone Chess for his ex- Wootten, nor the impact he has had on the colleagues to join me in applauding him for all ceptional service as pastor and founder of lives of those young men he has coached at that he has done. Holy Ghost Tabernacle Ministries in Jersey DeMatha. He is most remembered by his play- f City, New Jersey. Rev. Chess was honored on ers, and the students in his history classes, for PAYING TRIBUTE TO THE BLOOD November 3, 2002, at Holy Ghost Taber- the lessons he taught them about life. Coach OF THE MARTYRS—MARTIN LU- nacle’s Ninth Annual Anniversary Banquet Wootten preached to his players the impor- THER KING, JR. BLOOD DRIVE held at the Marriott International in Newark, tance of God, family, school and basketball, in New Jersey. that order. His true value is measured in the A native of Jersey City, born there in 1956, professional and personal success of those he HON. MIKE ROGERS Rev. Chess has devoted his life to the im- has taught and coached, and by the number OF MICHIGAN provement of his community. Having been a of former players and students who have re- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES pastor for nine years, Rev. Chess now serves mained close to him over the years. Friday, November 22, 2002 Mr. Speaker, President Theodore Roosevelt as the social and political chairperson of the Mr. ROGERS of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, I Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance, and in said that ‘‘To educate a man in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society.’’ rise today to pay tribute to the Blood of the the past served as its second vice president. Martyrs—Martin Luther King, Jr. Blood Drive His passion for the well being of humankind Morgan Wootten has educated several gen- erations of young men in both mind and mor- and its sponsors, the Roman Catholic Diocese led him to participate as a member and chair- of Lansing, the American National Red Cross, person of the Human Rights Commission. als, and I offer him my warmest congratula- tions on is well-deserved retirement. and the National Black Catholic Congress. Presently, he is a member of the Jersey City This very important blood drive will take place f Board of Adjustments, and founder and CEO from January 15–22, 2003 as part of National of the Lincoln Center Community Develop- HONORING THE OUTSTANDING Blood Donor Month. ment, Inc. CITIZENSHIP AND WORK OF MR. The Second Annual Blood of the Martyrs— Reverend Chess began his religious edu- BILL COLE Martin Luther King, Jr. blood drive in 2002 cation at Essex County College, and contin- was met with a response of nearly 650 do- ued his studies at the American Fellowship nors, who donated a total of 520 pints. These Seminary. He recently earned a Bachelor of HON. TOM DAVIS OF VIRGINIA pints provided a supply of 2,080 blood units to Arts degree in Theology from the Adonai Tem- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES be used for patients needs. I offer heartfelt ple Christian Center Bible Institute. Friday, November 22, 2002 thanks to all those who gave last year and Rev. Chess is married to Martha Chess and contributed to this wonderful turnout. they are the proud parents of five children: Mr. TOM DAVIS of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, I The goal for this year’s drive is 1205 pro- Daarina, Thaddeus, Tyrone, Jr., Safiyah, and would like to take this opportunity to honor Mr. ductive units of blood which will result in blood Zaynah. Bill Cole, an outstanding citizen of Northern supplies for nearly 5000 people. I encourage Today, I ask my colleagues to join me in Virginia. everyone who is able to donate blood, to do honoring Reverend Tyrone Chess for his Mr. Cole has completed an exceptional ca- so for this worthy cause—it may be you who many years of dedicated service as a pastor reer that has positively impacted our commu- saves a life! and mentor to the Jersey City community. The nity. As a retired Army Officer with 28 years of Mr. Speaker, at this time in our Nation’s His- Reverend’s selfless contributions to the com- service, Mr. Cole’s last assignment was with tory, when our President is encouraging all munity have not gone unnoticed; without a the Department of Defense in helicopter re- Americans to serve a purpose greater than doubt, he is one of New Jersey’s most out- search and development. While holding a themselves, when we must rely on our neigh- standing religious leaders. master’s degree in public administration, Mr. bors, I can think of a few ways to better serve f Cole currently works for William W. Cole & As- our fellow Americans than by giving the gift of sociates, a business consulting firm he formed life, by donating blood. HONORING MORGAN WOOTTEN in 1992. Mr. Cole has also served as General f Manager of Capital Lighting & Supply, Inc, an HON. STENY H. HOYER electrical distributor, for 18 years. Concur- IN HONOR OF THE URBAN LEAGUE OF MARYLAND rently, he was co-owner and Vice President of OF HUDSON COUNTY IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Shannon Builders, a residential construction company, from 1978–1982. Friday, November 22, 2002 HON. ROBERT MENENDEZ Perhaps one of Mr. Cole’s most important OF NEW JERSEY Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, Morgan Wootten contributions to the community was his service IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES has been changing the lives of young men in as President of the Occoquan Watershed Co- the Washington area for the last half century. alition, an all-volunteer organization that is Friday, November 22, 2002 Last month, Mr. Wootten, the head basketball committed to the protection of ‘‘The Mr. MENENDEZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise today coach at DeMatha High School in Hyattsville, Downzoned Occoquan Watershed’’ and the to honor the Urban League of Hudson County MD, since 1956, announced his retirement. drinking water that it provides. Mr. Cole for its efforts to revive communities throughout Coach Wootten finished his career with formed the Occoquan Watershed Coalition in Hudson County, and to congratulate it upon 1,274 wins, 44 consecutive seasons with 20 or the fall of 1994 and on December 7, 1994, the the completion of its new headquarters on more wins, 33 Catholic league championships, coalition was recognized as an official organi- Martin Luther King Drive in Jersey City, NJ. To 16 city titles, and five national championships. zation. commemorate this event, a ribbon cutting Under Coach Wootten, DeMatha finished the Bill Cole’s efforts have motivated others to ceremony was held on October 18, 2002, at season ranked No. 1 in the area, a record 22 dedicate their time and energy to improving the site of the new headquarters. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate 0ct<31>2002 04:27 Nov 23, 2002 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A22NO8.000 E22PT1 E2120 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 22, 2002 The Urban League of Hudson County is an HONORING DR. MARTIN spent the next 15 years as an operations re- organization that has stood for human ad- EICHELBERGER search analyst with the Army, serving both in vancement and achievement, and has worked the Pentagon and in Europe as well as with tirelessly to develop and revitalize our urban HON. STENY H. HOYER the Office of the Assistant Secretary of De- areas. Its work has given hope and fortune to OF MARYLAND fense for Program Analysis and Evaluation. While in this position at OSD, Mr. Holaday so many who call the inner city their home. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Project Reclaim is an Urban League initia- was responsible for analyzing Army and Ma- tive created for the redevelopment of the Friday, November 22, 2002 rine Corps force structure, force basing, mili- twenty-six block radius of Martin Luther King Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, Dr. Martin tary construction, and manpower require- Drive in the Ward F community of Jersey City. Eichelberger is a Professor of Surgery and of ments. The new headquarters building is a corner- Pediatrics at George Washington University From 1982 to 1987, Mr. Holaday served as stone of the Urban League’s plan to initiate an and Director of Emergency Trauma and Burn a director in the office of the Deputy Assistant economic and social renaissance in this com- Service at the Children’s National Medical Secretary of Defense for Installations.
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