SOLAR ENERGYF;I--, , - ,h, -4-- . 2 : -,.,, ,##i . z,~~-- . ._. , -. .#:, ,.,# , ,,.',- ,, - , -;TI,. ,, , 1- .,'. , - 8 ..- - .. 1.. - , ' IN AUSTRALIA in:- A Profile of Renewable Energy Activity in Its National Context by Glenna L. Case DISCLAIMER This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency Thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof. DISCLAIMER Portions of this document may be illegible in electronic image products. Images are produced from the best available original document. Notice This publication was prepared under a contract to the United States Government. Neither the United States nor the United States Department of Energy, nor any of their employees, nor any of their contractors, subcontractors, or their employees, makes any warranty, express or im- plied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Printed in the United SLaLes ul An~eriutl Available in print from: Superintendent of Documents U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, DC 20402 Stock Nun~ber:061-000-00403-3 Available in microfiche from: National Technical Information Service U.8. D~partrntmtnf Commerce 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, VA 22 161 Stock Numbcr: SERIISP-763-717 For sole by the Superintendent of DoCIlment.6, U.8. Government Ptintlng OfEoe, Washington, D.C. 20402 I SERllSP-763-717 UC CATEGORY: UC-58e August 1980 . SOLAR ENERGY IN AUSTRALIA A Profile of Renewable Energy Activity in Its National Context by Glenna L. Case Solar Energy Research Institute 1617 Cole Boulevard Golden, Colorado 80401 A Division of Midwest Research Institute Prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy Contract No. EG-77-C-01-4042 . I DISCLAIMER I This Wok war prrmred alan acmunt of vnrk wnurred by an wemy of the United Srsrer Government. Netther the United Stam Government mr any eQenN thereof. nor any of their employees, makerany warranty, cxpreu or implied. or awm any lewl liability or r~mnribilityfor the accuracy. mmpletenerr. or uafuiner. 01 any information, apmrelvr. prmua. or Dm- dialored. or rmrwntr that its "re muld "01 infringe privately owned rights. Relerence herein to snv rp~ilic mmmercial pmdun. process. 6, eNlw uy #talc ;lanmr. 1radams.b. m.nuf=rrrtrn nr oihemire. don WI n-r~.v mnrlitvle or omel, 08s EMorlemeni. remmmemm on. or lmn np 01 ,no Jnm ,I St./- Gowomenl Of an? 8WnW 1.1011 1. VLI m OD 1003 01 11nor. esD.11 1- 1 do not net- Iv slat0 or ,el ert lnoreol !he Jn.tm S~ate3Go-ernmen! or snv wcncv tneleol I ,-- 4 Preface 'l'his document was prepared as part of Task Numbcr 4330, The Information 'Task, of the Inter- national Division of the Solar Energy Research Institiite (SERI) in cooperation with the Solar Energy Illformation Data Bank (August 1980). The report is one of a series and reflects the most thorough effort to gather information on solar energy activities in other countries. It was prepared for the administrative use of the U.S. Department of Energy and is subject to frequent updating. For further information contact the International Division of SERI (303) 231-1839. Approved for: SOLAR ENERGY RESEARCH INSTITUTE George ,Hrfield Acting- Division Managklr International Division 01 uQ) Table of Contents Page .. 3 (3 Country Overview ................................................................ 1 X Q) Energy Summary ................................................................. 1 UC Current Energy Sources ...................................................... 1 .L Solar Activities .............................................................. 1 cQ) Solar Applications .............: .............................................. 2 P a Areas for Cooperation .. ..................................................... 2 C 0 The Commonwealth of Australia.Geopolitica1. Economic. and Cultural Aspects ......... 3 Population Demography ....................... .............................. 3 Government Structure ........................................................ 3 The Executive ........................ ... ... ............................... 4 The Diplomatic Register ...................................................... 4 Foreign Consulates ...................: ....................................... 4- United States Representation .................................................. 4 United States Consulates ...................................................... 4 Institutions .................................................................. 4 General ................................................................. 4 Education ............................................................... 4 Labor ................................................................... 4 Political Parties ........................................................... 4 Religion ................................................................. 5 . Economy .................................................................... 5 Currency .................................................................... 5 Exchange Rate ............................................................... 5 Gross National Product ........................................................ 5 Gross Domestic Product ...................................................... 5 Gross Domestic Product Per Capita ............................................. 5 Principal Trading Partners and Products ........................................ 5 Imports in 1976 ........................................................... 5 export^ in 1876 ...........................................................5 Industry .......................................................:: ............ 5 Agriculture .................................................................. 6 .. Communications .............................................................. 6 Architecture ................................................................ 7 Physical Ceography .......................................................... 7 Climate ..................................................................... 7 Climatic Sample ......................................................... 7 The Energy Profile ............................................................... 8 Energy Policy Objectives ...................................................... 8 Government Energy Structure ................................................. 8 Organizations for Implementation .............................................. 8 Indigenous Energy Sources . .. ............................, , .................. 8 Coal .................................................................... 8 Natural Gas ............................................................. 9 Petroleum ............................................................... 9 Solar ................................ ............................. 9 ImportedEnergy Sources ...................................................... 9 Petroleum .......................... .................................... 9 Table of Contents (concluded) Page Solar Energy Research and Development ....................................... 9 Solar Energy Organizations ................................................... 10 Solar Energy Related ~e~islationand Administrative Policies ..................... 10 Selected Sources .................................................................11 InternationalAgreements ......................................................... 12 IndialAustralia .............................................................. 12 JapanlAustralia 12 . - .............................................................. Federal Republic of GermanylAustralia ........................................ 12 Internationalcontacts ............................................................ 13 International Manufacturers ...................................................... 36 International Projects ................................. ........................... 40 Table Page Area and Density of Australia's Population ......................................... 3 Nomenclature 'a, AMIRA Australian Mineral Industry Research Associates CSIRO Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization DOE The U.S. ~e~artmentof Energy ISES International Solar Energy Society . ISES-ANZ ~nternational~olarEnergy Society, Australia and New Zealand section NERDDC National Energy Research, Development, and Demsnstra Liurl Council SERIWA Solar Energy Research Institute of Western Australia Countrv Overview The democratic Commonwealth of Australia, the sixth largest country in the world, comprises the continent of Australia, the island of Tasmania, and numerous small, mostly uninhabited islands.
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