INDEX to NORTHERN CATHOLIC HISTORY [ISSN 0307-4455] Nos. 1 to 58 1975-2017 Editors: R. Gard, 1975-2005, L. Gooch, 2006-2017 The index is in three parts: 1 Subject index to key words in the titles of articles 2 The names of authors and contributors. 3 The substantive contents of each edition. Ephemeral material is not included. References are to the numbered edition. The index will be up-dated on the Society’s web-site. NORTH EAST CATHOLIC HISTORY SOCIETY Subjects Aelred of Rievaulx, 36, 48 Catholic: choirs, 55; revival, 54 Allanson, Peter A., OSB, 40 Catholic Women's League, 39 Alnwick, St Mary, 17; Jesuits Census of 1851, 7 in, 3, Chadwick, Bp. 46 anti-Catholicism, 51, 55 Chaytor, C., 54 armed forces, 35; chaplains, 56 Cistercians, 14,55 Arundell family, of Wardour, 53 Clavering, Ralph Peter, 1; Beckworth, Priscilla Maria, 28 Sir Robert, 9 Bede, Ven., 32 clergy in 1563, 38 Belgian, priests, 24; colony, 31 Clitherow, St Margaret, 31 Benedictines, 25, 32, 54 coal trade, 15, 16, 22, 43 Berwick on Tweed, 18, 19, 21 Corby castle, 14 Bewcastle, stone cross, 46 Corby, family of Durham, 14; Bewick, John Wm., 24 Bl. Ralph, 41 biblemongers, 43 Coxhoe, 24 bibliographies, 47, 48, 49, 50 Crook Hall, 35 Biddlestone, 27, 38 Croxdale Hall, 33 Birtley, 35; Elizabethville, 31 Cuthbert, St., 11, 12, 25, 26, 38 Biscop, St Benet, 31 CYMS, 26 Blanchland Abbey, 39 Darlington, 4, 39 Bonomi, Joseph, 25 Daughters of Wisdom, 57 book reviews and notices, 9, 15, 33, Derwentwater, family, 56; 3rd earl of, 34 44, 48-50 20; countess of, 18 Boste, St. John, 35 Dilston, 11 Bouet, Joseph, 48 diocese, 30, 38; 150th anniversary, 42; Bourne, Widdrington, 35 archives, 7; historiography, 42 Bowes Museum chapel, 34, 36 Dominicans, in Newcastle, 32, 33, 48; Bradford, St Bede's Grammar Sisters, 33 School, 41 Douai, English College, 56, 58 Briggs, Bp John, 3 Duckett, Bl. John, 17 Britannia Inferior, 40 Dunn, family of Newcastle, 14; Burdon, Geoffrey de, 46 A.M., architect, 15, 49 burials, 51, 52 Durham, 2, 19, 30, 31, 47, 48, 49, 56 Burton Constable, 38 Education, 2, 6, 37 Callaly, 1, 9 Egton, 57 Carmel convent, 4 Ellerker, SJ, Thomas, 43 Carre, Thomas, vere Miles Errington, Anthony, 37; Pinkney, 43 Ven. George, 25 Cartington, 6 Esh Laude, 50 Catenians, of Newcastle, 48 excursion reports, 39-45 Cathedral, St Mary, Newcastle, Eyre, C., 19; M., 56 5, 6, 15, 28, 55 Fawdon, 13 Catholic Evidence Guild, 43 Felling, 8 Felton, 56 2, 4, 7, 9, 11, 21, 42, 43, 49, 46 Fenham, 3 Italians, in Newcastle, 36 Fisher, Cardinal John, 49 Jacobites, 37, 56, 58; novels, 47 Flint, James Mather, 2 James II, 41 Foran, James, 16 Jarrow, 57 Forcer, Thomas, 44 Jesuits, 3, 4, 5, 47, 55, 56; Forster, A.M.C., obit., 10 ex-Jesuits, 34; Forster, family of Upper Eshells, 18 suppression of, 45 Franciscans in Newcastle, 16 Jones, D., 53 French exiled clergy, 11, 15, 17, 34 Kelly, J., 56 Gateshead, 3 Kennett, family of Coxhoe, 24 German prisoners of war, 37 Kuyte, Francis J.A., 34 Gilbert, Nicholas Alain, 12, 15 Lacy, Bp. R., 51 Goldie family, 49 Lambspringe Abbey, 46 Gordon riots, 38 Larkin, Charles, 28 Gosforth, stone cross, 46 Lartington, 39 Grand Tour, 52 Lawson, Dorothy, 39 Grey, earl, 53 Leadbitter, William, 15 Grosmont Priory, 19, 20 Lee, Sir W., 57 Haddington, 15 Leeds, diocese, 37; Hadfield, Matthew, 21 St Saviour's, 10 Haggerston, family, 52 Leyburn, Bp., 12 Hansom, Edward J., 49; Leyburn, N. Yorks., 52 Joseph A., 50, 53 Lindsay, Bp. H., 44 Harbour House, 10, 33 Lingard, John, 46 Hardwick Hall, 13 Lisbon, 8 Hartbushes, 13 Little Sisters, 58 Harvey, Francis, 47 Longhorsley, 41 Hemy, Henri C., 40; Lumley, Lord John, 41, 51 Henri F., 36, 47 Maire, family memorial, 51 Heritage awards, 58 Mannix, Archbp. D., 52 Hexhamshire, 41 Martyrs, Bl. & St., 7, 25, 27, 28, 37 Hibernians, 4, 26 Martyrs, forgotten, 42 Hilda, St., of Whitby, 40 McGuinness, P., obit., 34 Hinsley, Cardinal Arthur, 23, 49 Mercy, Sisters of, 32 Holtby SJ, Richard, 36 Merry del Val, Cardinal Rafael, Holy Island, 2 45, 47, 48 Holy Land, 29 Meynell, Wm., 39 Howard, Lord William, 35 Middlesbrough, 38 Hull, 38 Miller, C., 55 Hulne Priory, 34 More, Thomas, 40 industrial schools, 14 Morpeth, 8, 33, 35; St Robert, 33 Ingleby, David, 34 National Catholic Congress, 20 Ingram, Bl. John, 29 Naworth, 35 Irish, Catholic population &c., NECHS, founding of, 40 Newcastle, 2, 6, 8, 41, 42, 46; Sarum usage, 51 medieval hospitals in, 45 Shine, Bp. T., 53 Newhouse, Durham, 50 Silburn, Dorothy, 17, 20 Newman, John Henry, 26 Silvertop, family of Newminster, 41, 44; St Robert of, 14 Minsteracres, 18, 43, 48 Newsham, Charles, 47 Smith, Bp. Thos., 27 Nicholson, W.J., obit., 28 Smith, W.V., obit., 21 Northern Brethren's Fund, 21 Snowdon, family of northern Catholic peerage, 51 Fawdon, 13 Northern Cross, 57 Southerne, Ven. Wm., 26 northern rebellion, (1569), 17, 49, 52 Southwell, Robt., 58 Northumberland, chapels, 13 Spencer, CP, Fr. Ignatius, 41 Northumbria, Irish mission to, 42; and Stackpoole, Maria de, 32 Tuscany, 54 Stockton, St Mary, 9 Oblates of Mary Immaculate, 18 St Oswald’s parish, Durham, 56-58 O’Connor family, 57 Sunderland, Oswald, St., 34, 45, St John Bosco Training Centre, 37; outline history, 1, 2, 3, 4, 10 SVP, 40; Irish in, 43 Papists Cross, 17 Swallowell, Bl. George, 32 Paris, 22, 44 Sweetheart Abbey, 41 parish registers, 1 Tempest, family, 38; Robert, 33 Peat, Lady Jane, 27; legacy of, 29 Terry, Sir Richard, 48 Percy, Bl. Thomas, 45 Thornley, 33 Pinkney, Miles, 19, Thropton, 27 al. Thomas Carre, 43, 44 tin churches, 24 Pius II, pope, 35 Tunstal (Tunstall), Bp. Cuthbert, 43, 53, Poor Clares, 13, 42, 49, 54 54 Postgate, Ven. Nicholas, 10, 52, 55 Tunstall, Marmaduke, 50 Pugin, 28, 49 Tyneside, 13, 22 Radcliffe, family of Dilston, 11, 54, 56 Ullathornes of Yorkshire, 40 Rayner, G., Carmelite, 52 Upper Eshells, 18 recusant(s), Ushaw College, 1, 8, 23, 24, 49, 52, 54, estates in Durham, 30, 31; 56 Northumberland, 23; vicars apostolic, 16, 17, 55, 56 in 1780/1787; doctors, 23 Ward, Mary, 55 refugees, World War I, 56 Ward, Thomas, 41 residential child-care, 51 Warrilow, SJ, Wm., 47 restoration of English hierarchy, 44 Warwick Bridge, 14 Richardson, John, 47 Washington, 55 Riddell family, of Whittingham, St Mary, 28 Gateshead & Fenham, 3 Widdrington, family 22, 33, 57, 58 rising of the north (1569), 17, 49 Wilkinson, Bp. Thomas, 13, 26 Robson, A., 53 Wilkinson, SJ, Thos, 33 Ruthwell, 41, 46 Witham, Thomas Ed., 39 Salvin, Rebecca (nee Collingwood), 48 Wolsingham, 54 Wooler, St Ninian's, 12 Yorkshire, 50, 55; Brethren's Fund, 47; York, 49; Lop Lane, 42 landowners, 49; women recusants, 30 Authors and Contributors Abbot, N., 56 Forster, A.M.C., 1-4, 6-10, 14, 25, Adams, P.A., 10 26, 32, 44, 48, 52 Alban, K., 52 Forster, C.P., 13 Anson, P.F., 27, 28 Forster, F., 17 Archer, A., 5 Foster, M.R., 24 Bailey, J. 57 Foster, S., 18, 20 Bellenger, D., 11, 15, 17, 19, 20, 22 Fotheringham, A., 39 Bergström-Allen, J., 52 Fraser, A., 58 Boddy, G.W., 19, 20 Fraser, C.M., 3, 38, 46, 40 Bradley, G.T., 3 Fulton, M., 49 Brain, C., 49 Gailiunas, P., 55 Brown, M., 31, 49, 51 Gard, R., 7, 16, 23, 40, 41, 44-46 Bush, J., 54, 55, 56 Gavin, J., 45 Bush, M., 46 Gilley, S., 42, 49 Camm, Bede, 26 Gilroy, L., 39 Community, Carmelite, 4 Gooch, L., 13, 16, 17, 21, 27, 29, Community, DoW, 57 34, 37, 39, 41, 46-53, 55-58 Cashman, M.J., 13, 29 Hagerty, J., 18, 20, 23, 27, 35, 37 Chadwick, A., 17 41, 44, 48, 49 Clavering, E., 16, 22, 37, 43 Hale, P., 55 Connelly, R., 39, 40 Halliday, D., 12 Connor, M., 47 Hanratty, J., 36 Consitt, S., 25 Harris, P., 50, 54 Cooter, R.J., 2, 4 Harriss, P., 55 Cramer, A., 40 Harrison, A., 34, 35, 37 Crosby, J., 25 Hartley, A., 52, 55 Currer, B., 37 Harvey, B., 53 Cuthbert, St., 55 Hemy, R.A., 36 Doyle, A.I., 35, 43, 48, 49, 54, 55-57 Henfrey, A.W., 38 Duffy, G., 42, 57 Hills, P., 58 Dunleavy, J., 51, 52, 55, 56 Hilton, J.A., 5, 7, 8, 12 Dunn, K.J.C., 33 Hodgson, B., 32, 33 Edgar, L., 6 Holt, G., 4, 18, 36, 39, 41, 43, 45, 47 Edwards, F.O., 3, 5 Johnson, M.A., 49 Edwards, M., 55 Johnstone, T., 35 Enda, M., 32 Joyce, M.B., 2, 6 Everatt, A.C., 34 Kelly, J., 49 Fee, W., 7, 27, 28, 37, 42 Kennair, K., 48, 57 Felicity, M., 33 Lauderdale, earl of, 15 Festing, M., 44 Lawlor, J.M., 19 Fetherston, V., 43 Lawson, B., 39 Fewster, E., 30, 31 Leonard, F., 43 Fewster, J., 53 Lindsay, H., 44 Liuzzi, E., 53 Power, E., 11, 12 Locke, P., 48 Rainey, E., 56 Lomas, R., 52, 53 Rhea, N, 57 Long, B., 17 Rhodes, J.T., 54 Longley, K.M., 19, 31, 34 Rice, F., 35 Loughran, G., 58 Rounding, A., 22, 33, 38 Macdermott, T.P., 28 Scollen, J.B., 10, 26, 34 McCombie, F., 36 Scott, G., 15, 25, 32, 35 McGuinness, P., 5, 6, 12, 14, 28, 32, Schmitt, A., 51 33 Shankland, H., 36 Makepeace, E.M., 54 Sharratt, M., 8, 24 Mallon, V., 56 Shaw, E., 18 Marsland, C., 56 Smith, D.W., 27, 29, 30, 37, 44 Mayne, Marie-Therese, 51 Smith, W.V., 1, 3, 7, 9, 11, 13, 23, Meade, D.M., 51 35, 45, 58 Michael, M., 42 Solanki, V., 49 Milburn, D., 1, 21, 31, 34-36, 39-50, Stanford, P., 55 52, 54, 58 Stephens, E., 47 Minskip, D., 38, 42, 47, 49, 52, 54, Storey, A., 48 55, 56 Storey, K., 57 Morris, M., 40 Sutton, G., 49 Muir, T.E., 47, 48 Swales, T., 57 Mulvey, G., 15, 21 Thomas, D.H., 14, 36, 40 Murphy, R.A., 44 Thornton.
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