medical glossary AC Joint — Acromioclavicular joint; joint of the Bone Scan — An imaging procedure in which a Edema — Accumulation of fluid in organs and tis- shoulder where acromion process of the scapula radioactive-labeled substance is injected into the sues of the body (swelling). and the distal end of the clavicle meet; most shoul- body to determine the status of a bony injury. If the Effusion — Accumulation of fluid, in various der separations occur at this point. radioactive substance is taken up the bone at the spaces in the body, or the knee itself. Commonly, Abduct — Movement of any extremity away from injury site, the injury will show as a “hot spot” on the knee has an effusion after an injury. the midline of the body. This action is achieved by the scan image. The bone scan is particularly use- ful in the diagnosis of stress fractures. Electrical Galvanic Stimulation (EGS) — An elec- an abductor muscle. trical therapeutic modality that sends a current to Abrasion — Any injury which rubs off the surface Brachial Plexus — Network of nerves originating the body at select voltages and frequencies in of the skin. from the cervical vertebrae and running down to order to stimulate pain receptors, disperse edema, the shoulder, arm, hand, and fingers. Abscess — An infection which produces pus; can or neutralize muscle spasms among other function- be the result of a blister, callus, penetrating wound Bruise — A discoloration of the skin due to an al applications. or laceration. extravasation of blood into the underlying tissues. Electromyogran (EMG) — Test to determine nerve Adduct — Movement of an extremity toward the Bursa — A fluid-filled sac that is located in areas function. midline of the body. This action is achieved by an where friction is likely to occur, then minimizes the Epicondylitis — Inflammation in the elbow due to adductor muscle. friction; for example between a tendon and bone. overuse. Adhesion — Abnormal adherence of collagen Capsule — An enclosing structure which sur- Ethyl Chloride — “Cold splay,” a chemical coolant fibers to surrounding structures during immobiliza- rounds the joint and contains ligaments which sta- sprayed onto an injury site to produce a local, mild tion following trauma or as a complication of sur- bilize that joint. anesthesia. gery which restricts normal elasticity of the struc- Cartilage — Smooth, slippery substance prevent- Fat Percentage — The amount of body weight that tures involved. ing two ends of bones from rubbing together and is adipose, fat tissue. Fat percentages can be calcu- Aerobic — Exercise in which energy needed is sup- grating. lated by underwater weighing, measuring select plied by oxygen inspired and is required for sus- CAT Scan — Use of a computer to produce a cross skinfold thickness, or by analyzing electrical tained periods of vigorous exercise with a continu- sectional view of the anatomical part being investi- impedance. ally high pulse rate. gated from X-ray data. Femur — Thigh bone; longest bone in the body. Anabolic Steroids — Steroids that promote tissue Cellulitis — Inflammation of cellular or connective Fibula — Smaller of the two bones in the lower leg; growth by creating protein in an attempt to tissue. runs from knee to the ankle along the outside of the enhance muscle growth. The main anabolic steroid Cervical Vertebrae — Group of seven vertebrae lower leg. is testosterone (male sex hormone). located in the neck. Flexibility — The ability of muscle to relax and Anaerobic — Exercise without use of oxygen as an Charley Horse — A contusion or bruise to any yield to stretch forces. energy source; short bursts of vigorous exercises. muscle resulting in intramuscular bleeding. No Flexibility Exercise — General term used to Anaphylactic Shock — Shock that is caused by an other injury should be called a charley horse. describe exercise performed by a player to pas- allergic reaction. Colles’ Fracture — A fracture of the distal end of sively or actively elongate soft tissue without the Anterior Compartment Syndrome — Condition in the radium with the lower end being displaced assistance of an athletic trainer. which swelling within the anterior compartment of backward. Fracture — Breach of continuity of a bone. Types the lower leg jeopardizes the viability of muscles, Concentric Muscle Contraction — A shortening of of fractures include simple, compound, comminut- nerves and arteries that serve the foot. In severe the muscle as it develops tension and contracts to ed, greenstick incomplete, impacted, longitudinal, cases, emergency surgery is necessary to relieve move a resistance. oblique, stress, or transverse. the swelling and pressure. Concussion — Jarring injury of the brain resulting Gamekeeper’s Thumb — Tear of the ulnar collater- Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) — A primary in dysfunction. It can be graded as mild, moderate al ligament of the metacarpophalangeal joint of the stabilizing ligament within the center of the knee or severe depending on loss of consciousness, thumb. joint that prevents hyperextension and excessive amnesia and loss of equilibrium. rotation of the joint. A complete tear of the ACL Glycogen — Form in which foods are stored in the necessitating reconstruction could require up to 12 Contusion — An injury to a muscle and tissues body as energy. months of rehabilitation. caused by a blow from a blunt object Grade One Injury — A mild injury in which liga- Anterior Talofibular Ligament — A ligament of the Cortical Steroids — Used to suppress joint inflam- ment, tendon, or other musculoskeletal tissue may ankle that connects the fibula (lateral ankle bone) mation. have been stretched or contused, but not torn of to the talus. This ligament is often subject to Costochondral — Cartilage that separates the otherwise disrupted. sprain. bones within the rib cage. Grade Two Injury — A moderate injury when mus- Anti-Inflammatory — Any agent which prevents Cryokinetics — Treatment with cold and move- culoskeletal tissue has been partially, but not total- inflammation, such as aspirin or ibuprofen. ment. ly, torn which causes appreciable limitation in func- tion of the injured tissue. Anteriogram — A film demonstrating arteries after Cryotherapy — A treatment with the use of cold. injection of a dye. Grade Three Injury — A severe injury in which tis- Cyst — Abnormal sac containing liquid or semi- sue has been significantly, and in some cases total- Arthrogram — X-ray technique for joints using air solid matter. ly, torn or otherwise disrupted causing a virtual and/or dye injected into the affected area; useful in Degenerative Joint Disease — Changes in the joint total loss of function. diagnosing meniscus tears of the knee and rotator surface as a result of repetitive trauma. cuff tears of the shoulder. Hamstring — Category of muscle that runs from Deltoid Ligament — Ligament that connects the the buttocks to the knee along the back of the Anthroscope — An instrument used to visualize tibia to bones of the medial aspect of the foot and thigh. It functions to flex the knee, and is often the interior of a joint cavity. is primarily responsible for stability of the ankle on injured as a result of improper conditioning or lack Arthroscopy — A surgical examination of the inter- the medial side. Is sprained less frequently than of muscle flexibility. nal structures of a joint by means for viewing other ankle ligaments. Heat Cramps — Painful muscle spasms of the arms through an arthroscope. An arthroscopic proce- Deltoid Muscle — Muscles at top of the arm, just or legs caused by excessive body heat and deple- dure can be used to remove or repair damaged tis- below the shoulder, responsible for shoulder tion of fluids and electrolytes. sue or as a diagnostic procedure in order to inspect motions to the front, side and back. the extent of any damage or confirm a diagnosis. Heat Exhaustion — Mild form of shock due to Disc, Intervertebral — A flat, rounded plate dehydration because of excessive sweating when Aspiration — The withdrawal of fluid from a body between each vertebrae of the spine. This disc con- exposed to heat and humidity. cavity by means of a suction or siphonage appara- sists of a thick fiber ring which surrounds a soft gel- tus, such as a syringe. Heat Stroke — Condition of rapidly rising internal like interior. It functions as a cushion and shock body temperature that overwhelms the body’s Atrophy — To shrivel or shrink from disuse, as in absorber for the spinal column. mechanisms for release of heat and could result in muscular atrophy. Dislocation — Complete displacement of joint sur- death if not cared for appropriately. Avascular Necrosis — Death of a part due to lack faces. Heel Cup — Orthotic device that is inserted into the of circulation. Eccentric Muscle Contraction — An overall length- shoe and fit under the heel to give support to the Avulsion — The tearing away, forcibly, of a part or ening of the muscles as it develops tension and Achilles tendon and help absorb impacts at the heel. structure. contracts to control motion performed by an out- Hematoma — Tumor-like mass produced by an Baker’s Cyst — Localized swelling of a bursa sac in side force; oft times referred to a “negative” con- accumulation of coagulated blood in a cavity. traction in weight training. the posterior knee as a result of fluid that has Hot Pack — Chemical pack that rests in water, escaped from the knee capsule. A Baker’s cyst indi- Eccymosis — Bleeding into the surface tissue approximately 160 degrees, and retains its heat for cates that there is a trauma inside the knee joint below the skin, resulting in a “black and blue” effect. 15-20 minutes when placed in a towel for general that leads to excessive fluid production. therapeutic application. 545 Humerus — Bone of the upper arm that runs from Plica — Fold of tissue in the joint capsule and a to determine joint stability. This is a test utilized in the shoulder to the elbow.
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