i g m a J u N E ( a p p a TRIANGLE I 9 3 9 Jfficial Publication of Sigma Kappa CONTENTS Board Beta D elta Is Installed at the University of Miami . ..... .. ... ... ... ..... ... .. Virginia W itters 3 of A Goal . and a Challenge ...... Olga Minor H umm 4 Vivian Yeiser Laramore, H onor Initiate . ..... .. Mary Ruth Mm·t·ay 6 Editors The Grand President's Message . A lice H ersey Wick 7 last Call to Convention . 9 Send in Your Sigma Songs . .. D orothy Sornborger 9 Soci al Schedule Sounds Intriguing . 10 Editor-in-Chief Proposed Order of Business for the 50th Convention . 12 These Delegates Are Coming . 13 MRS. JAMES STANNARD BAKER Research Problem : H ow D o Alumnre Chapters Raise (Frances Warren Baker) Money? . ... .. ... ... ...... Anna M. H arper 19 289 Woodland Road The Magazine Agency Reports .. Betty Whipple Butler 21 Highland Park, Ill. H ere's the Final Report from Y our Traveling Secretary .. .... .. ... .. ...... Ruth N orton Donnelly 23 Sigma Kappa Salons Sponsored in l. A. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. _ .... .. ......... Beth Wade Y ewell 26 ColleJ{e Editor H obby-Horses ... _ ... ........ .. Irma R. Vaudoit 27 For the N ew York W orld's Fair Beekman Tower (Pan- ERDENE GAGE hellenic H ouse) Is Fraternity H eadquarters . 28 177 Arnold Avenue H ow to Help in Rushing . 29 Edgewood, R.I. International Rush Committee . 30 College Chapter Rush Chairmen . 30 What to Do About Rushing Prospects . 31 H oliday Highlights .. .. .... .. ... Mildred Z. Clarke 38 Actin!{ Alumna~ Editor Milestones . 39 Alumna~ Club Editor With Sigmas Everywhere . 42 MRS. ROBERT J. PARKER Initiates ... .. ....... .. _ . 48 (Edna Monch Parker) Pledges . 50 237 Juanita Way With Our College Chapters ........... ... ... .. - . 52 San Francisco, Calif. With Our Alumnre Chapters .. .......... ... -. ... 63 With Our Alumnre Clubs . 70 Directory . 71 Philanthropy Editor SIGMA KAPPA TRIANGLE is published in March, June, October, and De­ cember, at 450 Ahnaip .street, Men~s ha , W1s., by Geo!ge Banta Publtshmg NELLIE B . MANSFIELD Company, official publishers for Sigma Kappa Soronty. 56 Hillside Avenue Entered as second-class matter October 15, 1910, at the post offic.e . at Everett, Mass. Menasha Wis. under the act of March 13, 1879. Acceptance for ma~lmg at speciai rates' of postage provided f~r in section 1103, act . of Octo~er 3. 1917, authorized Jul.Y 31, 1918. Pme $2.00 per annum. Smgle copies 50 cents. Life subscription $15.00. Chapter!, College and Alumnte must send manuscript in time to reach Director of Central Office • their respective editors before the first of November, February, May, and September. MRS. EDWARD D. TAGGART All communications regard ing subsc riotions should be sent to Mrs. T.agga rt (Margaret Hazlett Taggart) at 450 Ahnaip street, Menasha, Wis., or 129 East Market Blllldmg, Room 605, 129 East Market Indianapolis, Ind. Building, Member of Fraternity Magazines Associated. ~11 m a tte r~ pert a in i ~?g to national advertising should be directed to Fraternity Maga.zmes Associated, Indianapolis, Ind. 1618 Orrington avenue, Evanston. Ill., or 52 Vanderbllt avenue, New York City. Scenes at Beta Delta's InstaHation Beta Delta Installation Banquet College Initiates with Mrs. V ivian Y eiser Laramore Sigma Kappa Triangle Vol. 33 Edited by FRANCES WARREN BAKER No.2 Beta Delta Is Installed at the University of Miami By VIRGINIA WITTERS, Beta Delta, '39 ETA DELTA chapter was formally Mary B. Merritt, dean of girls of the Univer­ installed at the University of Miami, sity of Miami and former N ational President B March 27, when the local group of Phi Mu. Among the guests were Dr. and Delta Tau became the forty-third college Mrs. Bowman F. Ashe, president of the Uni­ chapter of Sigma Kappa. versity; patronesses of the new chapter; offi­ To the chapter's great delight, Grand cers of the Miami Women's Panhellenic as­ President Alice Hersey Wick came early in sociation; and presidents of the Miami March to assist in preparations. As the day alumn~ clubs of N .P.C. sororities. drew near, Grand Counselor Lorah Monroe; Monday afternoon, March 27, the initia­ Traveling Secretary Ruth Norton Donnelly; tion took place at the Miami Biltmore Country and Mary Lois Gill, president of the Talla­ club. Following the ceremony there was a hassee alumn~ chapter arrived to help with banquet in the ballroom, where the tables the installation. To complete the team was were set in the shape of a huge triangle and Martha Turner Denham of Miami, district decorated with lavender and maroon flow­ counselor and already well acquainted with en. , the new group. Tuesday, March 28, the new chapter After the initiates' examination was suc­ pledged five girls. At the close of the pledge cessfully completed there were the three big service, a model meeting was conducted by days to look forward to. Sunday morning, the installation officers with the help of the March 26, pledging took place in the Social members of the alumn~ association. hall of the University. Proudly wearing The main event on the calendar was, of pledge pins, the new pledges emerged about course, the installation, which lasted from . noon. In the afternoon · the Miami alumn~ four o'clock until nearly eight-thirty, after chapter entertained at a tea in honor of the which everyone (the new girls proudly sport­ installation officers at the home of Frankie ing new pins and violet corsages adjourned Wharton and the receiving line was com­ to the banquet room. Mary Ruth Murray, posed of the visiting officers, Joan Goeser, president of the Miami Sigma Kappa alum­ president of the pledges, Mrs. Francis W . n~, presided and Mrs. Lubelle Hodgman, an Guyton of Delta Tau alumn~; and Miss alumn~ member of Alpha chapter, was toast- SIGMA KAPPA TRIANGLE 3 mistress. Toasts were given by Grand Presi­ Hazel Donegan, Susanne Trusler, Edith Ott, dent Alice Hersey Wick; Susanne Trusler, and Ada Lybarker. president of Omega chapter; Sara Morgan, Delta Tau local sorority was formed Octo­ alumna!; Ruth Norton Donnelly ; Nedra ber 14, 1932, from the merger of Alpha Brown, new alumna! member; Joan Goeser, Delta and Theta Tau. It has maintained high president of the new chapter; Florence Mac­ standards of scholarship and numbers of its Vicar, alumna! member; and Grand Coun­ members have held student government selor Lorah Monroe. Miss Monroe included offices, and have been outstanding in music, in her talk the story of the pearl, beautifully journalism, and athletics. The University of written and as beautifully told. At intervals Miami, location of the new chapter, is the during dinner, Sigma Kappa songs were southcrmost university in the United States. sung. It is housed in a one block triangular shaped The charter members of Beta Delta chap­ building of three floors, and is located in ter are Patricia Cluney, Joan Goeser, Betty lovely Coral Gables, just a few minutes from Goff, Betty Knight, Marie Wright, Lorraine Miami. Although only twelve years old, the Roll, Anne Searing; Virginia Witters, Grace University has an enrollment of over Poteet, Winona Wehle, Alma Jeanne Walker, hundred and has chapters of four other Jean Lambert, Elsie Hamilton. and Rosemary groups: Kappa Kappa Gamma, Chi Omega, Glomb. Mrs. Vivian Yeiser Laramore, poet Zeta Tau Alpha, and Beta Phi Alpha. The laureate of Florida and a patroness of the University has schools of Education, · local sorority, was made an honorary member Administration, Law, Liberal Arts, of the new chapter. This is the first time in and Adult Education. the history of Sigma Kappa that an honorary As sorority houses are banned, all soro initiate has been invited to join the sorority have rooms on the third floor in a .at the installation of a new chapter. known as "Sorority Row." It was with Visiting Sigma Kappas included a group pride, that a Delta Tau sign was taken from the Omega chapter, Florida State Col­ door of our room and "Sigma Kappa" put lege for Women, Tallahassee: Seale Effinger, its place. , A Goal ... and a Challenge By OLGA MINOR HuMM, Beta Delta CASUAL observer might have been ~omewhat puzzled that fall day back A m 1932 to see two groups of Uni­ versity of Miami coeds meet in the narrow hall near the sorority rooms, clasp hands warmly and remark (in what were supposed to be subdued tones), "Is it safe_ to tell you we're awfully happy about the btg news ?"-"We certainly are" -"And so are we !"-"Won't it be grand?" The merging of_ Theta Tau and Alpha D~lta d1d _create a stu on the campus, let it be satd, for tt was (and still is, to the best of my knowledge) the only combination of its kind to take place on the local campus. Thus was born Delta Tau at a time when c?llege enrollment and even sorority pledge ltsts the country_ over were being seriously affected by ~~ _ptnch of economic instability. Installing Officers-A/ice Hersey Wick. The group tntttated a lone pledge at its first Monroe, Mary Lois Gill, Ruth Norton Martha Turner Denham. 4 SIGMA KAPPA College and Alumnce Group as Initiated ceremony-one Olga Minor, who was singu­ of our high school alma mater. We knew larly impressed with the simple ceremony. some of the Sigma Kappas as classmates, Those first few years we were awarded the others we have come to know more recently much-sought scholarship cup, garnered what -all, without exception, have made us feel we deemed as more than our share of sports welcome. And, by a singularly happy coinci­ trophies (one year we had all the cups on dence-we kept the part of our name that we the campus except two) .
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