The South's 'Best • 'By the Student•, College 'll(ew• poper W r ling-tum t For th e Sludents Z-771 Wuhington aud L.. U nivenity Semi-Weekly VOL. XLIII LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA, FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 1940 NUMBER 53 1-F Council Professor's Hobson Names Committees Proposes Wife Killed , . Audit Plan InAutoCrash For Ftnals; Plans to Stgn May Withhold Grades Rites to Be Held For Students Having· Tomorrow; Johnson's Condition Is Fair Bands in Next Two Weeks • Unpaid Holl8e Bills --------------------· A IIPeclal Interfraternity council Funeral services for Mrs. Ray­ committee, appointed last Tuesday mon T. Johnson, who was killed Brodie, Baldwin, Boisseau, evt!nlng to draw up detatls or a late yesterday afternoon In an au­ Thigpen Seeks plan whereby University action tomobile accident In which her Day and Booth Are Officers would be taken against fraternity husband, a member or the Wash­ Art Editor for members who fall to pay house Ington and Lee law school fa.culty, Bob Hobson. presled.nt of Fl- Reid Brodie will be vlce-presl- bills, last night outlined for the was InJured, will be held tomor­ nata, today said he would prob- dent of Finals. President n ob Ring-tum Phi the provisions which row at 5 p , m. at texlngton ceme­ New Collegian ably be able to announce the bands Hobson of the set announced to­ will be presented to members of te'Y. for the set within the next two day. the council for consideration next The condition of Dr. Johnson. Latham Thi.Kpen, new editor or weeks. Dodo Bnldwln and Dick Bois- week. ~ who received sca.lp lacerations and the Southern Collegian, announced Among the tentative plans for seau will be co-business rnann.sers. The plan drawn up by the com­ possible internal InJuries In the today that anyone Interested In Finals Is an open-air concert In t;)lck Day will be treasure!', and mittee provides for a monthly au­ Ritz T rumpeteers to Present collision, was described as "satis­ the position of art editor for next front of the school to replace the Lea Booth will be secretary, Hob- dit of Bll fraternity accounts by factory" late this afternoon by an year's Collegian should get In customary tea dance. son &ald. attendant at Jaclcson Memorial nn Independent accountant, prob­ touch Immediately with Fred Shel­ Hobson asked for student opin- Dance committee members se- ably Bam Rayder. treasurer of the Program at High School Monday hospitaL The full extent of Dr. labarger. art editor for this year. ton on the concert Idea, which he lected are: Herb Qar1es, Emery W. and L . student body. State- Four versatile musicians. well- Lloyd, who specializes on the trum­ Johnson's Injuries is not yet known, Candidates for this art position but his condition Is not considered Is considering because students In , Jones, George Melville, ments will be turned In to the ac- known as the Ritz Trumpeteers. pet. and Pianist Burke Morrissey. should submit examples of their the past have protested about the Leo Relnartz. Jack Watson, Syd serious. work to Shellabarger soon as countant on the 15th day of the will present a lengthy and varied will open Its program wltb a. group as heat and stuffiness of day-time Lewis, Frank. N 1 c h o 1 s, Ernest month following their rendition to '"'rogra.m In the Lexington high ot three ensemble numbers: King's Mrs. J ohnson was killed when possible, Thigpen stated. These dances In the gym . Woodward II, and Lou Plummer. the car In which she, Dr. Johnson. sketches will be continued In the members, and a letter of warntns ;chool auditorium Monday night "Opening March," Balfe's "Bo­ The proposed concert would Other committees are: will be sent lmmedlaU"Iy to any under the sponsorship of the hemlan Girl." and "Chocolate Sol­ and their nine-year-old s o n . next Issue of the Collegian, which find Finals attendants scattered Floor committee _ Lloyd Cole, member whose payment has not Washington and Lee nne arts de- dler." by Straus .. · Charles, were ridlna collided with will appear about the middle of about the front lawn of the cam- Taylor, John Cleveland, been received. Dellquent members partment. The concert will start Solos by Mr. Ritzenthaler, who another on the Lee hlshway about May. The person submitting the will be given two days In which to at 8:30, folowtng an liour's pro- will play his own "Enchantment" three miles north of Lexington. best sketches will be retained as pus In Informal dress about dusk, l :t~~ ~:~.·wm ls, Phillip Williams, Lee with the band ranged along the , Ross Hersey, Derrell Dick- settle the account. gram by the Lexington junior on the saxophone, by Mr. Lloyd, Charles escaped with minor cuts f,rt editor for next year. lower end of the space. The con- Robert Davis. and Donald If a student. upon receipt of drum and bugle corPS. who will present an old trumpet and bruises. but the occupants of Thigpen also stated that any­ one who had contributions for the cert would last for two hours, such a. letter, fallR to make the re- The rroup, comPOSed of Ben favoriU'. "Carnival ot venice." by the other auto, Percy Wooden and probably 5 to 7 p. m. qulred &ettlement, a letter will be Ritzenthaler. who takes turns on Mr. Cooley. who w!U give a tram­ Elmer Robll180n, both of Buena Collegian In the fonn of short Invitations - William Buxton. sent to his parents. If no reply is the sax, clarinet and bassoon, bone version of Pryor's ''Thoug hts Vista, were Injured and were taken stories, articles, or poems -should Concerning the bands Hobson 1""""" Dickinson, Edward Brown, received from the parents within Richard Cooley, trombonist, Joe of Love,'' and by Mr. MorriSsey, to Jackson h011p!taJ. see him as soon as possible In or­ said, "To be perfectly frank with campbell, Henry Braun, a nasonable time, the delinquent's who will give a. selected plano solo. The JOhnsons' car was headed der that their contributions might you, the longer we hold off, the Mel vin M e­ better band we are likely to 1et. r~~~r:r~McCutcheon , name will be turned over to the will feature the first hall of the north when the machines side­ be considered tor the next issue. Hugh Macfarlane, Terry University regiStrar. who will with- Oass Elections program. swiped eac.h other. Mrs. Johnson The new editor pointed out that Right now we have somethlnl . Allen Snyder, and T. hold all grades, credits and dl- Sandwl.ched around the solo et- was driving a.t the Ume. many of this yea. r's 11tor1es were &ood on the fire, which ouaht to Helm . the work or persons not hereto­ break In about a week. There will plomas until payment Is made. Se £ M 6 forts will be other ensemble num- Sher1tf E. Gwynn Pole and Cor­ be a. definite announcement of the Finance-Harry Stephenson, Jr .. Only a unanimous vote of adelln- t Or ay bers. These wiiJ be Suppe's "Morn- fore connected with the staff. and oner E. P. Tompkins, of Rock­ bands a., 11oo n as we can manaae Ouy Oswalt, William Dabney, Ar­ quent's chapter will keep his name ing, Noon and Night," Elgar's brldre county, be1an "investlratlon that anyone with a talent for lt." lh ur Mann, George Neilsen. Rob- writing should try out for next from being turned over to the A revival of campus po!Hics "Pomp and Circumstance.'' Thom- of the accident yellterday. ert Powers, Robert Shreve, James rel"'strar If his parents fall to started the local pot simmering thl.~ as' "Raymond," Dora's "Zampa," year's magazine. Roberts, WilHam Ayers, and Jack make the required reply, the plan week as freshmen, sophomores, Rossini's "William Tell." Herbert's Members of the WashlnltOn and "Stories are alwnys acceptable Lee faculty will serve as pall­ Akin . states. and law students prepared for "Gypsy Love Son11.'' Llszt's "Bec- for examination." Thigpen said, bearers at tomorrow's services for Bridges Named Reception- Richard Easley, Wil­ An agreement between parents election May 6. With several can- ond Hungarian Rhapsody," Sup­ "and I wish that anyone Who Mrs. Johnson. Lawrence E. Wat­ liam Whaley, Frank Beazlle, Hanl­ and the fraternity, In which the dJdaeles already announced and pe's "Light Cavalry," a medley of thinks he can write would get In kin, L. C. Helderman, Charles R. llton Hertz. Brent Farber, Robert ronnel' must agree to be respon- plenty of rumors , indications Frlml"s "Songs of the Vqabonds" touch with me. because we want Vice-President slble for all room and board pay- pointed to spirited cont-ests. and ·'Sympathy" and Victor Her- M"cDowell. Clayton E. Williams. as ma.ny stories a.s possible to Hutchinson, William Washburn, Robert P. Francis Sugrue, and A. R. Thomp­ ment.s, wlll be signed when a stu- Only one 110phomore has an- be rt's "Italian Street Sona." W . Dickey, C. Llaht. and choose rrom In order that we Ham K . Young will be active oon. dent pledges a house, according to of next year's Junior class. He is The tecond part of the program might have a better quality o! lit­ another of the plan's provblons. nounced his candidacy forpreslednt will be opened with a clarinet solo bearers. while Al len Penick will erature In next year's Collegian. Arrangements- William Saun­ serve as honorary bearer. ders, Edwin Foltz. George Foole. FormulaUon of such a plan was Stu Hunt, Phi Delt·, but several of "In the Gloaming" and ''Carry After all.
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