Redalyc. Checklist of Polypores of Costa Rica. Revista Mexicana De

Redalyc. Checklist of Polypores of Costa Rica. Revista Mexicana De

Revista Mexicana de Micología Sociedad Mexicana de Micología [email protected] ISSN (Versión impresa): 0187-3180 MÉXICO 2005 Julieta Carranza / Armando Ruiz Boyer CHECKLIST OF POLYPORES OF COSTA RICA Revista Mexicana de Micología, Junio,volumen 020 Sociedad Mexicana de Micología Xalapa, México pp. 45-52 Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina y el Caribe, España y Portugal Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México Ryvarden [71,72],Mata Ryvarden [57],Lindblad& Ryvarden [31],Lindblad[30], & Calonge[42],CarranzaRyvarden[4],Ruiz-Boyer & Ruiz-Boyer [53,54,55],&Carranza[56],Núñez Cobb-Poulle [29],Carranza-Morse[6,7,8],Núñez[40,41], Carranza &Sáenz[5],GómezRyvarden[25],Larsen & Covington [11],Furtado[17],Carranza[3],Gómez[23,24], studies ofMurrill[39],Sydow[75],Lowe[33,34,35], [email protected] Autor paracorrespondencia:Julieta CarranzaV the bestknown. Basidiomycetes andonthisgroup,thepolyporesareprobably started untilthelate70's.Moreemphasiswasgivento lack oflocalmycologists,thesystematicstudyfungi both theNorthandSouthAmericanmycoflora.Dueto with verychangingclimatesandamigrationofspeciesfrom fungal diversity,probablyduetoitsgeographicalposition Costa Rica,withanextensionofonly51.100km,hasahigh The polyporesofCostaRicaareknownbythe Introduction 2 Herbario NacionaldeCostaRica,MuseoNacional,Apdo.749-1000,SanJosé,CentroAmérica Resumen. Palabras clave Phaeolus schweinitzii Costa Rica.Seincluyentresnuevosregistrosparaelpaís, Abstract. Key words are reportedforthecountry. records, Received 16August2004;accepted4May2005. Recibido 16deagosto2004;aceptado4mayo2005. 1 Escuela deBiología,UniversidadCostaRica,SanPedro,CentroAmérica et al Amauroderma dubiopansum Atotalof304speciespolyporesareregisteredfromCostaRica.Threenew Untotalde304especieshongospoliporoideshansidocomunicadospara : Polypores,neotropics,CostaRica,checklist. [37]andGonzález-Ball : Hongospoliporoides,neotrópico,CostaRica,lista. Checklist ofpolyporesCostaRica Lista deloshongospoliporoidesCostaRica y Rigidoporus concrescens elázquez Julieta CarranzaV 2 Armando Ruiz-Boyer , et al Phaeolus schweinitzii . polypores. list willbeausefulsourceforthoseworkingwithtropical [26]. Sincetheinformationisscatteredinliterature,this 69]. separately attheendofchecklistasdoubtfulspecies[38, their nomenclatureisdubious.Thosenamesarelisted omitted fromthelistbecausetheirtypespecimenislostor country. Nevertheless,someofthepublishednamesare The presentchecklistincludesallthespeciesreportedfor description ofthespecies. Readers arereferredtoauthorscitations[brackets]foragood their specificepithetineachgenuswithinfamily[27]. and others,arearrangedinalphabeticalorderaccording to Herbario delInstituto NacionaldeBiodiversidad (INB),New Escuela deBiología,Universidad deCostaRica(USJ), Herbario NacionaldeCosta Rica(CR),Herbariodela elázquez Materials andmethods The specieslistedherewerecollectedbytheauthors Specimens ofthelistedspecies aredepositedinthe and 2 Amauroderma dubiopansum 1 Rigidoporus concrescens , , ORIGINAL © 2005 Revista Mexicana de Micología. Impresa en México / REVISTA MEXICANA DE MICOLOGÍA 20: 45-52, 2005 York Botanical Garden (NY) or in the Herbarium of the Rigidoporus microporus, Trametes elegans and T. villosa. B. fumosa (Pers.) P. Karst., [19] Flaviporus brownii (Humb.) Donk, [18] L A N I USDA at Beltsville (BPI), Maryland. Herbaria and authors Others, are rare or not very common, such as: Abortiporus Ceriporia alachuana (Murrill) Hallenb., [19] Fomes fasciatus (Sw.) Cooke, [19] G I R abbreviations are from Holmgren et al. [28] and Brummitt & biennis, Albatrellus peckianus, Amauroderma camerarium, C. ferruginicincta (Murrill) Ryvarden, [19] Fomitella supina (Sw.) Murrill, [19] O Powell [2], respectively. A. dubiopansum, A. exile, A. omphalodes, A. praetervisum, A. C. microspora I. Lindblad & Ryvarden, [31] Fomitopsis cupreorosea (Berk.) J. Carranza & Gilb., [9] pseudoboletum, Bjerkandera adusta, Cerrena unicolor, C. purpurea (Fr.) Donk, [19] F. dochmia (Berk. & Broome) Ryvarden, [9] Coltricia fonsecoensis, C. montagnei, Fomitopsis C. reticulata (H. Hoffm.:Fr.) Domanski, [19] F. feei (Fr.) Kreisel, [9] Results and discussion cupreorosea, Inonotus crocitinctus, I. splitgerberi, Lenzites C. viridans (Berk. & Broome) Donk, [19] F. lignea (Berk.) Ryvarden, [58] acuta, Phaeolus schweinitzii, Phellinus altocedronensis, Ph. C. xylostromatoides (Berk.) Ryvarden, [19] F. meliae (Underw.) Gilb., [19] A total of 304 species, 84 genera and 16 families of polypores longisetulosus, Ph. luteus, Ph. turbinatus, Phylloporia verae- Ceriporiopsis flavilutea (Murrill) Ryvarden, [34] F. nivosa (Berk.) Gilb. & Ryvarden, [19] are known for Costa Rica. According to the information crucis, Rigidoprus concrescens and Trametes cystidiata. C. latemarginata (Rick) Rajchenb., [49] Fuscocerrena portoricensis (Fr.) Ryvarden, [61] compiled, the best represented family of polypores in the Although, there are still some areas where polypores C. lowei Rajchenb., [49] Gloeophyllum mexicanum (Mont.) Ryvarden, [19] country is Coriolaceae with 55 genera and 159 species, have not been collected, with the information gathered thus C. rivulosa (Berk. & M. A. Curtis) Gilb. & Ryvarden, [19] G. striatum (Sw.) Murrill, [19] followed by Hymenochaetaceae (6,73), Ganodermataceae far, it can be concluded that the species included in this list C. umbrinescens (Murrill) Ryvarden, [34] Hapalopilus albocitrinus (Petch) Ryvarden, [19] (3,18), Polyporaceae (3,19) and Steccherinaceae (3,8). may represent approximately 90% of the ones found in the Cerrena meyenii (Klotzsch) Hansen, [73] H. tropicus I. Lindblad & Ryvarden, [31] Most of the genera found in Costa Rica are country. C. unicolor (Bull.) Murrill, [19] Henningsia brasiliensis (Speg.) Speg., [21] cosmopolitan (50%), followed by tropical (30%) and boreal Coriolopsis byrsina (Mont.) Ryvarden, [19] Hexagonia glaber (P. Beauv.) Ryvarden, [45] a c (20%), the following are the ones with more species reported: C. floccosa (Jungh.) Ryvarden, [73] H. hydnoides (Sw.) M. Fidalgo, [19] i R List of polypores of Costa Rica a Phellinus (46), Trametes (18), Polyporus (16), Inonotus (13), C. polyzona (Pers.) Ryvarden, [73] H. papyracea Berk., [19] t s o C Perenniporia (12), Amauroderma (9), Tyromyces (9), C. rigida (Berk. & Mont.) Murrill, [19] Hydnopolyporus fimbriatus (Fr.) D. A. Reid, [19] f o Ganoderma (8), Rigidoporus (8), Antrodiella (7), Ceriporia Bondarzewiaceae C. sanguinaria (Klotzsch) Teng, [73] Ischnoderma resinosum (Schrad.) P. Karst., [19] s e r o (7) and Trichaptum (7). Bondarzewia berkeleyi (Fr.) Bondartsev & Singer, [19] Daedalea aethalodes (Mont.) Rajchenb., [48] Laetiporus persicinus (Berk. & M. A. Curtis) Gilb., [19] p y l o p Three of the species listed are new records for Costa Coriolaceae D. hydnoides I. Lindblad & Ryvarden, [31] L. sulphureus (Bull.) Murrill, [19] f o 5 Rica: Amauroderma dubiopansum [Suretka, Talamanca, Abortiporus biennis (Bull.) Singer, [19] D. microsticta Cooke, [16] Lenzites acuta Berk., [26] t s 0 i l 0 k 2 Limón (9º 35' 20''N-82º 53' 50''W); 200 m.; 7 May 1995; A. Abundisporus roseoalbus (Jungh.) Ryvarden, [73] D. quercina (L.) Pers., [19] L. belutina (L.) Fr., [19] c e , h 0 C 2 Cascante et al. 490 (CR 209728)], Phaeolus schweinitzii Amylosporus campbellii (Berk.) Ryvarden, [19] Datronia brunneoleuca (Berk.) Ryvarden, [73] L. stereoides (Fr.) Ryvarden, [73] . r A e Í y G [Cerro Lira, Reserva Forestal Los Santos, Río Nuevo, Pérez Antrodia albida (Fr.) Donk, [19] D. caperata (Berk.) Ryvarden, [73] Melanoporella carbonacea (Berk. & M. A. Curtis) Murrill, o O B - L z D. mollis (Sommerf.) Donk, [19] [34] í O Zeledón, San José (9º 30' 27''N-83º 50' 15''W); 2.387 m.; 22 A. malicola (Berk. & M. A. Curtis) Donk, [19] u C I R . M March 2001; A. Ruiz-Boyer et al. 484 (CR 228804)] and A. radiculosa (Peck) Gilb. & Ryvarden, [19] D. scutellata (Schwein.) Gilb. & Ryvarden, [19] Microporellus dealbatus (Berk. & M. A. Curtis) Murrill, [20] A E , . D J Rigidoporus concresens [Reserva Bosque Nuboso Santa A. vaillantii (DC.) Ryvarden, [19] D. stereoides (Fr.) Ryvarden, [19] Nigrofomes melanoporus (Mont.) Murrill, [20] , A z e N Elena, Monteverde, Puntarenas; 1.750 m; 13 July 2001; L. Antrodiella duracina (Pat.) I. Lindblad & Ryvarden, [31] Dichomitus cavernulosus (Berk.) Masuka & Ryvarden, [45] Nigroporus vinosus (Berk.) Murrill, [20] u A q C z I á X Ryvarden 43742 (CR 220183)]. A. hydrophila (Berk. & M. A. Curtis) Ryvarden, [73] D. setulosus (Henn.) Masuka & Ryvarden, [45] Oligoporus floriformis (Quél.) Gilb. & Ryvarden, [20] l E e V M Some species are very common and they have been A. liebmannii (Fr.) Ryvarden, [45] Diplomitoporus costaricensis I. Lindblad & Ryvarden, [31] O. hibernicus (Berk. & Broome) Gilb. & Ryvarden, [20] a A z T n S a I collected throughout the country, e.g.: Antrodiella A. murrillii (Lloyd) Ryvarden, [68] D. dilutabilis Loguercio & J. E. Wright, [32] O. tephroleucus (Fr.) Gilb. & Ryvarden, [20] r r V a E R liebmannii, Coriolopsis floccosa, C. polyzona, Datronia A. semisupina (Berk. & M. A. Curtis) Ryvarden, [19] Earliella scabrosa (Pers.) Gilb. & Ryvarden, [19] Oxyporus latemarginatus (Durieu & Mont.) Donk, [20] C caperata, Earliella scabrosa, Hexagonia glaber, H. A. subundata (Murrill) Ryvarden, [22] Echinoporia aculeifera (Berk. & M. A. Curtis) Ryvarden, O. similis (Bres.) Ryvarden, [20] hydnoides, H. papyracea, Phellinus gilvus, Polyporus A. versicutis (Berk. & M. A. Curtis) Gilb. & Ryvarden, [19] [19] Pachykytospora alabamae (Berk. & Cooke) Ryvarden, [20] tenuiculus, P. tricholoma, Pycnoporus

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