•••••11111•••111111•••••5-D!GIT 02906 241 1/31/94 ** 63 R. I. JEl>l!SH HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION 130 SESSIONS ST. PROVIDENCE, RI 02906 Rhode Island Jewish· THIS WEEK: 'Getaway' Travel Feature HERALD PAGES The Only English-Jewish Weekly in Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts VOLUME LXIV, NUMBER 9 SHEVAT 8,5754/THURSDAY,JANUARY 20, 1994 35¢ PER COPY Pale·stinian Aid Deposits: Where Will the Money Go? by Larry Yudelson the West Bank once Palestinian aid, targeted to develop the Pal­ NEW YORK (JT A) - As na­ autonomy begins, and it report­ estinian economy, will presum­ tions and agencies commit edly sets the Jordanian dinar as ably be administered by the themselves to aiding Palestin­ the official area currency. banks, which will profit from ian development, the most pro­ But notwithstanding the the customary fees and charges. saic of questions has become agreement with Jordan, some The quest for banking rights political: where will the money senior Palestinian officials ap­ is seen as the reason why actually go? Will Jordanian or pear to prefer Israel as an eco­ Hussein pressured. the PLO to Israeli banks reap the benefits of nomic partner. sign the financial accord and billions of dollars in deposits? meanwhile concluded his own These questions underlie a banking accord with Israel. recent flurry of diplomatic ac­ Will Jordanian or But the Jordanians are not the tivity. Most recently, Farouk Israeli banks reap the onlyoneswhowanta piece of the Kaddoumi, head of the Pales­ action. Similar motivations are tine Liberation Organization's benefits of billions of said to be behind a recent agree­ political department, flew to dollars in deposits? ment between Israeli and Pales­ Amman early this month to sign tinian business leaders. an agreement on economic co­ At issue is who will operate According to some observ­ operation with Jordan. the banks in the territories with ers, it is the Israeli-Palestinian Peace Accord Encounter in Rome The agreement had been the onset of autonomy and the option that is favored within RI. State Representative Patrick J. Kennedy (left) poses drafted last fall but was ap­ influx of foreign aid. some quarters of the PLO. with Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Yossi Beilin at the con­ proved by the PLO only after Forty-six nations pledged $2 "The PLO has made clear that clusion of the Israel-Vatican Peace Accord negotiations in repeated public pressure from billion in aid over five years at a it will not surrender its financial Rome. Kennedy, who was in Europe to trace his roots, and King Hussein. conference in Washington last and economic independence in found himself at the same hotel as the foreign minister, said The deal grants Jordanian October. the territories, and wi II not de­ Beilin appeared calm and serenely focused, in spHe_ of the banks permission to operate in Much of that international posit its aid money in Jordanian excitement and high drama surrounding the negotiations. banks," Sevar Plotzker, econom­ ics correspondent for Israel's Anti-Semitism in Japanese Yediot Achronot newspaper, wrote recently. And there are indications Uniting To Help Publications Shocks Jews from PLO officials that the Pal­ by Alison Smith publishers of a financial daily estinians would prefer financial Herald Co-Editor that carried a virulent ad for a cooperation with the Israelis, he Quake Victi111s International Jew, by Henry three-volume work that detailed added. Ford, a book full of anti-Semi- Jewish plans to rule the world In December 1993, Israel's The Rhode Island Red Cross "In the meantime," DeCesare tism, was recently given promi- and enslave Japan. Bank Leumi announced the for­ is in a state of readiness, in the continued, "for people con­ nent display space in Japanese At first, the publishers de- mation of a new commercial event the call for trained disas- cernedaboutfriends orrelatives bookstores, and !'!'ffl~l!'!l!l-!'!'11!!- fended their poli- bank in conjunction with Span­ terstaffcomesfromthenational in Los Angeles, the Rhode ls­ received a good cies, invoking the ish, Moroccan and Palestinian Red Cross to lend disaster relief land Red Cross offers a world­ deal of favorable principle of free- partners. It will take over the assistance in Los Angeles, the wide communications service attention. dom of the press two existing Bank Leumi scene of an earthquake at 7:31 called Disaster Welfare lnquir­ It is only one - but later, the branches in the West Bank cities a.m. EST, Jan. 17, measuring 6.6 ies. People in Rhode Island who exampleofanac- newspaper dis- of Bethlehem and Hebron. on the Richter scale. cannot make contact with fam- celerating attack lanced itself from The new bank will be lt has been reported that 42 ily members or friends after 48 on Jews in the the ad and the launched with $40 million in people died to ----------• hours of a disas- Japanese press. books in a printed initial capital, and the partners date in this dev- ter, such as the A recent issue apology. include the Casablanca-based astating natural "All of us here in LA. earthquake, of Sapia, a popular Members of the BanqueCommerciale du Maroc disaster. Rhode Island are should call the newsmagazine, JapanesePressAs- and the Madrid-based Banco More than two Rhode Island Red devoted several sociatio,n, meeting Central Hispano. dozen Rhode ls- concerned about our Cross for help. pagestoanindict- with Wiesenthal The Palestinian partners are landers are mem- California neighbors." They should men! of what it Centerrepresenta- said to be close to the PLO and bersoftheAmeri- however, keep consideredJewish tives, committed to include residents inside and can national Red Barbara G. DeCesare trying for at least control of international finance, themselves verbally to being outside the territories who are Cross Disas ter Executive Director, thenexttwodays. and the media. more sensitive to anti-Semitism keeping a low profile. Services Human Rhode Island Red Cross Chances are, their Rabbi Cooper, of the Wiesen- in the future. "We hope to deal with the Resources Sys- friends in Los An- that Center, addressed this It is a·matter of concern and lion's share of the international tem, a nationwide database of geles are also trying to get word gr6winganti-Semitisminmeet- bewilderment in this country aid to the Palestinians," Moshe trained people ready to respond out that they are okay. But if ings with the new U.S. Ambas- that anti-Semitism is growing Sanbar, chairman of the board at a moment's notice. Each that does not happen, people sador to Japan, former Vice in Japan, a country which has of directors of Bank Leumi, was Rhode Island staff member is should call the Rhode Island President Walter Mondale, and almost no Jewish population. quoted as telling Yediot. trained in a specialty area such Chapter for assistance." Sanbar added that as far as as family services, mass care, Elizabeth Dole, president of he knew, PLO leadership in damage assessment, communi - the American Red Cross, is Ruling in on Jewish Home Case Tunis,includingPLOChairman cations,andrecordsandreports enroute to the West Coast and Yasser Arafat, is "in the picture." support. plans to visit communities in Superior Court Judge Richard Israel's office phoned the The bank is in the process of "All of us here in Rhode Is- and around the Los Angeles area Herald just before presstime regarding a ruling in the case of incorporation - Sanbar com­ land are concerned about our that were affected by this week's Ruth Meyer vs. R.l. Department of Health, which was a suit filed plained about the paperwork California neighbors," said Bar- quake. Her trip will focus on to keep the Jewish Home for the Aged open. Said the judge's imposed by the Spanish bureau­ bara G. DeCesare, executive di- Red Cross disaster relief efforts secretary, "Accordingly, a final judgment under rules 12B6 cracy - but even its registra­ rector of the Rhode Island Red being extended to families and 41B2, will be entered dismissing the plaintiff's claims tion will not make it a reality. Cross. "And we are standing by throughout the entire affected against the RI. Department of Health. The interim orders The bank's future, of course, on alert status to help in any areas. entered onNov. l, 1993arevacated. The home remains closed." (Continued on Page 15) way we can." (Conlinued on Page 15) ;----~ -------~-------------=---=---,- . 2 THE RHODE ISLAND JEWISH HERALD, THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1994 INSIDE THE OCEAN STATE school and community college level. ''Passport New Technical Program These events are aimed at as­ sisting students in their aca­ Is Successful demic preparation as well as to Spain" \.~ s~ tech prep high school students promoting a program identity. ;jNEWS The Community College of ~ now include applied biology/ The Rhode Island Tech Prep Your favorite appetizer or Rhode Island is sponsoring a Program was cited as one of hors d'ouevre recipe could be e> BRIEFS~ Tech Prep Senior Luncheon for chemistry, college accounting, college business, electronic of­ three model programs in the your passport to Spain. Enter ~ Feb. 4, from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.ll). country by the American Asso­ the 11th annual Bays "Pass­ at the Warwick campus. fice procedures, and applied workplace readiness. ciation of Community Col­ port to Spain" Recipe Contest Three mansions - Marble The Rhode Island Tech Prep leges. and you and a friend. may be off House, The Elms and Cha­ Associate Degree Program was Once students successfully complete the high school por­ In addition, the United States to Spain for cooking lessons at teau-Sur-Mer,inNewport, initiated in 1987. The aims of Department of Education re­ one of the world's most famous will be open weekends only the program are to involve stu­ tion of the program, they are guaranteed acceptance into cently awarded the CCR! a cooking schools.
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