3538 CONGRESSIO:NAL RECORD-HOUSE FEBRU.ABY 8 llave the inclination, courage, and ability to do what they are paid and possessors of large fortunes already pay a large income tax to the sworn to do. For these reasons and for the fact that prohibition is Government? succeeding I am opposed to the new position taken by the Church The estate tax is communistic in essence; and no party except the Temperance Society of the Episcopal Church if correctly stated 1n the Socialist Party indorses the Federal estate tax. pre s favoring modification or the Volstead Act to legalize beer and It is claimed that Je1l'erson and Wilson indorsed a Federal estate wine. I do not agree with the sentiments expressed by the Reverend tax. Where and when did Jefferson ever indorse such A. tax? True. Doctor Emphrlngham. President Wilson in 1916 signed a tax bill containing a Federal estate Bishop J. P. fiLER. tax, but that in the emergency of war, when revenue was needed from all sources. URGES St'PPORT FOR DRY LAW Should not the South vote solidly against a Federal estate tax? AMARILLO, Tex., February 5.----.J.rhe announcement favoring modifica­ Such a tax is not paid by great corporations, but is paid by indh-iduals. tion of the Volstead law disb·esses me as lining up Doctor Empring­ A State inheritance tax Is quite sufficient. bam's unofficial society with organized liquor traffic, which is impeding Take the State of Texas, for example. The House provision for a 20 law enforcement. In Texas good citizens sought not to modify the per cent Federal estate tax, with 80 per cent refunded to tbe estate in law against cattle stealing but grad~ally reduced the violation to a Texas paying a State inheritance tax, says to the State of Texas: minlmum by destroying offending organizations. Our church stands on " If you refuse to obey my commands, instead of taking annually out the official action of the 1916 general convention and the 1917 House of your State $4,000,000 as an inheritance tax, your State will be of Bishops as follows : penalized, and for your disobedience it will be assessed a. fine or "This church places itself .on record as favoring such action in our $16,000,000 and will have to pay annually $20,000,000 to Washington, legislative assemblies as wlll conserve the largest interest of temperance instead of $4,000,000." and the repression of the liquor traffic." (Journal of general conven­ Every dollar taken from the people by the Goyernment not necessary tion of 1916, p. 328.) to carry on the Government is governmental robbery. 'l'he Federal And, "grateful for the action of the Pre:sident and of Congress in estate tax provided for in the House measure plainlr states that the restricting the manufacture and sale of liquor, we urge all to support Government needs only one-fifth of the sum which it will take from the authorities in enforcing the law and to et a personal example of the States if they dare refuse to do what the House demands. abstinence. The SP.nate bill repeals altogether the Federal e tate tax. This "Indhi.duals or societies taking any other position repudiate the amendment should stand and become a part of the law. chm·ch's position and in my opinion impede righteousness." RECFSB E. CECIL SEA~~. Bi.shop of North Texas. Mr. SMOOT. I ask that the Senate carry out its unanimous­ consent agreement to take a recess until 11 o'clock to-morrow. DEMA -n OF U~ION LABOR FOR BEER The VICE PRESIDENT. WithoUt objection, the Senate will Mr. BROUSSARD. Mr. President, ju t immediately follow­ stand in reee s until to-morrow at 11 o'clock. ing the matter o:trered by the Senator from Washington [Mr. Thereupon the Senate (at 9 o'clock and ln minutes p. m.) JoNES] to be printed in the RECORD, I ask that there be printed took a recess until to-morrow, Tuesday, February 9, 1926, at in the RECORD an article appearing in the Washington Herald 11 o'clock a. m. of this morning entitled " Union labor demands beer and asks clergy's aid." The VICE PRESIDENT. Without objection it 1s so ordered. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The article referred to is a.s follows : ~fONDAY, Feb?'"lla.ry 8, 19~6 [From the Washington Herald, February 8, 1926] UNION LABOR DEMANDS BEER AND ASKS CLERGY' S AID-DRY LAW The House met at 12 o'clock noon. FAILs, SAYs GnEE.:-<, IN OPENI:\G DRIVE TO MODIFY AcT-LAsT Two The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D. D., offered FEDER.A.TI0.:-1 CONVENTIONS lNDOUSEO WIKES AND 2.75 PER CENT BREW, the following prayer : HII POINTS OUT--CHURCH URGED TO HELP-CO:XFERENCE TO PllOMOTE 0 Thou who art the King of kings and Lord of lords, to "REAL ~MPERAKCE" IS PLANNED AS PART OF WORKERS' FIGHT whom the rich and the poor, the tutored and untutored, the NEW YORK, February 7.-0rganized labor is preparing to burl its' high and low, may look up with faith and call Thee " our weight onto the scale against prohibition. With William Green, presi­ Father,'' hear our prayer. We praise Thee that Thou art so dent of the American Federation of Labor, coming out fiatfootedly for infinitely divine; we are so human. Sometimes we fail and the amendment of the prohibition act and a national committee en­ falter, and our judgment is weak, and desire talres the place of deavoring to enlist the clergy of the country In the movement, the need. Do Thou endow us plenteously with those gifts that workingman is getting ready to open a drive for his beer. enlighten the mind, so that our daily labor and personal conduct Green's attitude is revealed in a bulletin being circulated to-day in shall be in harmony with Thy will. We pray that Thy Holy national labor circles by the International Union of United Brewery, Spirit may be with our whole counh·y, so that the nations shall Flour, Cereal, Uill; and Soft-Drink Workers. know that we are the exponent of those wonderful "Virtues u PROHIBITION FAILS , which were taught and incarnated in the life and character of It quotes him as saying the last two Federation conventions favored Jesus of Nazareth, the Savlo1· of men. Amen. 2.75 beer, and prohibition is a failure. He says: The Journal of the proceedings of Satm·day, February 6, " We feel that the failure to enforce prohibition is breeding con­ 1926, was read and approved. tempt and disrespect for law in general." At the same time the National Committee of Organized Labor to LEAVE OF ABSE:Q"ClD Amend the Volstead Act announces it will call an immediate conference BI: unanimous consent, leaTe of absence was granted to Mr. wHb the clergy to bring about genuine temperance. RoB~ION of Kentucky for one week, on account of important SPURIOUS DRI:SKS bu. iness. John Sullivan, pre idcnt of the Central Trades and I.abor Council DISTRICT BUSINESS of Greater New York and Vicinjty, representing 700,000 workers, The SPEAKER. This is Dfstrict day. to-day declared labor thinks light wines and 2.75 beer are the proper Mr. ZIHLMAN. Mr. Speaker, I move that the House re'ol"'e rl'medy "for the destruction and misery can ed by spurious drinks." itself into the Committee of the Whole House on the state of He sllid the national committee will seek the support of clergymen the Union for the consideration of District busine. s now on the of all denominations, adding: calendar. Pending that motion, I ubmit a unanimous-con. ent "It is apparent that clergy of all denominations, Protestant as well request that general debate upon all these bills be limited to as Catholic, see the nece ity of bringing about an amenument of the three hours,- one half to be controlled by the gentleman from Volstead Act." Texas [Mr. BLANTON] and the other half by myself. THE FEDERAL ESTATE TAX The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Maryland asks umwi­ llr. FLETCHER. Mr. President, I ask to have printed in mous consent that general debate upon these bills be confined the RECORD a sbort editorial from the Washington Post of to three hours, one half to be controlled by himself and the ye terday, entitled "The Federal estate tax." other half by the gentleman from Texas [Mr. BLANTO. ]. Is There being no objection, the editorial was ordered to be there objection? printed in the RECORD as follows : Mr. BLA1\'TON. Mr. Speaker, that would be satisfactory, as [From the Washington Post, Sunday, February 7, 1926] with the understanding that the committee program under­ stood in the committee be carried <mt in respect to rertain THE FEDEr~ ESTATE TAX bills. In defense of the FederiJ.l estate tax it is said that it will t end to Mr. TILSON. Mr. Speaker, will the gentleman from Mary­ check the growth of large fortunes. But ls not such a Federal death land yield? tax a penalty on industry, thrift, and business success? Do not the Mr. ZIHLMAN. Yes. 1926 CONGRESSIOXAL RECORD-HOUSE 3539 1\lr. TILSON. 'How does the gentlPman intend to carry out :M:r. ZIHLMAN. Yes; that is right. this agreement? After using a certain amount of time in The SPIDAKER. The gentleman from 1\Iaryland ask3 aeneral debate on one bill will the gentleman then lay that unanimous consent that general debate on these four bills bill aside and proceed · to general debate upon another bill; continue for three hours, one-half to be controlled by himself or will he complete one bill and lay it aslde with a favorable and one-half by the gentleman from Texas [Mr.
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