1 etoanee Burpte Vol. CLXXVIII No. 8 TENNESSEE. FEBRUARY 18. 2000 UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH SEWANEE. Sewanee History: An African You Little Shrimp American's Perspective u, DoagtoWMtrmu Wriiet h hruan S. Mi Jo On I enlightened studenl ,eph i ajan ' 1 w>* an African ,i into lift foi during thi ri, an in Sewanei i •I 1930 1970 Vwan ingofl African American nostalgicall) ol Month i ujan spoke well as hisSi as A the militar) ><> hi i tijanthen ,,, Vl lopmeni Mi i ., questions fromthi withra audience dealing primaril) ai Sewanei Popl i ial issues discussion ranged from life in i to the i" an Lu|an in his days at the Ku Klux Klan in this Joseph Sowanee. Lu|ans speech i n i Awareness phi ujani ami toSi wane* in opened African Missouri v- i,,, m M i ouis Month. hi worked in the home Pholo By Elizabeth Ogletree ayoungman had I nlon rheatn indt - The Sewanei ol Vlc« Chancell twodlffen m mowings 1 Utai graduating from Win Guerr) and thi attended the 00 ihowing hool hewasdrafted people wi n allowed n 1943 Previously, colored Spring BreakOutreach Trip. inW the Nav) in towards the Honduras ,,. 10:00 shov ,„ \i,,, an American could onl) itlon iteward,acooi 01 ..baker going to the colored re< died aboui whites forces I ujan in the armed colored ihowing During this tim( Until Fall 2000 regulation was changed Suspended thai this in Epsilon allowed to e II Phi Kappa draft d people wi rt not around the time thai lw was ... .u . ...,r.i. ,l activitiiirtivitii Oil addition. assume the normal jgoodnu.nl" i Ol lOUthemi the Pall I" to train tobe a membei in ,1,, ol the ii uni tht Universit) the current PKI During his Integration al plcdgeship tor ,,, the hospital corps Ryan Cosrtovc School ol rhi bj • with the and itj World m will be suspended, inl providing medical aid to pledges ""' , , With ihe sudd i" " in 1-954 Si «ral i activate immedi- was able to ologj those girls will Wai ii joldiers I ujan 'Kl s rit) return from activi dlffereni surprise uponPKE s expected ,,.,, and tout a numbei oi should com* as little ately the o "' '" I, and i '" " the has found itself Zealand nottointegi m iodic Sewanee Along with the suspension, countries Australia New lontoM connected will in B ond board mem [JOns il deals to Iministrotors outlined B 161 Ol (equue- frinidad, and the PKI s..i..nt> ISC also the i hi Islands " I rumor mill thai situation hi dm d to n thiol thaii fulfill ii fusing Mi i ujai from campus mentsthal PKE musi ,1 thai has been suspended rl • tin policies First the so- unusual da] dcr to be readmitted .1 He explained the ol thi I but for the duration i it) When the first black studenl immediate fine -,, the govern received the roril) musi pas an ol | Ik sororitN PKI I ujan mcslcl ' '"" the univcrsit) sot tftei pa Invi ..dm. tied to , Sorority 150 foi the common , rvinidad which s>..n -I the Intel unds "' ol thi ' Involvcmeni de C1 has no access aboul the part) violations ol o brown papei I I j unregistered the hanging I Fcbruar) ant de matter Couneil on riday, PKE nseii Am) \tchi -"^ the Ku Klus Klan regarding thi upon return to campus ai the public racillty tomea- decision was reached based flu n ,d« ol a located in I was The parting sororit) pn the i^branchofthi Klan Adveni seme i in was violations committed nning of the skincoloi came ,,,, several these funds will so. springs rN and the) proposal ex- thai people I mil \. musi submit a in which colored a Wi ek earlier PKL mannei by the I'M S nexi n mi net H Sewanee to L< rn he allowed ovei 10 the (entering vari up to Usistani plaining wh) U should pn ented I Eric Hartman the fi students in cording to for ..i leasi two ol man Several ol this pro] young return \s pari ous publii venues '"' ihe sororil to ial llu ' kl Students finnni ' led Deanut „,,,, . on . ampus rtu ,,,,11 ol inn gri a ne« serving lime in the Navy, musi propose >' lor hazing t ion the) Wei olored Iceived violations PKI po i n theii tearch ol the excludes departure ol to Sewanee to in program which m, i ujan came back having an unregistered pledge led to the pledges, problem lll( i, which ulUmatel) , omplicated nt , any form of hazing. and raise his famil) Hewasa common source dunking and promi w0rt objeetivt rhi party, having a PKI had alread) faiiun of their initial must also suhmii written ichei .H b wariet) ol alcohol to minors Thcs IJIfoi loi atiom |nd providing mone) to both" hiPaiandl studenl hid oul in several what they plan is iii surrounding areas all ac- goals which outline , is suspended from take plat tided b) tht i Hon PKE parties expected to 1970s He an organization. fromthi late I940stothe the rest of the semes [O do as promi undergrnduati ivit.es for in the semestei PKE ol these brave feels thai upon the laboutastai playeronhis election ol new Hartman cosl ol the the hisi er. following the almosi hall the Mr i ujan saccountol oi the re- pa) b) the nam completion '"•• •tball team \ui. n February 14. successful Psi is ...I \huan Vficers Mondaj Pseudo that I hi Ol Sewanee l.oin tht PKI band Fulmer, prcsentl) suspension pro- quirements set oul for Phillip honesi and terms ol the month II also pi perspective was both The re ing nexi tbalH oach can have little trouble n* Hi id I in parti* they should "ii with its D m well re< i was ji.hn involvement none) to is informative Hi Bui II spoke about life as an U in the Pall i ujan the participation in in- turning PIJ1 island on ho ottended Bized sorority Bacchus Part) md leg- readmitted. 90 per- In the days ol and organized When the) are rican American tramural sports owb eveni atti the lira Cro* I <>i sororit) must ,,„!. and course. ,. cent the page 2 sorority meetings Ol See PKE drug and alcohol any of these terms mandator) Violation of Ser- put on bv < ounseling senousl) |eopardi/.c the ..,.,„, C0U l d may re- campus vices m that point. PKE (sorority's readmission to Issues Inside^ Students Attack Racial approached, smdents slavery When [ by Rob Guthrie double-ei I the argumeni is Sttfl Writei tgreedthal News... hands ot.lK- in eMski.ce by the u i held |>;im' - nighl ol this w« Minority life atSowniuf On Tuesday and whites embraced pasi Both blacks 2 student and faculrj mem jazz at Convocadon....page Sewanee inetombstor«ofnot-forgc«et Spelman HiUl to ad fthered at Convocation which despemiel) lohonoi racial issues oloui feeder-present Iwprevenaiigtheconiinuaiiceofai an ethnical!) di cry Introduced by disc usso. ol « - However, . by sophomon suiting student panel headed vvasco.Kluctedm.iKM- from pjc Opinion... ranged 1 McCaulle) discussion topics - uhKli.slos.iMl- nlJlua inaniK, Farm...pag« 3 Action controversy to the Writer travels to Th* feeAffirmaUve ctecWibentelysteppedcntherthtrs W...page 3 fcble-edgedsynibolicnatureoflhcCon The Democrats and George Ovcrall.tl '" federate bailie Hag f \noiiK, conro\«Baltopii approxi were impressive stereoi Ihe meeting related to racial topu halt of ihe discussion | y \m immediately, fogenwerei to Ihe expini due l ^vlcly Hd,,l.«Ix-nvU,.,unMlK. l 1 ,,l,,, limn Sports... rime ie Hon oi Qk meeting's woman alluded to the i thickened and th. V, the discussion mmlWhil, SwimmenvieforSCACcrowii..page4 .ntcrcsung range ol o Lening grew later, an Hood new record. ..pane Drinking Your Juke Inth. Irack opens with became more and ""llt Student opinions "kl it maybeta lBDCoibleasnKn.bersoftlKaud.cn pfewre ol \m paina in flaaaing and strode io the down internal b. ;ft ,„ \rflericanlil DUcrophon. oncb) « Son with Has approached fron [batik flag issue was Arts... particular culaire angles. One a*****™ noothlyand [en] different linaU.them Instant Theatre page 8 ihe O Review of hv comparing Students de hj uvunx-m ,„i, iriostuns Sewanee page 8 i roica SncytolhcBnUsh.irmy.ntl ,i.clhOglelroo Irvenxitrdrseniinmtscaln Pl dontflytne Revolution, staun ,n.em.pOoulro,nnK.inl..-ol' in the recent , K)l Ransom Boyton Callie Gannaway and Bnus* to vvhk± stocked msj (See review on page 7) production of Kiss Me Kate. many described die Ha |..Man..l>henugc while man ,,u„N l | '"' (hop I , February 18, 2000 ?urpU tinje fcetoanee Part I ai no process is fast or easj Lou* 90% Ben- However, around area so deeply . A Closer --—dents of colons*r-"?:£; "°:sespecially in an i m pi believes this program ,am.n mersed in tradition the general happiness Inajo, role in Nevertheless, in the 'Excellence Flort Sewanee. by Clurtes Jazz minority Students a. Compassionate snelman Of and Innovation in a part of creating and is an important which was drawn in environ- Community" (or maybe noil academic all know , stress-tree read on Sewanee's As well , tfe (and can be students can 1993 fcftican-Americen HU- where minority as number ljrs ii ment home page), listed one attenuon ..... i . rocuftaa . objectives' is i strategic the UhCM Hunt and Daniel under andculiur. ol fall. Nicole intellectual life ,hc history Last desire 10 support on deftuli. other Community Build- Americans and. by Richards began a by" increasing the dive in campus while it is Im- the dorm staff ethnic mtaorides ing Workshop for student body, faculty, and lity of the where you've been, prejudice and the dis- portant to know order to make xcellence through Diver to l concern seems a less-threaten- toe more pressing cussion of diversity " there have been ,,is And certainly as a community present discussed he what Sewanee.
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