Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County Historic Newspapers Collection PHONE: TENTH WARD COURIER CIRCULATION MAIN 5412 7500 Published on Thursday.-; "Serving the TEi'-iTH Exclusively" Vol. V. ROCHESTER, N.Y., JULY 21, 19:l2 No. a I WOMEN PREPARE FOR Member of Committee THE NEXT ISSUE OF THE COURIER r·~~h~- - C~~~~i-~~ .. ·-Ad~;~~·- · r DEWEYI MPROVEMENTS ANNUAL PICNIC NEXT \VILL BE PUBLISHED THURS., AUGUST 4 i A New Type-Dress i APPROVED BY COUNCIL WEDNESDAY, JULY 27 ~ The Courier appears this f NOW UNDER PROTEST With th!•u· annual picnic less RIVIERA FEATURE REVIEW ·.:,: week in a new type-dress, de- l The long-discussed improvement th:m a week away, Tt•nth \Vard Re­ Wet."k End Program l~ompleted and furnished ~n a stage •, signed especially for the .:.· <)f Dewey avenue between Ridge • modern newspaper, known as r.>ad and the l'ity line and sanitary publican WomPn are bending all ef­ Tonight--"Resen·ed for Ladies" m a Hollyw~od film studio. It was bUilt on one of the sound and outlet sewers to drain the area" !::_;::··. Century Expanded. The type .i.·. forts to equal and surpass former with Le:;lie ·Howard (new star); stages ior use in Tallulah Bank­ has been adopted as the • between Dewey and Lake avenues st m<iards. The outing will be held and "Past Companions" v.ith Tom head's current Paramount starring standard for The Courier. It and adjoining streets were provided m•x:t Wcdnc;;day, July 2i, at On­ Bt·o\\'n. picture, "Thunder Below." Assist­ is particularly fitted for use for in a local improvement ordi­ in news columns because of tario Beach Park and the ticket Fri.-Sat.-"Young Bride'' with ing .:'ofiss Bankhead in the feature nance adopted on June 28 by the committee is in hopes of insuring its clear-cut lines and its gen­ Helen Twch·etrees; and "Riders of roles are Charles Bickford, Paul . City Council. The estimate of cost •t crowd of 3,000 or more. Lukas. Eugene Pallctte and Ralph . eral readability. .' was set at $270,00() for the pave­ Dt>ath Valley" ,,;th Tom :\ILx. ~rrangements ha,·e been made Forbes. ment and $260,500 for the sewer;<. Sun.-:\lon.:Tues.-"Two Seconds" ~........ ~ . ........ ·-··· .. '·•···---·-····-·-·-·-· ... .... -·-·..¢. f1Jr a concert by Julius Fl'iedrich's I This is one of the fl'w times a The ordinance is now said t•> g with Edward G. Robinson; and rl band of :!2 piece;;. The band l scenic structur<" hn~ be<"n designed have been invalidated because the "Thunder Below" 'dth Tallulah Lalla Roohk Grotto to will fumish mu,;ic throughout the and constructed in its entirety. The necessary number of Councilmen d,;y until 7:30 in the evenit\g. Bankhead. average film home has rooms scat­ Take Excursion July 31 were not present at its passage .:'.Irs. Elizabeth .:'olilnc, chairman Sunda) -~lunday Tuesday Features tered over several stages instead of Additional evidence of the versa- Lalla Rookh Grotto ).I. O. V. J>. and new developments have ari.'len of the suppt>r committee, i;; all pre- actually adjoining on" another. which ma~ have an important tality of F.ciward G. Robinson, as a 1' trctl for one of the moHt exacting E. R. entertainment committee is bearing on the improvements. ta.>kH of the outing-feeding the "' ::;:!======oe:====o;;;;;;~ I master delineator of human types making arrangements for a big One is a propo11al advanced by the is provided in his latest starring huge c1·owd in an enicit•nt nnd rapid Mrs. Bertha Bu~h John Marshall Zone to time for members and their friends departments of public welfare and manner. A chang!' in the custo­ \'ehicle for Fit·st National Pictures, at a get-together Sunday, July 31, public wm·ks and the other is the mary menu this ycat· will be made "Two Seconds." Hold Ice Cream Social when prophets and their friends, threatened protest of a group of and specially baked ham will be LEVIN MARKET OFFERS In pt·e,·ious film roles Robinson with Captain Prophet Redfern in property owners in the affected sen•ed as the entree. Although the ha:; appeared as gunman, gambler, All schools and churches in the command, will take a trip to Co- area. ticket price h; set at a low figure, 3 PRIZES TO READERS t•tlitor and oriental. He has always John Marshall zone arc co-operat­ bourg, Ontario, on the Ontario Leo A. McSweeney and John G. th•• repast will offer generous por­ been a stone-hearted man, dominat- ing in donating cakes, candy and A novel method of offering prizes ing men and events with an inflex- No. 2. • Ellendt last week proposed that the tions in con:;iderable variety as in articles for a fishpond, and in sell­ An orchestra on board will fur- sewer work be done by men who to readers of The Courier is intro- ible will and daring which carried prt•Yious years, state!\ Mrs. Milne. ing tickets for an ice cream social nish music for dancing and other• are receiving aid from the city, Afternoon and evening will be duced this week in the advertise- all before it. ln "Two Seconds," Friday evening, July 29, on the entertainment will be provided dur­ thus probably lowering the cost and taken up with a \'aried program of ment of the Levin Cash :\Iarket of however, he portrays John Allen, a grounds of the Lutheran Church of ing the trip. On the way to Co­ at the same time giving 'the city sports for grown-ups as well as the 1525 Lake avenue. Three prizes hard-'l}'orking iron worker who is a the Redeemer in Dewey avenue. bouurg there will be games played return for its welfare investment. youngsters and there \\ill be prize!\ will be given on the basis of num- victim of circumstances. )Ioney raised will be used to keep and o'n the return trip mo\ing pic­ The proposal has been taken up by for all events. The youngest and bers printed in the Le,;n advertise· A;; Allen, Edward G. Robinson the playgrounds. which have been tures "..;n be shown of the big par­ the Emergency Work Committee oldest persons on the grounds will ment on page three. makes a radical departure from the organized in this community, open ade of the Supreme. Counsel at and state approval will be sought. b~ awarded with prizes. Each issue of the paper is num- characters he has been giving for the rest of the summer and to Buffalo, also the parade of the Cen­ A protest meeting was called for :\l rs. Frances L. Thomson is gen­ bered and three of these number;; American p)cture audiences, begin­ buy much-needed equipment for tennial. The train for the boat last night at the Tenth Ward City eral chairman of the picnic commit­ are posted today at the Levin .Mar- ning with ''Little Caesar" on them. will leave the B. & 0. station at Manager headquarters in Driving tee, which includes the following: ket. Presentation of the winning through "Five Star Final" and Parents all through thi,-1 section 8:15 a. m. and the boat will sail Park avenue at which time action Reception- C h n i r m a n , :\lr,;. numbers at the market, tomorrow I"The Hatchet ::\Ian." The actor of the city are so enthusiastic promptly at 9:10 a. m. Tickets at to delay the improvements was to Charles E. Bo:;twick; Hon. and :\Irs. (Friday) or Saturday, will entitle himself regards the character as about the valuable work being done either the B. & 0. station or the be di:;cussed. Many of the prop­ James L. Whitley, l\lr. and :\Irs. the holder to a prize, at no cost the most difficult he has been called on the playgrounds in providing rlock. The cost is the regular fare. erty-owners were said to have been Harry J. Bareham, Hon. Charles S. and with no obligation to make a upon to pot-tray since !}is entrance supervised play for their boys and For stateroom reservations mem­ opposed to the ordinance because Owen, Mr. and Mrs. l<~rederick J. purchase. into pictures. :\letropolitan critics girls, that a most gratifying re­ ber:; are requested to call Frank J. they felt that they would be un­ Slater, Hon. Joseph M. Feeley, . The three prizes are as follows: have hailed Robinson's perform­ sponse has met this etfort to raise Buehlman, Glenwood 6139-W. able to stand the cost at thi~ time Judge and Mrs. Henry D. Shedd, first, 27-piece set of dishes; second,, ance in thi:; picture as one of the money, according t() members of All Prophets are requested to However, none appeared at the Dr. and Mrs. David A. Atwater, basket of groceries; third, 3-pound 1brilliant achievements of the dram- the committee. wear their fez. Recognition tags June 28 Council meeting when a Mr. ami Mrs. Richard A. Saunders, box of Vonglis chocolates. 'l'he atic season. IJ:ach school and church In the will be given to ladies and friends. hearing was held, according to Mr. and Mrs. Charles E: Bostwick, contest has no complications other A complt>tc. :;even-room trop1ca.! John Marshall zone uf tht• Commu­ There will be prizes for several newspaper reports. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. B. limmer, Mr. than explained and the holders of home with garden recently was nity Council on Summer .Activities, events. Councilman Nelson A. Milne, and Mrs. Nelson A. ~l1lne, Dr. and the winning numbers will be pre-, of which W.
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