Biological names of animals and plants pdf Continue American pit bull terrier American Staffordshire terrier Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Large Swiss mountain dog Staffordshire bull terrier North American black bear Binomial nomenclature is a widely used, formal system of naming of the species. The item consists of two names, both of which come from Latin. However, it can be derived from other languages too. This name is called a binomial name or scientific name. The general name or the initial part of the name distinguishes the genus to which the body belongs. The second part, or specific name, determines the exact species under which the body enters, within the genus. In addition, there are certain rules to follow in the binomial item, such as the common name is always capitalized, while a specific name is not. Also, the entire name should be italicised. We can understand this system better with an example: Modern Humans Common Name Homo Specific Name sapiens Scientific Names of Animals Listed Below, the scientific names of several common animals. Arabic camel Camelus dromedarius African elephant Loxodonta Afrikana Albatross Diomedeidae Alpaca Lama Pacos Asian Elephant Elephas Maximus Bison Bos gauus Blackbuck Antilope cervicapra Black Rat rat Rattus Buffalo Bubalus bubalis Bulbulpas Cafe Cat Felis catus Cheetah Acridotheres tristis Cow Bos Taurus Crocodile Crocodylus palustris Dog Canis lupus familiaris Red Fox Vulpes vulpes Gaviale Gavialis gangetikus giraffe Giraffa camelopardalis Great horned owl Bubo virginianus Hippo behemoth caballus House Crow Corvus splendens House musculus House Sparrow Passer domesticus House wall Lizard Hemidactylus flaviviridis Indian Cobra Naja Naja Indian parrot Psittacula eupatria Indian Python Python molurus Kashmir deer or hangul Cervus canadensis king cobra Ophiophagus Hanna scoacelopus Leopard or Panther Nilgai Boselaphus tragocamelus Peacock Pavo Cristat Pigeon Colombe Livia Rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus Rat snake Ptyas mucous shell Rhesus monkey Macaca mulatta Rhinoceros Rhinoceros Rhinoceros Unicorn sea snake Hydrophiina Siberian crane Grus leucogeranus Tiger Panthera tigris Wild Ass Wild boar Sus scrofa Wolf Canis lupus zebra Equus quagga Scientific plant names listed below are the scientific names of several common plants. Apple Malus domestica Bambooa bamboosa aridinarifolia Banana Musa paradisiaca Banyan Ficus benghalensis Black Gram Plasoes mungo Black Pepper Piper nigrum Brinjal Solanum melongena Capsicum Capsicum frutescens Carrot Daucas carota cloves Syzyg aromaticum Coriander Garlic Allium sativum Ginger zingiber officinale Green Gramolicus guava Psid guajava Henna Lawsonia inermis Horse Gram Dolicos biffous Jovar Sorgo a vulgar lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon salad Lactuca sativa corn zeia mai Mango Mangifera Mint Nim Azadirachta Indica Luc Allium cepa Orange Citrus Auranti Pineapple Pineapple Pineapple Anas KoposUs Potatoes Solanum tuberosum Red Rafanus Sativus Red Gram Cajanus cajan Sandalwood Santalum album Spinach Spinacia oleciaxa Tobacco Nicotine tobaccum Tomato Solanum lycopersicum Tulsi Octi vulgaris Triticum Wheat aestivum Scientific names of extinct organisms Listed some of the most popular and known extinct organisms along with their scientific names. Passenger pigeon Ectopistes migrating Tasmanian tiger Thylacinus cynocephalus Moa Dinornithiformes T-Rex Tyrannosaurus rex Great auk Pinguinus impennis Megalodon Carcharocles megalodon Uses scientific names or Binomial nomenclature is a scientific process, in which entities such as plants, animals, living creatures are named It has many advantages, such as: Classification and organization - The organization is comprehensively organized, which makes understanding and study of the characteristics of specific individuals easily and organized Accuracy and clarity - Names that are given unique, in which each of them is given one scientific name, hence avoiding confusion Scientific names are universally recognized and standardized, even if the species are transferred to another genus based on new knowledge , Names are preserved It helps to understand the similarities and differences between different species that belong to the same ancestral, which are useful in creating a link between them. Read also: Photosynthesis when writing a scientific name, you need to remember the first letter of the name of the genus, which should always be written in the letters of the upper body. The first letter of the handle is always written in the letters of the lower case, never in the upper case, even if it is the correct noun. The scientific naming system was proposed by Carl von Lynn or Carl Linnaeus, in an attempt to explain the natural world by providing two parts of a binomial nomenclature or scientific name. Trinomen is a trino-numbered name given to animals, except for the name of the genus and the name of the species. It is usually given to identify the subspecies. For example, the trinomen subspecies of the gray wolf, the Arctic wolf, is the lupus canis arctos. Modern humans have received a tynomal designation as Homo sapiens sapiens. Further Reading: Evolution Of the Concept of Species of Scientists Around the World use a common system for naming organisms, this system known as the binomial nomenclature. In this system, two words are used for the name that represents its common name, and another of its specific cognomen. Biological classification is necessary, as the number of living things is huge. Every year, new species forms continue to be added every year. Organisms vary greatly in shape, structure and lifestyle. The best series of trials for NEET Benefits of using scientific names for the body are as follows: The scientific name remains the same worldwide and therefore easily recognizable. The possibility of confusion due to several names given to the same organism in different parts of the world is eliminated by the scientific name of the organism Relationship between different species of organisms in a particular genus can be derived by scientific names. It also helps in recognizing or identifying any new organisms detected. Any incorrect name of a particular organism can be corrected. The scientific names presented are often descriptive, and also point to some important characteristics of organisms Scientific names consists of two terms, the name of the genus and the name of the species. The name of the genus always begins with a capital letter, and the name of the species always begins with a small letter. This process of naming organisms is scientifically known as taxonomium. LIST SCIENTIFIC NAMES OF PLANTS Binomialnununununununus of common plants are listed as follows: The general name of the Scientific Sunflower Names Helianthus annuus Mango Magnifera indica Neem Azadicta indica Rose Rosa Tulsi Ocimum tenuiflorum Apache Falleugia paradoxa Aplle Blossom Grass Gaura Wild Elymus. Wild oats Avena Fatua Red Maple Acer rubrum Rice Oryza sativa Wheat Triticum spp. Finger millet Eleusine coracana Barley Hordeum vulgar Coriander Coriander Coriander Sativum Nut Cashew Anacardia occidentale curry leaf Murraya koenigii Dragon Fruit Hylocereus undutus Ginger Asarum Orange Citrus sinensis Papaya Papaya Pine Apple Pineapple Apple Best test series for NEET LIST SCIENTIFIC NAMES OF ANIMALS Binomial nomenclature of common animals listed as follows: Common Name Dog Canis lupus Housefly Musca domestica Tiger Panthera tigris Lepoard Panther pardus Lion Panthera Leo Bear Ursidae carnivora Crow Corvus splendor Ant Hymenopetrous formicidae Bat Chiroptera Buffalo Bison bonasus Cat Felus catus Cheetah Acinonyx jubatus Crocodile Crocodilia niloticus Elephant Proboscidea elepahantidae Dolphin Delphinidae Delphinidae Goat Capra hircus Frog Anura ranidae Rabbit Leoparidae cuniculas giraffe Giraffa horridus Fox Cannis vulpes Deer Artiodactyl cervidae Cobra Elaphidae naja panda Alurpoda melanoleuca Ass Equs asinus Horse Equus ferus caballus These were some scientific names of plants and animals. 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