¿BSZZW\UbVSab]`WSa]TeVOb5]RWaR]W\UW\bVSZWdSa]T6Wa^S]^ZSÀ 14 Cover photo from “The Conscientious Objector,” a documentary on the life of Desmond T. Doss by Terry Benedict in this issue... in every issue... \YZfYYXcahcZc``ckcbYÁgWcbgW]YbWY Ug]hfY`UhYghch\YdfUWh]WYUbXYl! 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WRIGHT, LAKE UNION CONFERENCE PRESIDENT 57`cgY7U``UbX UA][\hmFYgWiY needed work in the worst way. There was my wife and two little boys to provide for. When I told the personnel man (now known as human resource people) that I could not work on Saturdays, he =turned me away with regret. The decision was made not to make that mistake again. When applying for a job at the big Frigidaire plant in my hometown of Dayton, Ohio, I never mentioned Sabbath issues. Frigidaire hired me to work the second shift, which was 3:00–11:00 p.m. I reported for duty and worked all week, praying for a miracle. Thursday evening I informed my foreman that I could not re- port for the Friday night shift. He was livid. I asked if any arrangement could be made with another worker on the same shift. “Not a chance,” he informed me. I was told to come in Sunday evening to pick up my five-day paycheck, and I was once again unemployed. Next, I signed on to work second shift with the United States Postal Service. It seems rookies always get the weird shifts because people with seniority have first choice for first shift. I was assigned to the Parcel Post section, where employees worked until all parcels were shipped, regardless of the number of hours. It was great, because I could make lots of overtime pay. I was allowed to work two weeks before given the pink slip. My friend, Calvin, told me that the Defense Supply Agency had openings and was hiring. We both ap- plied. They had a required form that all employees signed for employment. Essentially, it said, “I agree to work Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, if needed.” Calvin refused to sign, and was summarily dismissed. The interviewer spoke to me privately and informed me that this job as a warehouseman would never require work on those days. I signed and got the job. My conscience nearly ate me alive. It seems the Lord never allows His children to be comfortable while in rebellion. Thank God. The head personnel man called me at home that night. Now that was strange. It was Friday evening, and I was to report for work the following Monday morning. He said, “I was reviewing your application and noticed that you stated your religion as Seventh-day Adventist.” I said that was correct. “Well,” he continued, “I have known several Adventists, and none of them would agree to work on Saturday. Are you really willing to work Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays?” Isn’t God good? He not only would not allow me to get away with a lie, but He also was defending the name of His church. I admitted to the man that I had no intention of working on Sabbath, and he said he would tear up my papers. Whew! That was close! A year later I applied for the position of contract negotiator at the same facility and was not given the form to sign. That was my entry into federal service, and I continued for 15 years before entering the Adventist ministry. I had occasion years later to ask the new personnel director if the form was still a requirement. She said, “Oh yes, but I knew you would not sign it, and I also knew you needed the job, so I never gave you the form.” Praise God! “Obey my voice, and I will be your God, and ye shall be my people: and walk ye in all the ways that I have commanded you, that it may be well with you” (Jeremiah 7:23). J]g]hkkk"@U_YIb]cb<YfU`X"cf[ LAKE UNION HERALD>UbiUfm&$$+| ' UhH\Y<cdYZcfGifj]jcfg"<YfWcbX]h]cbkcfgYbYXUbX g\YVYWUaYgi]W]XU` UbXaUXYd`UbghcYbX\Yf`]ZY" H\Ybh\YfYkUgUVfYU_h\fci[\"GUaUbh\UUbX\Yf\ig! VUbXGhYjYcdYbYXidh\Y]f`]jYgUbXh\Y]f\caYhc<cdY UbXdfcj]XYXgYjYfU`XUmgcZ]bhYbg]jYWcibgY`]b[UbXgid! dcfh"G\Y`YZhU¾BYk<cdY ¿É``YXk]h\dYUWYUbXUXYg]fY Illinois GYdhYaVYf '$ &$$* kUg U gdYW]U` XUm Zcf hc`]jY"G\Y\UXUbYkdifdcgY½hcgYfjY;cX" Hope Bencho"=hkUgh\YXUmg\YkUgVUdh]nYXUbXVYWUaY <cdYVY[UbhcXfcd\]bhgh\Uhg\YkUgfYUXmZcfgcaY! 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UV]`]hm Ug \Y WcibgY`YX After a painful experience with pastoral sexual j]``Y5XjYbh]gh7\ifW\Ág\]ghcfm UbXh\YZ]fghVUdh]ga misconduct and abuse, Hope Bencho (left) discovered k]h\\Yf UbX i`h]aUhY! h\fci[\h\Ykcf_cZH\Y<cdYcZGifj]jcfga]b]ghfm" healing in Jesus with Samantha (center) and Steve `m kUg h\Y fYUgcb g\Y 5g >c\b @caUWUb[ H\cadgcbj]``Y 5XjYbh]gh 7\ifW\ Nelson (right) of The Hope of Survivors ministry. `cgh \Yf \igVUbX aUbm dUghcf aYbh]cbYXUhh\YVUdh]ga ]h]gcb`mZ]hh]b[h\Uh cZ \Yf Zf]YbXg UbX \Yf h\YZ]fghcbYVYbUaYX<cdY"AUmh\YfYVYaUbmacfY W\ifW\ ZUa]`m" <Y \UX VUdh]gag]bh\YXUmg acbh\g UbXmYUfghcZc``ck";`cfm VYhfUmYX \Yf hfigh" G\Y VYhc;cX XYhYfa]bYX g\YÁX bYjYf :cf acfY ]bZcfaUh]cb UVcih H\Y <cdY cZ Gifj]jcfg gYhZcch]bUW\ifW\U[U]b d`YUgYj]g]hkkk"H\Y<cdYCZGifj]jcfg"Wca" bcfkci`Xg\YYjYfhfigh Samantha Nelson, The Hope of Survivors co-founder and a Thompsonville UdUghcf" Church member =bh\YXYdh\gcZXY! gdU]f k]h\ bc \cdY cZ Jordan and Alyssa Vallieres After downloading information about Adventist beliefs \YU`]b[ ;cX dfcj]XYX Indiana Vch\diV`]W`m from a website and studying them thoroughly, Hope U kUm" <cdY `YUfbYX cZ Wcaa]hhYXh\Y]f`]jYghc>YgigcbGUVVUh\ 5i[igh( &$$*" Bancho was eager to be baptized. 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