Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Addison, IL Permit No. 98 Publishers of Highlights of the END TIMES This Issue: THE TRUTH ABOUT DEatH & RESURRECTION THE TRUTH ABOUT DEATH & RESURRECTION What is the Bible? “As by a man comes death, by a man also comes the resurrection of the dead; for as all in Adam die, even so shall all in Christ be made alive.” — 1 Corinthians 15:21-23 The Bible may be compared to a magnificent edifice that took seventeen centuries to build: ELECTRONIC SERVICE REQUESTED There is a longing hope within them. “The living know that they • Its architect and builder is God mankind that death does not end all shall die; but the dead know not • Like this beautiful world, it bears everywhere ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- existence. But can we find a rational anything.” (Ecclesiastes 9:5) (2) The the impress of a Divine hand basis for believing in life after death? dead are figuratively asleep in their • This majestic temple contains 66 chambers of There are so many religions and so graves waiting for an awakening — unequal size; 66 books of the Old and many philosophies as to the state of the re-animation to life again of both New Testaments the dead that it is hard to discern the the body and the mind. • Each of the 31,173 verses is a stone, a panel of the truth of the matter. As Bible students, That the dead should be restored building which is a Temple more glorious by far we should refer to the Bible alone for to life at a future time was not a new than that of Solomon or Zerubbabel doctrinal clarity. idea to Lazarus’ family, for they believed the Old Testament promises HOW DOES THE BIBLE which hold out this blessed hope. DESCRIBE THE DEATH STATE? Centuries before this experience, for Human life is composed of the example, the Prophet Job inquired, body organism and the mind. The “If a man die, shall he live again?” VALUABLE BIBLE STUDY RESOURCES body is made up of the inanimate (Job 14:14) Job knew that death was elements of the earth, while the the penalty for sin, and, because To learn more about the subjects treated in our newsletter issues or other Biblical topics, we suggest the following resources. conscious mind is made up of the the whole world of mankind were composite of experience — the ability sinners, all were dying. What Job � Bible Resources app: Available for both Android and OS phones, this free Christian app offers morning and evening devotions, hymns, Biblical videos, Biblical questions and answers, and past and current Biblical sermons. Each may be to reason, learn, communicate, create, worship, appreciate wanted to know was whether the dead would be restored listened to online or downloaded, and saved to play when you don’t have internet access. beauty and exercise free-will. This composite of the body to life — shall he live again? Job found the answer and and the mind is what makes up the individual, and death, expressed it concerning his own hope, saying, “All the days � Bible Trivia app: Available for both Android and OS phones, this fun free Christian app challenges your Biblical therefore, is the state at which the individual ceases to exist. of my appointed time will I wait [in death], till my change knowledge through a simple quiz game format that shows your accuracy and speed. You learn more about the Bible through By inspiration, King David confirmed this thought:“His come. Thou shalt call, and I will answer Thee...” Job 14:14,15 a fun format. Additionally it offers a free guide to the Bible. breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth, in that very � The Herald Magazine: This thematic bi-monthly magazine, published by the Pastoral Bible Institute, offers in-depth day his thoughts perish.” (Psalm 146:4) Thus, the dead are “THE RESUrrECTION AT THE LAST DAY” articles on the issues theme. Each issue also contains a quick review of news and current events that are of interest. not conscious, for the mind ceases to exist and the body The death of Lazarus was not due to his lack of faith Available in printed or online format the magazine offers a balance of issues on Christian living and Biblical doctrine. This decomposes. “...there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, in this promise expressed by Job, nor any lack of loyalty to magazine is a great help for both the beginning and serious student of God’s Word. http://herald-magazine.com nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.” (Ecclesiastes Jesus. Lazarus believed in Jesus, yet he died and remained in 9:10) Death, therefore, is the exact opposite of life. the grave four days. In regard to this fact, note what Jesus did � Christian Questions: This weekly Christian podcast aims to provoke meaningful discussion along spiritual lines, inviting you to “Think about the Bible like you never have before.” The program welcomes listener participation, encouraging a NOT say when he came to comfort Lazarus’ family: Weep nurturing, politically-free environment of expression on biblical topics. Providing a comprehensive perspective on a wide JESUS’ DESCRIPTION OF DEATH not, for your loved one is not really dead, for he is now in range of studies they delve deeper into the layers of Scripture and how they relate to our lives. http://christianquestions.com When Jesus’ friend Lazarus died, Jesus described death heaven. No, Jesus said plainly to his disciples, “Lazarus is as sleep: “Our friend Lazarus sleepeth; but I go, that I may dead.” The grim reality that Lazarus had been dead in his � WJYS TV: WJYS TV-62 is a local cable station that offers offers a taped 30 minute Biblical lecture every Sunday awake him out of sleep.” The disciples reasoned, “Lord, if he grave four days proves that he did not go to heaven. morning at 5:00 a.m. from Fort Worth, Texas. Each lecture covers a different Biblical topic and shows how God is working sleep, he shall do well.” (John 11:3-27) They thought it would When Jesus said, “Thy brother shall rise again,” Martha out His plan for the blessing of all mankind. http://wjys.tv/our-schedule be a great mistake to awaken a sick man. Seeing that his replied, “I know that he shall rise again in the resurrection Of course, you can always find additional Biblical articles, posts, questions, and information disciples misunderstood, “Then said Jesus unto them plainly, at the last day.” She knew from Old Testament prophets, to help you in your own walk on our website. https://chicagobible.org Lazarus is dead.” Jesus used the figurative illustration of like Job, that the dead were in their graves waiting for the sleep to emphasize two important points. (1) Those who are resurrection in the last day when Jesus would raise the dead. CHICAGO BIBLE STUDENTS • P.O. BOX 661335 • CHICAGO, IL 60666-1335 asleep are unaware of what is going on in the world around Jesus did not deny the truthfulness of what Martha said, rather, page 2 page 3 he confirmed her faith, saying, “I am the resurrection, and the error became fixed as a foundation doctrine from the sixth statement, and instead of speaking of man as being a soul, they and the dead in Christ shall rise first.” 1 Thessalonians 4:16 life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he century to the nineteenth century when Christians were finally speak of him as having a soul — this is a very different thought. Our Lord further declared this thought when he said: live...” (John 11:25, 26) The Apostle Paul also confirmed this: able to study the Bible for themselves. They discovered that the “Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven [at the last doctrine of an immortal soul was not supported by Scripture. “AS ALL IN ADAM DIE...” that are in the graves shall hear his voice, and shall come forth. day]... and the dead in Christ shall rise...” 1 Thessalonians 4:16 The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia (1960, The Apostle Paul explains that “sin entered into the world, They that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they Vol. 2, p. 812) states: “We are influenced always more or less and death by sin.” (Romans 5:12) When our first parents that have done evil, unto the resurrection of judgment.” (John BUT DOESN’T THE SOUL LIVE ON? by the Greek, Platonic idea that the body dies, yet the soul transgressed God’s law, as He warned, He withdrew His favor 5:28, 29 RSV) Jesus’ statement, “they that have done good,” The common belief of most world religions is that people is immortal. Such an idea is utterly contrary to the Israelite from them. Without His favor they could not continue to live, refers to Christian believers who have proven faithful to their possess souls, and at death their consciousness, in the form of consciousness and is nowhere found in the Old Testament.” and so the sentence was immediately operative, and they began covenant of sacrifice. These are a little flock in comparison with that soul, departs from the body to abide in either a paradise or In confirmation of this, The Jewish Encyclopedia (1941, Vol. to die. “Dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.” (Genesis the billions who have died. (Luke 12:32) The Apostle Paul tells a place of punishment.
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