.s V Tim vfiiATiiim - .fu forecast by O. 8. Whither'unrisu. 'Hartford; ' n e t PRESS BI7N : AVEBAiUB UAlLlT ClBOOEAaaON. CW*enjJly' fair, tonight'-aud Rrl- for the Month of February. 19*® day; w arw r tonight, eo|djer Frid^. V.- .'{. «f« 5503 vt' ' )ri - n en ben of the A«4lt Bnrean of PRICE THRKE CBNW ClrcnlatioM'^' TWELVE PA^5ES SOUTH MANCHBSTOB, CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 1930. - t (Classified Advertising on Page 10) VOL. XLIV., NO. 139. REDS WAR ON RELIGION IDEPENDQITS ! CALL ALONZO STAGG IN'fflESENATE V- ARE DEFEATQ)' A DRY •T — t . i'> 'i'M b r i n g s t h e f i r e Situation Extremely Grave r W TO FIRE COMPANY Republican Regulars Out­ Noted Football Coach Says In London> Bnt Oth^ Hartford, March 13—(AP) — vote Coalition on Recon-! Present Law Should •‘Here comes a fire” cried a fire­ , i man at headquarters on Pearl .. Powers Are Certain Some ' street today. “Quit your kid- sideration of Increase In Stand; Business Men En­ i ding” said Captain Philip E. Soimion of Problem Can Duffy, but he took a look up the « I, -.r (API—An4-left, Asian on the second stage of street and then ordered out his Sugar Duty— The Vote. dorse 18th Amendment. company, for a city dump cart, London, March,. their march to Jalalpul in in au p - 3 Telegraph <H“P®;tch from j campaign for Indlah ignited by only partly burned Exchange----- ---- - , , ----- — ----- Be Found— ^If AD Plans coal from an ash collection had Washington, March 13.— (AP.)— ;ombay says______ that_ Sher___ Jung, alieg-, ^ independence.- sands Washington, March 13.— (AP) — ignited the wagon and the driver Attempts of the Senate coaUtion of fain, outrage | tjSike yesterday FaH Three Power Pact Alonzo Stagg, who has won his way decided to make the short run to D.mocr.U .nd Republican lude- f " “ dered to tbe-poHce^^ to prominence by coaching the big the fire house rather than to pendents, to obtain reconsideration to have made ‘ atartbng outejde the rest house pause and send in an alarm. Can Be Signed/Diplomats maroon elevens of Chicago Univers . .. .---------- O,,«ror dlltV disclosures.""gclosures.” nondent of the where the party■■ spenta .ti-t6e -I"''', and ,ponuent u nartv took the road there ity was recorded today before the and the vote placing a The Lahore corres “ “ m s :; K.xchange Telegraph W b ...u ,cp a rty tooh the ment were repulsed today were no followers , , . , Declare. House judiciary committee aiong Jung had revealed to the ® The next halt was scUedulcd fqr , __ cnncmlracv to commit with a group of prominent busine.=is m U U IE RECORD I Senate. widespread the Bareja, seven muesmiles oiaiani.,^tant, where men of Philadelphia as sharing the With hardly the loss of a vdte. ^ dtical murders and overthrow Mahatma planned to address a London, March 13.— (A P .)—tJJS the new— ■ majority of . rs.epui^iv.m.a.RepnbUcan j, Pgj.jtigd gover m M n by the .ttc. same view that the Eighteenth Regulars with a scattering of ^ge ©f arnm. obediepce” which the Indian na the five power naval- conference Amendment should stand. REniRRED TO V. S. ocrats. held its ground. Today s de- correspondent added that the liinnAiiBts of his school Intend to use The white haired athletic director cisions kefep the increased sugar ^.^ypij^tlons which were in eSeavoring to end British ad-! were adhering tonight to the pom- rate and the cement duty in the ^ ^ definite clue regarding tbe whose voice has barked Viceroy ministration -of India. ! tlon that some soluUon was possi- mands to youthful athletes for 38 ! tariff measure. 1 recent bomb outrage on Yeaterday__ __ when-Gandhi arrivedorrTvorJ! kible« riocnuodespite thetho crisis/-rifUo growingornwinp- out ^ ________ likely to years said that it was his oPse^^- Captain Sergievsky Travels 1 Sugar Duty ; lrwir\;s special train are^ at Asiaii he explained in an addrew of the French big navy demands. tion that the young men and women ' iead"\o startiing developments. native opposition to the British salt The situation was extremely 1 The sugar duty is two cents a grave this evening hut Ptem^ of today were fortunate m growdn^ pound on Cuban raw, in place of | monopoly on the bay of Cambay and On the Sound 143.3 Miles GANDHI’S m a r c h MacDonald smd Secretary Stimson up in a land where the sale of into.t- i 1.76 in existing law and 2.40 pro- j told how the party would produce icants was prohibited. ' -- Cement, w hich' Ahmadabad, Im^a. the commodity themselves in viola­ upon whose shoulders the hnint of • posed by the House. (A P )—Mahatma Gandhi and h the problem has fallen, were still “With the breaking down ot horn; An Hour. 1 1is _ now----- -- on the free list, is protected tion of the law. ■ life and with all the complexities of ^ ^ _____a hundred pounds party of 79 devotees at dawn today trying to persuade France to alter by a six cents her views. They continued their new opportunities for being misleail Hi duty“ unTer''toe Senate measure. The conversations ^th the veteran I tremble to think.” he said, *whd. STEAK IN ONE BITE New York, March 13.— (AP) — While world religious organizations, banded together to oppose the | bill asked an eight cent rate French Foreign Minister Aristide this revolt of youth might have led Soviet government’s “ militant atheism,” scenes like this— the The motions of Senator Nye. Re- AND NOW HE’S DEAD Another world’s air speed record I Briand. to were prohibition laws not m op­ of a church into a political meeting place—continued to occur 1 pubUoan, Independent of. North Da- HND NEW PLANET Three Power Parley '• ’ eration." was brought back to the United Russia Here you see workmen, after tearing down religious <i«cora- , reconsideration of th< Memphis, Tenn., March 13 — That France might nOt be per­ Other Witnesses. States today when Captain Boris a o S replacing them with placards announcing an atheist lecture in the sugar and cement no®' (AP) — R. B. Powell enjoyed suaded was freely admitted on- all After Stagg, Arthur H. Hood, of Sergievsky sent his loaded Sikorsky Church of the Smolensky Virgin, Moscow. jected by identical votes, 47 to 38. BEYOND NEPTUNE 'only one thing better than a beef­ sides blit the other delegations at the same time refused to admit Philadelphia, an insurance man ■who seaplane roaring over a 100 kilo­ i A heated debate developed over steak and that’s more beef­ said he represented the Philadelphia ot v e t o by tadivldual steaks, he told friends. He en­ that the case was hopeless. Those meter course up Long Island Sound Federation of Men’s Bible Classes, Senators on the rates. tered a cafe early today and or­ close to the inner workings of the argued the prohibition law was the at 143.3 miles an hour. troversv began after Senator dered a favori,te cut. eonference reiterated that. If All "supremo common sense of the ma­ The old world mark for seaplanes ThomJ, Democrat, Oklahoma, ad­ About the Size of Earth; Calling patrons of the restaur­ lans failed there still was a possi- DRY U W RATIFACATION llity of a three-power agreement jority.” He presented letters endors­ carrying a useful load of 2,000 kilo­ vocate of an oil tariff, asserted that ant to his table he said “ Here’s S between the U. S., Great Britain^ ing the dry statutes from a number grams (4409.24 pounds) was held he had been criticised ® Most Important Discovery to bi^w and better-' steaks. of business men in the Quaker Citv. by Richard Wagner of Germany the duty but that ® Watch me eat half of this in one amd Japan. with a speed of 130.1 miles an tors voted to protect bite.” All three delegations were anx­ the group including Samuel Robin­ ILLEGAL, LAWYERS SAY ious that Italy make some more son, president of the American hour. Capt. Sergievsky previously their states. He mentioned He choked to death before he had beaten this mark by two miles I Snator from Wisconsin and Since 1846. could be taken to a doctor. Specific declaritioB than the reit^* Stores Company; Edward G. Budd, ation of her demand for naval president of the Budd Automobile an hour but a new speed record to “southern Senators.” be official must exceed the old by ty with France in the hope that this Body Works; and David Lupton, a Y o * t o Harrison’s Charge. Cambridge, Mass.. March 3. might alleviate the situation some­ steel manufacturer, G. Renwick at least five miles an hour. Capt. Harrison, Democrat, another Sergievsky’s record exceeds the old Senator __Professor Harlow Sbaplpy, what by giving France — Hogg, a carpet msmufacturer. said he did not know | (a P.1 i ^ d to' explore to see if it might mark by 13.2 miles. To Take Matter to D, S. ---- -SiTSereMississippi, ^d been any of the Harvard O^erva-Observa- SLEDTHS BAFFLED Preceding both Hood and Stagg, The seaplane, a Sikorsky amphi­ lead to concessions. the committee had heard anti-pro­ - A • • But When Warship Leaves, SJSnts of ‘Til vote tory today announced receipt ^ bian with the wheels removed and wte for that” but asserted Senators - hibitions described as “ fanatics ’ by powered with two Hornet 57o UpiniOIlt Natives Throw Bricks at L T d from the.LoweU Observatory-, SEEKING SOLUTION Carlton M. Sbe^^vood, executive sec­ Suoreme Court; BY U C K OF CLUES London, March 13.-—(At*) ^^e hor^power motors, is the same one | P L Haitian Who Eulogizes U.
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