苏州交响乐团 指挥 Joshua陈康明 Kangming Tan Conductor / · 音效师 打击乐 Jason杰森 米尔斯 Mills Foley Artist / Percussion 旁白 Chun-Wei庄濬玮 Chuang Narrator 前传 彼得来到好莱坞 瓦格纳 《罗恩格林》第一幕:序曲 普罗科菲耶夫 《彼得与狼》爷爷主题 普罗科菲耶夫 《彼得与狼》彼得主题 舒曼 《童年即景》异国和异国的人们 彼得的生日 马勒 第一交响曲 第三乐章 · · 埃尔加 《谜语》变奏曲 第四变奏:威廉 米兹 贝克 瓦格纳 《特里斯坦与伊索尔德》第三幕:序曲 普罗科菲耶夫 《彼得与狼》猎人主题 马勒 第一交响曲 第三乐章 普契尼 《波西米亚人》 第二幕:当我走在路上 普契尼 《托斯卡》第三幕:序曲 / 穆索尔斯基 拉威尔 《图画展览会》雏鸡在蛋壳中的芭蕾 猎狼开始 / 穆索尔斯基 拉威尔 《图画展览会》墓穴 埃尔加 《谜语》变奏曲 第九变奏:猎人 策姆林斯基 《小美人鱼》第一乐章 彼得造了一个机器人 杜卡 《小巫师》 普罗科菲耶夫 《罗密欧与朱丽叶》第一幕:骑士之舞 · 格里格 《皮尔 金特》组曲 山魔王的殿堂上 继续狩猎 瓦格纳 《女武神》女武神的飞行 策姆林斯基 《小美人鱼》第一乐章 普罗科菲耶夫 《彼得与狼》彼得主题 回到爷爷家 瓦格纳 《罗恩格林》第一幕:序曲 萨蒂 《我爱你》 斯美塔那 《我的祖国》 沃尔塔瓦河 彼得与狼 普罗科菲耶夫 彼得受到小鸟的欢迎 蹒跚而过的鸭子 彼得看到猫 爷爷对彼得的警告 大灰狼再现 被抓的鸭子 尾随小鸟和猫的狼 彼得准备是抓狼 把狼转移的小鸟 彼得抓住了狼 狗仔队来了 游行队伍 55 整场音乐会约 分钟,无中场休息 01 PREQUEL Peter Arrives And Settles in Los Angeles Wagner LOHENGRIN, Act I: Prelude Prokofiev PETER AND THE WOLF Grandfather’s theme Prokofiev PETER AND THE WOLF Peter’s theme Schumann KINDERSZENEN Von fremden Ländern und Menschen Peter’s Birthday Mahler Symphony No. 1, 3rd movement Elgar ENIGMA VARIATIONS IV W.M.B Wagner TRISTAN UND ISOLDE, Act III: Prelude Prokofiev PETER AND THE WOLF Hunter’s theme Mahler Symphony No. 1, 3rd movement Puccini LA BOHEME, Act II: Quando m’en vo Puccini TOSCA, Act III: Orchestral Introduction (Largo) Mussorgsky/Ravel PICTURES AT AN EXHIBITION Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks The Wolf Hunt Begins Mussorgsky/Ravel PICTURES AT AN EXHIBITION Catacombs Elgar ENIGMA VARIATIONS IX Nimrod Zemlinsky THE LITTLE MERMAID, 1st movement Peter Builds The Robot Dukas THE SORCERER’S APPRENTICE Prokofiev ROMEO AND JULIETTE, Act I: Dance of the Knights Grieg PEER GYNT SUITE NO. 1 In the Hall of the Mountain King The Hunt Continues Wagner DIE WALKÜRE Ride of the Valkyries Zemlinsky THE LITTLE MERMAID, 1st movement Prokofiev PETER AND THE WOLF Peter’s theme Back At The Grandfather’s Home Wagner LOHENGRIN, Act I: Prelude Satie JE TE VEUX Smetana THE MOLDAU Vltava PETER AND THE WOLF Prokofiev Peter Is Greeted By The Bird The Duck Waddles Over Peter Notices The Cat Grandfather Warns Peter The Wolf Reappears The Duck Is Caught The Wolf Stalks The Bird And The Cat Peter Prepares To Catch The Wolf The Bird Diverts The Wolf Peter Catches The Wolf The Paparazzi Arrive The Procession 02 Total duration approximately 55minutes without intermission. 彼得与狼在好莱坞 Giants Are Small GAS 《彼得与狼在好莱坞》由美国知名制作公司 ( )以普罗科菲耶夫《彼得与狼》 为基础改编制作而成,前传将场景搬到了今日的好莱坞。故事从彼得来到洛杉矶,一只狼从当地一 所动物园逃跑开始,讲述了彼得所经历的一场惊心动魄的冒险。 67 普罗科菲耶夫《彼得与狼》作品1936 创作于 年 1935 年,普罗科菲耶夫在创作芭蕾舞剧《罗密欧与朱丽叶》之余,专门为儿童创作了一批短篇作品。 在此期间,他偶然间参与了几场莫斯科儿童剧院的活动,剧院导演邀请他为剧院创作一些作品,普 1936 罗科夫耶夫欣然接受。 年春天,他自己作词,为孩子们创作了一首交响童话,取名为《彼得与狼》。 故事中的每个人物都有自己的主题,用同一种乐器演奏。每次演出前,演奏者都会向孩子们展示乐 ; 器,并为他们演奏主题 在表演过程中,孩子们反复听到这些主题,并学会了识别不同乐器的音色。 每个段落间有一段台词念白。普罗科菲耶夫在他的日记中写道:“对我来说,讲述故事只是为了让 孩子们能更好地听音乐。” ( ) ( ) 《彼得与狼》的情节非常简洁明了。一个男孩 弦乐 漫步在大自然中,他在观察一只鸭子 双簧管 、 ( ) ( ) ( ) 一只鸟 长笛 和一只猫 单簧管 。猫试图抓住那只鸟。彼得的祖父 巴松 警告他狼来了,并把 ( ) 他带回家。果然,不久之后狼 圆号 真的来了,吃掉了小鸭,还躲在树后要抓小鸟和小猫。彼得 ( ) 不顾个人安危,在小鸟的帮助下捉住狼尾巴,把他拴在树上。爷爷和猎人 定音鼓和大鼓 赶来把 狼抓进了动物园。正当他们快乐地离去时,还能听到鸭子在狼肚子里发出的嘎嘎声,“因为狼吞得 太急,鸭子还活在狼的肚子里呢。” - 彼得 弦乐 - 野狼 圆号 - 爷爷 低音大管 - 小鸟 长笛 - 猫咪 单簧管 - 鸭子 双簧管 PETER AND THE WOLF IN HOLLYWOOD Peter and the Wolf in Hollywood is a new creation by critically acclaimed Brooklyn-based production company Giants Are Small, giving an invigorating new perspective on Prokofiev' s classic. The live production is an unforgettable journey of classical music and visual wonder, narrated by Chun-Wei Chung, featuring the Suzhou Symphony Orchestra conducted by Joshua KangMing Tan and star percussionist Jason Mills creating all the sound effects on stage. Co-directed by Doug Fitch and Edouard Getaz, the production is based on the award-winning app and album co-produced by Deutsche Grammophon, featuring Alice Cooper as narrator. Prokofiev' s tale is set in modern-day Los Angeles and anchored with a thrilling prequel that is set off when the wolf escapes from the local zoo. Peter is swept up in an exciting adventure that includes the building of a giant robot, a whirlwind helicopter chase, and a moment of poignant introspection – all before he enters the forbidden meadow where he finally captures the wolf. The prequel features excerpts of some of the greatest classical music ever written and leads seamlessly into Prokofiev' s complete original score. Total duration approximately 55minutes without intermission. 03 PROKOFIEV Peter and the Wolf, Op. 67 Composed in 1936 In 1935, in addition to working on his stunning ballet score ROMEO AND JULIET, Prokofiev wrote several short pieces for children, a genre that suddenly seemed to be in demand. Fortuitously, during this same period, the composer attended a couple of events at the Moscow Children' s Musical Theater; the director invited him to write something for the theater, and Prokofiev quickly accepted. In the spring of 1936, he started a symphonic tale for children titled Peter and the Wolf, to a text of his own. Every character in the story had its own motif played each time by the same instrument. Before each performance, the instruments were shown to the children and the themes played for them; during the performance, the children heard the themes repeated several times and learned to recognize the timbres of the different instruments. "The text was read during the pauses in the music," he recorded in his diary, "for me, the story was important only as a means of inducing the children to listen to the music." The scenario of Peter and the Wolf is straightforward. A boy (depicted by strings) wanders through nature, observing a duck (oboe), a bird (flute), and a cat (clarinet). The cat tries to catch the bird. Peter' s grandfather (bassoon) admonishes him for wandering in a place where a wolf might attack and makes him return home. From that safe place, sure enough, Peter soon sees a wolf (horns) arrive on the scene. The wolf wolfs down the duck and then threatens the bird and cat. Determined to thwart the aggressor, Peter sneaks back outside and manages to catch the animal, with the help of the bird and a rope. When hunters (lots of timpani and bass drum) arrive on the scene, anxious to kill the wolf, Peter urges them to let the animal be taken to a zoo instead. As they all head off in happy procession, the duck can be heard quacking inside the wolf' s stomach, "for, in his hurry, the wolf had swallowed her whole." Peter - String Instruments Wolf - French horns Grandfather - Bassoon Bird - Flute Cat - Clarinet Duck - Oboe 《彼得与狼在好莱坞》Giant Are Small · 由美国 ·公司基于谢尔盖· 普罗科菲耶夫经典交响童话改编,并创作前传。 联合导演和编剧:道格· 费奇和爱德华 格塔兹 前传编写:史蒂芬 格列· · · 现场音效设计:杰森· 米尔斯、约翰 萨维奇音效总监摩根 米洛 制作:爱德华 盖塔兹Giant Are Small Dreampixies 联合制作:美国 · 、 · 公司 视觉效果设计:爱德华·R· 盖塔兹、弗里德里 克古米 制片人:詹姆斯 史密斯/ www.peterandthewolfinhollywood.com 音频专辑:德国留声机 环球音乐,下载:· compofactur.com 前传音乐编排:马蒂亚斯 斯宾德勒,下载: 项目推广:浥扬文化有限公司 GAS · © 《彼得与狼在好莱坞》 :由美国 公司改编自谢尔盖/ 普罗科菲耶夫《彼得和狼》©2015 Giant Are普罗科菲耶夫。 Small LP 在《彼得和狼》受版权保护的地区使用许可 所有视觉效果和前传文本 保留所有权利。 Peter and the Wolf in Hollywood Based on Sergei Prokofiev’s classic with a prequel by Giants Are Small Co-directed and created by Doug Fitch and Edouard Getaz Prequel written by Stephen GrecoLive sound effects design by Jason Mills and John Sawicki Sound effects supervisor: Morgan Millogo Produced by Edouard GetazA co-production by Giants Are Small and Dreampixies Visuals produced by Edouard Getaz and Frederic Gumy Executive Producer: James R. Smith Audio album by Deutsche Grammophon / Universal Music App available on the App Store www.peterandthewolfinhollywood.com Performance edition of the prequel music arranged by Matthias Spindler (compofactur.com) Project promoting by E-Young Culture Co., LTD Peter and the Wolf in Hollywood. Adaptation by Giants Are Small based on Sergei Prokofiev’s Peter and the Wolf. © Prokofiev estate. Used under license in territories where Peter and the Wolf is subject to copyright protection / All visuals and prequel text © 2015 Giants Are Small LP. All rights reserved. 04 陈康明 指挥 作为米特罗普洛斯国际指挥大赛二等奖得主,新加坡籍指挥陈康明已经崭露头角, 他在卡内基音乐厅、柏林爱乐厅、马林斯基音乐厅以及日本东京涉谷文化 村成功进行的一系列首秀表演,赢得了来自国际音乐界的瞩目和关注。 毕业于茱莉亚音乐学院、伊斯曼音乐学院(优异),陈康明多次斩 2011 获音乐大奖和学院颁发的奖学金,包括新加坡青年艺术家奖( )、 Shell 布鲁诺沃尔特纪念基金会奖、新加坡国家艺术理事会颁发的 SSO/MOE 奖学金以及 奖学金。 陈康明与多家世界级交响乐团均有合作,曾出访新加坡、中国、日 本、中国台湾、中国澳门、俄罗斯、德国和美国等多个国家地区执 棒指挥。合作的乐团包括马林斯基剧院管弦乐团、贝多芬波恩乐团、 乌拉尔爱乐乐团、东京爱乐交响乐团、东京都会管弦乐团、札幌交响乐 团、冈山交响乐团、香港管弦乐团、台北市立交响乐团、国立台湾交响乐团、 台湾长荣交响乐团、上海交响乐团、广州交响乐团、中国爱乐乐团、茱莉亚音乐 James DePreist, Charles Dutoit, David Zinman Kurt Masur 学院乐团等。先后师从多位知名指挥家, 和 , Michael Tilson Thomas, Ingo Metzmacher George Manahan 他曾与多位著名指挥家开展合作,包括 和 。 陈康明博学多识,最擅长交响乐、歌剧和芭蕾舞剧作品。他最拿手的音乐剧曲目包括《茶花女》、《弄臣》、 《漂泊的荷兰人》、《罗恩格林》、《卡门》、《唐璜》、《蝴蝶夫人》、《女人心》、《图兰朵》,数 · · 不胜数。他还曾经被克里斯托夫 艾森巴赫和洛林 马泽尔这样的指挥大师选中,担任他们的候补指挥。在 音乐电影和多媒体音乐作品方面也同样才华横溢。 陈康明现担任新加坡交响乐团副指挥、新加坡国家青年交响乐团总指挥、亚洲音乐家合奏团团长。他是中 国国家表演艺术中心乐团驻团指挥,成功参演过乐团多场演出,同时还担任贵阳交响乐团总指挥。 2018-2019 乐季参与的主要演出包括芭蕾舞剧《吉赛尔在东京》、《睡美人》、《天鹅湖》,歌剧《卡门》、《 · 唐 帕斯夸莱》伯恩斯坦的《弥撒》在东南亚地区的首演以及《西城故事》全曲演出,此次演出也是作曲家 百年纪念活动的一部分,同时也是悉尼交响乐团首次在大阪交响乐厅演出该曲目。 Joshua Kangming Tan Conductor 2nd Prize winner of the 2008 Dimitri Mitropoulos International Competition, Singaporean conductor Joshua Kangming Tan' s rise to prominence on the international scene has been marked by successful debuts in Carnegie Hall, Philharmonie Berlin, Mariinsky Hall and Bunkamura. A graduate of The Juilliard School and the Eastman School of Music (High Distinction), he is an awardee of numerous scholarships and awards, such as the Young Artist Award, Singapore (2011), Bruno Walter Memorial Foundation Award, NAC-Shell Scholarship, and the SSO/MOE Scholarship. Joshua has conducted orchestras all around the world, in countries such as Singapore, China, Japan, Taiwan, Macau,
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