HERITAGE ADVISORY COMMITTEE (HAC) of COUNCIL AGENDA LOCATION: Virtual Meeting DATE: Thursday, April 15, 2021 TIME: 9:00 a.m A. CALL TO ORDER B. APPROVAL OF AGENDA and Minutes 1. Adoption of Agenda 2. Adoption of Minutes of March 18 , 2021 C. BUSINESS 1. Heritage Management Plan – Final Draft 2. In-Fill Design Guidelines 3. Public Engagement 4. Camrose Canadian articles on website D. NEXT MEETING E. ADJOURNMENT HERITAGE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING The Heritage Advisory Committee of the City of Camrose was held virtual by WebEx on Thursday, March 18, 2021, with the following persons in attendance: Committee Councillor David Ofrim Members in Councillor PJ Stasko Attendance Dennis Johnson Shawn Smith Marilyn Murray Administration Aaron Leckie, Manager of Planning & Development In Attendance: Sandy Domes, Recording Secretary / Development Officer Public Attendee: Janet Hatch Committee Dale Brown Member Absent A. Call to Order Chairman D. Ofrim called the virtual meeting to order at 9:05 a.m. B1. Approval of Agenda D.Ofrim requested change to Agenda to include Member Introduction as C.1, and add Indigenous Update as C.4 item. Motion #4/21 Adoption of Amended Agenda, moved by S.Smith – Seconded by D.Johnson CARRIED B2. Adoption of Minutes MOTION #5/21 Adoption of Minutes of February 18th, 2021 meeting, moved by PJ Stasko, - Seconded by D.Johnson. CARRIED C. Business C1. Member Update Page 1 of 5 D.Ofrim welcomed new member, Marilyn Murray to the Committee. Each member and staff gave brief introduction. D.Ofrim informed that he has spoken with member Dale Brown regarding his absentee from recent committee meeting. Dale expressed that he is not comfortable with virtual meetings. D.Ofrim said that he does not want to penalize Dale, and possibly wait to see how long the meetings continue. PJ Stasko suggested to vote on a hiatus until meetings resume. Discussion that meetings will likely resume this summer. Motion #6/21 D.Ofrim brought forth motion to allow Dale Brown to be on a hiatus from the Committee until meetings resume in person. Moved by PJ Stasko – Seconded by D.Johnson CARRIED C1 Heritage Management Plan (HMP) and Infill Design Guidelines A.Leckie led the discussion, stating the draft plan will be completed by end of March by Fireweed Consulting, but the Committee will still have opportunity to provide edits. The Plan is action orientated, detailing plan over ten years of short, medium and long term actions. The Committee to set goals regarding engagement. A.Leckie asked if any further edits are requested by the Committee. M.Murray has comments and corrections which will be emailed. M.Murray asked to include maps in the Plan, for referenced areas. A.Leckie indicated this can be added. In discussion of identified historic neighborhoods, A.Leckie said that the current Area Structure Plans such as the Downtown Action Redevelopment Plan (DARP) and Augustana Area Redevelopment Plan (AARP) already include planning requirements concerning heritage requirements. M.Murray questioned how a building becomes a designation. A.Leckie advising that based on the Inventory completed in 2011, initially one hundred sites were identified with forty sites included in the final document. These properties were evaluated with Statements of Significance. The HMP proposes to target two new sites per year to add to the Inventory. Some funding is available from the Province to preserve, if the property is registered with a municipal bylaw. An initial goal of the Committee is to update the Heritage Inventory. D.Ofrim indicated the Committee recently toured the Ronning House on 49th Street, however, due to significant changes and modifications, very little historic value was left. C2. Neighborhood Map A.Leckie shared a labeled Neighborhood Map for the Committee viewing, with the year built of each dwelling. The highlighted map identified dwellings built in 1945 or older. A.Leckie said that this map will be emailed to each member for their review. A.Leckie showed photos of several dwellings, indicating that several older houses have had alterations which affect the historic characteristics. New development may not be sympathetic, but are those considered historic resources or significant, or are design guidelines needed. Discussion question is if and when the Infill Design Guidelines should apply, and this is for the Committee consideration. Page 2 of 5 A.Leckie stated that currently there are only two Area Structure Plans within the City. This is a good method, especially for mature areas. The resources and time for other neighborhoods require significant work and implantation, An alternate approach for large infill projects, such as west of downtown is limited without an Area Plan. This takes a lot of recourses and also some do not want these pressures. A.Leckie indicated the Infill Design Guidelines would be a guide, with staff making suggestions to an applicant and not required by bylaw or an Area Plan. D.Johnson said that beyond this Committee, the City has to look at other forces, that a balance is achieved and to not paralyze, and understand the cost implications involved. A.Leckie said that some older properties are in disrepair and redevelopment may be more feasible. The Infill Guidelines may not reflect the realities of the block. A.Leckie said the Infill Guidelines is a separate plan from the HMP, and suggest to continue to advance the HMP and over the next few months, the Committee think about areas where the Guidelines will apply and give suggestions. Administration can do additional work with Fireweed Consulting. D.Ofrim asked that an email be circulated as to what is needed from the Committee for the next meeting. Also, to add the Neighborhood Names to the HMP appendix. The Plan should go to Council as soon as possible. A.Leckie replied that the HMP will likely go to Council in April. C3. Public Engagement A.Leckie indicated that the public online survey from a few months ago was successful and gave information from the public. To obtain public engagement on the HMP, suggested either an active role of a virtual open house, or passive by social media with no direct engagement. The current public restrictions limit the available options. Committee discussion ensued with A.Leckie on the two option, who indicated this should be done prior to presentation to Council. The Committee requested to proceed with public engagement by a passive route to be completed. A.Leckie advised that administration will work on this with staff for the website, and with Laura to provide project boards. This to be held mid April, with the HMP to be presented to Council in early May. C2. Heritage Management Plan (HMP) – Review A.Leckie led the review of the draft Heritage Management Plan, as previously completed by Fireweed Consulting. Discussion on comments submitted by D.Johnson and M. Gilbertson. The public engagement of an Open House may not be feasible and another option(s) will need to be explored, and extent of public engagement wanted by the Committee. J.Hatch suggested that when a platform is initiated, gather stories from the public. D.Johnson suggested that members Page 3 of 5 get names of people who may contribute to stories and memories, and to engage community before stories are lost. PJ Stasko referred to the past informal talks with local seniors, initiated by Malcolm Boyd. A.Leckie reviewed the In-Fill Design Guidelines of the Plan, with committee input requested. The retention of streetscape is suggested at 25% per block, of year build prior to 1945 as a starting point. Several areas were identified, with suggestion that other neighbourhood should also apply. The Committee asked to see the mapped area before making this decision. PJ Stasko indicated concerns over how binding the In-Fill Guidelines are, in situation of a modern home proposal development, and would this tie up developers. A.Leckie indicated these are guidelines only, there is concern on impact to buildings and developers may need to change or redevelop projected designs. D.Ofrim added that a balance will be needed. A.Leckie indicated a map of neighborhoods to be added to the Guidelines, with updates in future years very likely. The committee comments will be forwarded to Fireweed Consulting, and the document will then be completed. In the meantime, think about first communication steps and engagement, which will be discussed at the next meeting. When completed, the document will be submitted to Council for consideration of adoption. C3. Member Update D.Ofrim led discussion with absent committee member Dale Brown, who has been absent from past several meetings as he is uncomfortable with the technology format. Suggestions of possible resignation or a temporary suspension, until in-person meetings resume. D.Johnson recently spoke with a person who will is interested in volunteer position with the committee. He was reluctant to be used as a reference as holds position on committee. D.Ofrim indicated that any other persons of interest may contact him also. A.Leckie suggested a change to the Terms of Reference regarding member vacancy. Any changes would need to go to Council for approval. C4. Indigenous Update A.Leckie stated that the recent Survey identified that indigenous planning and history should be included within the HMP. He has spoken with a City of Edmonton representative who gave input and the importance of building a relationship with Indigenous groups. Last week he spoke with Dr. Greg King who is Chairman of a local Indigenous Committee Group, with inquiry of forming a relationship and collaboration with the local group and Augustana. D.Johnson said he also attended the zoom meeting by Dr. King, and found the information too broad and would like more regional information.
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