fl Cathedral Crowded at Funeral of Monsignor Phillips ARCHBISHOP J. B. PITAVAL IS 2 7 ,6 5 0 , 2 0 6 CATHOLICS UNDER Pray lor the Patronize PRESENT AT THE CEREMONY; U. S. FLAG;DIRECTORY SHOWS; Sneeess oi the Onr GAIN OF 186,229 IN NATION Catholic Press Advertisers BISHOP J. HENRY TIHEN SINGS MASS AND PREACHES; J l RECORD MADE IN ONE YEAR; SEMINARIANS ON INCREASE 50 PRIESTS IN ATTENDANCE Vast Extent of Educational System of the Diocese’s Chancellor Laid to Rest Beside Church is Revealed by Figures Late Bishop Matz at Mount Olivet VOL. XV. No. 33. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, APRIL I, 1920. $2 PER YEAR. FREE PARISH SCHOOLS ARE 5 ,8 5 2 OLD-TIMERS NUMEROUS AT SERVICE The funeral of the Rt. Rev. Monsignor Kx-Governor Henry Buchtel, chancellor The Official Catholic Directory for 1920 ligious orders have been increased by 94 Catholic Welfare Council is Formed Percy Alfred Phillips, Chancellor and of Denver university. (copyrighted by J. P. Kenedy & Sons, new members, making a grand total of former Vicar General and Administrator The services started with the chanting New York) shows much data which is in­ 21,019. The growth of religious voca­ of the Denver diocese, •was held from the of the office for the dead by the priest*. teresting in these days when the growth tions is evidenced by the number of semi­ in Denver to Continue Work Among Cathedral Wednesday morning, and was Then came the Mass, then the Absolu­ ■of re^gion is questioned. narians, 8,944, an increase of 1,079 this one of the lagest ever held in the city. tion, then the sermon. \ The United States with its possessions year. The Rt. Rev. J. Henry Tihen, D.D., Bishop Tihen said that, mindful o f the li contains 27,650, 204 members of the Cath­ During the past year 148 new parishes Laboring Class Begun at Everyman’s Bishop of Denver, celebrated Solemn law lately promulgated'forbidding eulo­ olic faith, 17,735,553 of whom are in the have been established, making the num­ Pontifical ilass and preached, while the gies in funeral sermons, he would ab­ United States proper. Considering the ber 10,608, in addition to 5,573 missions Most Rev. John B. Pitaval, of Santa Fe, stain from laudation. ■ He showed how Thursday, March 25th, at a meeting in in social welfare work, and to form new struction in the simple rules of health universality of the Catholic (Thurch, regularly attended. Free parochial schools N.M., Archbishop of Tagastc, gave the misunderstood eulogies were likely to Chas. Nast’s studio, a permanent organ­ committees to handle such problems as is needed. The same system will apply which includes every race and class, the now number 5,852 in the United States, absolution. There were fifty priests. be and declared tliat they sometimes do are not now being solved effectively, also to education; in fact to all the needs of increase of 186,229 in its membership in with a daily attendance of 1,701,213. Two ization, to be known as the “Catholic to foster a bigger and broader spirit the community. These various commit­ the United States alone is worthy of orphan asylums were erected, making the Welfare Counoir’ of Denver, was formed on the part of Catliolic men and tees will be guided by her reports as to notice, as immigration has been restrict­ total and it is gratifying to note by representatives from each of the woin^n of Denver to render Catholic serv­ the time and place where their work is ed, while large numbers of Catholics of that the number of orphans has been de­ Catholic organizations and parishes of ice to the community—social, intellec­ to be done. fqreign extraction have returned to their creased to 45,687. the city. Bishop Tihen is heart and tual and moral—by creating committees Friday, March 26, Everyman’s gave its native countries. Unfortunately, one diocese failed to soul behind this organization, which has which will apply themselves to the right final entertainment, with the usual The statistical summary shows many submit its new report to the publishers for its aun the carrying on and exten­ solution of these problems. movies. Robt. H. Kane delivered the other interesting changes. While the in proper time, which necessitated in this sion of the work that has been started by Any person on the payment of $2 a final lecture on the effect of present day number of .4rebbishops is increased from case the reprinting of last year's topy. the National Catholic 'War Council with year dues may become a member of the polities on the worker. He dwelt at foimteen to sixteen, the number of Bish­ The excellent appearance of the book Everyman's Club in Denver. The officers council; the dues to be paid in install­ length on the corrupt practices prevalent ops has been decreased owing to deaths- in its new form is .most attractive, as elected for the year of 1920 are: H. C. ments of $1 semi-annually. and told liis auditors that they should The list of secular elergj- shows 15,389, the type page is larger and more serv­ Fairall, president; Mrs. M. E. Rowley, The executive committee, besides the think a long while before believing what an increase of 337, while priests of re­ iceable. vice president; Edw. Schilling, treasurer, officers, will consist of two members they read in the daily press about the and C. L. Hadley, secretary. from each parish and two from each various men who may be running for an This Welfare Council is a Denver or­ Catholic society and organization in the office. Mr. Hadley gave a farewell talk ganization for Denver needs and will be city. There will be committees on edu­ also. He told the men he hoped that in 10,000 See Crucifix Come run by Denver men and women with cation, recreation, health, citizenship and the new Welfare Council he would be funds collected from Denver people. civic affairs, with a tniined social 'work­ able to be o^revqn greater service to A free employment bureau and clear­ er to study and find the problems for them. ing house for Catholic activities will be the various .committees to act on, such The employment department has been to Life; 1,000 Affidavits opened April 1 in room 412 Barclay block, as in the foreign quarter, where citizen­ the one big service, having found jobs 18th and Larimer streets. ship and Americanization need to be for 1,361 men in the la.st six months. The clearing house will be a central taught to those who do not fully under­ Hence it is hoped even a greater number D E N V ER MAN SENT office for the centralization and co-ordi­ stand what these things mean. She -will will be served in the new 'work. The doors EASTER MUSIC nation of efforts on the part of all Cath- also look into the health of the com­ of Everyman’s closed for good March LETTER WITH FACTS lic organizations in the city now engaged munity and find the places where in­ 31st. CATECTBAI.. (Colfax and LiOgan.) Easter Low Masses at 6, 7:30, 8:30 and 9:30. Solemn Pontifical Mass by Rt. FROM AUTHORITIES Rev, Bishop J. Henry Tlhen and clergy PETER COLLINS WILL at 11. Special Easter music at this Mass by vested male choir of over 100 voices, 20 Converts Will Make led by Rev. Joseph Bosetti. OF HIGH STANDING SPEAK IN DENVER HOZiT ROSASY CHtJBCK. This new church, Ju-st opened by the The famous crucifix that comes to life Jugo-Slav people In Globeville, will have its first High Mass on Easter morning regularly at Limpias (Sanatander), ON EASTER SUNDAY 1st Communion on Easter, at 10 o’clock. The Slovenian Glee and Dramatic club Is in charge of the choir, Spain, has been observed in its marvelous which has just been formed. The parish phenomena by 10,000 persons, 1,000 of has splendid vocal talent. AGAINST RED MENACE whom have given affidavits of the mani­ HOLT wawttt.t c h u r c h festations, aeording to a letter received New Record for the West (44th and Utica Streets; Rev. C. F. O’Farrell, Pastor.) by Dan J. McNamara, an employe of tin High Mass will be sung at 10:30 Colorado Milling & Elevator company, o’clock on Easter Sunday morning, at (By Rev. E. J. Mannix.) ker Co. Mrs. .T. L. Dowd and Thomas which service an especially fine musical Denver, who wrote to the rector at Lim­ program will be given by a quartette The Cathedral parish this Easter is Clinton were the Godparents for Mr. and chorus choir. The following is the pias after reading of the occurrences in going to enjoy not only the largest Com­ Denton and Mrs. Sophia Becker and RT. REV. MONSIGNOR P. A. PHILLIPS. program: The Denver Catholic Register. The rec­ Processional—Vidi Aquam....... Newland munion in its history but tlie greatest John L. Dowd for Miss Denton. Organ and Chorus tor, not being able to write ih English, forty mm.s and hundreds of laymen the departed harm, for they are liable to Kyrie, Gloria—Missa Solemnis........... number at one time of adult First Com­ Miss Helen Esther Nickerson, of 1141 ........................ ................ Lewis Browne had G. Fernandez Soraellera, president present. The Cathedral was completely stop the flow of prayers and sacrifice Sermon—"The Lessons of Eastertide" municants. In fact, we believe that few (C ontinue on Page 4, Col.
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