Perkins Institution And Massachusetts School For the Blind SEVENTY=SIXTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE TRUSTEES 1907 BOSTON Jt ^ * ^ ^1908 WRIGHT & POTTER PRINTING CO. Cmmnonfaj^alt^ of P^assac^uaetts. Perkins Institution and Massachusetts School for the Blind, SotJTH Boston, October 17, 1907. To the Hon. Wu. M. Olin, Secretary of State, Boston. Dear Sie : — I have the honor to transmit to you, for the use of the legislature, a copy of the seventy-sixth annual report of the trustees of this institution to the corporation thereof, together with that of the treasurer and the usual accompanying documents. Respectfully, EDWAED E. ALLEl^, Secretary. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from Lyrasis IVIembers and Sloan Foundation http://www.archive.org/details/annualreportoftr7680perk OFFICERS OF THE CORPORATION 1907-1908. FRANCIS HENRY APPLETON, President. MIORY A. LAWRENCE, Vice-President. WILLIAM ENDICOTT, Jr., Treasurer. EDWARD E. ALLEN, Secretary. BOAKD OF TRUSTEES. FRANCIS HENRY APPLETON. N. P. HALLOWELL., WALTER CABOT BAYLIES. GEORGE H. RICHARDS WM. LEONARD BENEDICT. WILLIAM L. RICHARDSON. M.D. WILLIAM ENDICOTT. Miss ANNETTE P. ROGERS. Rev. PAUL REVERE FROTHINGHAM. RICHARD M. SALTONSTALL. CHARLES P. GARDINER. S. LOTHROP THORNDIKE, Chairman. STANDING COMMITTEES. Monthly Visiting Committee, duty it is whose to visit and inspect the Institution at least once in each month. 1908. 1908. January, . Francis Henry Appleton. July, . Walter Cabot Baylies. February, . Wm. L. Benedict. August, . Annette P. Rogers. March, . William Endicott. September, . George H. Richards. April, . Paul R. Frothinoham. October, . William L. Richardson. May, . Chahles P. Gardiner. November, . Richabd M. Saltonstall. June, . N. P. Hallowell. December, . S. Lothrop Thorndikb. Committee on Education. House Committee. George H. Richards. William L. Richardson, M.D. Rev. Paul Revere Frothingham. Charles P. Gardiner. William L. Richardson, M.D. George H. Richards. Committee on Finance. Committee on Health. S. Lothrop Thorndikb. Walter Cabot Baylies. William Endicott. William L. Richardson, M.D. Wm. Leonard Benedict. Richard M. Saltonstall. N. P. Hallowell. Auditors of Accounts. Wm. Leonard Benedict. S. Lothrop Thorndikb. OFFICERS OF ADMI:N^ISTRATI0K AND TEACHERS. EDWARD E. ALLEN, Director. TEACHERS AND OFFICERS AT SOUTH BOSTON. LITERARY DEPARTMENT. Boys' Section. Girls' Section. ERNEST C. WITHAM. Miss GAZELLA BENNETT. Miss CAROLINE E. McMASTER. Miss SARAH M. LILLEY. Miss JULIA A. BOYLAN. Miss FRANCES S. MARRETT. Miss JESSICA L. LANGWORTHY. Miss MARY E. SAWYER. RICHARD A. BURN. Miss HELEN L. SMITH. Miss ALTA M. REED. Miss JULIA E. BURNHAM. ELWYN C. SMITH. Miss EUGENIA LOCKE. Special Teachers to Slind Deaf-Mutes. Miss ELIZ.-VBETH HOXIE. | Miss ANNIE CARBEE. DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL TRAINING. Miss E. SAWY'ER. JOHN H. WRIGHT. I MARY Miss LENNA D. SWINERTON DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC. Boys' Section. EDWIN L. GARDINER. JOHN F. HARTWELL. Miss FREDA A. BLACK. JOHN M. FLOCKTON. Miss HELEN M. ABBOTT. AUGUSTO VANNINI. Miss MARY E. BURBECK. AUGUST DAMM. W. LUTHER STOVER. Girls' Section. Miss LILA P. COLE. Miss RUTH DAVIES. Miss MARY E. RILEY. Miss BLANCHE A. BARDIN. Miss LOUISA L. FERNALD. Both Sections. W. WANT, Voice. A. SARIN, Violin. GEORGE I EDWIN DEPARTMENT OF MANUAL TRAINING. Boys' Section. Girls' Section. JOHN H. WRIGHT. Miss ANNA S. HANNGREN. Sloyd. JULIAN H. MABEY. Miss FRANCES M. LANGWORTHY. ELWYN C. SMITH. Miss M. ELIZABETH ROBBINS. Miss MARY B. KNOWLTON, Sloyd. Miss MARIAN E. CHAMBERLAIN. DEPARTMENT OF TUNING PIANOFORTES. GEORGE E. HART, Manager and Instructor. LIBRARIANS, CLERK AND BOOKKEEPERS. Miss SARAH E. LANE, Librarian. Miss ANNA GARDNER FISH, Clerk. Miss LAURA M. SAWYER. Librarian. Miss MAYBEL J. KING, Bookkeeper. Miss MARTHA P. SWINERTON, Miss EDITH M. GRIFFIN. Aaaistanl. Assistant. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. FRANCIS I. PROCTOR, M.D.. Ophthalmic Surgeon. ELISHA S. BOLAND, M.D., Attending Physician at the Institution. HENRY W. BROUGHTON, M.D., Attending Physician at the Kindergarten. DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT. FREDERICK A. FLANDERS, Steward. Housekeepers in the Cottages. Mes. FRANCES E. CARLTON, Marrow. Mrs. M. a. KNOWLTON. Miss PERSIS MERRILL, Assistant. Mrs. CORA L. GLEASON. Miss CLARA E. STEVENS. Mrs. SOPHIA C. HOPKINS. Miss FLORENCE E, STOWE. PRINTING DEPARTMENT. DENNIS A. REARDON, Manager. Miss MATILDA A. CHISHOLM, Printer. Mrs. ELIZABETH L. BOWDEN. Mrs. HELEN R. HADDON, Printer. WORKSHOP FOR ADULTS. EUGENE C. HOWARD, Manager. ELDRIDGE D. PEASLEY, Acting Manager. Miss ESTELLE M. MENDUM, Clerk. TEACHERS AND OFFICERS AT JAMAICA PLAIN. KINDERGARTEN. Boys' Section. Girls' Section. Miss Nettie B. Vose, Matron. Mrs. J. M. HiLX., Matron. Miss Flora C. Fountain, Assistant. Miss CoRNEUA M. Loring, Assistant. Miss Minekva Lyon, Kindergartner. Miss W. Humbert, Kindergartner. Miss L. Henrietta Stratton, Teacher. Miss Alice M. Lane, Teacher. Miss Minnie C. Tucker, Mmic Teacher Miss Helen M. Hinolf, Music Teacher. Mrs. Cobden Saoab, Special Teacher. Miss Laura A. Brown, Teacher of Manual Training Miss Lenna D. Swinerton, Physical Training. PRIMARY DEPARTMENT. Boys' Section. Miss Mart J. Jones, Matron. Miss M. Estelle Ramsdell, Teacher. Miss Margaret F. Hughes, Assistant Miss Susan A. Bourne, Music Teacher. Miss Anoie L. Tarbell, Teacher. Miss Sigrid Sjolander, Sloyd. Girls' Section. Miss Blanche Barrett, Matron. Miss Naoui K. Gring, Afimc Teacher. Miss Ada S. Bartlett, Assistant. Miss Katharine I. Fish, Music Teacher. Miss Bertina Dyer, Teacher. Miss Gerda L. Wahlberg, Sloyd. Miss Bertha M. Buck, Teacher. LADIES' VISITING COMMITTEE TO THE KINDERGARTEN. Mrs. John Chipman Gray, President. Miss Annie C. Warren, Vice-President. Mrs. E. Preble Motley, . December. Mi.ss Annie C. Warren, , May. Mrs. Harold J. Coolidge, . January. Mrs. Larz Anderson, June. Mrs. Thomas Mack, . February. Miss Agnes Brooks, . September. Mrs. George A. Draper, . March. Mrs. John C. Gray, . October. Miss Ellen Bullard, . ,4prtZ. Mrs. George H. Monks, November. Miss Annie Norton Ward. Mrs. Maud Howe Elliott, Honorary Member. Mrs. Kingsmill Marrs, Honorary Member. MEMBERS OF THE CORPORATION. Abbot, Mrs. M. T., Cambridge. Bourn, Hon. A. 0., Pi'ovidence. Adams, Melvin 0., Boston. Bowditch, Alfred, Boston. AM, Mrs. Daniel, Boston. Bowditch, Dr. H. P., Jamaica Allen, Edward E., Boston. Plain. Allen, Mrs. Edward E., Boston. Boyden, Mi's. Charles, Boston. Amory, Charles W., Boston. Brooke, Rev. Stopford W., Lon- i\jiderson, Mrs. John F., Boston. don. Appleton, Hon. Francis Henry, Brooks, Edward, Hyde Park. Boston. Brooks, Rev. G. W., Dorchester. Appleton, Dr. "William, Boston. Brooks, Peter C, Boston. Bacon, Edwin M., Boston. Brooks, Mrs. Peter C, Boston. Baker, Mrs. Ezra H., Boston. Brooks, Shepherd, Boston. Baldwin, S. E., New Haven, Conn. Brown, Mrs. John C, Providence. Baldwin, William H., Boston. Browne, A. Parker, Boston. Ballard, Miss E., Boston. Brj'ant, Mrs. A. B. M., Boston. Barbour, Edmund D., Boston. BuUard, Mrs. William S., Boston. Barrows, Hon. S. J., New York. Bullock, George A., Worcester. Barrows, Mrs. S. J., New York. Bumham, Miss Julia E., Lowell. Bartlett, Francis, Boston. Buruham, William A., Boston. Bartlett, Miss F., Boston. Cabot, Mrs. Samuel, Boston. Bartlett, Mrs. Mary E., Boston. Callahan, Miss Mary G., Boston. Bartlett, Miss Mary F., Boston. Callender, Walter, Providence. Bates, Arlo, Boston. Carter, Mrs. J. W., West Newton. Baylies, Walter C, Boston. Cary, Miss E. F., Cambridge. Baylies, Mrs. Walter C, Boston. Cary, Miss Ellen G., Boston. Beach, Rev. D. N., Bangor, Me. Case, Mrs. Laura L., Boston. Beebe, E. Pierson, Boston. Chaee, James H., Valley Falls, Beebe, J. Arthur, Boston. R. L Beebe, Mrs. J. Arthur, Boston. Chace, Hon. J., Valley Falls, R. L Benedict, Wm. Leonard, Boston. Chadwick, Mrs. C. C, Boston. Bigelow, Mrs. Prescott, Brookline. Chamberlin, E. D., Boston. Binney, William, Providence. Chapin, Edward P., Andover. Black, George N., Boston. Cheever, Miss M. E., Boston. Boardman, Mrs. Edwin A., Bos- Clark, Miss S. W., Beverly. ton. Clement, Edward H., Boston. Coates, James, Providence. Endicott, Mrs. William, Jr., Bos- Cochrane, Alexander, Boston. ton. Colt, Samuel P., Bristol, R. I. Endicott, William C, Jr., Boston, Cook, Charles T., Detroit, Mich. Ernst, C. W., Boston. Cook, Mrs. C. T., Detroit, Mich. Evans, Mrs. Glendower, Boston. Coolidge, Dr. A., Boston. Fairbanks, Miss C. L., Boston. Coolidge, J. Randolph, Boston. Faulkner, Miss Fannie M., Bos- Coolidge, Mrs. J. R., Boston. ton. Coolidge, John T., Boston. Fay, Mrs. Dudley B., Boston. Coolidge, T. Jefferson, Boston. Fay, Henry H., Boston. Cowing, Miss Grace G., Brook- Fay, Mrs. Henry H., Boston. line. Fay, Miss Sarah B., Boston. Cowing, Mrs. M. W., Brookline. Fay, Miss S. M., Boston. Crafts, Mrs. J. M., Boston. Fenno, Mrs. L. C, Boston. Crane, Mrs. Zenas M., Dalton. Ferris, Mrs. M. E., Brookline. Crosby, Sumner, Brookline. Ferris, Miss Mary E., Brookline. Crosby, William S., Brookline. Fields, Mrs. James T., Boston. Cruft, Miss Harriet 0., Boston. Fiske, Mrs. Joseph N., Boston. Cummings, Mrs. A. L., Portland, Fitz, Mrs. W. Scott, Boston. Me. Foote, Miss M. B., Cambridge. Cunniff, Hon. M. M., Boston. Foster, Miss C. P., Cambridge. Curtis, Mrs. Charles P., Boston. Foster, Mi-s. E. W., Hartford, Curtis, Mrs. Greeley S., Boston. Conn. Curtis, Mrs. Mary S., Boston. Foster, Francis C, Cambridge. Dalton, C. H,, Boston. Foster, Mrs. Francis C, Cam- Dalton, Mrs. C. H., Boston. bridge. Davis, Mrs. Edward L., Boston. Freeman, Miss Harriet E., Bos- Dexter, Mrs. F. G., Boston. ton. Dillaway, "W. E. L., Boston. Frothingham,
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