~be ~bake5peare ®xforb Newsletter Dedicated to Researching and Honoring the True Bard Volume 45: No.2 Published quarterly by the Shakespeare-Oxford Society September 2009 Watertown Symposium Bill Boyle he two-day "Shakespeare Boston area since the Oxford Tfrom the Oxfordian Perspec­ Day Banquet - founded in 1988 tive" symposium held May by Charles Boyle - ceased after 29-30,2009 in Watertown, Mas­ 2005 due to increasing costs at sachusetts, was a great success. the Harvard Faculty Club. There About 50-60 people - many of had been several small gather­ them first timers - turned out ings since then - including a for both a play on Friday night joint mini-conference in Con­ and the all-day symposium in cord last spring with a Concord­ Watertown Public Library on based group that has reinvigo­ Saturday. There was coverage in rated the concept of the Concord the local media both before and School of Philosophy - but after the event. no major event with speakers Bonner Miller Cutting and publicity. DiLiddo said she The event was organized by Lori modeled the event on the last DiLiddo of Cambridge, work­ several Oxford Day banquets ing with Watertown resident that included a Friday evening and longtime Oxfordian Carole dinner followed by speakers and Berney and Shakespeare Fel­ a panel discussion the next day. lowship President Alex McNeil. The symposium was the first The major venue for Saturday major Oxfordian event in the was a meeting room in the Watertown Public Library • INSIDE· that was large enough to ac­ commodate audiences of over Posthumous sonnets 100 including room for tables, Mark Anderson - Cossolotto 2 displays, and a catered lunch. Remembering K.C. The room also had a built-in - Whittemore 4 ceiling projector that could be No-body and Some-body hooked up to laptop computers - Prechter 6 for Power Point displays, mov­ De Vere as Henry IV ies, and other electronic media. - Charlton 11 The room is available to local Ben Jonson - Merkel 15 groups at no cost. In addition Poem - Ray 21 to the library space, the First Apocrypha - Ray 22 Parish of Watertown Unitarian Much Ado review - Hughes 27 Universalist Church was used Soul review - Whalen 28 for a Friday night performance Film update - Eagan-Donovan 30 of Hank Whittemore's Shake­ Altrocchi/WhiUemore 32 Speare's Treason. Marie Merkel Shahan to Shermer 37 (col1t'd 011 p. 33) Photos courtesy Bill Boyle SOS President Matthew Cossolotto: Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter Published quarterly by the My name be buried riddle wrapped in a mystery Shakespeare Oxford Society - marking the inside an enigma" can aptly p.o. Box 808 400 anniversary be applied to the publication of Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 of Shakespeare's Shakespeare's Sonnets. Tel: (914) 962-1717 posthumously published Fax: (914) 245-9713 sonnets Questions and uncertainties Email: [email protected] fI A booke called Shakespeares abound regarding just about ISSN 1525-6863 Sonnettes" was registered for everything associated with what www.shakespeare-oxford.com publication on May 20, 1609, by is arguably the most famous publisher Thomas Thorpe. That collection of poems in the Eng­ http://shakespeareoxfordsociety.wordpress.com much we know for sure. It is as­ lish language, perhaps in any Editor: sumed by most scholars that the language. While I am fascinated Linda Theil book bearing the rather bland by all of the mysteries surround­ Editorial Board: title Shake-speare's Sonnets was ing the sonnets - including John Hamill published shortly thereafter. such things as the identity of Frank Davis the Fair Youth, the Dark Lady, Dr. Jim Brooks It's fair to say this book, which and the Rival Poet - this column Ramon Jimenez contains 154 sonnets and a will focus on one specific issue: Dr. Richard Smiley short narrative poem titled The hypothesis that this book of Katherine Chiljan fI A Lover's Complaint," has sonnets was published posthu­ Brian Bechtold perplexed casual readers and mously in 1609. Layout and Printing expert commentators alike over St. Martin de Porres Lay Dominicans the past four centuries. Winston Progress report New Hope, Kentucky Churchill's famous 1939 descrip­ I thought members would be All contents copyright © 2009 tion of the Soviet Union as fI a interested in a quick progress Shakespeare Oxford Society The Newsletter welcomes research (cont'd 011 p. 45) articles, book reviews, letters and news items. Contributions should be reasonably concise and, when appropriate, validated by peer review. Assignment of copyright SOS on Facebook is required for publication. The views of contributors do not necessarily reflect those of the Shakespeare Oxford Society as SOS board member and pub­ on a regular basis, rather than a literary and educational organization. lications committee member becoming a fan and moving on Board of Trustees Brian Bechtold opened the SOS to the next one." Shakespeare Oxford Society Facebook page on July 23, 2008. He was assisted by Stuart Green Those who are interested in Lifetime HOlloran} Trustee and Julia Bechtold. Julia helped working with Bechtold on ideas Charles Boyle with initial building of the for keeping the 50S Facebook 2009 social networking site and both site interesting and relevant Brian Bechtold helpers suggested items to be to users may contact him at: Matthew Cossolotto (President) included. [email protected]. Stephen Downs Toni Downs flWe are attempting to appeal to Visit the site today at http:// John Hamill (First Vice President) a younger, more Internet-savvy www.facebook.col1t/pages/ Virginia Hyde (Secretary) crowd," Bechtold said. flWe Shakespeare-Oxford-Society/ Richard Joyrich (Membership Secretary) need to keep things happening 96412830317?ref=nf and become Michael Pisapia on the site - news, discussions, a FAN to help spread the word. James (Jaz) Sherwood answering questions - leading Richard Smiley readers to relevant sites, so they Susan Grimes Width (Treasurer) return to the SOS Facebook page 2009 5F150S joint conference The 2009 joint conference of • RonHess: Did ThomasSackville (plus tax and fees). The hotel the Shakespeare Fellowship influence Shake-speare's Son­ provides a free shuttle service to and the Shakespeare Oxford nets? the George Bush International Society will be held Novem­ • Richard Whalen: The Influ­ Airport. For online hotel reser­ ber 5-8 at the Houston Inter­ ence of Commedia dell' Arte in vations: http://doubletree.hiltol1. continental Airport Double­ Shakespeare com/el1/dt/groups/persol1alized/ tree Hotel in Houston, Texas. • John Hamill: A Spaniard in the HOUAPDT-SHP-2009110S/il1- The cost for full registration Elizabethan Court -- Don An­ dex.jhtml, or contact Angelica is $200 including presenta­ tonio Perez at Doubletree: al1gelica.cal1to@ tions, Saturday luncheon • Marty Hyatt: Heaven's Sweetest hilton. co 111, 281-848-4001 or buffet and Sunday luncheon Air 1-800-222-TREE banquet. • Ren Draya: Music in Othello • John Shahan: Declaration of Attendance options: A preliminary list of presenters Reasonable Doubt: Strategy includes: Implications for Oxfordians Full registration: $200 includes • Matthew Cossolotto: Posthu- presentations, Sat. lunch buffet • Frank Davis: The "Bard's" Six mous Sonnet Publication and Sun. luncheon banquet Signatures • Tom Regnier: Law in the Sonnets One Day Registration: Thursday • Alex McNeil: Is "Shakespeare" A registration form is included $35 (Presentations only) in Jeopardy? in this newsletter, mail it in or One Day Registration: Friday • Hank Whittemore: "Shakespea register online for the SF /SOS $60 (Presentations only) re's Treason" annual conference at: One Day Registration: Saturday • Keir Cutler: Teaching Shake­ http://www.goestores.com/cata­ $60 (Presentations only) speare and "Is Shakespeare log.aspx?Merchal1t=shakespeare One Day Registration: Sunday Dead" by Mark Twain? oxfordsociety&DeptID=170S79 $35 (Presentations only) • Earl Showerman: Trolius and Saturday Luncheon Buffet: $35 Cressida -- Shakespeare's Ho­ The Houston Intercontinental Sunday Luncheon Banquet: $35 meric Satire Airport Doubletree Hotel has Special student and teacher rate: • Paul Altrocchi: How to Baste reserved a block of rooms at $15 (For Saturday 1:00 - 6:30 and Barbeque an Upstart Daw a reduced rate of $99 a night p.m. only) Join the Shakespeare Oxford Society, founded in 1957. Members receive the quarterly Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter and the annual journal, The Oxfordian. Name: ____________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________ City: ___________________________________________________________ StateIZip: ________________________________________________________ Name on card: _______________________________________________________ Card #: __________________________________ Expiration: _______________ Signature: ______________________________________________________________ o Regular $50/60 overseas 0 Family $75/85 overseas o Student $30/40 overseas 0 Do not include my name in directory Send this form with a check, VISA, MASTERCARD, or American Express charge to: Shakespeare Oxford SOCiety, P.O. Box 808, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598. Call 914-962-1717 for more information, or check www.shakespeare-oxford.com. Remembering K.C. Hank Whittemore even before she was born - in 1948, when her mother Nora riends, colleagues and stu­ Dunfee was acting in Red Peppers Fdents of Katherine Dunfee by Noel Coward. She made her Clarke (K.C) Ligon gathered on Broadway debut at eight in the June 22 in New York to celebrate Dylan Thomas
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