
Habitat ana tnhancement !Jranch ~ Community Directory 1999-2000 Communit0 tconomic Development, Public 9nvolvement, Streamkeepers ana School Projects -*-I Fisheries and Oceans Peches et Oceans I ....,..... Canada Canada Canada -- Pub/isheci by Community 9nvolvement Habitat and Enhancement {3ranch ]isheries and Oceans Canada 360 - 555 West Hastings Street. Vancouver, {3.e. V6t3 593 Welcome to the 12th annual edition of the When the Salmonid Enhance­ Each CA lives and works in a Community Directory for B.C. and Yukon. I'm ment Program (SEP) began in specific area. The map on page proud to introduce the people from your 1971, some experts doubted that 2 shows the areas, identified by communities who are making extraordinary "ordinary" citizens could make a numbers. Use the appropriate efforts to care for our fisheries resource. The meaningful hands-on contribu­ number to find the name, phone volunteers, community hatchery staff, tion to salmon stock rebuilding. number and address of the education coordinators and community Fisheries and Oceans Canada Community Advisor. To find advisors found in these pages have dedicated ignored the warnings and listings for that area, see the themselves to the active stewardship of our launched the Public Involvement page number to the right of the watersheds in this large and diverse region. Program (PIP). The program, and name. There are four types of the citizens, quickly proved the projects: What you don't see here are the names of the many Fisheries and would-be experts wrong: Oceans staff who provide invaluable support to the community - Community Economic advisors and the many individuals and groups working for the fish. Development Program (CEDP} The staff includes enhancement technicians, project team members projects are operated under (engineers, biologists, technicians), administration and communica­ contract by Aboriginal people or tions staff, major hatchery employees, fisheries scientists, program community groups; managers, stock assessment biologists and fishery officers. Commu­ nity advisors appreciate the efforts of these colleagues. 1 9'.JJIJ;2~illflflll:l3"J-Oi8 9. GrantMcBaiiiom8nwori'.! :nmt9'"r Box 10 !: :r,n(1%YlI OG'M£deira Park, B.C. .cido'.l VON2HO Tel: Cffi~~~??\02~ 1ut\11\\ 1\m\1\N,·l\t1\J111\\Y:i1:1\l'1 4· San di e .M · adaunn boowb\f/ J;b~v1Q Box 340 W. xo·~l oq Hagensborg, ~foi J.8 ,2.1mrn'.1!J !10'1 VO: lHO J001ci 91tr!(!•]o Q~~q~1; .. ~o'i Tel. · 3] on b9b!~PP{§R ,ffP~~iA Fax: iSVI ~0011itAOf!o;~fh?.~ir;Y 2J::s\<:Y'\':_'•, \.'\(\j'::> iuw !oorb~ GJmrmD 11oq 5. George Ba~~g01~ :1;m~bJ bn£ gJi999) '\r.'i:l:J \<s.•1x1\C11\() Box 10 (.<lQ! :·wt1~ 1,1Fl ~(~J?-d~d\0([ rrn2b2 E::i'n£G Po~ Hardy, %~~Yei\f,~P91iM :~Ji'li!JA bnnH riRihnl 1:l~tRlf. Tel. G22iwno::,~9£pj9-o181 .eBr 1oa Fax: 1~vi51 rf.?&6R~~ii97~~oJ O!li TGV .}H 1:r1~:,~U :2!1om'l !10 ::~ii[·•iJ'.lli 'l'Jq3sAmt9<l? 9Vi?.flS);::) :,rl1 Jil Ja~rr:91.{J;)~".J iforn1j[lJ rJ,~11orJjjA Cent:v,f]l/,:'/finrnuv;ar: SJ<:::/avvi,.1, ·J· 6. Bryan Allen t~oJ ,llt't!JllJ J.u ir1· ~l1't1l_lr, dtll £f.i:rJ.l.' :Jitf<ftiuh1 1 '(i9fbJHl ,18'N J2B1 rigid <!;'1; !~'ii){ fi!iOMl 148 Port Augusta Street Sarah Casleyb5J<i;:'"~ qumg 3Ji1 ni oin:>biii?. ~n~w 1IourdrlJ 9LLt 'fo :~f1ntHir1 ~d1 bnrnJl l!.ct<; Comox, B.C ..• i11\t~i~1GQ.\\\\i1\ !>11'.'b!}\J\1'l siiLo:Big'Q~a!ieumlHa~e\i}'H l1591m;lo•r ?Jr!J 1I~d1 jfit9Ill G~f;.;1n~11c• ;·b.~ 1'JdT /:ih~m V9N 77A ·19Jii9nrb2 no1J 215 Fisheries Road .Zil~sp ?.!gnulhrn: 10 ;;b·1i:lJ-c111J JuodI; ;:[n:) nh:;d:J oj ~l(h: S'iS'll Tel: 250/~~~QA~1-:i'I ··r\l h"m1·]r< 2i ] 1 cn· 1•·Jid1·H J•rorrViJi'h' l"O Qualicum Beach, B.C. (Wf! ! :11:9'{ lr,1i"l ~9dJ 1o l1Ni'rw2 .~1!tK!p gg9 :~uen~rb jfsr:t Fax: OTI Te§.O/Jl:~~n~§i~t2 i4. Dencls P~IDQ~girmlii~1i: ;,~;~Q);r, V9K 1Z5 ,s1ns?.2i£m10J31-tJ!H :'/liviJ:iA 'fk.i% 'fl9fblr.H .boog <.r,•Ji ~~~~bi nl 2gg9 Car: [o:i woi 01 ~fill1q.~~.1:9~?2i A 1278 Dalhousie Drive ~QQ r smi2 T~)4r1iqr,srn :r101n~vfli 1150tllilB-1049 sriJ riliw ~l~vilmsqoo:i lh:.w u1 :1~il bluow · rt uurnH no h!JTIUJJO 11;9·{ c~'.lml~!\19p§,:~&b11;ri ~Jill8H:2 :·'.JrriJ:;A Fax: qirlrf25~67-8741 1smd niRldo 01 nu;1~Ct'l i.1rrn!2d diisH 7. Barry Cord.Q~!!dQ1lBJ-gg9 9rlJ Mh1 V2C 6G39:immiwr10:m-oi8 <:!f1LS'JJ2 "(ii:J ·3iJoh1;riJ il5~uQ :noim:10J ::t~y llsrr :0 1;J;;mil2~ ln:ui~q!:c'5 ).00r1irb ;;_6!~1 :1L51~ 12'1i';J 3225 Stephe¥¥DJiljlE!liH9!\Qi.rb Jiq2brw2 ds9'1:i T.llg111;l7iolillolft .liill4~P£&5M9fi1oJ fdukon 'lerritory ? f :t.110<.19q m'mj·;01qmi 11:.1irkrl :.;;11bl;:H :xfr1iJ:;J.. Nanaimo, B,fa:gi; wmu?. gnib[JJ>J?Juo Fax: 250/&Sh4%M Trix Tanner V9T 1K3 rm;!J ~1orrr Jn '(ll ~oonirt~ oo~~B 250/372-6Hhi #100 - 419 Range Ro~1hi\l 1l'i\l'\Q l\\\IGtO ·19vf51 fIUf1:.·:r,Y :noi11no.! Tel: [email protected]:'b~631FI i\Vlliiilh~~~ rmmJ9H m;i r)- l 'WOcT~(j Fax: 9rbJcrl s12~{;756~~9~:;A 15. Roy Argue \\l\lthl~,11im;)hl\•1111'ffe.21\~ YlA 3Vl i>cQxoH O'l :~loon!rl~ ,>rzh;nnw9·1-oifl ·-;:3699J\lll$£y Drive oil·-cqli Jud/; Tel: OMIS'a7/66~WS9~cM 8. Tom Ruthedru:dH .~ni£11l :noiJl6o.1 Printe Gem.g~)S,GiU 'JJJolml:J n"%~l wF~!. l 1i wl! hsbubn®76tM3*76.lf:ldT Fisheries and Dreans 0anatla ,?.9iJJJiJV~N 2~·!q .1oiir.d!Jjf1i rnOO'i2?.J;b ~ri': CJ>d d?J;'J.b1 lmr; noiJsdu:ml 1o (<Sbp 'lllol) Box 241- 230 Undeiwoodffit. :%flOG'i9q Teb~n:i 9[gnui_ mm1 ~gA50lfifr~&'Pllnm Edudatioyrdobrdinator&:wtto:iis;lsfoql9ri Jon · Duncan, B.C. V9L 3X3 :odoJ Fax: 25Qf1&k5H4i1 irtdivid\:ial\Cl}mm!)nttyrltii!visclircallibe; orkn Tel: 250n46-5137 Car: ,uoiisdrnni mooZ.5ru5fi5:9h-lO:li: ftluhd 1rl1·~~hO'okFroja-ats'l~1Hron~r.ofit}lerJT Fax: 2501746-8397 lWffl22921£0iEl CA listings throughout this Directory. and juvenile fences and will concentrate on Location: Tarundle Creek coho assessments. · Persons: I7 First year: I985 Coho: · 50 Activity: Counting fence, pen rearing, Cassette incubator, Northern TrollersAssociation Coho is the topic on the Queen Charlottes this Bio-reconnaissance Neil Davies 250/559-4649 year. As in the rest of the province, coho Location: Chown Brook PO Box 2I escapements to local streams were very poor Persons: 9 Queen Charlotte City, B.C. VOT ISO Coho: 20,000 'I\vo trips to Slatechuck Creek gave the last fall. This year, everyone wants to help the group almost all the chum eggs they hoped coho and the increase in attention that coho HaidaFisheriesProgram for. Arecent trend continued with coho: stocks are receiving can only be to their Pat Faiiweather 250/559-8945 abundant in Ronna river but scarce in benefit. The Hecate Straits Streamkeepers, the PO Box98 Tarundle Creek. The hatcheiy now has Tlell Watershed Society and the Haida Skidegate, BC, VOT IS I electricity and a new intake screen thanks Fisheries Program are all involved in adult and There have been many interactive programs to funding from the Pacific Salmon between Haida Fisheries Program staff and Foundation. · juvenile coho assessments this year and have Community Involvement workers. Western First year: I989 more plans for next year. Another trend here is the preponderance Forest Products agreed to fund assessment Activity: Satellite hatchery; of funding agencies for salmon projects. Some groups have been work on Lomgon Creek. The group also Bio-reconnaissance, able to take advantage of funds from the Habitat Restoration and placed a staff member with the Old Masset Habitat improvement Salmon Enhancement Program, the Pacific Salmon Foundation and, broodstock collection crew on the Yakoun to Location: Slatechuck, Tarundl, Crabapple, obtain more accurate data on the chinook. Torrent, 'I\vo Torrent creeks, locally, the Gwaii Trust. On the horizon are major funding opportu­ First year: I996 Ronna River nities from the Haida Gwaii Salmon Unlimited Society and the Haida Persons: 6 Gwaii Marine Resources Board. Husby Forest Products Chum: 89,000 Paul Laurie 250/488-0534 Coho: 78,000 On the enhancement front, all groups experienced good egg-to­ Eden Lake, BC release survivals last year. Fry releases occurred throughout May In its first year of operation, the new Port Clements SalmonEnbafl<21nent Club and June and the groups had no problems. Things are definitely hatchery enjoyed excellent egg-to-fry Dwight Welwood 250/557-4743 looking up for salmon enhancement, habitat restoration and survival of the coho. Asurvey of the creek PO Box333 assessment projects in the Queen Charlottes. found only one partially spawned female Port Clements, B.C. VOT IRO coho. This poor result may be part of the Four trips to capture broodstock in the current coast-wide coho decline. Mamin River yielded no females. Some First year: I988 Yakoun River chinook were provided so the CEDP Projects P9P Projects Activity. Satellite coho hatchery Port Clements school could continue its OldMassetCEDP BMrskinBay Stroamkeepers Location: Tomey Creek feeding and release program this year. Darren Edgars 250/626-5655 Kevin Borsario 250/559-8230 Persons: 9 First year: I983 Masset Indian Band PO Box 70, Activity: Mini-hatchery, assessment, Box I89, Queen Charlotte City, VOT ISO l.awnHiflEnhatl<21nentResidentsGroup Bio-reconnaissance Masset B.C.
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