hem. Series, Vol. VII. No. 18 WedDesd.y Deceaalter lJ. 1998 hus. 1. 1'28 (S.t.) LOK SABRA DEBATES (English Version) Third Session (Twelfth Lok Sablla) (Yol. YII co"tai"s Nos. 11 to 18) LOt( SABBA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI PrICf! : R,. jO.OO EDITORIAL BOARD' Shri S. Gopalan Secretary General Lok Sabha Dr. A.K. Pandey Additional Secretary Lok Sabha Secretariat Shri Hamam Singh Joint Secretary lok Sabha Secretariat Shri P. C. Bhatt Ghief Editor lok Sabha Secretariat Shri A. P. Chakravarti Senior Editor Lok Sabha Secretariat Shri J.e. Sharma Editor (Original English Proceedings included in English Version and Original Hindi proceedings included in Hindi Version will be treated as authoritative and not the translation thereof.) CONTENTS Twelfth Series, Vol. VII. Third Session 199811920 (Salea) No. 18, Wednesday, December 23, 19981Pausa 2, 1920 (Salea) SUBJECT COlUMNS WRITTEN ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS Starred Questions Nos. 341-360 . 3-29 Unstarred Questions Nos. 3863-4092 . 29-278 PAPERS LAID ON THE TABLE. 279-317 MESSAGE FROM RAJYA SABHA AND BILL AS PASSED BY RAJYA SABHA - LAID 317 LEAVE OF ABSENCE FROM THE SITTINGS 317-318 OF THE HOUSE BII,L INTRODUCED 318 Bihar Reorganisation Bill Shri L.K. Advani CALLING ATTENTION 318 Import of Sugar Dr. T. Subbarar,i Reddy RE : BIHAR REORGANISATION BILL 318,319-325 Shri Mulayam Singh Yadav . 319 Shri Basu Deb Acharia . 320 Shri Reghuvansh Prasad Singh . 321 Shri Varkala Radhakrishnan . 322 STANDING COMMITTEE ON EXTERNAL AFFAIRS Third Report-Presented . 325 STANDING COMMITTEE ON FINANCE Eleventh Report and MinU1es - Presented . 325 STANDING COMMITTEE ON RAILWAYS Action Taken Statement-Laid . 325-327 MATTERS UNDER RULE 377 - LAID. 327-335 (i) Need to provide B-2 category status to Jamnagar town for payment of House Rent Allowance to Government employees Shri Chandresh Patel. 327 (ii) Need to shift administrative control of Hindustan Cables Limited from Industry Ministry to Communications Ministry to facilitate its revival Shri Tapan Sikdar . 328 (I) COLUMNS SUBJECT (iii) Need for setting up of an Aonla based Industry in Pratapgarh Region, Uttar Pradesh Dr. Ram Vilas Vedantl . 328-329 (iv) Need to estabtish a relay centre of Delhi Doordarshan at Agarmalwa in Madhya Pradesh SM Thavarchand Gehlot . 329 (v) Need to provide financial assistance to the State Government of Karnataka for desilting the Water Tanks in Kolar in Karnataka Shri K.H. Muniyappa . 329-330 (vi) Need to start air service between Naslk and Deihl Via Aurangabad or Poona Shri Madhavrao Patll . 330 (vII) Need to introduce air service on Delhi-Kota-Mumbai and Delhi- Kota-Indore route Shri Ram Narain Meena . 330 (vIIi) Need to take necessary steps for stopping Cross-border movements of anti-national Insurgents along the border of Tripura Shri Samar Chaudhary . 330-331 (Ix) Need to stop telecast of the programme 'City Halchal' on Television at district Khiri, Uttar Pradesh Shri Ravl Prakash Verma. 331 (x) Need for construction of a railway over-brldge near Ulundurpet In Tamil Nadu Shri M.C. Damotharan . 331-332 (xl) Need to provide financial help for proper maintenance of Canals/nullahs In Calcutta Shrimati Krishna Bose. 332 (xii) Need to safeguard the sanctity of Buddhist monuments in the Country Prof. Jogendra Kawade . 333 (xIII) Need for Construction of a railway over-bridge at Chandauli- Sakaldlha station road U.P. Shri Anand Ratna Maurya . 333 (xlv). Need to release more funds for development of Bateshwar, a tourist resort at Shikohabad, U.P. Shri Prabhu Dayal Katheria . 333-334 (xv) Need to sanction the export quota of cotton of at least five lakh bales to the Maharashtra State Co-operative Cotton Grower's Marketing Federation Shri Abhay Singh Bhonsle . 334 Iii) SUBJECT COLUMNS (xvi) Need to treat the calls between Hyderabad and sub-urban areas within a radius of1 00 kilometres of Hyderabad city. Andhra Pradesh as local calls Shri S. Sudhakar Reddy . 334 (xvii) Need to include Kerala in the Express Highway between North and South Shri P.C. Thomas . 334-335 (xviii) Need to ensure that State Governments do not use ESMA frequently against Government employees Shri Kishan Singh Sangwan . 335 (xix) Need for exploration of oil blocks at Sunderbans and adjoining areas in West Bengal Shri Sanat Kumar Mandai. 335 ) STATEMENT BY MINISTER . 335·336 MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT LOCAL AREA DEVELOPMENT SCHEME· LAID Shri Ram Naik (iii) LOK SABHA DEBATES LOKSABHA Otherwise, I will name the Members and I will take a serious view. Wednesday, December 23,19981Peua 2,1920 (Sake) SHRI RUPCHAND PAL (HOOGLY): We were gIven an assurance that the Government will not bring this Bill today .... (lnterruptions) The Lok Sabha met at Eleven of the Clock SHRI SANSUMA KHUNGGUR BWISMUTHIARY (KOKRAJHAR) : No Bodoland, no rest. [MR. SPEAKER in the Chait1 11.07 hour. At this stage Shri Surendra Prasad Yadav, Shri At this stage Shri Sansuma Khunggur Bwlsmuthlary Shailendra Kumar and some other Hon. Members came and stood on the floor near the Tabl •. came and stood near the Table. MR. SPEAKER : Hon. Member, please go to your (Interruptions) seat. (English) (Interruptions) , MR. SPEAKER : Q. 341 Col. Sona Ram Choudhary. MR. SPEAKER: Shrl Bwlsmuthlary, please go back to Please go to your seats. This is not good .. your seat. (Interruptions) (Interruptions) MR SPEAKER: Please go to to your seats. SHRI aUTA SINGH (JALORE) : Sir, Bodoland Is a (Interruptions) must. MR SPEAKER: Please go to your seats. This is MR. SPEAKER: I am appeaUng to hon. Members again. Question Hour. We are not taking up your subject. This Is Question Hour. Please understand that we have a very Important business today. (Interruptions) (Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER : Please go to your seats. You can take up your subject, when it comes up. Please under- MR. SPEAKER : I am appealing to hon. Members stand this. Otherwise, I have to take serious action. I again. This Is Question Hour. Please understand that have to take action against all of you who have come we have a very important business today. to the Well of the House. (Interruptions) (Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER : Pleas. resume your seats. This MR. SPEAKER : Please go to your seats. Other- is Question Hour. wise, ~ have to take action. Every day you are coming to th~ Well of the House. I have to take action agalnat (Interruptions) all of you. MR. SPEAKER : I am once again appealing (Interruptions) to hon. Members. This Is Question Hour. We are MR. SPEAKER : Please take your seats. This Is not taking up the Bill now. Please resume your Question Hour. Please understand. seats. (Interruptions) (Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER : Please go to your seats. I will MR. SPEAKER : Hon. Members, I am appeaRng take action against all of you, I will name the Members to you to please resume your seats. Otherwise, I will also. Please resume your seats. have to name the Members, The Chair will have to name the Members. Please go back to your seats. (Interruptions) 'MR. SPEAKER: Hon. Members, please understand (Interruptions) this Is the Question Hour. Please go to your seat •. You can take up your subject. when it comes up In the House. MR. SPEAKER : I am again appeaHng to you. This not the correct practice. Please go back to your (lnt~rruptions).. ••ats. MR. SPEAKER : I am telling you to take your seats. 3 Written Answers Oece~r23, 1998 To Questions 4 SHRI SUTA SJNGH : Sir, Sodoland Is a must. in June 1997. Gist of recommendations contained in the report is given in Statement-I. The recommenda- MR. SPEAKER : Hon. Members, please go back tions of the Committee were accepted by the Govern- to your seats. I am appealing to you again. This is ment and copies of the report were circulated to ground Question Hour. Please resume your seats. Please try water organisations of the State Government for use in to understand. estimating ground water resou.rces based on revised (Interruptions) methodology. MR. SPEAKER: I am appealing to you and I am (c) to (e) The Government had started a Central appaling to your Leaders also. Please go back to your Sector Scheme on pilot basis in 1994·-95 for studies in seats. artificial recharge of ground water in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Tamil (Interruptions) Nadu, West Bengal, NCT of Delhi and Union Terriroty of Chandigarh. The studies were completed in 1997-98 MR. SPEAKER : I am appealing to you. I am ap- at a total cost of Rs. 3,29,69,676. Statewise and year- pealing to the leaders also. Please resume your seats. wise break up of the amount spent on these studies is This is not the procedure and proper way. Today we given in Statement-II. Based on the results of these have some very important buisness to do. I am once studies, the Government have recently decided to ex- again appealing to you all to please resume your seats. tend this scheme for studies in artificial recharge of Please understand that this Is Question Hour. I am app- ground water to some more areas of States of Andhra ealing to the leaders also. This is not the proper way. Pradesh, Bihar, Gujarat, Haryana, Karnataka, Madhya (Interruptions) Pradesh, Maharashtra, Punjab, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu and Uttar Pradesh at an estimated cost ·of Rs. 25 crore MR. SPEAKER : The House stands adjourned to during the Ninth Five Year Plan. meet at 12.15 p.m. The Government have also formulated a Centrally 11.11 hour. Sponsored Scheme to assist the States in Artificial Re- The Lok Sabha then adjourned till fifteen minutes charge of Ground Water at an estimated cost of Rs. past Twelve of the Clock. 101.50 crore. This scheme is at consultation stage.
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