BSFL & ETB: Mark 5:1-20 BY MICHAEL PRIEST GADARA, GERASA, The slope of the hill from Gergesa into the Sea of Galilee; many or believe this is where Jesus cast the demons into the pigs. ILLUSTRATOR PHOTO/ BOB SCHATZ (10/12/2) GERGESA 82 BIBLICAL ILLUSTRATOR / SUMMER 2017 ? HE STORY OF THE Obviously I jest, but the narrative place at Gadara, a place the King James Gerasene demoniac in Mark 5 does raise a number of questions: Version translates as “in the coun- is a disturbing narrative, at (1) Why would Jesus grant demons try of the Gergesenes” (Matt. 8:28). least for me. I am an Arkansas their request? (2) Why would Jesus Where did it really happen and who Razorback fan. Our mas- sanction the seemingly inhumane is correct? The purpose of this article cotT is a hog. It pains me deeply destruction of 2,000 swine? (3) Why is to answer these two questions by to think about 2,000 of my beloved would Jesus not allow the formerly looking closely at the text and inves- hogs plummeting headlong into a sea demon-possessed man to follow Him? tigating the location of both Gerasa of destruction! While these questions may be vexing, and Gadara. they are more easily answered than Before I tackle these questions I the question surrounding the location must confess that I, like all read- of the event. Mark and Luke tell us the ers of the Bible, approach Scripture event happened at Gerasa (Mark 5:1; with bias. First, I believe the Bible is Luke 8:26). Matthew indicates it took the inspired, inerrant, infallible, and authoritative Word of God. Second, because of my first bias, I believe that when two or more texts seem to contradict one another our question should not be, “Which is right?” but rather, “How are all of them right?” By achieving the purpose of the article I believe I will be able to provide sound answers to the questions, but also dis- pel any doubt that someone may have about the veracity of the Bible. Let us begin with the accounts Mark and Luke gave. Both writers indicate the miraculous event took Left: Church and mosaics at Kursi National Park that date from the Byzantine period; the church is near Gergesa. ILLUSTRATOR PHOTO/ BOB SCHATZ (10/12/8) SUMMER 2017 / BIBLICAL ILLUSTRATOR 83 place near the well-known city of the immediate demise of their herd if is about 40 yards from the shore. Gerasa, modern-day Jerash in north- such a distance was involved. Based on About two miles from there are cavern Capernaum ern Jordan. The city was some 35 the distance and geographical terrain, tombs.3 So seemingly, a lesser-known • Sea of • Gergesa (Kursi) miles southeast of the Sea of Galilee. this Gerasa (modern Jerash) could not Gerasa (modern Kursi) fits the biblical Galilee Tiberias• •Hippos Josephus, in Book 3 of The Wars of be the location of the event. description in Mark 5 and Luke 8 and • the Jews, indicated that it served as The area around the Sea of Galilee is most likely the location both writ- Gadara the eastern boundary of Perea and that best fits the description in the ers had in mind when they penned the greater part of the area was desert biblical texts is near the modern city their Gospels. 1 Gerasa (Jerash) and rough. If this is the Gerasa Mark of Kursi, the name of which is like- Of additional significance, both • and Luke intended, then their descrip- ly related to the Greek name Gerasa writers indicated Jesus and the dis- tion of the event and the topography (an abbreviated form of Gergesa).2 ciples disembarked their boat in the of Gerasa conflict with one another. About a mile south of the actual city “region” of the Gerasenes. Neither Both biblical writers indicate the event the terrain is hilly and a steep slope identified the exact spot the boat took place near the Sea of Galilee Right: Hippos was and they both describe the terrain located on the as hilly with steep banks. The well- eastern shore of known Gerasa is 35 miles from the Sea the Sea of Galilee, seen in the dis- of Galilee and is not surrounded by tance. Shown are steep banks. Both writers describe the caves at Hippos; these were used destruction of the pigs as happening for burials. immediately after the demons pos- PHOTO/ BRENT BRUCE (2214) ILLUSTRATOR sessed them and clearly state that the Below: In Jordan, ruins of the city men who tended the pigs witnessed of Jerash, seen their sudden destruction. Thirty-five from the Temple of Artemis. miles is a long run, even for demon- Modern Jerash is possessed pigs, and the pig-herders ancient Gerasa, a could not have been present to witness Decapolis city. ILLUSTRATOR PHOTO/ BOB SCHATZ (8/31/2 84 BIBLICAL ILLUSTRATOR / SUMMER 2017 Roman-Era ruins at Capernaum Umm Qais, ancient • Gadara, in Jordan; Sea of • Gergesa (Kursi) Galilee the Sea of Galilee Tiberias• •Hippos is visible in the • distance. Gadara ILLUSTRATOR PHOTO/ BRENT BRUCE (60/7954) ILLUSTRATOR Gerasa (Jerash) • ILLUSTRATOR MAP/ LINDEN ARTISTS/ LONDON WHAT ABOUT GERGESA? HE KING JAMES Version translates Matthew 8:28, “And when he [Jesus] Twas come to the other side into the country of the Gergesenes, there met him two (modern-day Kursi and the location Ever since Scripture was writ- possessed with devils, coming out Mark and Luke mentioned). Because ten down, skeptics have tried to of the tombs, exceeding fierce, so of distance, Gadara is an unlikely discredit the Bible, and they will that no man might pass by that location for a herd of swine to begin continue until the Lord comes. Time way.” Gergesenes? Why then do their death march to the sea. Josephus, and again, though, with an hon- other translations have Gerasa? however, indicates that Gadara was est and thoughtful analysis of the Some believe that Gerasa is an not only a city, but also a region seeming contradictions, scholars abbreviated form of Gergesa, that extended to the Sea of Galilee.5 and students alike have found the Ger’sa. “The pronunciation of That region fits the topographical Bible to be consistent within itself ‘Gergesa’ among the common description of the event perfectly. In and historically accurate. The Bible people would almost certainly his account then, Matthew was not is truly inerrant and infallible and be ‘Ger’sa’ (Gerasa).” This corre- referring to the city of Gadara, but therefore our authoritative guide for sponds with the site with a mod- rather the region. This explains why life. We would do well to rest in the ern name that sounds similar, he wrote, “When he had come to the words of Peter: “We also have the Kersa (also spelled Kursi). I other side, to the region of the Gadarenes” prophetic word strongly confirmed, J. Soutar, “Gerasenes, Gergesenes” in Hastings’ (Matt. 8:28, csb, emphasis added). and you will do well to pay atten- Dictionary of the New Testament, StudyLight.org [online; accessed 30 November 2016]. Available So, the region of Gadara that tion to it, as to a lamp shining in from the Internet: m.studylight.org/dictionaries/ Matthew mentioned fits the geograph- a dark place, until the day dawns hdn/g/gerasenes-gergesenes.html. ical description of the event; and the and the morning star rises in your landed, but simply pointed out the lesser-known Gerasa (Kursi), which hearts” (2 Pet. 1:19, csb). I general region. So both agree that Mark and Luke mentioned, also fits the 1. Josephus, Wars of the Jews 3.3 in The Works of somewhere near this Gerasa (Kursi), geographical description of the event. Josephus: Complete and Unabridged [JOSEPHUS], trans. probably two miles south, Jesus’ boat What about the seeming disagree- William Whiston (Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers, 1987), 641. landed, He stepped ashore, and imme- ment between Matthew and Mark/ 2. James A Brooks, Mark, vol. 23 in The New American diately a man who desperately needed Luke? Well, the lesser-known Gerasa Commentary (Nashville: Broadman Press, 1991), 89. 3. William L. Lane, The Gospel Of Mark (Grand Rapids: a miracle confronted Him. was actually in the region of Gadara! Eerdmans, 1974), 181. What then are we to make of Matthew identified the location of the 4. Leon Morris, The Gospel According to Matthew (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1992), 208. Matthew’s account that the mira- miracle as taking place in a region, 5. Josephus, The Life of Flavius Josephus 9 in JOSEPHUS, 3. cle took place in the region of the while Mark and Luke, using the Greek 6. Craig L. Blomberg, The Historical Reliability of the Gadarenes? The city of Gadara was spelling of the ancient city, identified Gospels, 2nd ed. (Downers Grove, IL : InterVarsity Press, located six miles southeast of the Sea the location of the miracle as taking 2007), 192. of Galilee and was separated from place near a city that happened to be it by the Yarmuk River.4 But it was in the region Matthew mentioned.6 Michael Priest is pastor of Bartlett also about 11 miles south of Gerasa There is no contradiction. Baptist Church, Bartlett, Tennessee. SUMMER 2017 / BIBLICAL ILLUSTRATOR 85.
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