the indiepemnent florlida Kruger names third assistant 0- - coach. .16 'NoI cEI~yi s~ocl1d ',mh h*Ur'Vri iEi. Pb shehy C,.' "C mhc,, s r ' I ., As. I d, VOLUME 83, NUMBER 147 TUESDAY, APRIL 24. 1990 Hunt Club decision may be appealed By SUSAN SPENCER Alligator Writer Alachua County Commissioners will make a final effort to prevent construction of an apartment complex on the edge of Paynes Prairie State Preserve when they disk uss an option to appeal a recent court ruling today A First Disirict Court of Appeals ruling filed Thursday opens the way for construction of the Huni Clu,. a heavily protested hm2u0oit apartment complex slated to be built on the edge of Payner Prairie the (ourt ruled that the commission ciuld not retract a permit that allows developers to tlear trees from the 5-a(re Hunt Club site near IT S III and Southwest Williston Road Commissioner Kate Barnes said she expects the com- mission to reject the option to appeal the decision "We've tx hausced all the legal alternatives," [arnes said Now we'll try to work with the developer to try io nnnnizi, the laruage to the prairie " (onmtv Attorney Irt BITItIn IT inmmo I (i t ITTIIs Oilers lhursdav that ud hi did nt beheve an appeal wsOuld be isu((esutl the ourt riling m favor o luint (Ib developer l'ifrov Hackman came during a week of barth Day ralhle- an celebralions that lTnVifonlTmaTrial Ation Group Sr rliarV Care Ridge old Prevented hir group from ventina t- ipproval oI the project ihe .AG ha-ii'( really talked about it Ridge siud 'We've been swamped with Earth Day ac tiviies " Environmentahsts have opposed construction ol the Hunt Club for more than two years lneiviroinmentallisa were arrested in October 1988 when they Ined it) slop bulldozig on the property by cimbig and c hbaning themselves to trees Several people protested tlhs week- end after learning about the court rulirg Paynes Prairie Park Ranger Steve Davenport said he was disappointed by the ruling because the proposed building site could have been added to the prairie Singin' In the rain Davenport said the Hunt Club may harm [he area's Doug Hinson, 22,tastes the rain while walking home by Turlington Hall Monday with Liz Lococo, 18 ecology They got cought in the afternoon rain and used garbage bags from the Broward Hall cafeteria to try "Anytime you disrupt the land, you disrupt the animal and stay dry. life," Davenport said "More than likely the animals are going to lose out in this caseI Gator Dining may begin recycling polystyrene Lines said. "We decided we would the production phase that the materials By ELLEN H. KATZ "Polystyrene is the worst of all options," CFCs," what they have done." harm the ozone the most. Alligator Writer said geography graduate student Lee Lines, let the people know who last week helped organize a protest Though the two materials contain many Gator Dining Service hopes to begin re- Kennedy said that Dart would stop using against McDonald's use of polystyrene of the same elements. UF physics professor HCFCs as soon as a more environmentally cycling polystyrene foam this summer in an foam. Dwight Adams said they should not be con- is developed Beredsallowing effort to promote a healthier environment safe material "If they put it all over the landscape, all fused as being the same some ozone-depleting materials to escape The dining service will choose between it's doing is spreading the polystyrene all HCFCs, which decompose more quickly into the atmosphere, the HCFC-produced replacing its packaging with paper or sign- over the place," Lines said than CFCs have one hydrogen atom in plate foams won't degrade if they are Ing an exclusive contract with Dart Contain- added to About 40 people last week protested out- of the chlorine that helps form CFCs, Adams landfills instead of recycled ers Corp., which produces polystyrene foam said. that can be recycled Into cassette tape hold- side the McDonald's at 201 NW 13th St , see Foam. page 5 ers, office supplies, benches and wall insu- which switched from packaging made with HCFCs also deplete the ozone about 95 ozone-depleting chloroflourocarbons, percent less than CFCs, Adams said. "'To lation, Miller said. correction I think the future is to keep things out CFCs, to polystyrene foam made with use HCFCsinstead ofCFCs isa stepforward of the landfills," food service director Wes hydrochloroflourocarbons, HCFCs Protest- - in the right direction " Melinda Kraft accused Lynn Nicely, a Miller said. ers said HCF~ts deplete the ozone layer as Both materials, which are used as blowing fornerassistant manager at litchfield's But- But one local environmentalist said the much as CFCs. agents in polystyrene foam production, con- ler Plaza Cinemas, of harassing her while move will encourage production of non-bio- "Just a year ago they switched the name tribute to the foam's soft texture, Dart she watched a movie April 16 The Alligator egradable materials. so they could say they were not using spokesman Kevin Kennedy said It is during reported otherwise on this page Monday 2 AUJ.AIXR, [F sDAY, AL'II 4, 1W0 POLICE BLOTTER J Disabled woman raped J Smoke detector thief arrested NI 23 A 23-year-old woman confined to a wheelchair was A 21-year-old UF student was arrested Thursday Nvw 3tocain 35-1234 raised early Saturday, Gainesville police said for stealing two smoke detectors from Reid Hall, UF C lemon Donely, 33, of 721 NW Second St , was police spokesman Brett Hodgson said. Roses taken to the Alachua County jail shortly after 2 p m Andres lavri, 216 Reid Hall, was charged with two Met1 Slrvv NaturdIay Police believe Donely raped the victim out counts of preventing or obstructing the extinguish 336-12341 side her apartment earlier that day alter she refused ment of fire, and was taken to theAlachua Countyjail Io have sex with him, Gainesville police spokes- He was released Friday afternoon woman I Sadie Darnell said Advertise Already! WHAT'S HAPPENING Meet Albert: micron Delta ty International in Reitz Union Room May 4 Drop off clothing and small Kappa will take pictures of students 362. Call 372-1593. household goods at the Law School with Albert the Alligator today from Drive: Frendsmrough Racial Ex Room 141 Call 392-8835. lam to Ipm in front of Tur- periences Sharing in Humanity LA: The student group of Al- lington Hall Call Davd Kalchbren- (FRESH) will have an information coholics Anonymous meets every air. 376-9473 booth and membership drive today Thursday night at 8:30 in Reitz Oranges and lemons: The Gator and Wednesday beginning at 10 in Union Room 357. Call Pat, 335-1796. L -us Club will meet today at 5 15in front of Turlington HaIl Call Olympics: Volunteers are needed Vifield Hail Room 2302 Call Jon. 392- Chaylee Prieteor Carne Welsh, 377- for the Florida Special Olympics 6733. May 18-20, Call the Special Oly- Fibers: Fhe Gainesville Feathers: The Alachua County piesVolunteer Hotline, 374-0814 Handweaver's Guild will meet Bird-athon began Sunday and will Artists:'he Reitz Union Program tonight at 730 at Howard Bishop include activities throughout the Council's Arts Committee needs Middle School to see the slide show week. Volunteers will bird-watch people to paint murals in third floor Fibre Magic '86 Call Barbara throughout the county Call Kathy meeting rooms Call, 392-1655. Safranek,338-7320or376-3316 Haines.3728942 Crisis: TeAlachua County Crisis Alachua Co Jump Street: Amnesty Interna- Don't toss It out: The American Center is looking for new Crisis line lional Campus Group will meet Bar Association Law Student Counselors Fifty hours of training OWNERS SALE night at 6 to watch the recent 21 Division's Clothing Drive for the in Suicide and Cnsis Intervention is 5 Acres - $14,900 /ump Street, which featured Amnes- homeless and needy continues until provided. Call 372 3659 15 min from Gainesville, mall, University and hospitals a mm - p- a & rivers. easy drive to Gulf. Beautiful Furnished /Unfurnished Near springs property on paved road In NO FLA. growth area This ' HAIR AFFAIR We're I First Time U "New & Improved"I won't last Great terms Call Now' I Wash N Wear 25 Convenient to Mi. Hands. Patten Corp 800-888-4606. Ext. 842 from 8 30 to 8 30 1 Perm Special 1 Shopping. Dining With coupon) I n ha,r etra Vertcals We Do Sculptured Nails Basketball Pets Welcome [Ut WET CUTS $6! I or 2 bedroom Townhouses Igr'MT4, I tong Har Extra o Fully Renovated for Fall (a) 901 OPEN Landmark INDOOR TANmING N MAIN TUEs $At . Opan nrSdeM CN NmMaN=Sma=, I i i I SW 36Wh Ave L ' 1 24727 m 4002 Newberry Rd Plaza West - 3Mh-78W2 ncc. "20 minulIn cone ci our to Is the fll M 44 h A flus hO WE NOW HAVE "TAN-THRU" SWIM WEAR BY S0.ARI Expenenc the ability to achieve and ep an ALL OVER TAN with Solar's New volume 83 ISSN 0889-2423 number 147 TANNING SUITS i $35 ALL TAN-THRU SUlTS I I __w.iteseoi J atthe Independent florida (SWIMWEAR) - ALLOWS PENETRATION 0F UVA RAS "Completey opami NON SEE THRU to dh. hurni eye ten worn against the awn (wet Or dry) rigator - Exciting hugh fmtua, Ilian pnnt associate with e Umiersity oi Flosi ntrodu Cornnmundmfln. , at Gonvis FIE GOOD FOR *MOOR AND OUTDOOR TANNING. ---- I --------- r---- Ed'or Lucy Coiabn An DIrco, Kaw Roamt.M Single Session I 11 Month Unlimited I 1 1 Week Unlimited I Mnag Edro MAy Shaddn Aoiaus ecddol DoneM Reagan 1 $5." I I $35." $11 .
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