
Arthropoda Selecta 12 (1): 2946 © ARTHROPODA SELECTA, 2003 Spiders (Arachnida: Aranei) of Azerbaijan. 1. New family and genus records Ïàóêè (Arachnida: Aranei) Àçåðáàéäæàíà. 1. Íîâûå äëÿ ðåãèîíà ñåìåéñòâà è ðîäà Yuri M. Marusik1 & Elchin F. Guseinov2 Þ.Ì. Ìàðóñèê1, Ý.Ô. Ãóñåéíîâ2 ¹ Institute for Biological Problems of the North, Portovaya Str. 18, Magadan 685000 Russia. email: [email protected] 1 Èíñòèòóò áèîëîãè÷åñêèõ ïðîáëåì Ñåâåðà, ÄÂÎ ÐÀÍ, óë. Ïîðòîâàÿ 18, Ìàãàäàí 685000 Ðîññèÿ. ² Institute of Zoology, block 504, passage 1128, Baku 370073 Azerbaijan. email: [email protected] 2 Èíñòèòóò çîîëîãèè ÀÍ Àçåðáàéäæàíà, êâàðòàë 504, ïðîåçä 1128, Áàêó 370073 Àçåðáàéäæàí. KEY WORDS: Aranei, spiders, Caucasus, Azerbaijan, new records, new species. ÊËÞ×ÅÂÛÅ ÑËÎÂÀ: Aranei, ïàóêè, Êàâêàç, Àçåðáàéäæàí, íîâûå íàõîäêè, íîâûå âèäû. ABSTRACT. Twenty genera and seven families Ñîâåòñêîãî Ñîþçà. Äâà ðîäà Mysmena è Tuberta (Desidae, Leptonetidae, Mysmenidae, Nesticidae, Pal- âïåðâûå çàðåãèñòðèðîâàíû íà òåððèòîðèè Àçèè. pimanidae, Prodidomidae and Theridiosomatidae) new Îïèñàíî òðè âèäà íîâûõ äëÿ íàóêè: Lycosoides to Azerbaijan are reported. 16 genera and 4 families are lehtineni sp.n. ($), Paracedicus feti sp.n. (#$) è Try- new to Caucasus. Five genera are new to the former getus jacksoni sp.n. ($), êðîìå òîãî, ïðèâåäåíû èëëþ- Soviet Union (Lycosoides, Mysmena, Orchestina, Tryge- ñòðèðîâàííûå îïèñàíèÿ åùå ïÿòè âèäîâ: Leptonetella tus and Tuberta) and two genera (Mysmena and Tuber- caucasica Dunin, 1990 ? ($), Howaia mogera (Yagi- ta) are new to Asia as a whole. Three species are numa, 1972) (#$), Nesticella nepalensis (Hubert, 1973) described as new to science: Lycosoides lehtineni sp.n. (# èç ñåâåðíîé Èíäèè), Orchestina sp. ($) è Palpima- ($), Paracedicus feti sp.n. (#$) and Trygetus jacksoni nus sogdianus Charitonov, 1946 ? (#$). Âïåðâûå sp.n. ($) and 5 species are redescribed or/and illustrat- îïèñàíà ñàìêà, âîçìîæíî îòíîñÿùàÿñÿ ê L. caucasica. ed: Leptonetella caucasica Dunin, 1990 ? ($), Howaia Ñòàòóñ äâóõ ïîäðîäîâ ðàíåå âêëþ÷àâøèõñÿ âCedicus mogera (Yaginuma, 1972) (#$), Nesticella nepalensis Simon, 1875 ïîâûøåí äî ðîäîâîãî: Paracedicus Fet, (Hubert, 1973) (# from India), Orchestina sp. ($) and 1993 stat.n., Cedicoides Charitonov, 1946 stat.n.Howaia Palpimanus sogdianus Charitonov, 1946 ? (#$). The Lehtinen & Saaristo, 1980 âûâåäåí èç ñèíîíèìèè ñ female possibly belonging to L. caucasica is described Nesticella Lehtinen & Saaristo, 1980. Ïðåäëîæåíî for the first time. Status of two subgenera of Cedicus ÷åòûðå íîâûõ êîìáèíöàöèè: Paracedicus ephthalitus Simon, 1875 is raised to generic level: Paracedicus Fet, (Fet, 1993) comb.n., Paracedicus gennadii (Fet, 1993) 1993 stat.n., Cedicoides Charitonov, 1946 stat.n. Howa- comb.n., Cedicoides parthus (Fet, 1993) comb.n. and ia Lehtinen & Saaristo, 1980 is removed from synony- Cedicoides maerens (Simon, 1889) comb.n. ex Cedicus. my with Nesticella Lehtinen & Saaristo, 1980. New Âïåðâûå â ôàóíå Êàâêàçà è áûâøåãî ÑÑÑÐ îòìå÷å- combinations were established for four speciesParacedi- íà Cryphoeca thaleri Wunderlich, 1995 èç Êàáàðäèíî- cus ephthalitus (Fet, 1993) comb.n., Paracedicus gen- Áàëêàðèè. Óñòàíîâëåíî ÷òî Howaia mogera (Yagi- nadii (Fet, 1993) comb.n. Cedicoides parthus (Fet, numa, 1972) èìååò êàâêàçî-äàëüíåâîñòî÷íûé (ïàöè- 1993) comb.n. and Cedicoides maerens (Simon, 1889) ôè÷åñêèé) äèçüþíêòèâíûé àðåàë. comb.n. ex Cedicus. Cryphoeca thaleri Wunderlich, 1995 was reported from Kabardino-Balkaria for the Introduction first time for Caucasus and former USSR. It was found that Howaia mogera (Yaginuma, 1972) has a Caucaso- Azerbaijan, a country lying in south Caucasus, is Pacific disjunctive range. the largest of the three trans-Caucasian republics (Az- erbaijan, Georgia, and Armenia). According to most ÐÅÇÞÌÅ. Äâàäöàòü ðîäîâ è ñåìü ñåìåéñòâ (De- common geographical subdivisions of Eurasia (cf. the sidae, Leptonetidae, Mysmenidae, Nesticidae, Palpima- Time Atlas, Rand McNally Atlas) the border between nidae, Prodidomidae è Theridiosomatidae) âïåðâûå the two subcontinents is lies along the Caucasus Major îòìå÷åíû â Àçåðáàéäæàíå. Èç íèõ 16 ðîäîâ è 4 and therefore Azerbaijan belongs in Asia. ñåìåéñòâà ÿâëÿþòñÿ íîâûìè äëÿ âñåãî Êàâêàçà, ïÿòü In comparison to most parts of the former Soviet ðîäîâ: Lycosoides, Mysmena, Orchestina, Trygetus è Union, and Asia particularly, spiders in Azerbaijan are Tuberta ðàíåå íå áûëè èçâåñòíû â ôàóíå áûâøåãî relatively well studied. According to the number of 30 Yuri M. Marusik & Elchin F. Guseinov Figs. 13. Epigyne of Lycosoides lehtineni sp.n., ventral, dorsal and behind views, respectively. Scale = 0.1 mm. Ðèñ. 13. Ýïèãèíà Lycosoides lehtineni sp.n., âèä ñíèçó, ñâåðõó è ñçàäè. Ìàñøòàá 0,1 ìì. recorded species (559) it has the fourth largest fauna Material and methods after Russia (1974 species), Ukraine (830) and Kazakh- stan (719) [cf. Mikhailov, 2002]. With 37 recorded Most of material treated herein was collected by the families, Azerbaijan, Russia, Ukraine and Georgia shared authors. Specimens were collected by litter sifting, branch second place in family diversity. Turkmenistan, with 39 shaking and hand picking. Illustrations were made using both families, occupied first place. reflected and transmitted light microscopes with drawing devices. Microphotographs were made using a SEM Jeol Within the Caucasus, Azerbaijan was the most spe- JSM-5200 in the Zoological Museum, University of Turku. cies and family rich country. Since the first catalogue The following abbreviations have been used for collec- was published [Mikhailov, 1997], the number of species tions and museums: CAS Californian Academy of Scienc- reported in Azerbaijan has increased from about 500 to es, San-Francisco; IZBA Institute of Zoology, Baku; over 600 species [Mikhailov, 2002; Guseinov et al., JWC Jörg Wunderlichs personal collection, later proba- unpublished catalogue]. It is worth mentioning that no bly in Senckenberg Museum; YMT Yuri M. Marusiks temporary collection in Zoological Museum, University of other country in western Asia has such a diverse known Turku; ZMUM Zoological Museum, University of Mos- spider fauna (cf. 127 species in Armenia, 456 in cow; ZMUT Zoological Museum, University of Turku. Georgia [Mikhailov, 2002], or 141 species in Iran [Mozaf- Collectors names are also abbreviated: EG Elchin F. farian & Marusik, 2001]). Comparing the diversity of Guseinov, YM Yuri M. Marusik. the best studied family, the Salticidae, 67 species are All measurements are given in mm. known from Iran and 82 from [cf. Logunov et al., 2001; Logunov & Guseinov, 2001]. Azerbaijan is much better Survey of new taxa studied and has a more diverse fauna. However, it has become clear that real spider diver- AGELENIDAE C.L. Koch, 1837 sity in this country remains unrevealed. In 2001 we Until recently 15 species belonging to three genera of undertook a joint three week trip into 3 parts of Azer- Agelenidae (Agelena Walckenaer 1805, Histopona Thorell, baijan. In the course of this short trip we found seven 1869 and Tegenaria Latreille, 1804) were known to occur in families (Desidae, Leptonetidae, Mysmenidae, Nesti- Caucasus [Mikhailov, 1997, 1998]. Recently one species and cidae, Palpimanidae, Prodidomidae and Theridiosoma- genus, new to Caucasus and the whole former USSR, namely tidae) and 14 genera new to the country. Four of these Agelescape affinis (Kulczyñski, 1901) was reported in Azer- baijan by Guseinov [1998, sub. Agelena affinis]. So, in fact, the families, namely Desidae, Mysmenidae, Palpimanidae, number of genera known in Caucasus before this study was four. Prodidomidae are new to the whole Caucasus. Five Ten species belonging to three genera were known from Azer- genera are new to the former Soviet Union and two are baijan. Below we list a fourth genus for Azerbaijan and fifth new to Asia as a whole. for Caucasus. It is also new to the whole former Soviet Union. Spiders (Arachnida: Aranei) of Azerbaijan. I. New family and genus records 31 Map 1. Collecting sites and geographical areas in Azerbaijan. 1 Turyanchai Reserve, 2 Dogguzul, 3 Khanaya. 4 Tazakyand. 5 Beyuk-Dash, 6 Kergez Mt., 7 Baku (Ganly-Gyol Lake & Bailov Park), 8 Gyurgyan, 9 Avrora, 10 Istisu. Êàðòà 1. Òî÷êè ñáîðîâ è ãåîãðàôè÷åñêèå îáëàñòè â Àçåðáàéäæàíå. 1 Òóðÿí÷àéñêèé çàïîâåäíèê, 2 Äîããóçóë, 3 Õàíàÿ, 4 Òàçàêÿíä, 5 Áåþê-Äàø, 6 Êåðãåç, 7 Áàêó (îçåðî Ãàíëû-Ãåëü è Áàèëîâñêèé Ïàðê), 8 Ãþðãÿí, 9 Àâðîðà, 10 Èñòèñó. Lycosoides Lucas, 1846 Length of leg joints: femur patella tibia metatarsus tarsus Nine species living exclusively in Mediterranean (from I 3.63 1.75 2.75 3.25 1.75 Morocco to Bulgaria and Israel) have been described in this II 3.63 1.85 2.50 3.25 1.63 genus [Platnick, 2002]. It was not previously reported from III 3.50 1.75 2.65 3.50 1.63 Azerbajian, Caucasus or the former USSR as a whole. The IV 4.38 1.95 3.13 4.65 1.80 new species from Azerbaijan extends the known range of the DIAGNOSIS. This new species is closely related to the genus about 15º to the east. trans-Mediterranean L. coarctata (Dufour, 1831) [cf. Blauwe, 1980: Figs. 2122] and has a very similar epigyne. L. lehtineni Lycosoides lehtineni sp.n. sp.n. can be recognized by having a shorter and broader Figs. 13. septum which is not widened in the top, height of fovea greater than that of basal part (opening is subequal in height Material examined: Holotype 1 $ (ZMUM), central-eastern to basal part of epigyne in L. coarctata). Vulva of the new Azerbaijan, Apsheron Peninsula, near Ganly-Gyol Lake, 40°38N, species with unfused receptacula (fused in L. coractata). 49°83E, under stone, 01.11.1994 (EG). DISTRIBUTION. It is known from the type locality only ETYMOLOGY: the new species is named after P.T. (Map 1). Lehtinen who made outstanding contribution to taxonomy of Agelenidae and many other taxa, and who also resurrected the genus Lycosoides. DESIDAE Pocock, 1895 DESCRIPTION. Male unknown. Female. Body 12.5 long. Carapace: 6.25 long, 3.60 wide, There are some doubts about the size of this family. light brown, cephalic part distinctly elongated and darker According to Platnick [2002] Desidae includes 178 species than thorax. Chelicerae dark reddish-brown. Sternum light- belonging to 37 genera. Cedicus, originally described in the brown.
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