United Nations A/CONF.222/RPM.4/INF/2 General Assembly Distr.: General 11 April 2014 English only African Regional Preparatory Meeting for the Thirteenth United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Addis Ababa, 9-11 April 2014 List of participants Regional members of the Economic Commission for Africa Algeria Rachid BENLOUNES, Ambassadeur d’Algérie à Addis-Abeba Nabil HATTALI, Présidence de la République, Chargé de Mission Zahr-Eddine DEMEN DEBBIH, Directeur de Criminolgie, Gendarmerie Nationale Ahcene OUABAD, Commissaire Principale, Direction Générale de la Sûreté Nationale Said MOUSSI, Minister Counsellor, Embassy of Algeria (Addis Ababa) Mohamed Lamine SIARI, Attaché, Foreign Affairs, Embassy of Algeria (Addis Ababa) Angola Tito CASSULE, Sub-Attorney General of the Republic Deodato José Paim SANTOS INÁCIO, Attorney General Efigénia PERPÉTUA DOS PRAZERES JORGE, First Secretary, Alternate Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of the Republic of Angola to the International Organizations (Vienna) Alcino MACANGA, Section Head, of multilateral Cooperation, Ministry of Interior Leticia CATXIVILE MARTINS, Third Secretary, Division for Multilateral Affairs, Ministry of External Relations Maria Doroteia NHANGA, Justice Technician, Attorney General’s Office Albertina DA SILVA QUEMBE PEDRO, Technician, Technical-Legal Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Justice and Human Rights Wenzie SALOMAO, First Secretary, Embassy of Angola (Addis Ababa) Benin Nicolas Pierre BIAO, Magistrat, Président de la Chambre d’Accusation de la Cour d’Appel et Président de la Chambre d’instruction de la Haute Cour de Justice V.14-02297 (E) 110414 140414 *1402297* A/CONF.222/RPM.4/INF/2 Burkina Faso Mahamoudou SANOGO, Secrétaire général, Ministère de la Justice Burundi Nikon HABONIMANA, Chef de Bureau, Bureau d’Etude de Sécurité pour la Prévention de la Criminalité Alice MUKANDUTIYE, Chef de Service Etudes et Opérations, Bureau d’Etude de Sécurité pour la Prévention de la Criminalité Central African Republic Epiphanie Marius ZAKATA, Secrétaire Général du Comité Interministériel de Lutte contre la Drogue et la Toxicomanie Djibouti Ali Mohamed AFKADA, Inspecteur Général, Ministère de la Justice Egypt Abdel Wahab Mohamed BABEER, Judge, Ministry of Justice Mohamed RAMI, Judge, Ministry of Justice Ahmed ELGHARIB, Second Secretary, Embassy of Egypt (Addis Ababa) Mohamed ELSHARKAWY ATTACHÉ, Embassy of Egypt (Addis Ababa) Eritrea Allo’ ASGEDOM, Economic Officer, Permanent Mission of the State of Eritrea to the African Union and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) Ethiopia Michael TEKLU, Assistant Attorney General, Director for Criminal Investigation and prosecution at the Ministry of Justice Baharu ZEWDE, Pharmacist, Food, Medicine and Health Care Administration and Control Authority (EFMHACA) Kenya Maryann NJAU-KIMANI, Secretary, Justice and Constitutional Affairs, Department of Justice, Office of the Attorney General Beatrice KARAGO, Minister Counsellor, Embassy of Kenya (Addis Ababa) Lemuel KITAKA, Second Counsellor, Embassy of Kenya (Addis Ababa) Isaiah MUNYUA, Assistant Director, Probations and Aftercare Services Katherine KITHIKII, Prosecution Counsel, Office of the Director of Public Prosecution Eric MUGAMBI, Liaison Officere, Kenya Police Service Emmanuel NDUNDA, Legal Officer, Kenya Prisons Service Mary M. WAIRAGU, Deputy Chief Legal Officer, Department of Justice, Office of the Attorney General Michael J. WISO, Senior Legal Officer, Criminal Investigations Department, National Police Service Lesotho Khopotso LEHOHLA, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of Lesotho to the United Nations (New York) 2 V.14-02297 A/CONF.222/RPM.4/INF/2 Libya Faisal A. ELSHAARI, Ambassador, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Nadia ELIDOUDI — Cousiler, Libya Embassy, Addis Ababa Mali Lassana DIAKITE, Magistrat, Conseiller Technique Mauritania Mohamed Bouya CHEIKH MOHAMED VADEL, Conseiller des Affaires Etrangère, Ministère des Affaires Etrangeres et de la Coopération Ouldhamza EL ALEM, First Counsellor, Embassy of Mauritania (Addis Ababa) Morocco Adi RHCOFAL, Commissaire de Police la Direction générale de la Sûreté nationale Mozambique Jeremias Luis CHAUQUE, Head of Division of Cooperation and International Organization, Ministry of Interior Joaquim DENGUENHE, Head, Department of Legal Affairs, Ministry of Interior Vicente Dino CHICOTE, Assistant Superintendent of Police, Director, Criminal Investigation of the Cabo-Delgado Province Helder MANUEL, National Directorate of Criminal Investigation Niger Rabo DILLE, Secrétaire general, Ministère de la Justice Nigeria Lazarus Istifanus KPASABA, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of the Federal Republic of Nigeria to the United Nations (Vienna) Olufemi AJAYI, Director General, National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) Joseph Nbona SUNDAY, Directorl, National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) Sierra Leone Ibrahim KOROMA, Head, Crime Management Department (CID) South Africa D.C. BREWIS, Deputy Director, Department of International Relations and Cooperation A.R. LEDWABA, Director, Department of Home Affairs B. MDHLULI, Director, International relations, Department of Correctional Services D. MAKHUZA, Director, Social Services, Department of Correctional Services G. PIENAAR, Director, HIV/AIDS, Department of Correctional Serivices Brian OPPECT, Colonel, South African Police Service Sudan Omer Ahmed Mohamed AHMED, Prosecutor General Hisham Elagib ABDALLA, Police Brigadier, Ministry of Interior Elnazeir Hamid ELFAKI, Legal Advisor V.14-02297 3 A/CONF.222/RPM.4/INF/2 Uganda Asuman KIYINGI, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs/Regional Cooperation Ambasador Martinez Arapte Mangusho, Dupity Head of Mission, Uganda Embassy, Addis Ababa United Republic of Tanzania Lillian L. MASHAKA, Deputy Director General, Prevention and Combating of Corruption Bureau Juma Alli MALEWA, Commissioner of Prisons (Legal and Prisons Affairs), Ministry of Home Affairs Rogers William SIYANGA, Head, Counter Narcotics, President’s Office Ayub Y. MWENDA, Assistant Director of Public Prosecutions, Attorney General’s Chambers, Public Prosecutions Division Lilian Abdul MUKASA, First Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Zimbabwe Takawira NZOMBE, Assistant Commissioner T.V. UTSIWEMBANJE, Legal Officer States Members of the United Nations represented by observers Belarus Dmitry KUPTEL, Ambassador of the Republic of Belarus to Ethiopia Alexandr ULYANCHENKO, Senior Counselor, Embassy of the Republic of Belarus to Ethiopia Qatar Ahmad Hassan AL HAMADI, Vice Chairman of the Organizing Committee for the Thirteenth United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Ali Khalfan AL MANSOURI, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Qatar to the International Organizations (Vienna) Abdulla Dhaen AL-KUWARI, National Coordinator of the Conference, Ministry of Interior Abdulrahman Ali AL-MALIKI, Colonel, Member of the Organizing Committee for the Thirteenth United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Khalifa Rashid AL AMARI, First Lieutenant, Member of the Organizing Committee for the Thirteenth United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Salem Mansour AL-MARRI, Lieutenant, Member of the Organizing Committee for the Thirteenth United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Jassim Mohammed AL ASMAKH, Member of the Organizing Committee for the Thirteenth United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Eduardo VETERE, Expert Representatives of United Nations Secretariat units UNITED NATIONS OFFICE ON DRUGS AND CRIME (UNODC) John SANDAGE, Director, Division for Treaty Affairs Valerie LEBAUX, Chief, Justice Section, Division for Operations Alexia TAVEAU, Project Coordinator, Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling Section, Division for Treaty Affairs Caitlin CHITTENDEN, Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Officer, Programme Office in Ethiopia (POETH) Sven PFEIFFER, Associate Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Officer, Justice Section, Division for Operations 4 V.14-02297 A/CONF.222/RPM.4/INF/2 United Nations bodies UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR AFRICA (ECA) Mangue GUILLERMO NNANDONGO, Development Management Officer, Subregional office for Central Africa David Omozuafoh, Consultant/ECA Affiliated regional institutes and associate institutes UNITED NATIONS AFRICAN INSTITUTE FOR THE PREVENTION OF CRIME AND THE TREATMENT OF OFFENDERS (UNAFRI) John KISEMBO, Acting Director John SSALI SEMBUYA. Administration and Finance Officer Mwaita PATRICK, Research Training Assistant INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC AND PROFESSIONAL ADVISORY COUNCIL OF THE UNITED NATIONS CRIME PREVENTION AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAMME (ISPAC) Gary Hill, Scientific Coordinator, Ancillary meetings for the Thirteenth UN Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Intergovernmental Organizations INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL POLICE ORGANIZATION (INTERPOL) Deven NAICKER, Regional Specialized Officer Drugs and Organized Crime, Bureau Harare LEAGUE OF ARAB STATES (LAS) Saleh SAHBOUN, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Ethiopia, Permanent Representative to the AU and UNECA Non-governmental organizations INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR CRIMINOLOGY (ISC) Malika BOUZIANE, Representative in Algeria TERRE DES HOMMES FOUNDATION (Tdh) Fabrice CRÉGUT, Conseiller Justice Juvénile WOMEN’S RIGHT TO EDUCATION PROGRAMME (WREP) Mimidoo ACHAKPA, Leader of representatives Tersoo ASOGO Felicity KPENBEEN IORTYOM Ibrahim SULE WORLD SOCIETY FOR VICTIMOLOGY (WSV) Robert Peacock, Vice-President WSV, Professor of Criminology and Forensic Studies, University of Kwazulu-Natal (South Africa) V.14-02297 5 .
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