-refit '.*.»?. HfOy fair Ma,, Distribution tomorrow la Hi. Low tonight Today to M». Variable winds today and tomorrow. See page 2 for 13,950 weather, tides. An Independent Newspaper Under Same Ownership Since 1878 VOLUME 82, NO. 236 limed Dally. Monday through Friday, enwred u Second Clau Matter c it tut Post Olllci it Red Bank. N. J., under tn« Act ol Marco 3. 1818. RED BANK, N. J., TUESDAY, JULY 12, 1960 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE £ ££%j&c Khrush Claims Fliers Admit Spying Civil Rights Warns Spy Flights Battle Looms Could Lead to War MOSCOW (AP)—Nikita Khrushchev warned to- ay that resumption of American spy flights over the At Convention Soviet Union would "heat the existing tension to boil- Silence ng point and bring matters to the outbreak of war." See Kennedy The Soviet Premier gave this warninto at a Krem- County Unit n news conference in answer to a question about the Ordered ossibility of renewal of U2 flights. He did not elab- Position As Still Loyal orate. By U.S. Earlier, in an opening Impregnable To Meyner statement, Khrushchev Britons Ask charged the flight of the By DON WOOD ACCIDENT VICTIM — Lawrence Bacigalupi of the Little Silver First Aid Squad NEWPORT, R.I. (AP) — Of- LOS ANGELES (AP) — Register Staff Correspondent RB47 reconnaissance plane comforts Joan Kelly, II, prior to her removal to Riverview Hospital last night after ficially-ordered United States si- The Democratic National LOS ANGELES - Monmouth lence prevailed today as Presi- Assurances shot down July 1 by a Soviet she was struck by a car whilo riding a bicyle. Convention squared off to-County's delegates are still stick- dent Eisenhower awaited a gov- fighter demonstrated that U.S. ing to Gov. Robert B. Meyner' ernment report on Russia's as- policy is aimed at "provoking a day for a civil rights battle favorite son candidacy, even On Base Use sertion it has shot down another serious military conflict." though Sen. John F. Kennedy is American plane. LONDON (AP) — Demands with Sen. John F. Kennedy He also declared that this all but nominated. Bike Victim The order to all federal offi- mounted in Britain today for (D-Mass) holding an im- Nursing Home Gets "new act of perfidy" demon- Talk here has moved on to th< cials to keep mum was announced firm assurance that Washington pregnable position as itsvice presidential possibilities. at the Summer White House late is consulting fully with Prime strated that President Elsen- 9 hower's assurance In Paris that potential presidential nominee. The three most talked of pos In Critical Monday. Minister Harold Macmillan's gov the U2 flights over Soviet ter- Adherents of Senate Demo- sible running mates for Kenned) Planners Attention Press Secretary James C.Ha ;rnment on the activities of Atner- ritory had been discontinued cratic Leader Lyndon B. Johnson are Sen. Stuart Symington o gerty told a news conference can planes flying from British j Missouri, Gov. Orville Freema Condition EATONTOWN — The Planning He pointed out that the Plan jases. was "not worth a bad penny." of Texas refused to give up hope Board last night took testimony ning Board only recommends; there would be no public com of Wisconsin and Sen. Henrj That was the first reaction to Khrushchev claimed, the two that he can wrest the nomination LITTLE SILVER—An 11-year- on the application o f Raphael the Zoning Board of Adjustmem ment from anyone in the admin Jackson of Washington. istration pending receipt of theRussia's claim to have shot down surviving crewmen of the Ameri- away from Kennedy by a dra- ild Shrewsbury cyclist is in criti- Cesarano for permission to build alone has the pow^r to granl can plane—First Lt. John R. Me- matic last-hour rally. The three representatives from cal condition this morning at Fit- report Eisenhower ordered. another U.S. reconnaissance air- Monmouth County, Mrs. Kath- an 85-bed nursing home at 154or withhold permission to build, Cone, 38, of Tonganoxie, Kan., In line With this, Johnson call- kin Memorial. Broad St. but it does not have that powe The President sent word to thecraft over Soviet territory. arine Elkus White, Mayor Pau State and Defense Departments The missing RB 47 took off and First Lt. Freeman B. Olm- ed a news conference today for Hospital authorities said Joan Milton A, Abramoff, Red Bank, until the Planning Body has mad Kiernan of Long Branch am that he wants full information on from the U.S. Air Force base at stead, 24, of Elmira, N. Y.-had what an aide called "an import- Kelly, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. who represented Mr. Cesarano ts recommendations. Thomas J. Smith are still backin the Moscow charges and that no Brize Norton, England, and many admitted their plane "was to ant announcement concerning the Carl A. Kelly, 31 Crest Dr., is and Mrs. Margaret Graf, owner Experts Heard the governor until released. federal spokesman should com- Britons want to know whether its have flown along the northern Issues involved in the conven under observation for a fractur- of the property, challenged au- F. Spencer Smith, chief of thi 'Thing To Do* ment while the charges are being frontiers of the Soviet Union on tion" and Johnson's position con thority of the board to hold such Bureau of Community Institution; 'light was first sanctioned by Mrs. White said she though d skull, compound fracture of studied. Macmillan. an espionage mission." cerning them. the left leg and possible internal a hearing, and objected to theof the state Department of Inst "it was the thing to do" to sta Contrast In a note to Macmillan's gov- Khrushchev said he thought the The aide declined to elabor- with Meyner, who is retainin injuries. testimony as irrelevant. tutions and Agencies, testifiei This was in dramatic contras ernment, Soviet Premier Nikita Soviet Union would take the mat- ate. Asked whether Johnson his role as favorite son. He contended that since the that in the last 10 years thi She was injured last night when with what happened two month Khrushchev accused Britain of ter of the RB47 to the United would announce then that he All three of the delegates wen borough zoning ordinance says number of nursing homes in the bike she was riding was hit ago in the U2 spy plane episode being a "direct participant" in Nations—first to the Security was withdrawing from the impressed with the keynoti by a car driven by Mrs. George that the Planning Board shall state has increased from 101 ti when the Soviet Union lured the aggressive American acts and Council and then to the General race, the aide replied "no, defi- speech last night of Sen. Franl Blair, Buttonwood Dr., Shrews base its recommendation in such 169. U.S. government into a trap an with assuming heavy responsibil- Assembly. But he added that no nitely not." Church of Idaho. bury, police said. a case on "effect on the com- Monmouth County, he said, ha ity for the possible conse- prehensive planning of the bor touched off an International fu firm decision had been made on Mr. Smith said, "It highlights more nursing home beds thai ror. But if Johnson wouldn't give A witness told police that Joan ough," then the body should con any other county in the stati quences. such action. up, only a relative few among the political foundations for thewas riding on Sycamore Ave., In that incident administratioi Macmillan faces a barrage ofj party in the coming campaign. sider only plans and specifica- and North Jersey counties hav Khrushchev said the Soviet the delegates questioned tha near the Little Silver Lumber tions. spokesmen at first said the U!questions on this and the U2 in-1 In commenting on the speech "farmed out" a number of nurs- was on a reconnaissance missior Kennedy will go beyond the re- :o. yard, when the accident oc- Lawyer Objects ing home patients here. cident in the House of Commons j days In announcing that the quired 761 votes for the top nomi- Mrs. White remarked that "Sen, curred. and perhaps had strayed uninten today. When questioned previous-; Church exemplifies the youthful "We are here to answer ques- He said that there are, today, tionally off its course into Sovii RB47 had been shot down In nation on the first presidential The witness, Ronald Ross, 81 tions. Anything else would be ir- ly on the May Day shooting down character of the Democratic vacancies in existing nursing territory. order to see what alibis the tally tomorrow. Hillside Ave., Atlantic Highlands, relevant," Mr. Abramoff siad. over Russia of the American U2 United States would come up party," pointing out that the sen homes. Then the Soviet trap snappe plane, the prime minister con- This situation spawned fever- 'old police that the victim wasj ..The proposai that testimony with. He said frankly his gov- ator is only 35 years old. John L. Montgomery, director Soviet Premier Nikita Khrus tended there could be no public ish activity on the part of Demo- Even though the Monmoutl hit when her bike crossed in be taken as to the need for aof the county Welfare Board and ernment was hoping for anoth- crats of all shades of opinion front of the Blair vehicle. (See SILENCE, Pg. 3) discussion of intelligence activi- er cover slory like the Initial County group remains behin nursing home is beyond the scope county adjuster, testified that at ties. hoping to get in on the ground Another cyclist, Jerilyn Barnes, of the board's authority." explanation that the U2 shot Meyner, many of the New Je present private nursing homes The Conservative Daily Mail floor of what they hope will be- 84 Park Ave., Shrewsbury, was down on May Day had been on sey delegation already have sai The board attorney, Henry Sal- are soliciting welfare patients, al- in a front page editorial today come the first party administra they would switch to Kennedy b uninjured.
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