$12,000 ELECT FOR CENTRAL DEFENSE irccncuT ©VMPUS TREASURER Volume XXVIII Storrs, Connecticut, Wednesday, January 28, 1942 Z 88 No. 17 Husky Network Now UCBS $12,000 In Defense Bonds Schedule Is Expanded On Air Twenty Hours Mullaney Elected Stamps Sold Here Since May Weekly; Needs Help Central Treasurer Summer Session Sales Were Heaviest in December A new name has been given to On First Ballot the Husky Network. In the future Since Jap Attacks On Pearl Harbor it will be known as the UCBS, the Duties Are Keeping To Be Extended University of Connecticut Broad- MEDIATOR ADVISOR More than two thousand dollars' casting System. Books, Funds Of ASG worth of defense stamps and ten Now Awaiting Results The UCBS has made several thousand dollars' worth of defense other advances in the past month. From a field of five candidates, From Questionnaire bonds have been sold in the Uni- The studio in Hall Dormitory has John Mullaney, '43 of Hartford, To Schedule Courses versity post office since the start been improved and equipped with was chosen Central Treasurer of of the defense bond drive in May, The University Summer Session 1941. says Joseph P. Douda, Storrs a new microphone complete with the Associated Student Govern- postmaster. a boom-stand, and new monitor- ment by the Student Senate at the in 1942 will be extended and made ing equipment has been installed. He added that while a large last regular meeting Thursday. He more comprehensive to meet the number of both bonds and stamps There will be more commercial was elected by a majority vote on needs of students anxious to com- were sold between May and the advertising. The Beech-Nut Co. the first ballot. plete their education before draft present, December, the month of has signed a thirteen week con- age or wish to complete their coll- As Central Treasurer he will the Japanese attack on Pearl Har- tract for the UCBS to broadcast ege courses in order to work in de- bor and our subsequent declara- transcribed spot announcements. have the duty of keeping the funds fense industries, it was announced derived from the activity fees of tion of war. was by far the best The Camel Cigarette Co. has re- by S. Willard Price, head of the month of sales. newed its contract for fifteen the student body, distributing summer session. them according to the Student It is assumed that with the cit- weeks. Both will begin on Febru- With the extended program, ary 2. Senate budget, and maintaining izens' realization of the increased the books of the Associated Stu- freshmen who wish admission to expense of administering a country dent Government. For this work the University will be able to do at war. even more people will be BELIEVE IT OR NOT . he will be paid a salary of $100 a their college work in three yaers, willing to invest in the govern- Dean Sumner A. Dole has semester. provided that they enroll for three ment. granted the Husky Network Previous to the election, all the summer sessions. 10 Per Cent By Students permission to issue, as prizes in candidates were interviewed by a This proposed program will be Of the total number of stamps the Cavalcade of Swing con- committee of the faculty consist- divided into two five-week ses- and bonds sold, about ten per cent test, passes to cut into line at ing of Dean of Men Sumner A. sions. Each session will be run six were purchased by students. Post- master Douda said that the first either of the dining halls for a Dole, Hugh S. Cannon, assistant days per week, thus encompassing DR. PAUL A. WALKER specific number of meals. professor of economics and instruc- the same amount of time as a six- defense bond sold in the Storrs Also, the winners will ap- tor in accounting, and W. Harrison week session run five days per Post Office was purchased by a pear as guests of the Calvacade Carter, associate professor of eco- week. The normal load for each student. of Swing on February 6th. nomics and faculty adviser to the session will be two courses and the Mediator Elects However, stamps seem to be The full details of the contest Senate, to determine their fitness maximum load will be seven cred- more in the students' line because will be announced by the net- for the post. its. Under this arrangement a stu- Dr. Paul A. Walker they find it easier to fill a stamp book gradually than to have to ex- work. The faculty committee, accord- dent can earn fourteen semester hours credit each summer or ap- New Faculty Advisor pend a lump sum on the purchase ing to Dr. Carter, speaking in the of a bond. Sign Contracts Senate, found four of the five can- proximately a full year's work in two summers. Students may attend Some students received empty The signing of these contracts didates equal in all respects and Succeeds Milton Foter stamp books as Christmas or birth- has caused an increase in the declined to make a recommenda- either or both sessions, it was an- Who Was Given Gift nounced. day gifts and then have gone on broadcasting schedule. The new tion. Mullaney, however, was rec- to fill them at their convenience, schedule will run twenty hours ommended highly by the outgoing The Summer Session bulletin A new faculty advisor of the said Mr. Douda. per week, Monday through Fri- central treasurer, Samuel Jaskilka, will include only the specific | Mediator, Dr. Paul A. Walker, as- day from 5 to 9 o'clock in the and other members of the Senate, courses to be offered in the first j sistant professor of Zoology, was evening. and after a brief discussion the term. elected at a meeting of the Media- Debate Club Plans Because of this expansion, at vote was taken. Through a survey of state inter- tor Jan. 19, in the Church Cabin. least seventy-five new members The other candidates, all juniors, ests and needs, and through a. Succeeding Dr. Foter. assistant Semester Schedule must be added to the present staff. were: William Conly of New Ha- questionnaire to be sent to all stu-' professor of Bacteriology, Dr. More programs will be added if ven, William Gordon of Hartford, dents enrolled in the first term Walker will begin his two year With Twelve Meets sufficient interest is shown. Stu- Leonard Kaufman of Hartford, and during the first week, the courses Iterm as Mediator Advisor by su- dents interested may gain val- Al Pinsky of Hartford. During the for the second term will be deter- j pervismg freshman rushing, Meet Worcester Tech, uable technical, managerial and meeting, the Senate also voted to mined. These courses will be UP.on his resignation from the Penr. In Near Future announcing experience. give the outgoing Central Treasur- scheduled on the basis of frequency ;P°ftIon of Mediator Advisor, Dr. Fot wa resen d wlth Those who wish to try out er an additional salary of $25 to of choice as shown by the results er "lf ld! P f a leath- The debate club will have a busy should get in touch with Warren instruct Mullaney in the intricacies of the state survey and by the re- b'l ° - cigarette case and key- semester engaging the leading of the office. suits of the questionnaire. ring combination. Dr. Foter leaves Dion, '43 of Bristol, at Alpha Phi shortly to take up a new position schools of the East on the Pi or with Edward Temkin, '43 of with the Pet Milk Company. Kappa Delta topic. Resolved: New Haven, at Hall Dormitory. Dr. Walker, the new advisor, that a world union be formed on SCHOOL OF NURSING OPENS IN FALL; feels that fraternities are a valu- the basis of the Roosevelt-Church- Plan A Second Quiz able part of college life on the con- ill eight point program. B.A. DEGREE TO BE CONFERRED dition that they do not become At the meeting of the executive Of Two Cities Soon such a tightly knit body that the committee it was decided that, be- welfare of the fraternity is taken cause of the importance of the A school of nursing will be try, nursing, nutrition, psychology, before that of the University as a topic and value it would be to the After the radio Quiz of Two started at the University this fall, and social studies. In the senior whole. student body, the debating teams Cities between four members of it was announced by Dean Charles year students will enter certain One of the important problems should limit themselves to that the University and Mass. State B. Gentry. approved hospitals for two and of the Mediator, said Dr. Walker, is one question. staffs over WTIC ended in a 135- Although a bill authorizing the one-half years' training under the to find houses for the new fraterni- Most of the debates have already 135 tie on January 1, arrange- school was passed in 1937, under- hospital's jurisdiction. Upon grad- ties that have formed on campus. been scheduled and the assign- ments were made for a follow-up graduate instruction was not ex- uation, students will have earned a With the rationing of tires, the ments have been made. On Jan- program to decide the winner. pected to be started until a later certificate of nursing and a B.A. housing problem will become more uary 31 in Gully at 7 p.m., Ben- The program will be held during date. Because of the urgent need of degree.
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