IRcfS^'aPW.* '^pt#-;»- •'.S^-^LA,':,''• .^j^-it •Avv^iM^Clla PAGE EIGHT THE BRANFOBD Hagnmn Library of August, 1042 Snst Haven,Conn Legal Notice JAMES C, OGILVIB, Schanzenbach Minnie ct al to A. Tax Collector, T. Gorman, Cosey Beach Ave . WJ1EREA8, LOUIS DEMARCO, East Haven, Connecticut EAST HAVEN Mortgage Deeds as shown on said Map, 60 feet, Happy Birthday THE'NEED IS GREAT •JR.,. or 213 HAMILTON STREET, 11'4 Inches, more or less; WHEREAS, FILOMENA APUZZO, Clork C. C. et ux to N. H. B. & L. ROOMING HOUSE NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT, has Assn., Foxon Rd. NORTHERLY—by lot No. 6, as late of New Haven, Connecticut, de­ ROTARY TODAY Bruce Collopy Is o blrthdoy boy on DON'T HESTITATE •neglected to pay the taxes on the Grimm G. J. et ux to Vincent BOARDING HOUSES • shown on said Map, 104 feet, 4 ceased, FRANCESCO APUZZO, of The topic tor this noon's Rotary the 25th. herein mentioned Grand List, I, Name Teachers Gombardclla, 30 Richmond St.. RED CROSS STATION WAGON Inches, more or less; 272 EAST STREET, NEW HAVEN, luncheon talk was "Duties perform nOTEIiS MUST REGISTER JAMES C OOILVIE, as TAB^ COL­ Johns C. R. et ux to First Fed. EASTERLY—by lot No. II, as shown CONNECTICUT, Individually and ed by the United States Commis­ Frederick Bllcker, East Main WITH RENT DIRECTOR LECTOR, by the authority "' given To East Haven Sov. & Loan Assn., 14 Edwards St. on said Map; 60 feet, more or less; as administrator of the Estate of sioner's Office" given by Attorney Street observed his birthday anni­ me by the STATE OP CONNECTI- Olson Martin to W. H. Foote ^ht Pranforti HV AUGUST 31st . SOUTHERLY—by lot No. 0, as Fllomena Apuzzo, CARL APUZZO, Thomas A. Grimes of the United versary August 3rd and he and 'CUT, do hereby give notice that I trus. Main St., Farm River. AND EAST HAVEN NEWS shown on said Map, 114 feet, 1 of 272 BAST STREET, NEW HAV­ School Force States Commissioner's office. will sell at public auction on OCT. Pacelll Arcangelo to Comm. B. & Mrs. Bllcker celebrated their wed­ VOL. XV—NO. 18 Inch, more or less. EN, CONNECTICUT, and PETER Rollln Mettler has been welcomed ding annlversory on the first. 10, 1042, A.n. at ths hour of lOiOO TORELLO, of 301 ORCHARD ST., T. Co., Foxon Road. Branford, Connecticut, Thursday, Aug-ust 20, 1042 SECOND PIECE known as lots TEACHER ASSIGNMENTS Into the club. A,M. at the TOWN HALL, EAST numbers II, 12 and 13 on said map NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT, have Suprenant W. A. et ux to H, D. Page et ux. Green St. Betsy Anrt'Cochran, daughter of PRICE FIVE CENTS HAVEN, CONNECTICUT, • the pro­ neglected to pay the toxes on the bounded: The Board of Education has an­ Rev. Father William Myers ot St. Mr. and Mrs. Wolter Cochran, 10 perty belonging to said LOUIS DE-I herein mentioned Grand Lists, I, Assignment of Mortgage SOUTHERLY—by Osmond Street, nounced the teacher assignments Foul's Church has recovered from Ure Avenue, East Haven will reoch MARCO, JR.; for taxes, interest, Hen JAMES C. OGILVlb, as TAX COL­ Bradley P. C. est. to Mary J. Brad­ as shown on said map, 70 feet, 10 throughout the East Haven schools. a recent tonsllectomy. ley from Dorothy G. Nightingale, the odvanced age of 6 on the 28lh Selective Service Board St. Augustine Local Chapter fees, and expenses Incurred on thi LECTOR, by the authority given me Light Company inches, more or less; In which there are relotlvely few Catherine St. ot August. Grand List of 1034, 1035, ,1030, 1937, WESTERLY—by lots No. 0, 7, 8, 0, by the STATE OF CONNECTICUT, changes. In the elementary schools Hammer Field Bazaar JESSE E. TAYLOR Releases of Mortgages Parish Plans Contributions 1038, 1039, 1040, 1041 Inclusive. and 10, as shown on said map, 113 do hereby give notice that I wHl the following assignments have Ends 25th Year • Said property Is bounded and dc- sell at public auction on OCT. 10, Funeral services were held yes­ Conn. Sttv. Bk. to Hermlna Johns, John H. Birch, Cedar Street ob­ AnswersCall To Supply feet, 3 Inches, more or less; ' been made: Edwards St. •'scrlbcd as follows: 1942, A.D. ot the hour of 10:00 A.M. terday afternoon tor Jesse E. Tay­ served his birthday Wednesday In Amount to $400 NORTHERLY—by lots No. 5 and Tuttic School: Loretta Hanlcy, lor of 142 George Street who died First Nat. B. & T. Co. to P J. Da- Mlltord, Mass., where he and Mrs. Annual Bazaar Realizes Profit Of $700 Lots 48 and 40 N. Victor Street, at the TOWN HALL, EAST HAVEN, Public Service 108 as shown on said Map, 64 principal, Grade 7; Ruth Younger- In Rutland, Mass., In the 40lh year men et ux, No. High St. Birch have gone tor a two weeks East IJavon, Conn., bounded; CONNECTICUT, the property be­ Four Hmidrod dollars has been feet, 10'/4 Inches, more or loss; man, Grade 0; Elizabeth Ritchie ot his age. N. H. B. & L. Assn. to W. J. Sshaw vacation. Men For Induction Soon Plans ore now complete for the SOUTHERLY—by Victor Street, as EASTERLY—by lot No. 14, as longing to said FILOMENA APUZ­ first annual bazaar to be held tor collected by the executive commit­ Organized When Nation 'Was At Grode 5; Perl Magld, Grade 4; el ux, 2 pes. For View Ave tee of the local Chapter of the shown on said Map, 50 feet; shown on said Map, 100 feet, more ZO for taxes. Interest, Hen fees, and the benefit ot St. Augustine's parish War—Started With 43,430 Oua- For Each Organization Margaret Vondcrcook, Grade 3; N. H. Prog. B. Si L. Assn. to H. E, WESTERLY—by • Lot No. 50, as expenses Incurred on the Grand Miss Patricia Boutello ot River­ Leatrlce Tucker whose birthday Bn^nford-East Haven Group Left August 18 For Prelim­ American Red Cross as contribu­ or less. Noncy Catolde, Grade 2; Mary An- Faulkner et al. Green St in North Branford. Rev. John J. tions to the Administrative Station tomors—Now Serves 200,000. shown oil said Map, 100 feet; List of 1933, 1034, 1035, 1038, 1037 side Terrace has as a guest this Is the loth hos olready received a McCarthy, pastor of the church, on IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have ttstosio, Grode 1; Anne Coleman Von Horn Ellse to Arcangelo Pac­ telegram ot greeting from her Ma­ inary Examination—Board Called to Induct Residents Wagon Fund. M. P. NORTHERLY—by lots No. 07 and hereunto set my hand this Olh day 1038, 1030, 1040, 1941, Inclusive. KIndergorten Rose Brown, special week Miss Beryl Sulllvon ot Branr elll, Foxon Rood Who Moved Here Prom Other Board Areas. last Sunday told of this being the The Connecticut Light and Pow­ Rice Hose Co. and Ambulance Fund Share Equally ford. rine brother, Larry. infant parish In he Hartford R. C. Donations may bo sent to Chai-lcs OS, as shown on said Map, 50 feet; of August, 1042. Said property Is bounded and de­ Union School: Kotherlne Kllloy, Release of Welfare Lien er Company ob.scrves the 25th an­ in1 ifiMO$140O0 ProfiProfitt GaineGainedd BByv RecenRGcnni-t. Affair—""Bo'tlAffnir —-R/^*!i' EASTERLY--by Lot No. 47, as shown Diocese. The parish will be one Boxlor at Blackston Memorial Li­ niversary of its organization as a -JAMES C. OGILVIE. scribed as follows: Principal, Grade 7; Helen Robinson, State to Hermlna Johns, Edward A large number ot young men ot brary or, If desired a representa­ Groups Pleased With Results. on said'Map, 100 feet, The Ever Ready Group ot the orla Hotel, to Lieutenant Bernard S. year old next month. A handsome public service company this month, Tax Collector, Lots No. 0 and 10 E. Thompson Grade 8; Margarete Bauer, Grade 6; Street. East Haven and Branford reported tive will coll. as shown on a "Map of Thompson Doris Coleman, Grade 4; Josephine Old Stone Church will meet Tues­ Levlnson of Brooklyn. Tuesday for preliminary examina­ Reserve Tables rectory has been buHt and furnished according to on announcement East Haven, Connecticut Avenue, East Haven, Connecticut, Release of Mechanics Lien and for the benefit ot summer vi­ Because ot priorities the Red Somclhinc over $1400 was realized Avenue Gardens, Section 1, Bast bounded: Long, Grade 3; Tlthoa Groyer, day at 2 with Mrs. WlUiam G. West, Batter BIdg. Mat. Co. to Carl tion. This group Is expected to be made today by William H. Sangslor by the M. P. Rice Hose Co. and of Thompson Avenue. Miss Minnie Beardsley, Prospect sitors three Masses are celebrated Cross cannot purchase an unused Ambulance Fund Haven Connecticut, owned and de­ WHEREAS, MARY BARRY, of WESTERLY—by Thompson Avenue, Grade 2; Alice McNeil, Grade 1. Clark et ol, Foxon Road. ordered tor Induction Into military For Saturday's car. Anyone knowing where a late manager of the Brantord district. tile Ambulonco Committee for their veloped by the Mortgage : Invest­ Hill has ben entertaining her ne­ service within two weeks. each Sunday during the summer. The company was lnoor|)orated In 143 BRADLEY ST., NEW HAVEN, as shown on said Map, 60 feet, Oerrlsh School: Dalsoy Gurney, Appointments phew, Charles Linsley ot Sea Island, model can bo bought will please call efforts ot the Bozonr ot Hommer ment Realty Company, Aloxonder Mr. and Mrs. L. Rocheleau, Sal- ' Instructions and railroad tickets This necessitates the services of an Connecticut In 1017. Party Thursday Field all last week.
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