ELSEVIER Abnormal Vitreous Structure in Optic Nerve Pit Tomoki Hasegawa, Jun Akiba, Satoshi Ishiko, Taiichi Hikichi, Akihiro Kakehashi, Hiroyuki Hirokawa and Akitoshi Yoshida Department of Ophthalmology, Asahikawa Medical College, Asahikawa, Japan Abstract: A 37-year-old man presented with an optic nerve pit and serous macular detach- ment of the left eye. Scanning laser ophthalmoscopy revealed a cyst-like structure terminat- ing at the pit in the premacular vitreous. During ocular movement, this structure moved vig- orously and seemed to exert traction on the pit. We believe that it is part of an anomalous Cloquet’s canal, and that traction on the pit may be a significant factor in the development of serous macular detachment in this patient. Jpn J Ophtbalmol 1997;41:32&327 0 1997 Japanese Ophthalmological Society Key Words: Cloquet’s canal, optic nerve pit, scanning laser ophthalmoscope, serous macu- lar detachment, vitreous. Introduction ular detachment in this patient. This case has been included in previously published reports on SLO An optic nerve pit is a rare congenital anomaly images.8,g that occurs in approximately 1 in 10 000 eyes.’ In early adulthood, half of the patients with this condi- tion develop a serous macular detachment;2,3 the mechanism of this development is not yet clear. Al- Case Report though several theories on the origin of subretinal A 37-year-old man visited our ophthalmology de- fluid have been proposed, the currently favored un- partment on February 15,1996 with blurred vision in derstanding is that fluid from the vitreous leaks the left eye. Initial examination found best-corrected through the optic pit, filling the subretinal space.’ visual acuities of 1.0 OD and 0.2 OS. Biomicroscopic The recently developed scanning laser ophthalmo- examination was normal; the intraocular pressure scope (SLO) allows observation of several layers of was within the normal range bilaterally. In the left the retina and the choroid at different depths.4-6 In eye, indirect ophthalmoscopy revealed a 2.5 disc di- addition, the real-time continuous imaging of the ameter serous macular detachment surrounded by a SLO is useful for observation of the dynamics of the 4.5 disc diameter retinoschisisl” (Figure 1). A macu- vitreous body.7-9 lar lamellar hole was also noted, and a gray pit was This article describes one case of optic nerve pit present in the inferotemporal quadrant of the optic associated with serous macular detachment. A cyst- disc (Figure 2). Biomicroscopic vitreous examination like structure in the vitreous cavity, presumed to be found that the posterior cortical vitreous was at- an anomalous Cloquet’s canal, was noted with the tached to the retina throughout the posterior pole to SLO. We believe this structure may have been a sig- the periphery, and an anomalous Cloquet’s canal nificant factor in the development of the serous mac- terminated at the pit. There was no traction on the macula noted. Fluorescein angiography showed only faint hyper- fluorescence because of a window defect in the mac- Received: September 27,1996 ular lamellar hole. There was no dye leakage into the Address correspondence and reprint requests to: Tomoki HA- SEGAWA, MD, Department of Ophthalmology, Asahikawa pit or retinal detachment on either fluorescein or in- Medical College, 4-5 Nishikagura, Asahikawa 078, Japan docyanine-green angiography. Jpn J Ophthalmol41,324-327 (1997) 0 1997 Japanese Ophthalmological Society 0021-5155/97/$17.00 Published by Elsevier Science Inc. PI1 SOO21-5155(97)00057-9 T. HASEGAWA ET AL. 325 ABNORMAL VITREOUS IN OPTIC NERVE PIT Figure 3. Scanning laser ophthalmoscopy image using ar- gon-green laser. Band-like hyporeflective area (arrows) Figure 1. Fundus photograph: left eye. Serous macular de- believed to be nerve fiber defect is clearly observed. tachment and surrounding reflection believed to be reti- noschisis are seen. the development of the detachment in this patient, a vitreous procedure was done on March 1, 1996. Af- Monochromatic fundus photography with a red- ter a core vitrectomy, a posterior vitreous detachment free filter showed a thin nerve fiber layer between was created and a fluid-gas (SF,) exchange was done. the optic nerve disc and the macula that appeared to The adhesion of the anomalous Cloquet’s canal to be a congenital nerve fiber defect. Using the SLO the edge of the optic nerve pit was easily released, with an argon-green laser, this thin nerve fiber layer suggesting that it was a weak adhesion. During the was identified as a band-like hyporeflective zone of procedure, we found no cyst-like structure in the nerve fiber (Figure 3). anomalous Cloquet’s canal. The retina reattached Scanning laser ophthalmoscope examination with postoperatively and the macular lamellar hole re- an argon-blue laser, reportedly useful in vitreous ob- solved. Visual acuity in the left eye had improved to servation,7-9 showed a cyst-like structure in the 1.0 at 3 weeks postoperatively. premacular vitreous with a slender connection to the pit (Figure 4). During ocular movement, this struc- ture moved vigorously and seemed to exert traction Discussion on the pit. The first description of optic nerve pit as a dark The diagnosis was optic nerve pit associated with gray hole in the optic disc appeared in 1882.” In serous macular detachment. Because we believed 1958, optic nerve pit was reported as frequently asso- that the cyst-like structure in the vitreous influenced ciated with central serous chorioretinopathy.12 Later, Figure 4. Scanning laser ophthalmoscopy image using ar- gon-blue laser. Cyst-like structure in premacular vitreous Figure 2. Fundus photograph: left eye. Pit (arrow) can be (arrows), with a slender connection to pit, moved vigor- seen at inferotemporal optic disc. ously during ocular movement. 326 Jpn J Ophthalmol Vol41: 324-321,1997 two-thirds of the optic nerve pit cases were found to detachment, we found none of the centripetal vitre- be associated with serous macular detachment13 and ous traction believed responsible for inducing serous this relationship, which is now widely recognized, macular detachment in the retinoschisis area, indi- was emphasized. cating that it may develop independently. The mechanism responsible for the development Visual field defects secondary to this disorder are of macular detachment in optic pit patients is not well recognized. 1,2~13Excluding enlarged blind spots clear. The subretinal fluid may originate from disc due to large optic discs and central scotomas second- capillaries, choroidal vessels, cerebrospinal fluid, or ary to serous macular detachment and retinoschisis, the vitreous.2,3*14-18The most widely accepted theory the most commonly encountered visual field defect at this time is that the liquified vitreous passes is arcuate scotoma.4-6 In the present case, a nerve fi- through the optic pit into the subretinal space.l In ber defect was clearly revealed by a SLO, and perim- the present case, because there was no dye leakage etry identified an arcuate scotoma corresponding to within the area of the detachment with either fluo- the nerve fiber defect area. rescein or indocyanine-green angiography, the sub- Because this is a report of a single case, further retinal fluid is believed to originate in the vitreous, study is required to substantiate our theory that the not in the disc capillaries or the choroidal vessels. serous macular detachment associated with optic The SLO permitted observation of the cyst in the disc pit may result from vitreous traction from an premacular vitreous linked to the pit by a strand-like anomalous Cloquet’s canal. connection. We believe this feature has not been re- ported previously. However, an anomalous Clo- quet’s canal connected to the optic pit has often References been observed by slit-lamp biomicroscopy.lg 1. Sadum AA. Optic disc pits and associated serous macular de- tachment. In: Ryan SJ, ed. Retina. 2nd ed. St. Louis: CV Because the optic pit derives from an incomplete Mosby, 19941829-35. closure of the embryonic fissure,1,20,21there also may 2. Brown GC, Shields JA, Goldberg RE. Congenital pits of the be a congenital abnormality of the vitreous and the optic nerve head: II. Clinical studies in humans. Ophthalmol- optic disc,19 leading us to speculate that the cyst seen ogy 1980;87:51-65. with the SLO was part of an anomalous Cloquet’s 3. Gordon R, Chatfield RK. Pits in the optic disc associated with macular degeneration. Br J Ophthalmol1969;53:481-9. canal. Observation of a Cloquet’s canal by slit-lamp 4. Sutoh N, Tanaka T, Sakamoto M. Observation of the ocular biomicroscopy is difficult, requiring ocular motion fundus with scanning laser ophthalmoscope. Rinsho Ganka for vitreous gel displacement?2T23 A normal eye will (Jpn J Clin Ophthalmol) 1992;46:763-70. have a Cloquet’s canal inserted around the optic 5. Tanaka T, Sutoh N. Scanning laser ophthalmoscope. Ophthal- disc,22J3 but our patient had an apparently abnormal mology (Tokyo) 1992,34:1449-59. canal with a wall of condensed plicated membranes, 6. Tokui K, Tanaka T. Scanning laser ophthalmoscope. Rinsho Ganka (Jpn J Clin Ophthalmol) 1993;47:1223-30. which were easily identifiable around the optic nerve 7. Kakehashi A, Ishiko S, Konno S, Akiba J, Kado M, Yoshida A. pit even on biomicroscopic observation without ocu- Observing the posterior vitreous by means of the scanning la- lar movement. ser ophthalmoscope. Arch Ophthalmol1995;113:558-6O. The premacular cyst was also noted to move in the 8. 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