Professor Hits 'Specific Job' Education Here By ELAINE KEN los 'The college graduate should be and to lecturing. "the deadliest state college is fo329. reported as IIT are making positiye This college puts too lath: eni- more than just a 'teacher, an en- of all teaching methods." I .,well Pratt, public relation efforts to train students tor phasis on the liberal arts, a stu- gineer. or a policeman ... I don't He feels a better was is to re- director. citizenship. as %%oil a to, a par- dent charged in Wednesday's object to accountants with col- quire students to read what the .When asked if the collcL:c ticular job." "Thrust and Parry" column. lege degrees: but I do object to treat thinkers have said about growth indicated it was becoming And Dr. Dean R. Cresap, assist- granting degrees to men qualified ideals and problems. Then. in a better school. Dr. Cresap re- Students and iaculty mends 1. ant professor of political science, only as accountants." small groups they would discuss torted, "size is not synonymous on the campus. Dr t'vesap be- agrees with him. The tall, blue-eyed assistant pro- what they have read and form with excellence." lieves. want a stronger etau 'ra I -Students should be trained fessor admitted there were prob- their own opinions. Reed college He believes San Jose State col- education program Ile calls this as human beings and menibers lems involved in giving students in Portland. Ore, has abandoned lege has an anft-cultural tradition "a health) sign of a free society." said Dr. a good education. One of these the bet orenothod cnticoly for "It began as a tocational insti- 'V., hae good mate' ial at the Cresap, in his midoestern drawl, is huge classes. this one. tution and came of age during collez,i %VIII% a chango of reminiscent of Elmer Da% is. "In- "When there are 150 persons But, Reed college has an en- the period of specialization. after Si'. could someday tank oith stead, our chief aim has been in a class," argues Dr. Cresol). rollment of 762, according to World War I. Pt illeIon and ilaryard merely to equip them for a spe- -%% hat can you dot" The instruc- the latest World Almanac. The "But a reaction has ..et in. cific job. tor must resort to a textbook registration figure at san Jose Eea such vocational schools aee F:ditorial Page 2, Enrollment ASB, State Decreases; Spartan Protest On 574 Less San Jose State C liege Seventh St. Vol 41 SAN JOSE CALIFORNIA FRIDAY JA ARY No. 64 Registration at the college this The college stioloot body and quarter totals 6329, according to the State Department of Educa- figures compiled by the Regis- tion hate entered into the contro- trar's office at noon yesterday. Greeks, Skiers versy over the tate of S.". ,'nth AISJS studlentsenow number 5131. st Wet stated C. W. Quinley Jr.. acting Conflict On Kolb groups haste went letters registrar. The Junior college total 10 the son Jose ('its Council Is 598. protesting Its decision to make Compared with the fall quarter Social Dates smenth street an arterial and registration of 6903. attendance Panhellenic council and the Ski asking that the street be closed at the college took a 574 student club learned late yesterday at a iwtocen .S.411 ('arlos and drop. meeting of the Student Acthities Fernando streets. de- The attendance drop was board that Major social moots Torn taans. student hod) pres- stu- ill scribed by Joe West, dean of of both organ lions are sched- ident, announced that he has sent dents, as the reoccurence of a uled for the same night. r letter to the council protestitie nosedive that registration figures Through date book conflict, the MOVe and informing them thAt have taken between fall and win- ronty "Presents" and the Ski a petition will he circulatu d ter quarters in past years. :dance both are to be held Jan students, faculty and tom risii.,,uple Veterans attending State col- 23. Panhellenic claims priority to backing the crake. st.,nd The lege total 506 and Junior college the evening, which under date petition is to be pt.,. ot.-(1 21. Mr. Quinley reported. hook rules, gives this group the the council at its moo tiec Jan If'. "We can expect an upsurge of power to demand that the dance Evans said. Korean veterans attending school be cancelled. college soon," Dean West said. "The Hill 'I J. Taylor, plant ad- number of World War II veter- John Bishop, Ski club president. viser in the School Planning office ans, however has been falling off." said that the club stands to los. of the State Board of Ectileation, more than $.500 if the dance is also wrote a letter to the City cancelled. He indicated that his Council requesting that it recon- group would he unwilling to canci-I sider its action. Professor kppears the dance. -It is the opinion of this office A consensus of college offi- that it omild be a tragedy to On Radio Sunda cials is that organizations Co- ook. route an arterial tlitough a rap- ordinating student social events photo by Parker idly griming ...ammis it there is should he strengthened to aoid PETER FRICKET MODERS, "Spartan Kato id the l'ear." attempts any alternate osy to route it," In UN Program future conflicts. to look at his mother, Jean Moores, ohne his father, Philip ( Mow- Mr. Taylor said. is Dr. George G. Bruntz. profes- The conflict in the scheduling ers, looks on approvingly. Peter ass born Jan. 9. 1953. Mowers A petition healing the signa- his MA and general secondary sor of history, will participate in of the two major social events a graduate student oorking limited ture. of 103 members of the fac- credential in business education. Runner-up in the Spartan Dolly a radio forum on "The United involving approximately 1400 stu- ulty alto opposed the city's plait First Baby contest was a ho) horn to Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Herndon %VW. filed Monde) with the co) Nations at the Crossroads" Sun- dents brings to a head the need of 2301 Srtenth aenue, Santa Cruz. The "Spartan Baby." or his pa- day evening. expressed previously by student rents. till recebe gifts from Blum'a department store, Daft's Spar- clerk Also participating on the pro- and administrative officials. tan Inn, Hotel Sainte Claire Barber Shop, Jules Itoi.zI, Jeoeler. An- Wahluttust, plc-sick-sit of the gram will be Dr. Charles S. John- "The Student Activities board gelo Marra studio, and Thelma Richardson's, voomen's clothier. college, Will Teel ;nformati Ct itli son. president of Fisk university. should he given direct control of City Connell members Month', in Nashville, Tenn.. and a mem- the datehook." Chuck Wing. Rally night fwfore the retail/oh staled- ber of the National Commission committee chairman, stated. "We Ticket Refund Now Available tiled meeting to discusu. the salmi. for UNESCO. should have more administration !hem The program will be heard over influence in the SAR" Says Chairman of Overnight station KNBC from S to 8:30 p.m. Speaking of campus ments, Seniors may pick up their re- A first signiip had It will be moderated by James Wing said, "If the administra- funds on the Overnight tickets from Dec. 1 to 12. Hoek Tr(1th's:4 Day, deputy director ot Radio tion con 1 Mlles to squelch stu- the Graduate Manager's office. terval five tickets were sold Free Asia. dent activities, it should he in a at Alice Dougherty, thermal-it corn- remaining 19 were purcha-, ('111St'S i 111111V Dr. Brunt; president of the position to make it social poli- mittee chairman. /111;1011110 d ye after males were reopened on Dec newly organized World Aff4irs cies known." terday. 29 council of San Jose, has been in- Miss Helen Dimmick, dean of The affair vies cancelled Wed- Miss Dougherty said. "Via- could change will e.xtvrid it, terested in the U.N. for sevoral women, believes that no new or- nesday. Main reason given for the have gambled on a lot of hist- time from 3 ()clock ?Jail I years. He was present at the San ganization is needed to control move was an unwillingness to minuti reservations, bet any o'clock this at tei noon in di Francisco conference which drew , student social affairs. gamble. with Senior Week funds. money aye lost would Woe to he to got. all students a c bane, up the charter, ! "New strength and has attended should come She added that the class coun- made up hy. cutting a Senior Claim their name) and books ac several meetings of the regional from groups now in existence." cil had voted to underwrite $'2220 Week actoity:. It Isn't worth it " cording to Dow Kinder. preident said. conferences of UNESCO she for the ()vernight. The seniors She does not behest. lack of poli- Students who do not pick ilp had expected to pay hack the tic-its caused the scant) sales their books ma) ha), them picked money by selling 148 tickets at "Posters were up before ticket up b) a friend if the friend ba- $15 each. sales opened" she declared. -and the' stub issued for the hook E Student Court Limits As of Wednesdaa. 24 persons there Were artick-s ahout it in the books are not picki-d .ip it ; had purchased tickets the 'Spartan Daily'." time the) are forfeited Studied by Committee . .4 rt .4.sociatton The committee for reorganizing the committee felt.
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