there tu bo scrub race np, but as several of the gate of the arsenal, composed of twelve soldiers of Newell, Fleet Engineer, goe« name 67 thli fr°» *01* fhr Borne fun the native abandoned their ana the Pnlted Kingdom on the it&jSSI yachts tackled to oue another they had companies, post, and, *tS5uieI' North America, Invalided. last, has not since been beard on Commodore Nobles not having either of THE MANILA INSURRECTION. pretending to scale the wall of the fortress, took re¬ Tne flagship Lancaster remains on the station, St SUNDAY. going up. arms as. .na Thomas, May 18.The brig Brooklyn (Br). from Ba£ STRIKERS' his the Frolic or the W. Dilltes, In Inside, and then turned their against officers and crew are to be relieved officers b»Uo« for St THE Ueorge fuge by John*, N8 (before 16th In yachts, on Meanwhile the commandants of the arsenal dis¬ and crew now on distress. bbe la reported), arrived sailing order, made the trip up board the George the way here by the sailing sloop- tho dismasted, but reports savlug some of E. Sherman. The wind was coming right down the posed the defence of the establishment with the of-war Portsmouth. sails and spars ; vessel reported to be tight river, and consequently the fleet had to beat up, Full Details of the in Manila and at sailors of the Filomena and Anlmosa, the people As there have been some changes In the fleet con¬ Miscellaneous. but hud the tide with them. The Ueorge E. Rising employed In the arsenal, and the native soldiers sequent upon the detachment of the Lancaster's Purser Meetings of the Eight-Hour League, they to our officers to McDowell, of the has ouf Sherman, the Jeannette and the Knight Templar who remained true side. They answered go home, I give you a correct amend- thanks for steamship Adriatic, had a little match and the Cavite Against the the lively lire of the rebels, who were on the para¬ the officers or the ronrtesiea Makers and pretty together, Spaniards. i^L . 1, ? LancasterRear We are Pianoforte lormer, although she wus towing the Frolic's yawl, pet of the fortress, and whose cannons and mus¬ "J®aePh Lanman, commanding South Atlan- indebted to Purser Thos Kinsey, of the steam¬ had a little the best of It, as site arrived flrst. kets commanded full range of the arsenal. In the £°..*"<ter; A. W.Johnson, Chief of Staff; ship City of Paris for favora City Laborers. The Jeauuette beat the but the most udvanced post, with part of his crew, was the Admiral's We are under Knight Templar, April 20, 1872. Pascual w .Rear Secretary; obligations to Purser J P Baldwin, of the latter lost considerably by standing too far in Hhore Madrid, Uowmandante of the Pllomena, Lieutenant Harry Myers, clerk to Chierof staff; Captain J. steamship from on one and ( The wind inida lie was very soon wounded gravely, and Cleopatra, Havana, for the prompt deliv- stretch, getting ground. The Manila mall, which arrived here re¬ u commandlng; Lieutenant Com¬ eiy of our flies and despatches. died away entirely about 0110 1*. M., and some of the his place occupied first by the boatswain or the mander H. De Haran Manley. Executive Officer; cently, has brought further details of the In¬ same Sandier, afterwards tho Lieutenant Commander A. 11. Brio Ri.be sailed from N8, MEETING TO-DAY boats we to consequently unable to get up to the vessel, I.ojo, by ilcCormick, Naviga¬ with of Halifax, May 24 for Bostorl, MASS rendezvous. Three or four were surrection of the 2lst and 22d January. oillcer Juuu Seron and the lieutenant of the navy, tor; Lieutenant Commander A. O. lieu¬ part the cargo ol bark Malford. from Ratavta for hours passed very 2otb, who tenant Caldwell Boston, before reported towed into Halifax pleasantly on shore discussing chowder, roast clams It seems to have been more serious than at (iabrielle Lesscne. The crew Of the Anlmosa, Isaac Hazlett, Lieutenant Henrv G Maev dismantled and other savory edibles. Commodore Nobles made a shared the glory of occupying the posts of the Lieutenant Benjamin F. Tilley, Lieutenant RcnnDH Mansfield, of Rockport, 87.25 ton* bu-tben, first as it has been found to have been were commanded A. built at Boothhay In 1HS8, has been purchasep Mr pleasant little speech, welcoming the guests to the Imagined, greatest danger, alternately by Sidney Simons, Lieutenant Cornelius R W Pluiner, of Gloucester. by Geo Cabinet Makers and Others of the League to Columbia Yacht Club opening, and Commodore part of a plan to shake otf Spanish rule In that dis¬ Lieutenants Garcia .C'aceres and Euloglo Mexchran, Meeker; Midshipman William F. Buckley. James the The seconded bv boatswains Miguel Millon, Vicente, Wilson, Jr., Medical Rcnn Oriental (of Orient). 27 tons, n m, hasbeen sold by Hill, of Jersey City Yacht Club, responded. tant colony. Very curious 1b It that this desire for Fleet G. Inspector; Harmon Capt Win Torry to Capt Nathan Hallock, of Flanders Meet in Hull Park This Afternoon. trip home took some time, us there was hardly a Acosta and Francisco Gollorlaga. Newell, Engineer; E. Thorntou, Fleet Pay¬ (from which port she will hereafter hail), for $1,700. City breath of and the drifted down independence should exist in all the colonies of FIERCE FIOHTINO AND BLOODY SCENES. master; Captain Robert W. Huntington, Fleet Ma¬ wind, yachts simply In but outside of the rine Second Lientenant M. s. Rloop Mart A Downs, of Dartmouth, has been sold to with the tide. About nvc P. M., however, they Spain, without exception, both in the East and The olllcers who lived Cuvite, Officer; M. c., Samuel .lames Powers, of Boston, and will be used for yachting caught a pleasant little puff that enabled them to West Indies. The great outbreak in Cuba has made arsenal ami fortress, suffered a terrible llro, when, Alercer: Chaplain, Wesley O. Holway; First Assist¬ purposes. TOuch the club at the foot of in the fulfilment of their duty, they went to the ant Engineers, George w. Melville, Iliram Parker; house, Fifty-seventh Itself felt by its extension and its three years of ex¬ arsenal. The chief Romualo Valdl- Assistant William G. Launchet>.At Dnxburv 8th Instant, from the shipyard A MASS MEETING TO-NIGKT. street. The Columbia Yacht Club will tiald their army surgeon, Surgeons, Farewell, Hampden of Merltt A Standish, a tine schr of about 100 tons. annual regatta on June 12, and they have chartered istence, but of the Philippine Islands little has been vieso was shot dead, and so wab the officer Angel Aullck; Acting Boatswain, John Foster; Gunner, Buleuto. The Governor of at the head of Richard J. Hill; Carpenter, Herbert M. atRniPBDit.niNo.Win K Cummings has commenced wortc the steamer Fort Lee to accompany the yachts been heard, except the flattering reports of their Cavlte, Griffiths; East Machlas on a tliree-mastcd selaoouer for 8 W Pope round the course. regiment No. 7, believing, In error, that the arsenal Paymaster's Clerk, Thomas Edwards; Paymaster's A Co. till now, when we learn that a vast con¬ had tried to enter but the Lieutenant of Fleet H. C. The Messrs Tae Laborers to Have a Governors, rebelled, it, Clerk, Jordan; Captain's Clerk, Charles largo Wlswell, at East Machlas, expect to bulldjt City Dem¬ A Union Cruise. had for a time been strength, the Navy, Fernandez Acevedo, who was guarding M. Thompson. three-masted schooner for parties In New York; spiracy long gathering a schooner to The members of the Columbia Yacht Club, whose was to rescue the islands from the the outer gate, with heroio dash and exalted pa¬ tona nearly ready launch, gf about 1(JQ onstration in Union Square. Jersey object triotism rushed to meet the advancing troops, and, A BARN BURNING. Yacht Harlem Yacht Club, of reflective nation would " Whalemen. City Club, llayonue power Spain. Any giving a viva Xspalla /" prevented their making a Bark Midas, Yacht Club, New Jersey Yacht Club, Oceanio Yacht take steps to Investigate the inner causes of fatal mistake. He then tried to scale the wall the City of Kingston, N. Y., May, 2fl, 1872. 29. Had namlll, of NB, was at Benin Islands March on taken 60 bbls sp since leaving Honolulu; bound There were throe held the Pavonla Yacht Ciub and Uoboken Yacht Club this that It has inner causes rebels surmounted, but was killed the spot. A barn, owned by Mr. A. Bruyn Hasbrouck, In this lo Arctic. large meetings daring Club, animosity.for Another navy lieutenant, Itafael Ordoflez, who ac¬ of forenoon of the labor unions. Two propose to unite together In making an excursion there can bo no doubt.but it Is to be feared city, was destroyed by fire last night. Loss about HailT.B?r.kJ>r'>;^7,.,,Dow<!ontaken 2.1a bbls wu Rypan FebU yesterday by sadly companied tlie Governor, leaped tho parapet with Pulled sp since leaving Honolulu. of them took at Oermanla In Borne time duriug the season, when they will have that with that which seems to have sublime heroism, and when he had gained the top $e,ooo; partially Insured. A number of cattle and from Provlncetown April 2, schr W A place Assembly Rooms, a union and clambake. The commodores of Spain, fatality also and a of Chose, ot and for Provincetown. Grozler. the and one at Harmonle regatta attended all her colonial and which has lost fell <leu<l front three balls. The names of these two horses, farming Implements quantity Bowery, Hall, In Essex these different clubs will form a committee of rule, young officers of the navy will remain In letters of hay and straw, were also burned.
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