INTERNATIONAL AYURVEDIC MEDICAL JOURNAL International Ayurvedic Medical Journal, (ISSN: 2320 5091) (April, 2017) 5 (4) A STUDY ON ANUPANAM AND BRIEF DISCUSSION ON ITS VARIOUS TYPES D. Mallika 1, K. Ponraj2 1Asst.Professor, Dept. of Basic Principles, DAM College, Sriperumbudur, Tamil Nadu, India 2P.G.Scholar, Dept. of Rachana Shareera, SSRAM College, Inchal, Belagavi, Karnataka, India Email: [email protected] ABSTRACT Ayurveda the science of life mainly gives importance to Swasthasya swasthya rak- shana and later Aturasya roganut. To maintain and to achieve good health, Ayurveda ex- plains many concepts such as Ahara Vidhi Vidhana, Sadvrutta, Dinacharya, Rtucharya and also Oushadha sevana. In Ahara vidhi vidhana and Oushadha sevana, Acharyas have ex- plained many methods such as intake of proper Anupana before or during or after the con- sumption of food or medicine. By the Yukti of Vaidya, a specific Anupana with specific dravya gives specific effect in specific doshas and rogas of a rogi. With different Anupana a single Oushadha dravya can be given in different rogas like Pandu, Grahani, Arshas, Kasa, Swasa etc., to get beneficial effects which emphasize the importance of Anupana. Apart from Bhaishajya kala, Anupana is the one which is necessary to be followed while prescribing a drug and now-a-days it is as such not followed. So here a brief study of Anupana and how it has been given importance from historical path is ruled out. There are various Anupanas which are used according to different conditions like doshas, diseases, type of medicinal preparation (churna, kashaya, kalka etc.,) and time of taking drug. So to prescribe proper Anupana, a detailed review of its types is essen- tial. Keywords: Anupana, Swasthasya, rakshana, Aturasya roganut, Yukti. INTRODUCTION Anupana is a Vehicle or Adjuvant. Ve- stance used to increase the action of principal hicle means “which carries”. It is a substance ingredient. used as a medium for the administration of A brief review of Anupana would medicine. Adjuvant means “to aid”. It is a sub- help in understanding not only the con- cepts of the Anupana as a whole but also D. Mallika & Dr.K. Ponraj: A Study On Anupanam And Brief Discussion On Its Various Types the changing perspective about Anupana in The concept of aachamana i.e., by modern times. making the palm in the form of gokarna- Hence it would in a nutshell, give akaara and the jala is taken till the black an idea about the long path mankind has gram sinks in it which has to be drink by traversed in finding benefit of the usage of chanting the mantra. In Ayurveda Granthas Anupana. the concept of aachamana is explained in the context of Dinacharya that explains References of Anupana from various litera- aachamana should be performed after bath, tures are described in chronological order; beginning and at the end of meals etc. So 1. Veda kala 6. Samhita kala this concept can be equated to the concept of 2. Upanishat kala 7. Sangraha kala Anupana(1). 3. Purana kala 8. Madhya kala 4. Ramayana kala 9. sAdhunika kala 2. Upanishat Kala: 5. Mahabharata kala In the commentary on Chandogyopanishat the word Anupana is available. 1. Veda Kala: The Vedas are the source of man- 3. Purana Kala: kind’s knowledge and provides comprehensive In Agni Purana, in the context of details of various scientific knowledge. The Danta swasthya, ahara dravyas should be reference of the word Anupana is not di- consumed along with sheeta jala. Vishnu rectly available in Vedic period. But can Purana, it is mentioned that while con- be traced with the help of different aspects suming ahara, the jala has to be taken like aachamana, the pana which is taken in between and after the food. In Garuda for some of the regimens to cure the dis- Purana, it has been mentioned that the Sali eases etc., tandula churna taken along with Kshira. Some other references are tabulated below. Table 1: Showing references of Anupana in different Purana: Sl.No. Oushadha/ahara Anupana/ Sahapana Vyadhi Reference 1. Aswagandha paka Ghrita Vandhyatwa Garuda Purana 2. Vyosa Kesara Ghrita Vandhyatwa Garuda Purana 3. Salitandula churna Dugdha Stanyalpata Garuda Purana 4. Amalaki Swarasa Madhu Pradara Garuda Purana 5. Karpasa mula Tandulodaka Pradara Garuda Purana 6. Sarkara Dhanyodaka Pitta Vriddi Brahma Vaivarta 7. Ahara dravya Sheeta jala Danta roga Agni Purana 4. Ramayana Kala: Same number of asavas which are men- In Ravanakruta Madhusheela book tioned in Charaka Samhita are being used there is mentioning of 84 types of asavas. as Anupana dravya till today. IAMJ: APRIL, 2017 1093 D. Mallika & Dr.K. Ponraj: A Study On Anupanam And Brief Discussion On Its Various Types 5. Mahabharata Kala: tions, rules and regulations for Anu- There is reference in Mahabharata panasevana are given. which quotes that, when a rakshasa by the name Baataapi was troubling the people in iii) Bhela Samhita – the form of a mesha, that time Agastya Acharya Bhela, described Anupana in muni swallowed that rakshasa along with Annapanavidheeya adhyaya of Sutrasthana. food. After eating, Agastya muni felt to Here explanation about different Anupa- take Anupana(2). nadravyas in detail and the properties of Anupana are given. 6. Samhita Kala: i) Charaka Samhita - iv) Kashyapa Samhita – Acharya Charaka has dealt about Acharya Kashyapa has not ex- Anupana in the context Annapanavidhi in plained about Anupana in detail. But ex- Sutrasthana. After Krutanna varga, in plained some of the applications of Anu- Aharopayogi varga the detail description of pana like; in Sneha adhyaya he explained Anupana i.e., qualities, mode of action and specific Anupana dravya for ghritapana, selection of specific Anupana according to tailapana, vasapana and majjapana. different conditions has been dealt. The action of Anupana is related in accordance 7. Samgraha Kala : with the Ahara upayogita. In another con- i) Ashtanga Samgraha – text, Acharya described Anupana for dif- In Ashtanga Samgraha Anupana is ferent diseased conditions like sthoulya, explained in detail in Annapanavidhi tandra and alpagni etc. If specific Anupana adhyaya. Here in this text the references is not mentioned for a particular dravya or of Anupana regarding, different Anupa- a roga then, one should choose Anupana nadravyas for different Doshas, rogas and according to desha and kala. From the lists ahara dravyas, properties of Anupana, con- of 84 Asavas and other Peyas like Jala traindications for jala as Anupana, rules are advised which are to be evaluated and and regulations while consuming Anupana then considered for administration. are available in detail. ii) Sushruta Samhita - ii) Ashtanga Hrdaya : Acharya Sushruta has described An- In Ashtanga Hrdaya concept of An- upana in Anupanavarga after the descrip- upana is explained in Matrasiteeya tion of Manda-Peyadi pathya kalpanas i.e., adhyaya. Here in this text the references after krutanna varga and before ahara of Anupana regarding, different Anupana vidhi in Annapana vidhi adhyaya. Here dravya for different rogas and aharas, lak- detailed description of Anupana i.e., differ- shanas of Anupana, properties and contra- ent Anupana dravyas, superiority of the indication for jala as Anupana are ex- jala as Anupana, properties, contraindica- plained. IAMJ: APRIL, 2017 1094 D. Mallika & Dr.K. Ponraj: A Study On Anupanam And Brief Discussion On Its Various Types 8. Madhya Kala: cates the meanings like asyaathaha, pash- In some of the Madhyakaleena chaat, sadrushyam, lakshanam, bhaagaha, granthas like Madhava Dravyaguna ex- heenaha, sahaarthaha, aayaamaha, plains Anupana in Anupanavidhi, sameepam and paripaatee(3) Dravyaguna Samgraha in Anupanavarga, The different English meanings of Kaiyyadeva Nighantu in Vihara varga, Ma- the word “ANU” are after, afterwards danapala Nighantu in Mishraka varga, thereupon, again, further, behind, then, Kalyanakaaraka in Anupanadhikara, Saran- next, along, alongside, lengthwise, over, gadhara in madhyama khanda, Bhavapraka- through, to, towards, at, according to, in sha in prathama khanda, Yogaratnakara in order, near to, under, subordinate to, with, Rasayanadhikara, Madana Vinoda in along with and connected with etc. Mishra varga and in Raja Nighantu in Ro- Pana - gadi varga we get references of Anupana Panam is “Kleeba” linga i.e., in detail. Only in Raja Nighantu there is a “napumsaka” linga which is derived out clear explanation of classification of Anu- of “paa”dhatu and “lyut” pratyaya. Dif- pana into kramana and pachana are avail- ferent English meanings of the word Pana able. Acharya Sarangadhara explains about are; drinking, quaffing, kissing, drinking Anupana mainly for consumption of medi- spirituous liquors, a drinking vessel, sharp- cines. ening and protection.(4) Anupana - 9. Adhunika Kala: The one which is consumed along In some of the Rasashastra texts like with or after the Bheshaja (medicine) is Bhaisajya Ratnavali, Rasa Tarangini, Rasa Anupana. The term Anupana is formed by Jala Nidhi, Ananda Kanda and Ayurveda “anu” upasarga “paa” dhatu added by the Prakasha etc., have given clear explanation suffix “Lyut” pratyaya.(5) of Anupana which has been followed while The dictionary meanings of Anupana administering medicines. Some of the later are “a drink taken with or after medicine, a texts like Anupana Manjari, Anupana Dar- fluid vehicle in medicine”. pana, Anupana Tarangini and Anupana Kalpataru have given elaborative explana- DEFINITION (6) tion about Anupana. 1. Anupana is defined as the one which is consumed along with or after the bhe- DERIVATION shaja. The word ANUPANA is derived out of 2. The vishesha peya (specific liquid ) that two words ; has to be consumed for the intake of (ANU + PANA) Oushadha is called Anupana. Anu - 3. The pana which is taken after the in- The word “Anu’’ is an “avyaya’’ and take of food is Anupana. “upasarga vishesha’’. The word anu indi- IAMJ: APRIL, 2017 1095 D. Mallika & Dr.K. Ponraj: A Study On Anupanam And Brief Discussion On Its Various Types 4.
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