SOME APPLICATIONS OF THE KOHNROSSI EXTENSION THEOREMS GEORGE MARINESCU Abstract We prove extension results for meromorphic functions by combining the KohnRossi extension theorems with Andreottis theory on the algebraic and analytic dep endence of meromorphic functions on pseudo concave manifolds Versions of KohnRossi theorems for pseudo convex domains are included Introduction A naive idea of extending a meromorphic function b eyond its domain of denition is to write as a quotient of two holomorphic functions and then extend these functions At least for holomorphic functions dened near the b oundary of complex manifolds this idea works as in the pro of of the KohnRossi extension theorem see Theorem and the pro of of subsequent Theorem But if is dened in a neighb ourho o d U of the complement Y n M of a smo oth domain M whose b oundary Levi form has at least one p ositive eigenvalue in a compact complex manifold Y we cannot apply this metho d Indeed U is pseudo concave and any holomorphic function on U is lo cally constant However it is rather simple to see that a meromorphic function on any complex manifold can b e written as a quotient of two holomorphic sections of an appropriate holomorphic line bundle We can thus hop e to extend the line bundle and its sections The situation in the ab ove example b ecomes particulary favourable in this resp ect if we assume Y to b e Moishezon Then by Andreottis theory it can b e shown that can b e written as a quotient of two holomorphic sections in some m tensor p ower E of a line bundle E Y with maximum Ko dairaIitaka m dimension Therefore we need to extend but the sections of E and this is done using the theorems of KohnRossi The situation b eing global we have to imp ose some supplementary hyp otheses namely one of the following see Theorem H M is q complete q n H There exists one nonconstant holomorphic function in the neigh b ourho o d of bM Mathematics Subject Classication Primary D A Secondary F Key words and phrases Extension of CR sections meromorphic function pseudo con cave manifold Moishezon manifold Ko dairaIitaka dimension The author was supp orted by a NATORoyal So ciety Fellowship at the University of Edinburgh He thanks the Department of Mathematics Statistics for its hospitality GEORGE MARINESCU H The holomorphic line bundle E of maximal Ko dairaIitaka dimen sion is trivial in the neighb ourho o d of M Note that using the Thullentyp e theorem of Siu see also Ivashkovich x and Shiman ab out the extension of a meromorphic map from the Hartogs gure to a p olydisc one can prove that if is a meromorphic map M with values in a Kahler manifold then has a meromorphic dened in Y n continuation into bM Our result can b e viewed as global counterpart of the previous theorem As for the b est global result let us mention the following theorem of Ivashkovich every meromorphic map from a domain D in a Stein manifold into a compact Kahler manifold K extends to a meromorphic b map from the envelop e of holomorphy D of D into K The KohnRossi theorems are consequences of the global regularity of the Neumann problem for domains M as ab ove Since the global regularity holds also for some class of pseudo convex domains we prove in the last section versions of those theorems for this class of domains Aknow ledgements I wish to acknowledge my debt to Professor Guennadi Henkin who is at the origin of the ideas used in this article He deserves a large share of the credit for any originality the present pap er may p ossess Meromorphic continuation Let us give a brief account of the extension theory develop ed by Kohn and Rossi Let M b e a smo oth domain in a complex manifold A smo oth function on bM is said to b e CauchyRiemann CR if its dierential vanishes on the subbundle C T bM T M A smo oth section over bM of a holomorphic vector bundle is said to b e CR if it is represented in lo cal holomorphic frames by vectors of CR functions In b oth cases we write f Of b course the restriction of a holomorphic section to bM is CR The crucial lemma dep ends on the natural duality b etween the free b oundary conditions imp osed by and is the formal adjoint and is the hilb ertian adjoint of and the solution of the Neumann problem To simplify matters let us take E V F merely a holomorphic section of the holomorphic vector bundle F over a neighb ourho o d of bM We dene the Ho dge op erator pq npnq E F E F by d v ol where the exterior pro duct is combined with the canonical pairing F F C Recall that r and on r forms Recall also that if a form M vanishes on bM then clearly b elongs to Dom with C co ecients on integration by parts and on such forms Consider a smo oth extension of to M and assume that the Neumann problem is solvable in bidegree n n for F which is the case if the Levi form of bM has one p ositive eigenvalue nn nn M F E M F the Neumann op erator Denote by N E Dene N E M F SOME APPLICATIONS OF THE KOHNROSSI EXTENSION THEOREMS nn Consider now E M F which has compact supp ort in M since has Clearly Dom and If is only CR then of course hasnt compact supp ort but we can construct an extension such that j alternatively Lemma of shows that in fact bM is equivalent to Dom for any extension Thus b N N N so that the Ho dge decomp osition given by the solution of the Neumann N H where H is the N H reduces to N nn orthogonal pro jector on the harmonic space H M F the space of smo oth forms Dom such that and Assume that nn H M F Then if we denote N we have and Therefore which implies On nn M F In this extreme case the other hand we have Dom E the b oundary conditions imp osed by the preceding relation are Dirichlet conditions j so that on bM We easily infer that bM in a neighb ourho o d of bM since real hyp ersurfaces are uniqueness sets for holomorphic functions and sections in holomorphic vector bundles Conversely if admits a holomorphic extension then and H van ish so that condition is necessary and sucient for the holomorphic extension Integrating by parts Z bM nn for H M F we obtain Lemma Let M be a relatively compact domain with smooth boundary in a complex manifold Y such that the Levi form of the boundary bM has at least one positive eigenvalue everywhere Let F be a holomorphic line bund le over Y Then a given smooth CR section of F over bM has a M which is holomorphic in M if and only if smooth extension over Z nn for any H M F bM On grounds of nite dimensionality of the harmonic space the Lemma entails see also the pro of of Theorem Theorem KohnRossi Let M as in Lemma and with connected boundary Then every CR function on bM has a holomorphic extension to al l of M Note that if there exist a nonconstant CR functions connectedness of bM is a sup eruous hyp othesis Theorem KohnRossi Let Y be a complex manifold possesing at least one nonconstant global holomorphic function Let M as in Lemma GEORGE MARINESCU Then for every holomorphic line bund le E on Y there exists a holomorphic line bund le L suct that every smooth CR section of E L over the boundary bM extends by a smooth section of E L over M holomorphic in M Of course these three statements remain true for holomorphic sections de ned near bM thanks to the uniqueness theorem Relying on these results we shall prove the following Theorem Let Y be a Moishezon manifold Y of dimension n Assume that M is a smooth domain in Y subject to one of the fol lowing hypothesis H M is q complete q n H The Levi form of bM has one positive eigenvalue everywhere and there exists one nonconstant holomorphic function in the neighbour hood of bM H The Levi form of bM has one positive eigenvalue everywhere and there exists a holomorphic line bund le E on Y of maximal Kodaira Iitaka dimension which is trivial in the neighbourhood of M Then any meromorphic function dened in a pseudoconcave neighbourhood U of bM eg a connected neighbourhood of Y n M there exists a mero morphic function on M U which agrees with it on U Observe that in view of the theorem of Siu and Ivashkovich quoted in the M Intro duction we may assume that is dened only on U Y n Recall that a compact connected complex manifold is said to b e Moishezon if the transcendence degree of its meromorphic function eld equals its com plex dimension The KodairaIitaka dimension E of a holomorphic line bundle on a compact complex manifold is the supremum of the generic rank m of the canonical rational maps dened by the nonzero sections in H E for m if any and E otherwise By a wellknown result of Siegel we have E deg tr K Y n dim Y where K Y is the eld of meromorphic functions on Y Therefore if Y p ossess a line bundle with maximum Ko dairaIitaka dimension then it is automatically Moishe zon Conversely if Y is Moishezon then there exists a nonsingular pro jective e mo dication comp osition of blowups of nonsingular centres Y Y e e if we consider an ample divisor H on Y then the line bundle asso ciated to e H H has maximum Ko dairaIitaka dimension Let us intro duce now the convexity notions used A real smo oth function dened on a complex manifold X of dimension n is said to b e q convex if its complex hessian i has at least n q p ositive eigenvalues at every p oint
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