ALFRED SCHUTZ BIBLIOGRAPHY* I. WORKS BY SCHUTZ (IN ORDER OF PUBLICATION**): 1. Books, Articles, and Reviews: Der sinnhafte Aufbau der sozialen Welt: eine Einleitung in die verstehende Soziologie, Vienna: Julius Springer, 1932. Pp. vii, 286. Note: A second, unre­ vised edition (with a brief Foreword by lIse Schutz) was published by Springer­ Verlag in 1960. Review: Meditations cartesiennes by Edmund Husserl, Deutsche Literatur­ zeitung, Vol. LIII, 1932, pp. 2404--2416. Review: Formale und transzendentale Logik by Edmund Husserl, Deutsche Literaturzeitung, Vol. LIV, 1933, pp. 773-784. ''Tomoo Otakas Grundlegung der Lehre vom sozialen Verband," Zeitschrift filr ijffentliches Recht, Vol. XVII, 1937, pp. 64--84. "Phenomenology and the Social Sciences," in Philosophical Essays in M emo­ ry of Edmund Busserl (edited by Marvin Farber), Cambridge: Harvard Univer­ sity Press, 1940, pp. 164-186 (translated from the German by Richard H. Wil­ liams).l Reprinted in Phenomenology (edited by Joseph J. Kockelmans), Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1967. "William James's Concept of the Stream of Thought Phenomenologically In­ terpreted," Philosophy and Phenomenological Research. Vol. I, 1941, pp. 442- 452.3 • In the beginning of his writing career, Alfred Schutz used the Umlaut in his sur­ name (Schutz). Later he dropped the Umlaut and added an "e" (Schuetz). Toward the latter part of his life, he adopted the spelling we follow here: Schutz. •• The order in which they were published is not always, of course, the order in which they were written. For further details about their composition, see the Editors' Notes to the Collected Papers, Volume II in particular. 1 Reprinted in Schutz's Collected Papers, Vol. I 2 Reprinted in Schutz's Collected Papers, Vol. II 3 Reprinted in Schutz's Collected Papers, Vol. III 298 ALFRED SCHUTZ BIBLIOGRAPHY "Scheler's Theory of Intersubjectivity and the General Thesis of the Alter Ego," Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Vol. II, 1942, pp. 323-347.1 "The Problem of Rationality in the Social World," Economica, New Series, Vol. X, 1943, pp. 130-149.2 Reprinted in Sociological Theory and Philosophical Analysis (edited by Alastair MacIntyre and Dorothy Emmet), New York: Mac­ millan, 1970. Note: There is some discussion of Schutz in the Editors' Introduc­ tion. Review: The Foundation of Phenomenology by Marvin Farber, Philosophical Abstracts, Vol. III, 1944, No. 13-14, pp. 8-9. ''The Stranger," American lournalof Sociology, Vol. XLIX, 1944, pp. 499- 507.2 Reprinted in Identity and Anxiety (edited by Maurice Stein, Arthur J. Vidich, and David Manning White), Glencoe: Free Press, 1960. "Some Leading Concepts of Phenomenology," Social Research, Vol. XII, 1945, pp. 77-97.1 Reprinted in Essays in Phenomenology (edited by Maurice Natanson), The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1966. Also reprinted in part in En­ counter: An Introduction to Philosophy (edited by Ramona Cormier, Ewing Chinn, and Richard H. Linneback), Glenview, Ill.: Scott, Foresman, 1970. "On Multiple Realities," Philosophy and Phenomenological Research. Vol. V, pp. 1945, pp. 533-575.1 "The Homecomer," American lournal of Sociology, Vol. L, 1945, pp. 363- 376.2 Reprinted in The Nature and Scope of Social Science: A Critical Anthol­ ogy (edited by Leonard I. Krimerman), New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1969. "The Well-Informed Citizen: An Essay on the Social Distribution of Knowl­ edge," Social Research, Vol. XIII, 1946, pp. 463-478.2 "Sartre's Theory of the Alter Ego," Philosophy and Phenomenological Re­ search, Vol. IX, 1948, pp. 181-199.1 "Felix Kaufmann, 1895-1949," Social Research, Vol. XVII, 1950, pp. 1-7. "Language, Language Disturbances, and the Texture of Consciousness," So­ cial Research, Vol. XVII, 1950, pp. 365-394.1 "Making Music Together: A Study in Social Relationship," Social Research, Vol. XVIII, 1951, pp. 76-97." "Choosing Among Projects of Action," Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Vol. XII, 1951, pp. 161-184.1 "Santayana on Society and Government," Social Research, Vol. XIX, 1952, pp. 220-246." "Common-Sense and Scientific Interpretation of Human Action," Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Vol. XIV, 1953, pp. 1-37.1 Reprinted in part in Sociological Theory: A Book of readings (Edited by Lewis A. Coser and Ber- ALFRED SCHUTZ BIBLIOGARPHY 299 nard Rosenberg), New York; Macmillan, 1957 and in full in Philosophy 0/ the Social Sciences: A Reader (edited by Maurice Natanson), New York, Random Bouse, 1963. Note: The last work is dedicated to Alfred Schutz. "Edmund Busserl's Ideas, Volume II," Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Vol. XIII, 1953, pp. 394-413.8 "Die Phaenomenologie und die Fundamente der Wissenscbaften (Ideas III. By Edmund Bussed)," Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Vol. XIII, 1953, pp. 506-514.3 Note: Entitled "Phenomenology and the Foundations of the Social Sciences" in Collected Papers, Vol. III. "Concept and Theory Formation in the Social Sciences," lournal of Philoso­ phy. Vol. LI, 1953, pp. 257-273.1 Reprinted in Philosophy of the Social Sciences: A Reader (edited by Maurice Natanson), New York: Random Bouse, 1963, in Readings in Existential Phenomenology (edited by Nathaniel Lawrence and Daniel O'Connor), Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1967, and in Sociolo­ gical Theory and Philosophical Analysis (edited by Alastair MacIntyre and Dorothy Emmet), New York: Macmillan, 1970. "Don Quijote y el Problema de la Realidad," Dianoia, Vol. I, 1955, pp. 312- 330 (translated from the English by Marta Diaz de Leon de Recasens and Pro­ fessor Luis Recasens-Siches). The original English version, "Don Quixote and the Problem of Reality," appears in Collected Papers, Vol. II. "Symbol, Reality, and Society," in Symbols and Society (edited by Lyman Bryson, Louis Finkelstein, Hudson Hoagland, and R. M. MacIver), New York: Harper, 1955, pp. 135-202.1 Note: A brief comment on this paper by Charles W. Morris and a reply by Alfred Schutz follow on pp. 202-203. "La Philosophie de Max Scheler," in Les Philosophes celebres (edited by Maurice Merleau-Ponty), Paris: Lucien Mazenod, 1956, pp. 330-335 (trans­ lated from the English by Michel Kullman). The original English version is in­ cluded in Collected Papers, Vol. III. "Mozart and the Philosophers," Social Research, Vol. XXIII, 1956, pp. 219- 242.2 "Equality and the Meaning Structure of the Social World," in Aspects of Human Equality (edited by Lyman Bryson, Qarence H. Faust, Louis Finkel­ stein, and R. M. MacIver), New York: Harper, 1957, pp. 33-78.2 "Kurt Riezler" (a memorial notice, written with Horace M. Kallen), Proceed­ ings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association, Vol. XXX, 1957, pp. 114-115. "Some Equivocations in the Notion of Responsibility," in Determinism and Freedom (edited by Sidney Hook), New York: New York University Press, 1958, pp. 206-208.2 "Das Problem der transzendentalen Intersubjektivitiit bei Husserl," Philoso­ phische Rundschau, Vol. V, 1957, pp. 81-107. An English version of this paper, translated by Frederick Kersten in collaboration with Aron Gurwitsch and Tho- 300 ALFRED SCHUTZ BIBLIOGRAPHY mas Luclemann, is included in Collected Papers, Vol. III. A French version (translated from the German by Maurice de Gandillac) appears in Busserl (Cahiers de Royaumont, Philosophie No. lln, Paris: J:!.ditions de Minuit, 1959 together with comments by a number of philosophers and a reply by Alfred Schutz.· "Max Scheler's Epistemology and Ethics," Review of Metaphysics, Vol. XI, 1957, pp. 304-314 and 486-501. An enlarged version of this paper appears in Collected Papers, Vol. III. "Husserl's Importance for the Social Sciences," in Edmund Busserl: 1859- 1959 (edited by H. L. Van Breda and J. Taminiaux), The Hague: Martinus Nij­ hoff, 1959, pp. 86-98.1 Note: The opening section, pp. 86-88, of this paper (a personal remembrance of Edmund Husserl) is not reprinted in the Collected Papers version. "Tiresias, Or Our Knowledge of Future Events," Social Research, Vol. XXVI, 1959, pp. 71-89.2 ''Type and Eidos in Husserl's Late Philosophy," Philosophy and Phenomeno­ logical Research, Vol. XX, 1959, pp. 147-165.3 ''The Social World and the Theory of Social Action," Social Research, Vol. XXVII, 1960, pp. 203-221.2 Reprinted in part in Philosophical Problems of the Social Sciences (edited by David Braybrooke), New York: Macmillan, 1965. Collected Papers, Volume I: The Problem of Social Reality (edited and Intro­ duced by Maurice Natanson with a Preface by H. L. Van Breda), Phaenomeno­ logica 11, The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 196'2 (with a photograph of Alfred Schutz as a frontispiece). Pp. xlvii, 361. Collected Papers, Volume II: Studies in Social Theory (edited and Introduced by Arvid Brodersen), Phaenomenologica 15, The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1964. Pp. xv, 300. Note: This volume contains a chapter on "'The Dimensions of the Social World," an English adaptation by Thomas Luckmann of a section or Der sinnhafte Aufbau der sozialen Welt. Part of this chapter is reprinted in Readings in the Philosophy of Man (edited by William L. Kelly and Andrew Tallon), New York: McGraw-Hill, 1967, with introductory remarks on pp. 184-185. Collected Papers, Volume III: Studies in Phenomenological Philosophy (edi­ ted by I. (lse) Schutz with an Introduction by Aron Gurwitsch), Phaenomeno­ logica 22, The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1966. Pp. xxxi, 191. Note: "Some Structures of the Life-World," a previously unpublished essay, appears in this volume (translated from the German by Aron Gurwitsch). Also included are a discussion by Eugen Fink of the chapter on "The Problem of Transcendental • For a different treatment of the problem of intersubjectivity, the reader may wish to see Hermann Zeltner, "Das Ich und die Anderen: Husserls Beitrag zur Grundlegung der Sozialphilosophie," Zeitschrijt jur philosophische Forschung, Vol. XIII, 1959, pp. 288-315 (with a note regarding Alfred Schutz on p. 288). ALFRED SCHUTZ BIBLIOGRAPHY 301 Intersubjectivity in Husserl" and a rejoinder by AHred Schutz. A French version (translated from the German by Maurice de Gandillac) can be found in Husserl (Cahiers de Royaumont, Philosophie No.
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