![Landscape ? 2 +%, 7C E ?K\A]` (- 2.2 Why Is Landscape Important to Us? 2 +%- Ad\Z 7C E \E^ 7C E 1Cdfe^ )& 2.3 Local Landscape Areas (Llas) 3 +%](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Contents 1 INTRODUCTION 1 +%* Ajh\j` B\n (' 2 BACKGROUND 2 +%+ 2_e Dh\]ba_ (* 2.1 What is landscape ? 2 +%, 7c_e ?k\a]` (- 2.2 Why is landscape important to us? 2 +%- Ad\Z 7c_e \e^ 7c_e 1cdfe^ )& 2.3 Local Landscape Areas (LLAs) 3 +%. Cgg_h Ajh\j`_\he )) 3 POLICY CONTEXT 4 +%/ Aa^c\m 8acci ), 3.1 European Landscape Convention 4 +%'& =]`ac 8acci )/ 3.2 National landscape policy 4 +%'' ;f]` ;_l_e \e^ ;fdfe^ 8acci *( 3.3 Strategic Development Plan 5 6 WILD LAND AREAS 45 3.4 Local Development Plan 5 Wild Land Areas and LLAs map 46 4 LANDSCAPE CHARACTER 7 7 SUPPLEMENTARY PLANNING STATEMENTS 47 5 GUIDELINES FOR THE LLAs 9 . =2:53B9D5A *. Purpose of designation 9 9 MONITORING 49 Structure of Local Landscape Areas information 9 Local Landscape Areas map 11 1>>5<4935A +& +%' @\eef]` 6fh_ij '( * 9`]Z[PLY @LYO^NL[P 7ZYaPY_TZY OPlYT_TZY^ .) +%( ;f]` ;nfe \e^ ;f]` \e 4\ad` '+ 2 Landscape Character Units 51 +%) ;f]` B\n '. Landscape Supplementary Guidance 2020 INTRODUCTION 1 TST^ F`[[WPXPY_L]d ;`TOLYNP bL^ l]^_ []ZO`NPO _Z TYNZ][Z]L_P :ZWWZbTYR ZY Q]ZX _ST^ @H7 TOPY_TlPO L ^P_ ZQ []Z[Z^PO @ZNLW the review and update of Local Landscape Designations in Perth Landscape Designations (previously Special Landscape Areas) LYO ?TY]Z^^ TY_Z _SP 7Z`YNTWk^ [WLYYTYR [ZWTNd Q]LXPbZ]V TY +)*.( for consultation. This was done through a robust methodology GSP []PaTZ`^ OP^TRYL_TZY^ L]Z`YO DP]_S bP]P XLOP TY _SP *21)^ _SL_ TYaZWaPO L OP^V'ML^PO ^_`Od& L lPWO ^`]aPd LYO ^_LRP^ and were designated with a less rigorous methodology than is now ZQ ]PlYPXPY_( =Y LOOT_TZY _SP @@8E TOPY_TlPO XPL^`]P^ _Z available. Whilst the designation in Kinross-shire was more recent improve the conservation and management of Local Landscape this area also fell when the Perth and Kinross Local Development Designations. DWLY MPNLXP Z[P]L_TZYLW TY >LY`L]d +)*-( GSP F`[[WPXPY_L]d ;`TOLYNP SL^ MPPY ]PQ]P^SPO TY +)+) QZWWZbTYR Consequently, it was considered that it was an opportune time to a consultation and to align with Local Development Plan 2. The undertake a complete re-evaluation across the whole of Perth and Supplementary Guidance reinforces and provides detail to Local ?TY]Z^^( D]TZ] _Z _SP @ZNLW 8PaPWZ[XPY_ DWLY NZXTYR TY_Z PnPN_ _SP Development Policy 39: Landscape and is also intended to help Area of Great Landscape Value designations were concentrated on bring forward land management initiatives to protect and enhance the area around Perth and in Kinross-shire. The re-evaluation was the Local Landscape Areas. therefore intended to consider the full range of areas of landscape quality through a consistent methodology. As a result the Council It is emphasised that the Landscape Supplementary engaged Land Use Consultants (LUC) and the STAR Development Guidance does not duplicate or provide guidance Group to prepare a Local Landscape Designation Review (LLDR). for National Scenic Areas or Gardens and Designed Landscapes. These national designations have their As part of this process a panel of residents and interested bodies own guidance and management initiatives. was established to assist LUC in identifying those areas with the potential to be designated. In addition an online survey was undertaken to get a wider set of opinions on which landscapes were valued in Perth and Kinross. Landscape Supplementary Guidance 2020 1 BACKGROUND 2 2.1 What is landscape ? The landscape character of Perth and Kinross is constantly NSLYRTYR L^ L ]P^`W_ ZQ aL]TZ`^ QZ]NP^ _SL_ LnPN_ _SP [Sd^TNLW Landscape is more than just ‘the view’. It is about the relationship appearance of the landscape and consequently, landscape between people, place and nature. It is the ever-changing backdrop character. By controlling the location, siting and design of new to our daily lives. It can mean a small patch of urban wasteland development and proactively planning for change we can have a as much as a mountain range and an urban park as much as a ^_]ZYR TYm`PYNP ZY _SP YL_`]P ZQ NSLYRP LYO _SP NSL]LN_P] LYO lowland strath. appearance of the landscape. @LYO^NL[P ]P^`W_^ Q]ZX _SP bLd _SL_ OTnP]PY_ NZX[ZYPY_^ ZQ GSP]P L]P aL]TZ`^ QLN_Z]^ bSTNS LnPN_ _SP NSLYRP _Z WLYO^NL[P our environment – both natural and cultural – interact together character; for example renewable energy projects, meeting the and are perceived by us. People value landscape for many area’s housing requirements, improving infrastructure, creating OTnP]PY_ ]PL^ZY^( =_ T^ _SP]PQZ]P TX[Z]_LY_ _Z `YOP]^_LYO bSL_ _SP employment sites and improving countryside management. Both landscape is like today, how it came to be like that and how it may the Council and the Scottish Government has recognised the change in the future. need to marry development and environmental protection in order to achieve a balanced approach to implementing wide-ranging 2.2 Why is landscape important to us? policies. Concern for the landscape is therefore part of wider PnZ]_^ QZ] L XZ]P ^`^_LTYLMWP Q`_`]P( Perth and Kinross is renowned for its high quality, distinct and OTaP]^P WLYO^NL[P^& XLYd ZQ bSTNS QZ]X L ^TRYTlNLY_ [L]_ ZQ In addition, an important quality found in some of Scotland’s Scotland’s natural and cultural heritage. These landscapes are mountainous and coastal landscapes is the perception of wildness an important resource that contributes to the social and economic or tranquility. Perth and Kinross has many areas of this type which well-being of our area. They provide the surroundings for our are also worthy of recognition and protection. Historic landscapes daily lives, adding positively to the quality of life and economic are also of importance and worthy of protection. performance of the area. And they provide the special places whose character and scenic quality is the main attraction for While it is important to value all landscapes this is not a substitute tourism, sport and outdoor recreation and can contribute to health for identifying and taking action for landscapes which merit special improvement and wellbeing. attention, either because they are of particular value and warrant protection, or because they are degraded and require active management or positive restoration, or are under threat from inappropriate development. Consequently, in order to meet these challenges we need to do more than just identify important or “high quality” landscapes. Landscape Supplementary Guidance 2020 2 The purpose of this supplementary guidance is to help developers, land managers and decision-makers to take appropriate steps to protect, manage and enhance the landscapes of Perth and Kinross. The guidance is intended to ensure that the landscapes of Perth and Kinross are protected, enhanced and well managed for future generations as a place to live and work. 2.3 Local Landscape Areas (LLAs) There are many areas in Scotland where the scenery of the landscape is highly valued at a local level. To recognise this, local authorities can designate the landscape through a Local Landscape Designation. Originally designated “Special Landscape Areas” Scottish Natural Heritage and Historic Environment Scotland’s 4UFJW 7XMHFQGI RQ ;RGFO ;FQHVGFSI 1UIFV "(&'-# seeks to standardise the terminology related to Local Landscape Designations to ‘Local Landscape Areas’(LLAs), to promote further understanding and awareness of the qualities of local landscapes in Scotland. Landscape Supplementary Guidance 2020 3 POLICY CONTEXT 3 This Supplementary Guidance supports European and national “Landscape quality is found across Scotland and all landscapes policies and initiatives relating to landscape. It also supports support placemaking. National Scenic Areas and National Parks policies in the Council’s Local Development Plan 2 together attract many visitors and reinforce our international image. We also with associated strategy documents that relate to protection and want to continue our strong protection for our wildest landscapes enhancement of landscape character, landscape designations and – wild land is a nationally important asset. Closer to settlements designed landscapes. landscapes have an important role to play in sustaining local distinctiveness and cultural identity, and in supporting health and 3.1 European Landscape Convention well-being” (para 4.4). The European Landscape Convention (ELC) came into force Scottish Planning Policy TY _SP H? TY AL]NS +))0( GSP 7ZYaPY_TZY P^_LMWT^SP^ _SP YPPO to recognise landscape in law; to develop landscape policies FNZ__T^S DWLYYTYR DZWTNd $FDD% $+)*-% T^ _SP FNZ__T^S ;ZaP]YXPY_k^ dedicated to the protection, management and planning of policy on nationally important land-use planning matters. The policy landscapes; and to establish procedures for the participation of outlines the need for planning authorities to protect, enhance and the general public and other stakeholders in the creation and promote “access to natural heritage, including green infrastructure, implementation of landscape policies. It also encourages the landscape and the wider environment” (para 29). integration of landscape into all relevant areas of policy, including SPP notes that “International, national and locally designated areas cultural, economic and social policies. LYO ^T_P^ ^SZ`WO MP TOPY_TlPO LYO LnZ]OPO _SP L[[]Z[]TL_P WPaPW of protection in development plans. Reasons for local designation GSP 9`]Z[PLY @LYO^NL[P 7ZYaPY_TZY OPlYP^ WLYO^NL[P L^3 should be clearly explained and their function and continuing “… an area, as perceived by people, whose character is the result relevance considered when preparing plans” (paragraph 196). It of the action and interaction of natural and/or human factors” TOPY_TlP^ _SL_ YZY'^_L_`_Z]d WZNLW OP^TRYL_TZY^ ^SZ`WO MP WTXT_PO _Z areas designated for their local landscape or nature conservation 3.2 National Landscape Policy value. National Planning Framework SPP recognises the importance of landscape throughout the document.
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