More than a newspaper. A Hood County legend since 1886 HoodHood CountyCounty NewsNews Published Wednesday and Saturday Granbury, Texas 76048 Saturday, August 31, 2019 www.hcnews.com $1.00 Who’s next? County HR head suspended, escorted out BY KATHY CRUZ statement.” was. Richard did not do his HOOD COUNTY NEWS He said, “I’ve worked too job and now I’ve got a federal long, for too many years.” GONE SUSPENDED TARGETED? judgment against me.” County Personnel Direc- Now 66, Aguirre said he Deeds said that after he tor Richard Aguirre was had planned to work until at was served with the federal suspended Tuesday by the least age 70. lawsuit last April, he took Commissioners Court and According to Sheriff Roger the papers to Aguirre. He escorted by the sheriff to en- Deeds and County Attorney said that when he was served sure that he could not tam- Matt Mills, there were several with additional papers about per with files while gathering issues involving Aguirre. two months later, he took Fire Marshal Library Director Personnel Director Elections Administrator personal belongings. Chief among them, they those documents to the per- Ray Wilson Karen Rasco Richard Aguirre Crickett Miller The action to place Aguirre said, was Aguirre’s alleged sonnel director as well. on two weeks of paid sus- failure to contact the Texas “Apparently he still didn’t pension came after a closed Association of Counties was “frivolous” and filed six sent by the jail to prison of- Deeds and Mills said that do anything,” the sheriff session meeting that lasted about a lawsuit filed by an years after the inmate was ficials about damage the Aguirre’s inaction resulted in said. “I was fit to be tied was almost 90 minutes. inmate against Deeds. transported from the Hood inmate had caused to the jail a default judgment against the nice way to put it.” Aguirre told the HCN that Lawsuits against sheriffs County Jail to a Texas prison, that could have indicated an Deeds in federal court. Deeds said that he was he had no idea why he was are common, and TAC pro- where he is serving a 99-year escape attempt. “I was extremely upset,” looking to hire his own attor- suspended and insisted that vides legal representation in sentence. That documentation af- Deeds told the HCN on ney when County Judge Ron he had done nothing wrong. such matters. Deeds said the complaint fected the inmate’s prison Wednesday. “I can’t even Massingill stepped in and He vowed to seek “full rein- Deeds said the petition involved documentation privileges, the sheriff said. begin to tell you how upset I PLEASE SEE DIRECTOR | 2 County budget reveals haves, have nots BY KATHY CRUZ per $100 valu- HOOD COUNTY NEWS ation. Still, though, Some county officials are there are gripes privately complaining that about how low-level employees earn so extra fund- little they qualify for food ing brought in stamps while sizable pay Massingill through higher increases are proposed for property valu- others, namely those in the ations, new properties on sheriff’s department. the tax rolls and increased County Judge Ron Mass- revenues from fines and fees ingill, who campaigned on a will be spent. platform of supporting law “That budget is a mess,” enforcement, said Tuesday one appointed official said. that he makes no apologies Another official, who for the proposed budget – holds an elected post, said his first – which he prepared that his problem with the with the help of County Au- budget isn’t so much the fo- ditor Becky Kidd. DEBBIE SCHNEIDER| HOOD COUNTY NEWS cus on law enforcement but The Commissioners Court rather “the way they pick and will adopt the budget and tax choose” who gets sizable pay Road improvements rate in September to go into increases and who doesn’t. The city road reconstruction project is expected to continue will be replaced. The project includes Misty Meadows Drive, Olson effect Oct. 1. During Tuesday’s meet- through November. This crew was at work on Crockett Street, just Court, North Travis Street, North Crockett Street, Brazos Harbor Elected officials, including ing, Massingill stated, “When north of the square, Thursday afternoon. The base and asphalt Drive and East Clifton Road. Massingill, are scheduled to I found out that some of receive a standard 2.5 per- our clerks were making like cent increase, as are appoint- $24,000 a year and maybe ed officials who work for the were a single mom or a single Commissioners Court. dad, and had one or two You will need proof of ID to get license While some on the lower children – you can’t live on rung of the county’s 300-plus that, folks. You can’t afford BY DEBBIE SCHNEIDER driver’s license. It’s part of passport or permanent resi- are eligible to renew their employees are scheduled for to rent an apartment in your HOOD COUNTY NEWS the effort to reduce identity dent card and others. driver’s license online. similar modest increases, own county. You qualify for fraud and terrorism. 2. Proof of Texas residen- “The majority of Texans others stand to receive 5 per- food stamps.” Have you seen your birth Various documents, in- cy. Two documents with the who are coming into a DL of- cent raises and others signifi- Some may still qualify for certificate lately? cluding a birth certificate or name and physical address fice can actually skip the trip cantly higher increases. such assistance after the You might need it when passport and more, may be of the applicant are need- altogether,” Haschel said. Criticism of the financial 2019-2020 Fiscal Year bud- you get your driver’s license. required. ed to show residency. This Check your eligibility by plan is also coming from citi- get is adopted in the coming “I had no idea that you could be a water bill or util- calling 1-866-DL-RENEW (1- zens who posted on a popu- weeks. needed your birth certifi- EACH APPLICANT IS DIFFERENT ity bill. 866-357-3639). lar Facebook page. Many of Some clerks will earn less cate,” said Shirley McDon- “The DPS encourages ap- 3. Proof of identity. This Or go online to https:// the posts were factually inac- than or right at $30,000 even ald of Granbury after a less plicants to utilize the check- includes a passport or voter txapps.texas.gov/tolapp/ curate. with proposed 2.5 or 3 per- than successful visit to the list at http://www.dps.texas. registration card. Other pho- txdl/welcome.dl?utm_ At the start of this week’s cent increases. Texas Department of Public gov/internetforms/Forms/ to ID cards are accepted. source=texasgov&utm_ regular meeting of the Com- Meanwhile, Massingill Safety Driver License Office DL-15.pdf,” said spokesman 4. Proof of Social Security. medium=drivers_DLR&utm_ missioners Court, Massin- wants to give an $11,027 in Tolar. Lonny Haschel of the De- This can be your card, a col- campaign=driver_2017 gill, who had been advised raise to Sheriff Roger Deeds, McDonald said she took a partment of Public Safety. lege transcript or military The driver license office in on Monday about the online bringing his pay from number and waited outside While every applicant may ID with your Social Security Tolar, 105 Pine Lane, is open complaints, gave a 15-minute $86,473 to $97,500 – a 12.75 in the heat due to crowded not need every form of iden- number or income verifica- from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. speech correcting misinfor- percent increase. conditions inside the build- tification, it’s better to be tion document (like a pay- Monday through Friday. It’s mation and defending his Chief Deputy Steve Smith ing, only to find when it was safe than sorry. check stub showing Social the only location in Hood budget. is on the books for a sizable her turn that she needed her The DPS lists the following Security number). County to get a driver’s li- “I don’t apologize for this bump as well, going from birth certificate. documents that applicants 5. Vehicle insurance and cense. Offices are also locat- budget,” he said. “We worked $68,076 to $75,542 – a 10.97 Some will need more than need when applying for a registration documents are ed in Cleburne, Fort Worth long and hard.” percent increase. a birth certificate. The Real driver’s license. required for vehicle owners. and Stephenville. Despite online claims to Massingill is also propos- ID Act, passed by Congress, 1. Proof of U.S. citizen- the contrary, the court plans ing that the overall budget sets new standards to verify ship or lawful presence. This DON’T WAIT IN LINE, GO ONLINE [email protected] | 817-573-7066, ext. 255 to keep the tax rate the same your ID when applying for a includes a birth certificate, Haschel said that many as it is now: 0.428018 cents PLEASE SEE BUDGET | 2 133rd Year CALENDAR . .6 Number 105 FORUM . .4 END OF SUMMER: A dive- CLOSINGS FOR LABOR DAY You won’t need to check the mail Local, zone(s): LIFE . .5, 6 1 sections OBITUARIES . .6 in movie and lighted Monday. The Postal Service is closed for 14 pages SPORTS . .7, 8 Labor Day, one of seven federal holidays plus supplements boat parade on Lake through the year. Have an opinion? Write a letter to City offices and county buildings will State: Granbury are coming be closed. 1 sections the editor, [email protected].
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