
llttntb. 48. 2013 THE NEW ZEALAND G.AZETTE WELLINGTON, THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 1930. RRATA.-In New Zea1nnd Gazette, No. 40, of 29th May, I forming the southern boundary of Section 233; thence alo~ E 1930, By-Ia.ws made by Christchurch Fire Board, for that road and the road forming the sou~h.eastern boundanes ".T. D. Cameron" read" J. R. Cameron." of Sections 118 and 205 to the road fornung the south-western (l.A. 11/4/2.) boundary of the said Section 205, Taringatura Survey Dis- In the advertisement under the Companies Act, page 1994, trict; thence south-easterly along that road to the road read "Cleary and Macauley Limited," in lieu of "Clear and fonning the southern boundary of Lot 2 on plan 1994, de­ Maca.uley, Limited." ' posited in the office of the District Land Registrar at Inver­ cargill; thence westerly along that road to the Aparima River; thence down the Aparima River to the road fonning the northern boundary of the Aparima Hundred; thence DietrictB C01t8tituted under the Marriage Act, 1908. westerly along that road and the northern boundary of the Aparima Hundred produced to the Clifden-Otautau Road; [L.S.] BLEDISLOE, Governor-General. thence north-westerly along that road to the road fonning A PROCLAMATION. the eastern boundary of Section 42, Block IX, Waiau Survey N pursuance and exercise of the power and authority District; thence northerly generally along that road to a I vested in me by the Marriage Act, 1908, I, Charles, Baron point in line with Sharpridge; thence to and along Sharp­ Bledisloe, Governor.General of the Dominion of New Zealand, ridge to Trig. Station L; thence along a right line to the do hereby abolish the existing marriage districts known as north-eastern corner of Section 65, Block II, Waiau Survey the Otautau and Riverton Districts, and do proclaim and District; thence westerly along the northern boundary of declare that the territory heretofore comprised within the that section and its production to the Wairaki River; thence said districts is hereby divided anew into three marriage dis­ up the middle of the Wairaki River to the watersh~d leading to Mount Nicols; thence along the watershed to Mount tricts, the names and boundaries whereof shall be as follows :- NicolR; thence to Corner Peaks; thence along a right line to the source of Redcliff Creek, the point of commencement. NIGHTOAPS DISTRIOT. All that area in the Southland Land District bounded by OTAUTAU DISTRIOT. a line commencing at the source of Redcliff Oreek; thence along a right line to Spence Peak; thence along a right line All that area in the Southland Land District, bounded on to the source of Etal Stream, and along that stream to the the north by t.he Nightcaps Registration District, hereinbefore Aparima River; thence by the right b,mk of that river to described, from the Clifden-Otautau Road to the south.eastern a point due west of the north-western corner of Rection 162A, corner of Section 242; thence along the eastern boundary of Tarin~atura Survey District; thence along a right line to Rections 241, 240, 239, and 238 to the south·eastern corner the north-western corner of that section; thence southerly of the last-mentioned section; thence along the southern along the western boundaries of Sections 162A, 154A, 1620, boundary of Sections 238 and 237, Taringatura Survey Dis­ and 188 to the south-western corner of the last-mentioned trict, to the road forming the north-eastern boundary of section; thence due west to a point in line with the ea.qtern Section 53, Taringatura Survey District; thence to and along boundary of Section 119, Taringatura Survey District; thence that road to the south-eastern comer of part Section 62, to and along that boundary and the eastern boundary of Oreti Hundred; thence south.westerly and westerly along Sections 245, 244, 243, and 242 to the sout.h-eastern corner It.he road fonning the south-eastern and southern boundaries of the last-mentioned section; thence along part of the of part Section 62, Oreti Hundred, to the road fonning the southern boundary of said Section 242, to and across a public western boundary of part Section 62, Oreti Hundred; thence road; thence along the western side of that road to the road south.easterly and south.westerly along that road to the A . -------- -------- -----_. ---- 2014 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 48 south-eastern comer of Section 51, Oreti Hundred; tht'nce Altering Boundarie8 of Ohet'iot aud IV aipara Counties and westerly along the southern boundaries of Sectious 51 and adding Area to 8eaward Riding, Cheriot County. 61, Oreti Hundred, to the north-western corner of Sect.ion 44 ; thence southerly along the road forming the western bound­ [L.S.] BLEDISLOE, Governor-General. ary of the said Section 44, Oreti Hundred, and ita production A PROCLAMATION. to the north-eastern corner of Section 183, Oreti Hundred; thence westerly and southerly along the road forming the \ -X THEREAS the Cheviot County Council, in pursuance of northern and western boundaries of the said Section 183 to i ,. suhsection three of section fourteen of t.he Counties the road forming the southern boundary of Section 69, Oreti Act" 1920 (hl'reinafter rderrl'<l to as "the said Aot "), pre­ Hundred; thence westerly along that road to the Aparima sented a petition in accordan~e with the said subsection River; thence down the Apa,rima River to t.he south-eastern three, praying that the boundarie8 of the Cheviot and Waipara boundary of Section 23, Block VIII, Jacobs River Hundred; Counties be altered by including in the said Cheviot County thence along the south-eastern boundary of Section 23 and the area of the 'Vaipara County described in that petition: the southern boundary of Section 20 to the road forming the And whereas a Commission waR appointed to inquire and southern boundary of Section 36; thence along that road to report thereon in accordance with subsection four of section Mitchell Road; thence along Mitchell Road and Ermedale f~urteen of the said Act, and has duly reported that the Road to the eastern boundary of Section 7, Block XX, Jacobs boundaries of the sajd counties should be altered in the River Hundred; thence along the eastern, southern, and manner prayed for in the said petition: _western boundaries of the said Seotion 7 to the northern And whereas it is expedient that the boundaries of the said boundary of Section 9 and Block XX; thence along the counties should be altered in such a· manller as is deemed to northern boundaries of Sections 9 and 8, and that line pro­ be in accordance with the Raid report, and that the area to duced to a point on a line drawn between the source of the be added to the Ch<'viot County should be included in the Ourawera Stream and the south-western corner of th" Apa­ Seaward Riding of that county: rima Hundred; thence northerly along that line to the Now, therefore, in pursuance and exercise of the power and eastern boundary of the Longwood Survey District, and aut,hority conferred on me bv the said Act, T Charles Baron northerly along that boundary to the northern boundary of Bledisloe, Governor-General ;'f the Dominion ~f New Zealand, Block XV, Waiau Survey District; thence along that bound­ do hereby proclaim and declare that the area describcd in the ary to the south-eastern corner of Section 12, Maori Hill First Schedule hereto, being now part of the Waipara County, Settlement; thence northerly along the eastern boundary of shall be added to and form part ot the Cheviot County; that that section and of Lots 26, 27, a.nd 28 on plan 1285, deposited the boundaries of the Cheviot and Waipara Counties as so in the office of the District Land Registrar at Invercargill, to altered shall be those set forth under th" respective headings the CliIaen-Otautau Road; thence northerly along that road in the Second Schedule hereto: that the area added as afore­ to a point in line with the production of the northern boundarY said to the Cheviot County shall he included in the Seaward of the Aparima Hundred, the point of commencement. • Riding of that county; and that the boundaries of that Riding shall be those set forth in the Third Schedule hereto: And I do also proclaim and declare that this Proclamation RIVERTON DISTRICT. shall take effect on the first day of .J uly, one thousand nine All that area in the Southland Land District bounded on hundred and thirty. the north by the Otautau Registration District, hereinbefore described, to the Waimatuku Stream; thence down the Wai­ matuku Stream to the sea; thence by the sea to the Oura­ FIRST SCHEDULE. wera Stream; thence up the Ourawera Stream to its source; AREA EXCLUDED FROlll 'VAIPARA COUNTY ANI> INCLUDED IN thence by a right line to the south-western corner of the CHEVIOT COUNTY. Otautau Registration District, the point of commencement. ALL that area in the Canterbury Land District, bounded by a And I hereby declare that this Proclamation shall come linc commencing on the high-water mark of the South Pacific into operat.ioll on the first day of July, in the year of our Ocean at a point, being the continuation of the south-western Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty. boundary of Rural Section 36498; thence in a north-westerly direction across a road and by the south-western boundary of Given under the hand of His Excellency fihe Governor­ Rural Section 36498 aforesaid to a road; thence north­ General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued westerly along the south-western side of that road a·cross the under the Seal of that Dominion, this 21st day of Blythe River to its junction with the Blythe Valley Road: June, 1930.
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