i SiT- - vh(SW-f- '--, - ".-if--- 'iSl-W-I " -- - yi - ii- V " .!-- . avT f 2, 7 & THE EEPUBLIC: SATUEDAY. NOYEMBEB 1901'. MISTRESS JOY; a Story of Natchez in 1798," is a colorful and YOUNG'S HARDY BULBS AUCTIONEERS. THRASHER HALL, 1. 1. SELKIRK & CO., " now for early spring blooming. People, picturesque novel covering an interesting period in American Should be planted AUCTION Fire Adjuster for the WHITE LILIES, large size bulbs. and STORAGE lOe each. $1.00 dosen. Regular fa'.a every Saturday at narehju? aad 10 Republic Dnlldlnc history. Other important hooks of the week. November maga- JAPAN LILIES, the Spotted Lily. general ofdres. Chouteau are. Sales la Both Phones at Office and Residence. "i"ic each, f2.50 dozen residences a specialty. Phon Klnteeh C 187. GOLDEN BANDED LILY OF JAPAN. - folloTTlnc rcromniemlatloin New ISc each. IM.XO iloten 1808-10-- Rend zines. Literary gossip. hooks received. 12 CHOUTEAU AVENUE Irom prominent buslsiess bonxii Illustrated Catalogue of all kinds of hardy bulbs that Mo.. Oct. 2Sth. 1301. should be planted now free 011 application. St. Louis. ATTJKDAT SAMS. To Whom It May Concern: "MIstre Joy, a Tale of Natchez in 179S," - Joslyn. U. S. A.," a story by M. Quad; OLIVE We take pleasure In recommendlnc; novel now "Faster Than the Express Train." by Wal- 1406 ST., TM. daT at 10C0 o'clock, at our w is the title of a Just issued under "111 sell a and varied prtrea Thrasher Hall to any one who lia sustained the Century Company's imprint and writ- ter Wellman: "With His Back to the Wall," YOUNG'S, ST. LOUIS, MO. larxe nlleetlon of a Are loss. His business Is to represent livlliiiillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllH o In the ten by Grace MacGowan Cooke and Anale a story, by Joseph M. Rogers: "Theodore FcnxrrcTtB. CAnPETs. stovcs. et& the people's ?lde the question IBMhIui I A. A. SELKIRK A CO. adjustment of losses. Booth McKlnney. two writers heretotoie Roosevelt." bv William Allen White: "Why Anetlourera. He is familiar with all the intricacies that not largely known to fame. 1 the Hot Sulphur Mall Was Late." a story enter Into the adjustment of tire losses and By etery virtue of the fact ff admirably j by Chauncey Thomas; "Nancy and I and NEW PUBLICATIONS. NEW PUBLICATIONS. can rave a wonderful amount of trouble finished by new "Mistress Joy" j the Girl," by N. V. McClelland; 'The Ro- - APMSEMENTS. worrv in the preparation of the sched- work hand". and by commends itself to the reader with especial ules and "other Information required the Sturgls B. Rand; "The Tipster," Wall Insurance companies. emphasis. The dramatic construction of the a emplojed him to us In our own story Is strong and consistent, the plot i street story, by Bin In Lefevre; "Marvel's X-- We aist Wal-dro- n; Jl flsaa(42SaaB?sjjK loss, and found him loyal to our interests possessed of exceptional interest, the char- of Modern Production," by George B. HORSESHOW nnd to posstss a technical know ledse con- picturesque, HI1j(h HH 'The Mission of Kitty Malone," a adjust- acters are unusually and the J0 cerning insurance contracts and Is quaint- story, by Kate M. Cleary. COLISEUM which could only have been ac- literary stvle of the story's telling MATINEE ments ly excellent. Llpplncott's "One Woman's Life," com- 2 P. M. quired by sears of experience. plete novel, by XIOHT We suBgest his employment Immediately This latter, indeed, suggests the thought Isabelle D. Cameron; "Rec- KA.MJ CONCERT III WEIL'S IIA.ND after tho fire. In order to aold the possi- that tho collaboration of Grace MacGowan ollections of Rossetti," by Herbert H. Gil- OF 1'IKTV PIECES. bility of a mistake being made. Cooke Booth McKlnney muft christ; "Suggestions for an Alpine and tleautlful eulne display at Matinee Very truly yours, and Annia Marsh Garden." by Anna Lea Merrit; "The Intervtlncr tor ladles aid children. JACCARD JEWELRY CO.. hao beea restricted to the structural Ml m Courting JndKlnjt th. Saddle Pont. Shetland Ponr Tan- JIE1U10D story-- , JP of Gabriel Seabury," by Mabel dems. Combination Uoad foundation of the and that the actual i IIore ard Team. A. S. ALOE telling Nelson Thurston; "My Own runeraU" a Among many brlcht features of the matinee D. HAT & CO.. of it Is the work of one of the two. If tale, by George Moore; sto- programme. "Ballanafad," a STOVE CO.; The quality of the narration Is so distinct- The Etandest champion salted sad- QUICK MEAL MtL. ry, Com- es FURNITURE AND CAIt-- as- lliiK by John V. Sears; 'The Minority dle, hor-- of tho world will acpear. Tim BROADWAY ive as to make this a most reasonable asviSHi' mittee," Polo I'liTCO.. by Paul Laurence Dunbar; "A Ponies. Chamrlen Harness Hon. sumption, it ! the first thought of the Woman's Trip to the Klondike," by Emma '? lllsh Jumpers and a grand wind-u- p with an II. S. IITSINGER & CO.. .afilaak Potato Race will be arsons the laat nlxht's & GENTLES. reader following the laying down of the L. Kelly; "Another Woman's Letters," a tir a rENNY book. story, V feature. A. CEISEL MFG. CO . by Mrs. J. K. Hudson. GE.ERAL AIsMISSIOV. SO CETS. TOY NOTION CO.. story Is pretty one. twenty-fift- h 7 SS FABIUCIUS AND The a Mistress Father Leslie's Monthly, anniversary .aaHA GALLEItY. CENTS, II I. CO- TIefrved on THE TEOPLE-- HOUSE FURNISHING Joy is the girl Joyce Valentine, daughter ot number 'The Fond Adventure." a novel, seata sale at Exposition Box Office. ST. LOUIS PKES3 BRICK CO.. Tobias" Valentine, tender, fearless and opening chapters, by y; a t . It .i...--ts- .i Maurice Hewlett; OLYIUJPIf Curtain at 2:15 HEMP & CO.. lovable Methodist preacher of early pion- .w..i.. "How Tammany Wins," by L. J. Lang; - ' at 8:1S FERRIS STOVE AND MFG. CO.. " PAPER CO.. - eer days in Mississippi. Joyce herself, J. O. G. DUFFY. 'The Great Automobile Race from Paris to JJEWCOlin BROS. WALL . beauti- CIIATMAN MTQ. CO.. though beautiful, and loving all the Author of "Glass and Gold." Berlin." by Sterling Heillg; 'The Race for JOSEPH JEFFERSON. BAIN & ful and luxurious things of life. Is deeply the Poles," by Friedjof Nansen; "The EDDY & EDDY. LaZARRE At Matinee To-D- "RIP VAN WINKLE" BTROMBERG. KRAUSS & CO, ellgicus. and hopes eventually to become a do the right In his literary work. This may American Diary of a Japanese Girl"; ON UDELL-SAMSO- WOODENWARE CO.. In Society. or may not be an Idiosyncrasy. "American Society." by W. Peatle; Ctth-erwo- THICKET THK HEARTH" tho Methodist Aside from Ella Miry Htrtwell and "LEND ME FIVE SHILLINGS." COM. CO.. It so chances, however, that the fascinat- the invocation. If It may be so termed, the "The Blue Laws of Connecticut." by B. J. it' At? the author of BT LOUIS REFRIGERATOR AND WOODEN ing Is deetlne.I to indulge collection of stories are to Hendrlck. Methodist devotee entitled more Laiarre," wat form-ni- te SEATS ON SALE NOW GUTTER CO.. quite frivolously In world's pleasures. than ordinary consideration. He explains Alnsiee's "Training a Football Team," " OLIVER WALL TAPER CO.. the f in her choice of a For Next Week (Mondays, when G. II. She is also to taste lovo In two of Its that the passions which govern people in by Allen Sangree; "The Fortunes of Lai MISSOURI BELTING CO.. subject. The story of .CHARLES FHOHMAN Presents MERCANTILE CO.. phases a first lovo for an unworthy man their actions are not all from the love mo- Faversham," a story, by Rafael Sabatlni; CLYDE FITCH'S HERBOTH the lost Dauphin is a 6CHAPER BROS. and a later love for the steadfast fellow tive. Other desires, such as music, nature. 'The Sailor and the Land Shark." by Carl TLANT SEED CO.. .' whom she has known since she was a child money, pride, strife, revenge, children, hon- Hovey; "A Marriage on the Main." a fascinating one. It opens COMMERCIAL PRINTING CO.. and who has always loved her in his own or, friendship, loyalty and duty, may be story, by S. Elgar Benet; "Our Farming up a chapter in the CAPTAIN JMKB LINSTROTH WAGON CO.. quiet way. love Is "the verv pulse Industry." by Frank M. Todd; 'The Cham- romantic of eirly v.u.. and constant The first of the machine." From the dart OFTHE HORSE MARINES, JACOB D. STRAUS BAHUUtlll for a mysterious Englishman named Jessop. first story, entitled "A Lover of Music," to ber of Fear." a story, by Marvin Dana; America that is Ettle W,TH J. H. BUEL. "Marriage Nowadays." by Ad- ETHEL BARRYMORE. WEISERT BROS. TOBACCO CO.. who afterwards out to bo the Earl the last, "The Keepers of the Light," the Cyrus C. The October Critic known, but which takes ams: "The Valleys." by Mor- I After 9 Nights E. GODDARD FLOUR CO.. of Shropshire. The second Is for one David ruling passions stands out clearly and Inaccessible M nyt that strong hold on the im- at The Carrlck. New Tork. CO- of country book Is Illus- timer O. Wilcox; "How Fllomey Went to WIEDER TAINT Batchelor, a planter the Natchez forcefully. The handsomely agination when once - n- - to-d- at 2:lT ST. LOUIS COFFIN ! day, hundred Earls In the Circus." a story, by Charlotte M. y; CENTURY . of that and worth a trated. Scrlbners. I THE revealed. She was also Tcnltht at 8:15. BAACK & CO. nianf ulnesa and honesty. 'The Cyclone." by Earl W. Mayo; CHARLES FROHMAN Present VAL A. REIS MUSIC CO. Joy "Some Women Have Known" will ap- "Nigger Jeff,"a story by Theodore Dreiser.
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