United States Patent [191 [11] Patent Number: 4,879,606 Walter‘ et a1. ' . [451 Date of Patent: Nov. 7, 1989 [54] EDTV RECORDING APPARATUS for IDTV/EDTV System,” IEEE Transactions Con [75] Inventors: James M. Walter, Columbus; sumer Electronics, vol. 34, No. 1, Feb. 88, pp. 228-235. - Krishnamurthy Jonnalagadda, Masami Itoga et al., “Two Channel FM Recording For Plainsboro; Robert E. Flory, High-De?nition Baseband Signals”, IEEE Trans. Con Princeton, of NJ. sumer Electronics, vol. 34, No. 1, Feb. 88, pp. 78-84. M. Isnardi et al., “Decoding Issues In The ACTV Sys [73] Assignee: General Electric Company, tem”, IEEE Transactions On Consumer Electronics, Princeton, NJ. vol. 34, No. 1, Feb. 1988, pp. 111-120. [21] Appl. No.: 205,146 Y. Yasumoto et al., “A Wide Aspect Ratio Television [22] Filed: Jun. 6, 1988 System With Full NTSC Compatibility”, IEEE Trans actions Consumer Electronics, vol. 34, No. 1, Feb. 88, [51] Int. (31.4 ............................................. .. H04N 9/79 pp. 121-127. [52] U.S. C1. ...... ............................ .. 358/330; 358/ 12; 358/16; 358/11 Primary Examiner-John W. Shcpperd [58] Field of Search ................... .. 358/12, 15, 16, 310, Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Joseph S. Tripoli; Eric P. 358/ 330, 11 Herrmann; James B. Hayes [56] References Cited U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS [57] ABSTRACT 4,476,484 10/1984 Haskell ................................ .. 358/ 16 - Extended de?nition television (EDTV) signals includ 4,485,401 11/1984 Tan et a1. .. 358/12 ing a compatible composite wideband signal and a sepa 4,510,520 4/1985 Parker et a1. 358/15 rate helper or extended de?nition signal are combined, 4,521,803 6/1985 Gittinger 358/141 for example, for recording purposes, using frequency 4,535,352 8/1985 Haskell ............ .. 358/11 multiplexing techniques. The helper signal is applied to 4,543,598 9/1985 Oliphant . ..'. 358/12 a modulator, which produces a suppressed carrier mod 4,613,912 9/1986 Shibata et al. .. 360/191 4,654,724 3/1987' Nagano ......... .. 358/310 ulated signal, to frequency shift the helper signal to a 4,661,850 4/1987 Strolle et a1. 358/12 spectral band abovethe frequency band occupied by 4,661,863 4/1987 Ichinot .......... .. 358/334 the compatible composite wideband signal. The fre 4,694,338 9/1987 Tsinberg 358/141 quency shifted and wideband signal are then added to 4,742,386 5/1988 Wilkinson ........................... .. 358/13 form the combined signal. OTHER PUBLICATIONS S. Higuchi et al., “An Experimental Color Under VCR 11 Claims, 3 Drawing Sheets A 0 3.1 3.58 42 mu 55 OOOBLESIDEIAND ' ____J ammo ,- r,‘* "h‘ - ’ ’ / I lesstsmmo 1 I’ l i \§L B 0 151ml' I NULTIPLEXED SIGNAL IIOEBAND CONPONENT ' NANROI| BAND COMPONENT | ' i ; | I 2| 52ml I S3} 510 5.5a 4.2 5.35 s.| FREQUENCY ——> US. Patent Nov. 7, 1989 Sheet 1 of3 4,879,606 m . u $2.352 \BE:. ,fnnnmlk. \All_ I5:523 . 44/“ \N_ _ _55:25:;:532.:2:25 n. W_._ 55:5;3% __. \wa: QE“33N; _. REi$o=2 .%/EN”" x m ‘i552: 52.._.Q N”.w US. Patent Nov. 7, 1989 Sheet 3 of3 4,879,606 FIG. 3 F FRAME/FIELD r1—2 Fn-1 Fn Fn+1 l n_2 [I] c. IZI o l n_1 . E O E A B LINES In E] -x E o D 1 n+1 . ' E l n+2 IE] ' l3] ' 5(3 H = 635611880. 10 5 ( 3+R ENCODEEDTV _> O 8 G CS2 H —> A C —I E B N —> R8 72 / MEM. —> WS RS WH “H H41‘ MEMORY CONTROL 4,879,606 1 2 equipment cost to the broadcasters but also creates EDTV RECORDING APPARATUS signi?cant synchronizing and timing problems to main tain the proper relationship between the two signals. This invention relates to extended de?nition televi The present invention obviates equipment duplicity sion (EDTV) systems. 5 and the timing and synchronization problems in an EDTV facility. BACKGROUND OF THE‘ INVENTION In, for example, the Isnardi et al. system higher fre EDTV systems are systems which are designed to quency video information is effectively folded into the transmit and receive television signals and provide the 4.2 MHZ spectrum bandwidth of composite video sig consumer with reproduced images of higher quality 10 nals. As such the wide bandwidth channels (15 MHZ) of than those available from e.g. conventional NTSC sys the studio equipment is under-utilized. In addition the tems. In addition it is highly desirable that the EDTV majority 'of studio equipment is transparent to the systems utilize conventional broadcast channels and be makeup of the signal being processed. compatible with existing television receivers, that is, Realizing these characteristics of the studio equip that existing receivers be capable of reproducing an ment, the present inventors discerned that the band EDTV signal with image quality substantially as good width of the limiting studio components (the 6 MHZ as conventional NTSC. bandwidth of VTR’s) is suf?cient to frequency multi Two such systems are described in the Feb. 1988 plex the lower bandwidth signal with the higher band volume of the IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electron width composite signal for transmission through the ics, (Vol. 34, No. l). The ?rst system is described in the 20 studio. article by Isnardi et al., entitled “Decoding Issues In The ACTV System”, at pages 111-120. The second SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION system is described in the article by Yasumoto et al., The present invention comprises a video signal pro entitled “A Wide Aspect Ration Television System cessing system including an encoder for generating a With Full NTSC Compatibility” at pages 121-127. 25 wideband video signal containing suf?cient information Both systms originate images in wide screen format, and for reproducing an image according to one of the con separately process the center and side portions of the ventional television standards, and for producing a fur image. Both systems generate a relatively wideband ther signal containing information, which when appro signal including information from the center image priately combined with the wideband signal, produces portions which is NTSC compatible. In addition both 30 an image of enhanced quality. Apparatus at the en systems generate a relatively narrowband signal con coder, frequency multiplexes the narrowband and wide taining auxiliary information for producing an enhanced band signals for local transmission among various pro image. The narrowband signal (V-T helper signal) gen cessing elements such as recording equipment. erated in the Isnardi et al. system includes ?eld differen tial signals for each image frame. This signal is utilized 35 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS in an EDTV receiver as an aid in generating progres FIG. 1 is a schematic drawing illustrating the fre sive scan signals with reduced motion artifacts. The quency spectrum of an EDTV signal, useful for describ narrowband signal- (multiplexed signal) generated in the ing the invention. Yasumato et al. system contains composite video infor FIG. 2 is a block diagram of an EDTV system em mation for the side portions of each image. bodying the present invention. Both the Isnardi et al. and Yasumato et al. system FIG. 3 is a pictorial representation of portions of transmit the wideband signal as a conventional NTSC several ?elds of video signal. signal. The narrowband signal is transmitted by quadra FIG. 4 is a block diagram of that portion of a particu ture modulating the picture carrier of the wideband lar EDTV system which generates a narrowband signal signal, so that all of the image information is transmitted 45 component. in a single channel. In contemporary broadcast studios for example, DETAILED DESCRIPTION video signals are generated in a camera and encoded The following description of the invention will be into NTSC format. Nominally these signals are cou expressed in terms of the Isnardi et al. EDTV system pled, over a single broadband conductor, to the various though it is to be understood that the invention is not studio processing, switching, special effects, etc. appa limited to the Isnardi et al. signal format. ratus, and then to the transmitter. To maintain signal Referring to FIG. 1, the spectral diagram A illus integrity much of the studio equipment has 15 MHZ or trates the spectral components of the wideband NTSC greater signal handling capability. Practically however, compatible signal produced by the Isnardi et al. EDTV the composite signal bandwidth is limited by the band 55 system (hereafter IEDTV). The signal consists of a width capability of video tape recorders, (VTR’s) luminance component S1 having frequency components which have a signal handling bandwidth of about 6 from zero to 4.2 MHZ, a frequency interleaved chromi~ MHZ. nance component S2 having frequency components The studio equipment does not have provision for from about 2MHz to 4.2 MHz, and a frequency inter handling the lower bandwidth signals generated in so leaved extended de?nition component S3 having fre EDTV systems. These signals must be carried around quency components from about 2-4.2 MHZ. The lumi the studio and delivered to the transmitter in parallel nance and chrominarice components contain informa with the wideband compatible NTSC signal. At the tion relating to the center portion of the image and also transmitter the two signals are combined for brbadcast includes compressed information relating to the side ing. In general it would appear that for a studio to han 65 panels. The luminance and chrominance signals are dle EDTV signals of the type having separate wideband combined in the conventional manner. Signal compo and narrowband components, duplicate equipment is nent S3 contains two subcomponents.
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