6.06 CONGRESS! ON AL RECORD-HOUSE DECEMBER 14 Sylvan S. McCrary to be postmaster at Joaquin, Tex., in John L. Augustine, Lordsburg. place of S. S. McCrary. Incumbent's eommission ,. '()ired De­ Charles E. Anderson, Roy. cember 10, 1928; Louise N. Martin, SocoiTo. William I. Witherspoon to be postmaster at McAllen, Tex., in OHIO place of W. I. Witherspoon. Incumbent's commission expired December 10, 1928. _ George P. Foresman, Circleville. Charles A. Reiter to be postmaster at Muenster, Tex., in place Alsina E. Andrews, Risingsun. Horace G. Randall, Sylvania. of 0. A. Reiter. Incumbent's commission expired D~ember 10, 1928. OKLAHOMA Charles I. Sneclecor to be postmaster at Needville, Tex., in Henry A. Ravia, Bessie. place of C. I. Snedecor. Incumbent's commission expired De­ Burton A. Tyrrell, Fargo. cember 10, 1928. Earl C. Moore, Forgan. Lydia Teller to be postmaster at Orange Grove, Tex., in place Benjamin F. R!irick, Guymon. of Lydia Teller. Incumbent's commission e1..--pired December 10, Helen Whitlock, Mru:amec. 1928. SOUTH CAROLINA Casimiro P. Alvarez to be postmaster at Riogrande, Tex., in John W. Willis, Lynchburg. place of C. P. Alvarez. Ineumbent'.s commission expired Decem- ber 10, 1928. · WEST VIRGINIA George 1\f. Sewell to be postmaster at Talpa, Tex., in place of Mary .Allen, Filbert. G. M. Sewell. Incumbent's commission expil·ed December 10, Minnie Ratliff, Yukon. 1928.-· Charles If''. Boettcher to be postmaster at Weimar, Tex., in WITHDRAWAL place of C. F. Boettcher. Incumbent's commission expired De­ cember 10, 1928. Exeuutive nominatio-n witlzarawn trorn the Senate Decembf:»' -14 (legislative da·y of D ecem-ber 13), 1928 UTAH POSTMASTER Carlos C. Hansen to be postmaster at Midvale, Utah, in place of J. B. Wright, deceased. · ILLI OIS VIRGINIA Oscar B. Harrauff to be postmaster at Princeton in the State James L. Humbert to be postmaster at Charlottesville, Va., of Illinois. in place of W. B. Murphy. Incumbent's commission expired February 24, 1927. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Byron Austin to be postmaster at Falls Church, Va., in place of V. T. Quick, resigned. FRIDAY, Decemhm· 14, 1928 WEST TIRGINIA The Honse met at 12 o'clock noon and was called to order by John M. Stratton to be postmaster at Man, W. Va., in place the Speaker. of R. E. Gillespie, deceased. The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D. D., offered the following pra:rer : CONFffiMATIONS 'Ve entreat the spirit of the Lord God to be upon us. Let this Executive nominations confirmed by the Senate December 14 day be an open door to another opportunity for service. Bless (legislati'l/e fLay ot Decembe1· 13), 1928 • us with ease of mind in disappointment and with victory over COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY every fear. Give us beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourn­ John W. Pole to be Comptroller of the Currency. ing, and the garment of praise for heaviness. Let the revelation of eternal love be our ideal. Thus equipped, may we toil for POSTMASTERS the extension of the good. Empty our hearts of all jealousy, ALABAMA pride, and co•etousness, and all selfishness which creates the l\linnie V. Compton, Pine Apple. bitterne s of the world. In the calendar of memory may we ALASKA live as wise servants of the Republic and obedient children of Martin Conway, Skagway. Him who has opened the gates of mercy for all mankind. In His name. Amen. COLOR..ADO Beulah J. Wright, Estes Park. The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and approved. GEORGIA MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE Julien V. Frederick, Marshallville. A message from the Senate, by Mr. Craven, its principal clerk, KANSAS announced that the Senate had passed with amendments, in Robert E. Chapman, Belle Plaine. which the concurrence of the House is requested, a Bill of the William T. Venell, Bird City. House of the following title: Clitus B. Hosford, Lawrence. H. R.14801. An act making appropriations for the Treasury Theodore 0. Conklin, Mulvane. and Post ·office Departments for the :fi,scal year ending June 30, Clarence G. Hart, Perry. 1930, and for other purposes. Qeorge E. Crawford, Whiting. The message also announced that the Senate had passed KENTUCKY _without amendment a joint resolution and bill of the House of Howard C. Lewis, Morehead. the following titles : Raymond H. Heskarnp, St. Matthews. H. J. Res. 346. Joint resolution authorizing the payment of Elbert W. Beers, Van Lear. salaries of the officers and employees of Congress for December, John Lafferty, Wheelwright. 1928, on the 20th day of that month ; and H. R. 13990. An act to authorize the President to present the MICHIGAN distinguished flying cross to Orville Wright, and to Wilbur Samuel Perkins, Norway. Wright, deceased. Joseph D. Norris, Turner. The message also announced that the Vice President had NEW JE:&SEY appointed Mr. BINGHAM, Mr. McMASTER, and Mr. BLACK mem­ Robert E. Torrance, Arlington. bers of the committee on the part of the Senate as provided for Ralph E. Liddle, Fords. in the joint resolution (H. J. Res. 332) entitled "Joint resolu­ George W. Karge, Franklinville. tion to appoint a congressional committee to attend the exer­ James L. O'Donnell, Hammonton. cises celebrating the twenty-fifth anniversat·y of the first air­ Waltet G. Barber, Millvllle. plane flight made by Wilbur and Orville Wright on December Walter E. Walling, Port Monmouth. 17, 1903, at Kill Devil Hills, Kitty Hawk, N. C." Harry W. Mutchler, Rockaway. MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Marie M. Giroud, Sewaren. Hiram H. Shepherd, South Boundbrook. A message from the President of the United States was communicated to the Hou.Se of Representatives by Mr. Latta, one NEW MEXICO of his secretaries, who informed the House that on the follow­ Edward H. Hemenway, Carlsbad. ing dates the President did approve and sign bills of the House Frank P. Brown, Hachita. 9f the !ollowj,ng titles: 1928 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD--HOUSE 607 On December 12, 1928: Speaker of the House of Representatives, respectively, is authorized to B. R. 10869. An act amending section 764 of Subchapter XII, make the necessary arrangements for tlie inauguration of the President fraternal beneficial associations, of the Oode of Law for the elect' of the United States on the 4th of March next. District of Columbia. l\Ir. SNELL. Mr. Speaker, I simply desire to state that this On December 13, 1928: is the usual resolution that is passed once in four years preced­ H. R. 279. An act to amend section 8 of an act entitled "An ing the inauguration of a new President. This resolution is act to incorporate the Howard University in the District of considered to be an authorization for an appropriation which Columbia," approved March 2, 1867; find will be carried in the deficiency bill. H. R. 5894. An act for the relief of the State Bank & Trust I think that is all that is to be said about that at this time. Co., of Fayetteville, Tenn. I move the previous question on 1:he resolution. REREFERENCE OF A BILL The previous question was ordered. Mr. HAWLEY. Mr. Speak(lr, I ask unanimous consent that The SPEAKER. The question is on agreeing to the reso­ the bill H. R. 14670 be transferred from the Committee on lution. Territories to the Committee on Ways and Means. I have The resolution was agreed to. consulted with the chairman of the Committee on Territories The SPEAKER. The Speaker appoints as members of that in regard to this. committee Mr. SNEL.L. 1\Ir. DYER, and Mr. Pou. Mr. GARl,ER of Texas. Mr. Speaker, what was the gentle­ PENSIONS man's request? Mr. ELLIOTT. Mr. Speaker, I call up the bill (H. R. 14800) Mr. HAWLEY. I was asking for the transfer from the Com­ granting pensions and increase of pensions to certain soldiers, mittee on Territories to the Committee on Ways and Means of sailors, and marines of the Civil War and certain widows and the bill H. R. 14670, introduced by the Delegate from Hawaii dependent children of soldiers, sailors, and marines of said war, [lion. V. S. K. HousTON], to amend section 495, title 48, chapter and ask unanimous consent that it be considered in the House 3, of the United States Code, exempting salaries of officer and as in Committee of the Whole. employees of the Territory of Hawaii from the Federal income tax, which was referred to the Committee on Territories. The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Indiana calls up the The SPEAKER. Without objection, the transfer of the bill bill H. R. 14800, which the Clerk will i·eport by title. will be made. The Clerk read as follows : There was no objection. A bill (H. R. 14800) granting pensions and increase of pensions to PRESENTATION OF A GAVEL TO THE SPEAKER certain soldiers, sailors, and marines of the Civil War and certain widows and dependent children of soldiers, sailors, and marines of said .Mr. ALLEN. M1·. Speaker, it was with the greatest pleasure war. that I was able thi morning to present to you a gavel fashioned from the wood of n tree which grew in the front ya1·d of the The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Indiana asks unani­ Hoover home in Iowa. In this connection I should like permis­ mous consent that the bill may be considered in the House as sion to extend my remarks in the RECORD by inserting a short in Committee of the Whole. Is there objection? statement sent to me by Mr. Robert Reed Wallace, who sent There was no objection. the gavel to me for presentation to the Speaker.
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