Dowd’s Farm residents group meeting – notes 27th June 2013 In attendance: Residents Shirley Ann Hennigan-Finlay Saffron Daffnias Pat Taylor Dave Sheath Nathan Thompson James Arnott Dave Cousins Helen Booth Helen Parker Rich Kenchington Others Ian Davis – Salvation Army (also resident) Councillor Louise Bloom (also resident) Jon Riddell – Area Co-ordinator, Eastleigh Borough Council PCSO Matt Wheeler Paula Windebank – Radian Apologies: Matt Ball Kevin Glyn-Davies - Town Clerk, Hedge End Town Council Councillor Derek Pretty PCSO Tracey Chilcott 1. Matters arising from minutes Update on Park and Stride scheme Jonathan Riddell confirmed that the Local Area Committee approved the funding for the scheme to go ahead. A budget has been set up for the work and an engineer has been appointed. A topographical study discovered that a full drainage scheme is needed, which will be built into the design. This is unfortunate as it means the works will be more complex than anticipated and a planning application is needed, which means it will not be ready for September as originally thought. The aim of the park and stride is to ease parking problems at the school. It will be managed by Hedge End Town Council. Residents were assured that the car park will be locked every evening, probably around 10pm. The car park will have the same height barrier to deter travellers. The planning application will include a period of public consultation so residents can voice feedback then if they have any. Community centre Ian Davis has been talking to groups who expressed an interest in using the centre when it is open. The build is still on track and is due to be completed in November. The Salvation Army has devised a name for the new centre. It will be known as the ‘Hedge End Salvation Army church and community centre’. A part time post will be created which means 2.5 full time people will be employed to manage the centre (including Ian and his wife, who will be based there). Currently applying to HEWEB for financial support in fitting the centre out. Any support with this is welcome! 2. Police update General crime is very low in Dowd’s Farm. There are ongoing problems with youth ASB and trade park issues around Burger King etc. The Police are taking youth ASB seriously as this has increased recently in the area and a core element has been identified. It seems that they are coming over from Eastleigh. Expect more of a visible presence from the Police and specific operations over the summer months. The Police are asking residents to step forward to help catch speeding drivers as part of the Speedwatch initiative. All encouraged to report crimes – using 101 or (in an emergency) 999. Even low level ASB as it is helpful to gather information to build up a picture of what is going on in an area. Nathan Thompson said that the roundabout by Peter Cooper is very busy during rush hour and a hatch box would be helpful there. Jonathan Riddell stated that as the volume of traffic there is so high it is difficult to manage but requested that if Nathan submits a sketch of where the hatch box should be and sends it in, it will be passed to engineers for consideration. Louise Bloom reported that planning approval has been granted for improvements to the Wickes roundabout but no dates have been fixed yet for this to take place. The arrangements are between Bradbeers and Hampshire County Council so there is little Eastleigh Borough Council can do to move this forward. There is a new Next shop being built on the Wildern Mill site, which will include clothes, home and garden section and a coffee shop. Nathan Thompson raised a query about the traffic lights at the top of Thornhill Park Road. Eastleigh Borough Council have raised this issue with Southampton City Council in the past but as SCC is the highway authority they follow their own procedures. Dave Sheath reported motorbikes using the cutway at the end of Barfoot Road. Police will be patrolling this area. 3. Parking There will be 20 notices put up around Dowd’s Farm about the Traffic Regulation Order to make the yellow lines in phase 1 enforceable. This launches a consultation period with residents and if objections are raised, the order will go to committee in September. Councillor Bloom encouraged residents to send in approval comments too. The PCSO confirmed that cars seen to be causing an obstruction by parking on the pavement will face enforcement action. If people see someone parking like this, call the police and they will come out. Likewise, parking in front of a garage is causing an obstruction. Yellow lines will not be painted where there are other regulations covering the space – such as in front of garages, where people should not be parking. This is unfortunately a problem with bad behaviour. Residents suggested a heavy enforcement campaign when the lines go live. Cllr Bloom will ask the parking manager. The PCSO reported that Police issued some parking notices to cars on White’s Way recently because they were so dangerously parked. Residents living in phase 1 agreed that the advisory yellow lines do seem to have made a difference. Everyone is invited to attend the Speedwatch event at Botley Parish Centre on Monday 8th July. This initiative offers residents the opportunity to loan a device to track speeds – suggestions for particular locations where this is a problem are welcomed. 5. Rest of action plan Depot noise Unfortunately Mark Beeston from Environmental Health was unable to attend the meeting but Paula Windebank has spoken to him recently about the noise issues. Paula read out an email, which said: We (Environmental Health) have on-going open noise complaints from a couple of residents on Dowd’s Farm. Earlier this year we had a degree of success in dealing with noise from a heating flue but since then it has been difficult in dealing with the company. We ended up serving a notice on the company to force through the issues, raised voices/reversing bleepers etc., and we are currently collecting data, including noise recordings, to take formal enforcement action against them. We would hope to have all of this information within a couple of weeks to present to the company ahead of the enforcement action. Any residents who have not contacted Environmental Health about the issue are advised to do so. Mark can be contacted on 02380 688339, email [email protected]. Website The website has been set up but there is currently very little on it. Cllr Bloom suggested putting the TRO notices on there and information about the 101 number. If any resident would like to take on the role of co-ordinating the website, please let Paula Windebank know. 6. Any other business Dave Sheath reported a lot of litter in the footpath by Barfoot Road. Jonathan Riddell reported that an area there is due to be tarmac-ed. Bins will be put in and a litter pick carried out. Nathan Thompson raised a complaint about what hour building works start on the Bovis site. They often start between 7.10-7.20am but are not due to start until 8am. Jonathan Riddell encouraged residents to ring enforcement and report it, and it will be logged. They have been issued with warning notices before. There are also problems with dust from the Bovis site. Councillors have spoken to Bovis about this before, and they only use one street sweeper to cover 3 sites. Residents are encouraged to report any concerns to the enforcement team. If it is deemed a statutory nuisance under the Environmental Protection Act, the council can take action. Broadband has finally been upgraded for some residents in Dowd’s Farm, but not all! Dave Cousens reported that the White’s Way cabinet has been upgraded, but not the Wellstead Way one. Cllr Bloom reported that the area of Grange Park has the highest internet use in the borough. On the issue of inconsiderate car parking, Paula Windebank suggested the group carry out a short campaign encouraging people to park considerately. Jonathan Riddell distributed a leaflet created by Eastleigh Borough Council which can be put on cars that are parked unreasonably to highlight this and encourage people to think of their neighbours. It was suggested that a flyer from the residents group may be an effective way of replicating this – for people could leave on cars that are parked inconsiderately. All agreed this is a good idea. The group wanted to thank Matt Ball for the excellent newsletter he put together. Everyone also did a really good job of getting it out – we have had a number of emails from residents who are interested in getting involved in the group and 3 potential new members turned up to this meeting. .
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