~ MEATS. PAT8, ,.•• tam .. a. tllr .." ZI ••• Al Ih •• arb In.... "od. P&0011l16 '00D8, 111 •• . lamp. T2 Ih •• u,b zt a ..' AI Ib ...,b "'I uU' ..... 588Cj G ves' Return SVGAD, b ..... tou ••1 •• , ...... I •• II •• , ••••• Ih,ouJh AUI. 91. SIIOII. he.... III ••••Ir, ..... ta.,. Warmer 'opean Area I. : .nd 3 ,.od Ind~flnll.IJ . ",•• , .1 ... , .aU' A.r. l . OASOLlNE, IB· A ... p ........ t.r .1 •••11 ........ , JOWA-Contlllued f&lr. ahtingest' Unit 8 ·'. 8 .M. C·, and O·R •• upon. ,0" t., fI .. ,all ••• IOWAN .. ch. t' UEL OIL. perl.d one Ih...... tin ....... THE• f -DA:tty , •• d Ih.ou.h Au,. at; 1•• 1 ,.a.·, p.,I •• tn.... lin (AP)-MaJ. ~ coupon. a'~o expire then. 'New perl.d ••• e•• , ••• '.r IDwa City'. Morning ~ewlpaper I~ D·46 ••• so n a.!. n .......Ud . urned to the sta~ ~ -~ VOLUME XXI , NUMBER 240 6,~9a men of h t'IVE CENTS IOWA CITY, IOWA FRIDAY, JULY 6, 1945 d' . II IVlsion Oa HOW B·29'1 BLAST NIP INDUSTRV can lick the .' tl)at gets in laps Pounded, sa id of Ihe "Th ey ' re a ireat men." reg~l'ded as Ohe from Okinawa Secretary H. Morgentbau .mgh t fightihl In the Pacific MacArthur Discloses de~ a rked an ad. l mclUding the Sweep Over Kyushu Adams with As Initial Air Blow the 450th quarter. supply company MANILA (AP)-Gcn. Douglas Justice O. Ro berts 'Resign 665th quarter. IlItArthur has (lung his air forces and the IlJinst the Japanese homeland for Mott With tItt first time. operating from Oki­ plWa, he disclosed today. Reaches Age Jap' in ~rneo Retreat- . r Just Wanted Thirty-six hours aftc)' they land­ ed on Okinaw<l, fighters and bom­ brS roared off on an unchaJlcged Virtually IIIttP Ol'el' the southern Japanese Of Retirement Balrkpapan Liberated To Quit' \SlIIId of Kyu sh u. "This is just the start," declared By SPENCER DAVIS vance was spotty. with a profusion These Japanese troops were be­ (len. George C. Kenney, command- MANILA (AP)-The Australian of land mines and booby traps as ing engulfed by three encircling NOWI ( !'lof the ial' ea;st ail' forces. "We 15 Vears on Supreme Seventh division has captured President to Name . , the principal hazards to the hard­ Australian columns, which with ..w continue to hammer Japan Court Ends; Possible Manggar airfield with its two 4,000 slogging digger troops . New Treasury Chief UDtil she accepts' .un(1)nditional '. (oot rUnways and won control of The main Japanese force in all similar enveloping tactlcs had &Urlfnder. " Successor Unknown all of the big oil port and refinery southeast Borneo was retreating seized the heart of the vital Borneo After Big Three Meet The raids were staged July 3. town of Balikpapan in southeast up the coast under Australian tank port and all its dock area. WASHINGTON (AP) - Presi­ Thefirst blows landed on the cities WASHINGTON (AP) - The Borneo. Gen. Douglas MacArthur and artillery pressure and con­ Bay Cleared of Mines of Tojimbal'3, Byu, Izumi, Chiran If .110 • resignation of Supreme Court Jus­ announced today. stantly harassed by allied tacUcal dent Truman yesterday accepted • Mine sweepers plied the excel­ .1Id Omura. tice Owen J. Roberts was an~ Capture of the airfield, second planes. the reslgnntion of Sccretary of the lent anchorage of Balikpapan bay, Speedy mustangs dartcd down, WITH UNITED STATES SUPERFORTS 1II.ldnr routlDe r.na over the nounced yesterday by President taken in the Balikpapan area since Both carrier-based and land­ Treasury Henry Morgenthau Jr. Furnace Japanese hOllleland now, Tokyo radio has hinted at the rrowlnl' I'rav­ Truman. the invasion of July 1, was ac­ based planes participated, and one clearing the waters so allied ships str.[ing against moderate to heavy The president said he would SUPPly Co. Ity of the situation In recent boast. that Japan', Industrial eente" and The President told his news con­ accomplished on the afternoon of could unload supplies an take off anti·alrcl'aft fire as the raiders failed to return. name Morgenthau's successor upon presulJ'lably their populations would be transported to Manchuria, ference he has no successor in July 4, against light opposition. Abandon Force rubber and other raw materia\. I~pt tbe skies for two hours. his return Crom the Big Three &cr088 the Sea of Japan. Military experts tend to dlac;ount Japan'l It is 10 miles by air and 13 by The Japanese apparently had a­ Two landing craft bearing Am­ TbeJ found onl,Y thrce enemy floa t mind. meeting near Berlin which he said ability 10 perform sdeh a feat. because "he now lacka adequate ship· Justice Roberts, who went on the road northeast of Balikpapan. bandoned to its fate a small force erican engineers, without waiting planes and sank them all in would take place in about three Fukuoka harbor. pIng. and because ,he waited until the B-Z9'. wert) able to blait many supreme court in 1930. reached the An Australian column, pushing in the Pandansari refinery district for the mine sweepers, sailed right Gf the vital centers Into rubble .Ince the fire raids be,an lilt March. retirement age ot 70 last month. on beyond the airfield along the directly nortseast of Balikpapan. up th bay and tied up to the wharf. weeks. It was Ule [il'st blow struck by thereby becoming the first allied Names which have figured in MlcArthur against the Japanese The Sea of Japan Is also UDsafe for Japanese .hlpplnc bRaun '" He gave that as his reason for !'e­ bomb-cratered paved road, could The Ausl.ralians penetrated the de­ AmerIcan sea and air .upremacy III the Ryukyu area. Above map signing In the letter he wrote Mr. see raging fires at Koeala, Sam­ fenses there, MacArthur said, and ships to cnter the harbor since the speculation over a new treasury hlPeland in more than three and a Japane e drove them out in 1942. chief include Director of War bill years of W31·. , shows the Industrial areas which are now B-ZB tarcets. Truman. bod}a, once-great refinery and enemy fire slackened as the Aus­ Roberts conferred briefly with pumping station. sies hammered away with their po­ Heaviest fighting raged along the Mobilization Fl'ed Vinson, John W. I·or ty·eight mustangs of the fifth the President earlier in the day Japs Destroy Installations tent 25-pounders. coast east of BaJikpapan. There Snyder, the new lederal loan ad­ ~k force's 38th fighter group hit The Japanese apparently were Powerful guns of the United the Japanese in a fighting with­ ministrator, Senator George (D., Fukuoka hm'boI', which is a ma­ but declind at thai time to tell re­ At a Glance- Polish Rul,eApproved methodically destroying all of the States Seventh fleet added their drawal were hotly engaged by Ga.). veteran chairman of the sen- jor west coast :shipping point from porters the purpose of his visit. oil installations in Borneo's rich­ Australians reaching {or the Sam­ ate fioance committee, and Walter J"" tbeempire to the asiatic mainland. His resllnatlon leaves ChIef weight of destruction to the offen­ ByU ..S: .and Britain Ju.Uce Harlan F. Slone lUI the only est pteroleum belt. Their fighting sive against this pocket of the en­ arinda oil field some 50 miles from J. Cummings of Chicago, board The veterans of lhe air campaign judl'e on the supreme court whose re.sistance to the Australian ad- emy. the port. chairman of the Continental-Illi- thalslrangled the enemy's commu­ Today~s servIce pre-dates the admlnldra­ nois National Bank and Trust com­ nications in the South seas thus Adion Cuts Adrift Hon of PresIdent Franklin D. pany. • joined the rising movemen t aga inst BooIeveit. Praising Morgenthau's tax pro­ theenemy' ~ home islands-already London. Exile .Regime, Iwo-Based Mustangs Chinese Close In t During the First World war gram ,the chief executive said he rocked by giant Supel'forlre.ss raids Iowan. Justice Roberts was made a special 5UI Assignei· had reason to be proud of his work and incessantly pounded by tac­ Expahd~ W~rsaw , Pla.n deputy attorney general to repre­ in that capacity as well as in the tical planes from new won bases. Raid Tokyo Airfields To Regain Bases WASHIN~TON (A.J:')~The Un­ sent the United States in the pros­ sale of war bonds and that he The announcement that Gen. Henry Morranthau* * * Jr. resigns as secretary of state; Supreme Itea Stat\!S and Britain jQintly rec­ ecution of espionage cases in Penn­ could "feel a great sense of accom­ Geo~e ·C. Kenney's fi fth and 13th sylvania. He was named by former As Monitoring ognized the reconstituted Warsaw Navy Privateers New Thrusts Threaten plishment." If fQ)'ces had 80ne into action Court Justice Owen Roberts goverfiment of Polilrid last nigh t, President Coolidge on~ of two The Presldenl said Morgenthau qalnst Ja~an came soon after the submits resignation. Disrupt Main Railroad Jap Hold on Three cutting ' adrift the London exile lawyers to represent the govern­ sImply wanted to quU. 'bt '!lepartment in Washington regime with which'they'have dealt ment In the prosecution of oil cases In Attack on Korea Former U. S. Airfields dlsclosed tile creation of a new General MacArthur sends first FMSIaiion Marganthau has been secretary air forces a g a ins t Japanese throughout· the .wa( . • in 1924. He became an associate and greater st rategic air force to justice of the supreme court in GUAM (AP)- Nearty 100 lwo- since Jan. 8, 1934, longer than homeland from Okinawa.
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