SHORTRIDGE DAILY ECHO First American High School Daily VOL. XXXIII, No. 142. SHORTRIDGE HIGH SCHOOL, INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA, FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 1931. TWO CENTS SACHS AND GOODMAN GOOD LICK! ROMAN STATE PLANS The Drama League representa­ MEMBERS OF WINNING tives of Shortridge go Into thc MAYPOLE PARTY VICTORIOUSLY DEBATE radio finals tomorrow. Here go all ACT HOLD BIG PARTY the good wishes of Shortridge with The Roman State will hold a May­ Affirmative Team Gives Remark­ you, young Thespians. Thc school pole party a week from today. May 1. Junior Vaudeville Actors Dine able Rebuttal on Soviet is for you and knows you will This is to be the final meeting of the and Dance at Meridian Russia Question. bring glory to your coach and your semester, and is, of course, for mem­ Hills Country Club. school. bers only. The officers of the Roman Assembling in the teachers' lunch State have planned a delightful pro­ The members of the winning act of room yesterday morning members of gram. There will be a May Queen thc Junior Vaudeville turned out last the Boys' Debating League heard and a May-pole dance. There are to night in a big way to celebrate their H -close debate on the question, -Re­ be candidates for May Queen chosen success. The celebration was in tin- solved: That the United States should from all of the Vergil and Cicero form of a dinner dance held at tin- recognize thc Soviet government of classes, and also from the Lai In com­ Meridian Hills Country Club. Tlie Russia.'' it was much like the mem­ position class. Thc candidates who members of the act who attended orable Shortrldge-Washington game, arc not chosen as Queen will be the were Anna Katherine Ar/.el Kathleen in that the negative team, composed Queen's ladies-in-waiting. After the Rigsbee. Mary {Catherine' Mangus, of Robert Marks and Julian Kiser. judges have made their decision, and Marjorie Krull. Leone Meyers. Jeanne seemingly had won until Arthur the queen has been crowned the Helt, Betty Kallccn. Betty Daven­ Sachs, captain of the affirmative team. May Queen will lead Die 6rand port. George Home. Jftgk Strickland. gave his rebuttal speech, breaking March, and the party will really be­ Bill Spicklemire. Charles Darko. down many of the contentions or gin. All the Roman members should Charles Trees. George Adams. Thom­ the negative in the last few min­ turn out en masse for a good time i.s as Hudgins, Bill Dunn and Heath utes of the debate. Mr. Otto cas promised. Refreshments will be served. Compton. Mr. and Mrs. Krull were the decision. chaperons. Miss Peterson was spon­ Raymond Goodman, of the affirm­ sor and Katherine "Red" Morris, ative was the first speaker. Soon JUNIOR JEWELRY ARRIVES chairman. after' he was started, he challenged Another consignment of junior rings the negative on several points. Next and pins has been received by Mr. Julian Kiser spoke for the negative. Hadley. Owners may claim them SHORTRIDGE GRADS Toward the end of his speech, he either the second period or the first was starting blows at the affirmatives' pait of the fifth in room 213. These MAKE FINE GRADES argument with great speed, and speak­ were all ordered prior to spring vaca­ ing so rapidly that our "boy wonder" tion, and make up the next to last A fine report of the Shortridge order to be taken at Shortridge. graduates, who received scholarships was offering competition to Floyd to Indiana Extension College, was Gibbons . Arthur Sachs continued the There is a lavalier for M. H. B„ received recently. The grades and case of the affirmative. and rings for MWN, JS. LW LM. those who made them are as follows; He was followed by Robert Marks —"Jut courtesy Thc News. MJH. and SM. There are piris for Krystal Kegerreis freshman composi­ (Continued on page four) Mary Ellen Voyles. a sophomore at FK, EJC CBF. MC. JW. DS- HSL tion, B plus—2 'hrs. credit. English ShorU'dge Is in Washington. D. C, RK. BFB LEN, LM. JCK. WWS, history, B—2 hrs. credit, freshman for thc week. She was sent as a and HZ. English literature A—3 hrf.' credit, AMERICA RECOGNIZES delegate frem the Old Glory So­ elementary Frencli, A—credit deferred ciety, local chapter of Children of and Algebra. A—2 and one-half hrs. NEW SPANISH REPUBLIC the Anetfican Revolution. While there MATH CLUB REVELS credit; Dorothy Abel, freshman com­ she will make the report of the G. A. position B—2 hrs. credit, and ele­ R. at the aluma) national conven­ IN PARTY THURSDAY mentary -French, B—crjaht deferred: Stimson, Secretary of State, Harry Freeman Taylor, introduction Sends United States tion. She is also a page at the con­ tinental congress "of the D. A. R. At donference period Thursday. to accounting. A—3 hrs. credit, polit­ Envoy to Office. members o.< the Shortridge Math ical economy, A—3 hrs. credit, alge­ Club held a party in the teachers' bra. A—2 and one-half hrs. credit, The state department of the United SENATORS POSE FOR lunch room The first game was freshman composition. B plus—2 hrs. States has announced its formal re­ ••Maybasket." a dice game played by credit, and Great Men of History—no cognition of the new Spanish gov­ YEAR BOOK PICTURE partners. Different numbers of the report. ernment. Henry L. Stimson. secretary dice made thc basket leaves and of state, has ordered the United The chief order of business al the flowers. The first complete i» it- States minister at Madrid to call at meeting of the Shortridge Senate this stopped proceedings and everyone BOYS' GLEE CLUB the Spanish foreign office and to ex­ afternoon will be posing for the pic­ started over. After this refresh­ tend this country's recognition. The ture for the Annual. The august ments were served. GIVES PROGRAM V. S. waited until other, powers of senators will assemble immediately at the world among them Great Bri­ conference at the outside gymnasium Shortridge Boys Glee Club and tain and' France, had made this door to face the relentless eye. These people have certified for mixed double quartet sang Thursday step. Following thc picture, the senators class others, reports Mr. Otto: noon before the Caravan Club at The new republic has made a will reassemble in the customary Historian—Mary Catherine Mi- the Murat Temple. Before the pro­ long list of diplomatic appointments, chamber to consider legislation for the I.ain; Prophet—Alice Whitney gram. Mr. Buck made a brief speech among which is the new envoy to the needy populace of our glorious country. Auerbach Mary Alice Norris, about Shortridge as he saw it when a United States. He will be Salvador Pending bills on the five day week, Kathryn Frost; Glftorian—Everett boy. He also talked on th* school's de Madariaga, author, at present n unemployment insurance and sharing Mt-nhennet, Dick Montieth. No various advancements. The audience professor at Oxford University Eng­ of herbage, will be discussed. A one has yet ccrtilied for the oilier was very much interested and ap­ land, and a pronounced international­ large attendance is desired. of will-maker. preciated the performance. They ist. showed their deep appreciation by their continuous clapping and cheer­ Meanwhile, King Alphonso. the de­ ing when the program came to an posed ruler of Spain, has taken end. Following this, the teachers and quarters in London witli his family. A DOG'S LIFE students were given a luncheon He is said to be suffering from fi­ through thc courtesy of the Cam van nancial difficulties. Everyone claims that dogs are al­ dignified faculty members was con­ most like.... human beings. Well, I ducting her class In a serious man­ Club. agree! The modern dog comes to ner and suddenly she began laughing. With thc tickets Which each had MARGARET BUNDREN school regularly every morning at Everyone looked at her in astonish­ received at the door, a drawing was 8:15 o'clock. As one walks in the door ment. Attention was then drawn to held. Three of tlie prizes were award­ WINS FIRST PRIZE he is usually greeted by Short ridge's the back of the room and there sat ed to Shortridgers. Several students re­ mascot, a dog. Every day the number a dog! This modern dog was taking ceived pictures of the Murat Temple. In the high division of the eighth of dogs increases and maybe we'll in every word that the teacher said Christine Hausman won a map ot annual state poster contest, Mar­ have a dog pound here soon. As you and understanding it all, apparently. the world, and John Sheets was garet Bundren. a pupil of Shortridge walk up the stairs to go to your One of the boys finally ushered thc awarded a large box of roses. The High School won first prize. Her classes instead of meeting your class­ dog to the door and the dog left dozens of lovely roses and carnations, poster was entitled. "Indiana is Beau­ mates, you meet a stray dost. It with a very hurt expression on his whole glee club was presented witli tiful, Keep It So." The contest was wouldn't surprise me at all If I opened face as though he had not had all dozens of roses and carnations. sponsored by the Indiana congress of my locker some day and a dog the education that he desired. Parent-Teachers and the bureau of jumped out. If some one told me It's just too bad that dogs do not Fiction Club Annual picture will visual instruction of the Indiana that he saw a dog walking down the speak our language because I know be taken today, 2:35, promptly, at University extension school, and the hall with books under his arm.
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